

sort()Python 的内置方法使用什么算法?可以看看该方法的代码吗?

What algorithm is the built in sort() method in Python using? Is it possible to have a look at the code for that method?

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如果您喜欢阅读Java代码而不是C代码,则可以看看Joshua Bloch在Java中和Java中实现timsort(Joshua也是在1997年实现了仍在Java中使用的经过修改的mergesort的人,并且人们希望Java将最终改用他最近的timsort港口)。

timsort的Java端口的一些说明在这里,diff在这里(带有指向所有需要的文件的指针),关键文件在这里 -FWIW,尽管我是比Java程序员更好的C程序员,在这种情况下,我发现Joshua的Java代码比Tim的C代码更具可读性;-)。

Sure! The code’s here, starting with function islt and proceeding for QUITE a while;-). As Chris’s comment suggests, it’s C code. You’ll also want to read this text file for a textual explanation, results, etc etc.

If you prefer reading Java code than C code, you could look at Joshua Bloch’s implementation of timsort in and for Java (Joshua’s also the guy who implemented, in 1997, the modified mergesort that’s still used in Java, and one can hope that Java will eventually switch to his recent port of timsort).

Some explanation of the Java port of timsort is here, the diff is here (with pointers to all needed files), the key file is here — FWIW, while I’m a better C programmer than Java programmer, in this case I find Joshua’s Java code more readable overall than Tim’s C code;-).

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我只是想提供一个非常有用的链接,而我在Alex的其他全面答案中却没有找到它:对Python timsort的高级解释(带有图形可视化!)。


I just wanted to supply a very helpful link that I missed in Alex’s otherwise comprehensive answer: A high-level explanation of Python’s timsort (with graph visualizations!).

(Yes, the algorithm is basically known as Timsort now)

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In early python-versions, the sort function implemented a modified version of quicksort. However, it was deemed unstable and as of 2.3 they switched to using an adaptive mergesort algorithm.