

我发现自己import numpy as np几乎每次启动python解释器时都要输入。如何设置python或ipython解释器,以便自动导入numpy?

I find myself typing import numpy as np almost every single time I fire up the python interpreter. How do I set up the python or ipython interpreter so that numpy is automatically imported?

回答 0





Use the environment variable PYTHONSTARTUP. From the official documentation:

If this is the name of a readable file, the Python commands in that file are executed before the first prompt is displayed in interactive mode. The file is executed in the same namespace where interactive commands are executed so that objects defined or imported in it can be used without qualification in the interactive session.

So, just create a python script with the import statement and point the environment variable to it. Having said that, remember that ‘Explicit is always better than implicit’, so don’t rely on this behavior for production scripts.

For Ipython, see this tutorial on how to make a ipython_config file

回答 1


  1. 创建一个自定义的ipython配置文件。
  2. 或者您可以将启动文件添加到 ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/

为简单起见,我将使用选项2。您所要做的就是在目录中放置一个.py.ipy文件,~/.ipython/profile_default/startup它将自动执行。因此,您可以将其放置import numpy as np在简单文件中,然后在ipython提示符的命名空间中使用np。



For ipython, there are two ways to achieve this. Both involve ipython’s configuration directory which is located in ~/.ipython.

  1. Create a custom ipython profile.
  2. Or you can add a startup file to ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/

For simplicity, I’d use option 2. All you have to do is place a .py or .ipy file in the ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup directory and it will automatically be executed. So you could simple place import numpy as np in a simple file and you’ll have np in the namespace of your ipython prompt.

Option 2 will actually work with a custom profile, but using a custom profile will allow you to change the startup requirements and other configuration based on a particular case. However, if you’d always like np to be available to you then by all means put it in the startup directory.

For more information on ipython configuration. The docs have a much more complete explanation.

回答 2

我使用〜/ .startup.py文件,如下所示:

# Ned's .startup.py file
import datetime, os, pprint, re, sys, time
print("(imported datetime, os, pprint, re, sys, time)")

pp = pprint.pprint

然后定义PYTHONSTARTUP =〜/ .startup.py,Python将在启动shell时使用它。


I use a ~/.startup.py file like this:

# Ned's .startup.py file
import datetime, os, pprint, re, sys, time
print("(imported datetime, os, pprint, re, sys, time)")

pp = pprint.pprint

Then define PYTHONSTARTUP=~/.startup.py, and Python will use it when starting a shell.

The print statements are there so when I start the shell, I get a reminder that it’s in effect, and what has been imported already. The pp shortcut is really handy too…

回答 3

虽然在大多数情况下创建诸如ravenac95 建议之类的自定义启动脚本是最佳的通用答案,但在要使用的情况下它将无法正常工作from __future__ import X。如果您有时在Python 2.x中工作,但想使用现代除法,则只有一种方法可以做到这一点。创建配置文件后,编辑profile_default(对于Ubuntu,位于~/.ipython/profile_default),然后在底部添加以下内容:

c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = [
    'from __future__ import division, print_function',
    'import numpy as np',
    'import matplotlib.pyplot as plt',

While creating a custom startup script like ravenac95 suggests is the best general answer for most cases, it won’t work in circumstances where you want to use a from __future__ import X. If you sometimes work in Python 2.x but want to use modern division, there is only one way to do this. Once you create a profile, edit the profile_default (For Ubuntu this is located in ~/.ipython/profile_default) and add something like the following to the bottom:

c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = [
    'from __future__ import division, print_function',
    'import numpy as np',
    'import matplotlib.pyplot as plt',

回答 4


只需定义一个别名即可,例如放入alias pynp='python -i -c"import numpy as np"'您的〜/ .bash_aliases文件中。然后pynp,您可以使用调用python + numpy ,并且仍然可以仅使用python python。Python脚本的行为保持不变。

As a simpler alternative to the accepted answer, on linux:

just define an alias, e.g. put alias pynp='python -i -c"import numpy as np"' in your ~/.bash_aliases file. You can then invoke python+numpy with pynp, and you can still use just python with python. Python scripts’ behaviour is left untouched.

回答 5


#!/bin/env python3
import numpy as np


python -i import_numpy.py


You can create a normal python script as import_numpy.py or anything you like

#!/bin/env python3
import numpy as np

then launch it with -i flag.

python -i import_numpy.py

Way like this will give you flexibility to choose only modules you want for different projects.

回答 6

正如ravenac95在他的回答中提到的那样,您可以创建自定义配置文件或修改默认配置文件。此答案是import numpy as np自动需要的Linux命令的快速视图。


ipython profile create numpy
echo 'import numpy as np' >> $(ipython locate profile numpy)/startup/00_imports.py
ipython --profile=numpy


echo 'import numpy as np' >> $(ipython locate profile default)/startup/00_imports.py


As ravenac95 mentioned in his answer, you can either create a custom profile or modify the default profile. This answer is quick view of Linux commands needed to import numpy as np automatically.

If you want to use a custom profile called numpy, run:

ipython profile create numpy
echo 'import numpy as np' >> $(ipython locate profile numpy)/startup/00_imports.py
ipython --profile=numpy

Or if you want to modify the default profile to always import numpy:

echo 'import numpy as np' >> $(ipython locate profile default)/startup/00_imports.py

Check out the IPython config tutorial to read more in depth about configuring profiles. See .ipython/profile_default/startup/README to understand how the startup directory works.

回答 7


ipython --pylab --nosep --InteractiveShellApp.pylab_import_all=False

--pylab已经有ipython一段时间了。它导入numpy和(的一部分)matplotlib。我添加了该--Inter...选项,因此它不使用*导入,因为我更喜欢使用explicit np....


My default ipython invocation is

ipython --pylab --nosep --InteractiveShellApp.pylab_import_all=False

--pylab has been a ipython option for some time. It imports numpy and (parts of) matplotlib. I’ve added the --Inter... option so it does not use the * import, since I prefer to use the explicit np.....

This can be a shortcut, alias or script.