


f = f.open()

# get the year
match = re.search(r'Popularity in (\d+)', f.read())

if match:
  print match.group(1)

# get all the names
matches = re.findall(r'<td>(\d+)</td><td>(\w+)</td><td>(\w+)</td>', f.read())

if matches:
  # matches is always None


For an exercise I’m doing, I’m trying to read the contents of a given file twice using the read() method. Strangely, when I call it the second time, it doesn’t seem to return the file content as a string?

Here’s the code

f = f.open()

# get the year
match = re.search(r'Popularity in (\d+)', f.read())

if match:
  print match.group(1)

# get all the names
matches = re.findall(r'<td>(\d+)</td><td>(\w+)</td><td>(\w+)</td>', f.read())

if matches:
  # matches is always None

Of course I know that this is not the most efficient or best way, this is not the point here. The point is, why can’t I call read() twice? Do I have to reset the file handle? Or close / reopen the file in order to do that?

回答 0

调用read()将读取整个文件,并将读取的游标留在文件的末尾(仅读取其他内容)。如果您希望一次阅读一定数量的行,则可以使用readline()readlines()或使用 遍历行for line in handle:


附言 完成操作后,不要忘记关闭文件;)

Calling read() reads through the entire file and leaves the read cursor at the end of the file (with nothing more to read). If you are looking to read a certain number of lines at a time you could use readline(), readlines() or iterate through lines with for line in handle:.

To answer your question directly, once a file has been read, with read() you can use seek(0) to return the read cursor to the start of the file (docs are here). If you know the file isn’t going to be too large, you can also save the read() output to a variable, using it in your findall expressions.

Ps. Dont forget to close the file after you are done with it ;)

回答 1



>>> a = open('file.txt')
>>> a.read()
>>> a.seek(0)
>>> a.read()
#same output

yeah, as above…

i’ll write just an example:

>>> a = open('file.txt')
>>> a.read()
>>> a.seek(0)
>>> a.read()
#same output

回答 2

到目前为止,回答此问题的每个人都是绝对正确的- read()遍历文件,因此在调用该文件后,就无法再次调用它。


f = f.open()
text = f.read() # read the file into a local variable
# get the year
match = re.search(r'Popularity in (\d+)', text)
if match:
  print match.group(1)
# get all the names
matches = re.findall(r'<td>(\d+)</td><td>(\w+)</td><td>(\w+)</td>', text)
if matches:
  # matches will now not always be None

Everyone who has answered this question so far is absolutely right – read() moves through the file, so after you’ve called it, you can’t call it again.

What I’ll add is that in your particular case, you don’t need to seek back to the start or reopen the file, you can just store the text that you’ve read in a local variable, and use it twice, or as many times as you like, in your program:

f = f.open()
text = f.read() # read the file into a local variable
# get the year
match = re.search(r'Popularity in (\d+)', text)
if match:
  print match.group(1)
# get all the names
matches = re.findall(r'<td>(\d+)</td><td>(\w+)</td><td>(\w+)</td>', text)
if matches:
  # matches will now not always be None

回答 3


The read pointer moves to after the last read byte/character. Use the seek() method to rewind the read pointer to the beginning.

回答 4

当您读取()时,您将从该位置读取。例如read(10),从一个新打开的文件中读取前10个字节,然后另一个read(10)读取后10个字节。 read()不带参数的文件将读取文件的所有内容,而将文件位置保留在文件末尾。下次调用时read(),没有任何内容可供阅读。


Every open file has an associated position.
When you read() you read from that position. For example read(10) reads the first 10 bytes from a newly opened file, then another read(10) reads the next 10 bytes. read() without arguments reads all of the contents of the file, leaving the file position at the end of the file. Next time you call read() there is nothing to read.

You can use seek to move the file position. Or probably better in your case would be to do one read() and keep the result for both searches.

回答 5

read() 消耗。因此,您可以重设文件,或在重新读取之前寻求开始。或者,如果它read(n)适合您的任务,则可以用来仅消耗n字节。

read() consumes. So, you could reset the file, or seek to the start before re-reading. Or, if it suites your task, you can use read(n) to consume only n bytes.

回答 6


I always find the read method something of a walk down a dark alley. You go down a bit and stop but if you are not counting your steps you are not sure how far along you are. Seek gives the solution by repositioning, the other option is Tell which returns the position along the file. May be the Python file api can combine read and seek into a read_from(position,bytes) to make it simpler – till that happens you should read this page.
