
您如何在Python脚本中调用外部命令(就像我在Unix Shell或Windows命令提示符下键入的一样)?

How do you call an external command (as if I’d typed it at the Unix shell or Windows command prompt) from within a Python script?

回答 0


import subprocess
subprocess.run(["ls", "-l"])



subprocess模块提供了更强大的功能来生成新流程并检索其结果。使用该模块优于使用此功能[ os.system()]。



import subprocess
subprocess.call(["ls", "-l"])

Look at the subprocess module in the standard library:

import subprocess
subprocess.run(["ls", "-l"])

The advantage of subprocess vs. system is that it is more flexible (you can get the stdout, stderr, the “real” status code, better error handling, etc…).

The official documentation recommends the subprocess module over the alternative os.system():

The subprocess module provides more powerful facilities for spawning new processes and retrieving their results; using that module is preferable to using this function [os.system()].

The Replacing Older Functions with the subprocess Module section in the subprocess documentation may have some helpful recipes.

For versions of Python before 3.5, use call:

import subprocess
subprocess.call(["ls", "-l"])

回答 1


  1. os.system("some_command with args")将命令和参数传递到系统的外壳程序。很好,因为您实际上可以以这种方式一次运行多个命令,并设置管道和输入/输出重定向。例如:

    os.system("some_command < input_file | another_command > output_file")  


  1. stream = os.popen("some_command with args")os.system除了会为您提供类似于文件的对象之外,您可以使用该对象来访问该过程的标准输入/输出,它的作用与之相同。Popen还有其他3种变体,它们对I / O的处理略有不同。如果您将所有内容都作为字符串传递,那么您的命令将传递到外壳程序;如果将它们作为列表传递,则无需担心转义任何内容。请参阅文档

  2. 模块的Popensubprocess。它旨在替代它,os.popen但缺点是由于太全面而使它稍微复杂一些。例如,您会说:

    print subprocess.Popen("echo Hello World", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()


    print os.popen("echo Hello World").read()


  3. call来自subprocess模块的功能。基本上就像Popen类一样,并接受所有相同的参数,但是它只是等待命令完成并提供返回代码。例如:

    return_code = subprocess.call("echo Hello World", shell=True)  


  4. 如果您使用的是Python 3.5或更高版本,则可以使用新subprocess.run函数,该函数与上面的代码非常相似,但是更加灵活,并CompletedProcess在命令完成执行后返回一个对象。

  5. os模块还具有您在C程序中拥有的所有fork / exec / spawn函数,但是我不建议直接使用它们。



print subprocess.Popen("echo %s " % user_input, stdout=PIPE).stdout.read()

并想象用户输入了“我的妈妈不爱我&& rm -rf /”这可能会擦除整个文件系统的信息。

Here’s a summary of the ways to call external programs and the advantages and disadvantages of each:

  1. os.system("some_command with args") passes the command and arguments to your system’s shell. This is nice because you can actually run multiple commands at once in this manner and set up pipes and input/output redirection. For example:

    os.system("some_command < input_file | another_command > output_file")  

However, while this is convenient, you have to manually handle the escaping of shell characters such as spaces, etc. On the other hand, this also lets you run commands which are simply shell commands and not actually external programs. See the documentation.

  1. stream = os.popen("some_command with args") will do the same thing as os.system except that it gives you a file-like object that you can use to access standard input/output for that process. There are 3 other variants of popen that all handle the i/o slightly differently. If you pass everything as a string, then your command is passed to the shell; if you pass them as a list then you don’t need to worry about escaping anything. See the documentation.

  2. The Popen class of the subprocess module. This is intended as a replacement for os.popen but has the downside of being slightly more complicated by virtue of being so comprehensive. For example, you’d say:

    print subprocess.Popen("echo Hello World", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()

    instead of:

    print os.popen("echo Hello World").read()

    but it is nice to have all of the options there in one unified class instead of 4 different popen functions. See the documentation.

  3. The call function from the subprocess module. This is basically just like the Popen class and takes all of the same arguments, but it simply waits until the command completes and gives you the return code. For example:

    return_code = subprocess.call("echo Hello World", shell=True)  

    See the documentation.

  4. If you’re on Python 3.5 or later, you can use the new subprocess.run function, which is a lot like the above but even more flexible and returns a CompletedProcess object when the command finishes executing.

  5. The os module also has all of the fork/exec/spawn functions that you’d have in a C program, but I don’t recommend using them directly.

The subprocess module should probably be what you use.

Finally please be aware that for all methods where you pass the final command to be executed by the shell as a string and you are responsible for escaping it. There are serious security implications if any part of the string that you pass can not be fully trusted. For example, if a user is entering some/any part of the string. If you are unsure, only use these methods with constants. To give you a hint of the implications consider this code:

print subprocess.Popen("echo %s " % user_input, stdout=PIPE).stdout.read()

and imagine that the user enters something “my mama didnt love me && rm -rf /” which could erase the whole filesystem.

回答 2


import subprocess

p = subprocess.Popen('ls', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
for line in p.stdout.readlines():
    print line,
retval = p.wait()


Typical implementation:

import subprocess

p = subprocess.Popen('ls', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
for line in p.stdout.readlines():
    print line,
retval = p.wait()

You are free to do what you want with the stdout data in the pipe. In fact, you can simply omit those parameters (stdout= and stderr=) and it’ll behave like os.system().

回答 3




import subprocess
import sys

# Some code here

pid = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "longtask.py"]) # Call subprocess

# Some more code here



在Windows(Windows XP)上,直到longtask.py完成工作后,父进程才会完成。这不是CGI脚本中想要的。这个问题不是特定于Python的。在PHP社区中,问题是相同的。

解决方案是将DETACHED_PROCESS 进程创建标志传递给Windows API中的基础CreateProcess函数。如果碰巧安装了pywin32,则可以从win32process模块​​中导入该标志,否则您应该自己定义它:


pid = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "longtask.py"],

/ * UPD 2015.10.27 @eryksun在下面的注释中指出,语义正确的标志是CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE(0x00000010)* /


pid = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "longtask.py"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)


Some hints on detaching the child process from the calling one (starting the child process in background).

Suppose you want to start a long task from a CGI script. That is, the child process should live longer than the CGI script execution process.

The classical example from the subprocess module documentation is:

import subprocess
import sys

# Some code here

pid = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "longtask.py"]) # Call subprocess

# Some more code here

The idea here is that you do not want to wait in the line ‘call subprocess’ until the longtask.py is finished. But it is not clear what happens after the line ‘some more code here’ from the example.

My target platform was FreeBSD, but the development was on Windows, so I faced the problem on Windows first.

On Windows (Windows XP), the parent process will not finish until the longtask.py has finished its work. It is not what you want in a CGI script. The problem is not specific to Python; in the PHP community the problems are the same.

The solution is to pass DETACHED_PROCESS Process Creation Flag to the underlying CreateProcess function in Windows API. If you happen to have installed pywin32, you can import the flag from the win32process module, otherwise you should define it yourself:


pid = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "longtask.py"],

/* UPD 2015.10.27 @eryksun in a comment below notes, that the semantically correct flag is CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE (0x00000010) */

On FreeBSD we have another problem: when the parent process is finished, it finishes the child processes as well. And that is not what you want in a CGI script either. Some experiments showed that the problem seemed to be in sharing sys.stdout. And the working solution was the following:

pid = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "longtask.py"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)

I have not checked the code on other platforms and do not know the reasons of the behaviour on FreeBSD. If anyone knows, please share your ideas. Googling on starting background processes in Python does not shed any light yet.

回答 4

import os
os.system("your command")

请注意,这很危险,因为未清除命令。我留给你去谷歌搜索有关“操作系统”和“系统”模块的相关文档。有很多函数(exec *和spawn *)将执行类似的操作。

import os
os.system("your command")

Note that this is dangerous, since the command isn’t cleaned. I leave it up to you to google for the relevant documentation on the ‘os’ and ‘sys’ modules. There are a bunch of functions (exec* and spawn*) that will do similar things.

回答 5


subprocess.call(['ping', 'localhost'])

I’d recommend using the subprocess module instead of os.system because it does shell escaping for you and is therefore much safer.

subprocess.call(['ping', 'localhost'])

回答 6

import os
cmd = 'ls -al'


import os
cmd = 'ls -al'

If you want to return the results of the command, you can use os.popen. However, this is deprecated since version 2.6 in favor of the subprocess module, which other answers have covered well.

回答 7

有很多不同的库,可让您使用Python调用外部命令。对于每个库,我都进行了描述并显示了调用外部命令的示例。我用作示例的命令是ls -l(列出所有文件)。如果您想了解有关任何库的更多信息,我已列出并链接了每个库的文档。






subprocess.run(["ls", "-l"]) # Run command
subprocess.run(["ls", "-l"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # This will run the command and return any output
subprocess.run(shlex.split("ls -l")) # You can also use the shlex library to split the command



os.system("ls -l") # run command
os.popen("ls -l").read() # This will run the command and return any output



sh.ls("-l") # Run command normally
ls_cmd = sh.Command("ls") # Save command as a variable
ls_cmd() # Run command as if it were a function


ls_cmd = plumbum.local("ls -l") # get command
ls_cmd() # run command



pexpect.run("ls -l") # Run command as normal
child = pexpect.spawn('scp foo user@example.com:.') # Spawns child application
child.expect('Password:') # When this is the output

fabric是一个Python 2.5和2.7库。它允许您执行本地和远程Shell命令。Fabric是在安全Shell(SSH)中运行命令的简单替代方案

fabric.operations.local('ls -l') # Run command as normal
fabric.operations.local('ls -l', capture = True) # Run command and receive output



r = envoy.run("ls -l") # Run command
r.std_out # get output


commands包含的包装函数os.popen,但由于subprocess是更好的选择,它已从Python 3中删除。

该编辑基于JF Sebastian的评论。

There are lots of different libraries which allow you to call external commands with Python. For each library I’ve given a description and shown an example of calling an external command. The command I used as the example is ls -l (list all files). If you want to find out more about any of the libraries I’ve listed and linked the documentation for each of them.


These are all the libraries:

Hopefully this will help you make a decision on which library to use :)


Subprocess allows you to call external commands and connect them to their input/output/error pipes (stdin, stdout, and stderr). Subprocess is the default choice for running commands, but sometimes other modules are better.

subprocess.run(["ls", "-l"]) # Run command
subprocess.run(["ls", "-l"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # This will run the command and return any output
subprocess.run(shlex.split("ls -l")) # You can also use the shlex library to split the command


os is used for “operating system dependent functionality”. It can also be used to call external commands with os.system and os.popen (Note: There is also a subprocess.popen). os will always run the shell and is a simple alternative for people who don’t need to, or don’t know how to use subprocess.run.

os.system("ls -l") # run command
os.popen("ls -l").read() # This will run the command and return any output


sh is a subprocess interface which lets you call programs as if they were functions. This is useful if you want to run a command multiple times.

sh.ls("-l") # Run command normally
ls_cmd = sh.Command("ls") # Save command as a variable
ls_cmd() # Run command as if it were a function


plumbum is a library for “script-like” Python programs. You can call programs like functions as in sh. Plumbum is useful if you want to run a pipeline without the shell.

ls_cmd = plumbum.local("ls -l") # get command
ls_cmd() # run command


pexpect lets you spawn child applications, control them and find patterns in their output. This is a better alternative to subprocess for commands that expect a tty on Unix.

pexpect.run("ls -l") # Run command as normal
child = pexpect.spawn('scp foo user@example.com:.') # Spawns child application
child.expect('Password:') # When this is the output


fabric is a Python 2.5 and 2.7 library. It allows you to execute local and remote shell commands. Fabric is simple alternative for running commands in a secure shell (SSH)

fabric.operations.local('ls -l') # Run command as normal
fabric.operations.local('ls -l', capture = True) # Run command and receive output


envoy is known as “subprocess for humans”. It is used as a convenience wrapper around the subprocess module.

r = envoy.run("ls -l") # Run command
r.std_out # get output


commands contains wrapper functions for os.popen, but it has been removed from Python 3 since subprocess is a better alternative.

The edit was based on J.F. Sebastian’s comment.

回答 8


from fabric.operations import local
result = local('ls', capture=True)
print "Content:/n%s" % (result, )



from sh import vgdisplay
print vgdisplay()
print vgdisplay('-v')
print vgdisplay(v=True)

I always use fabric for this things like:

from fabric.operations import local
result = local('ls', capture=True)
print "Content:/n%s" % (result, )

But this seem to be a good tool: sh (Python subprocess interface).

Look at an example:

from sh import vgdisplay
print vgdisplay()
print vgdisplay('-v')
print vgdisplay(v=True)

回答 9

还要检查“ pexpect” Python库。


child = pexpect.spawn('ftp')

child.expect('(?i)name .*: ')



Check the “pexpect” Python library, too.

It allows for interactive controlling of external programs/commands, even ssh, ftp, telnet, etc. You can just type something like:

child = pexpect.spawn('ftp')

child.expect('(?i)name .*: ')



回答 10


使用子流程模块(Python 3):

import subprocess
subprocess.run(['ls', '-l'])


关于Python版本的注意事项:如果您仍在使用Python 2,subprocess.call的工作方式与此类似。


import shlex
import subprocess
subprocess.run(shlex.split('ls -l'))



from plumbum.cmd import ifconfig

这是最好的subprocess包装纸。它是跨平台的,即可以在Windows和类似Unix的系统上运行。由安装pip install plumbum


from sh import ifconfig

但是,已sh放弃Windows支持,因此它不像以前那样出色。由安装pip install sh

With the standard library

Use the subprocess module (Python 3):

import subprocess
subprocess.run(['ls', '-l'])

It is the recommended standard way. However, more complicated tasks (pipes, output, input, etc.) can be tedious to construct and write.

Note on Python version: If you are still using Python 2, subprocess.call works in a similar way.

ProTip: shlex.split can help you to parse the command for run, call, and other subprocess functions in case you don’t want (or you can’t!) provide them in form of lists:

import shlex
import subprocess
subprocess.run(shlex.split('ls -l'))

With external dependencies

If you do not mind external dependencies, use plumbum:

from plumbum.cmd import ifconfig

It is the best subprocess wrapper. It’s cross-platform, i.e. it works on both Windows and Unix-like systems. Install by pip install plumbum.

Another popular library is sh:

from sh import ifconfig

However, sh dropped Windows support, so it’s not as awesome as it used to be. Install by pip install sh.

回答 11


>>> subprocess.check_output(["ls", "-l", "/dev/null"])
'crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Oct 18  2007 /dev/null\n'



If you need the output from the command you are calling, then you can use subprocess.check_output (Python 2.7+).

>>> subprocess.check_output(["ls", "-l", "/dev/null"])
'crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Oct 18  2007 /dev/null\n'

Also note the shell parameter.

If shell is True, the specified command will be executed through the shell. This can be useful if you are using Python primarily for the enhanced control flow it offers over most system shells and still want convenient access to other shell features such as shell pipes, filename wildcards, environment variable expansion, and expansion of ~ to a user’s home directory. However, note that Python itself offers implementations of many shell-like features (in particular, glob, fnmatch, os.walk(), os.path.expandvars(), os.path.expanduser(), and shutil).

回答 12


from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
cmd = "ls -l ~/"
p = Popen(cmd , shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()
print "Return code: ", p.returncode
print out.rstrip(), err.rstrip()

This is how I run my commands. This code has everything you need pretty much

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
cmd = "ls -l ~/"
p = Popen(cmd , shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()
print "Return code: ", p.returncode
print out.rstrip(), err.rstrip()

回答 13


subprocess.run如果您的代码不需要保持与早期Python版本的兼容性,则从python 3.5开始,建议使用此方法。它更加一致,并且提供与Envoy类似的易用性。(管道并不是那么简单。有关如何查看此问题的信息。)



>>> subprocess.run(["ls", "-l"])  # Doesn't capture output
CompletedProcess(args=['ls', '-l'], returncode=0)


>>> subprocess.run("exit 1", shell=True, check=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'exit 1' returned non-zero exit status 1


>>> subprocess.run(["ls", "-l", "/dev/null"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
CompletedProcess(args=['ls', '-l', '/dev/null'], returncode=0,
stdout=b'crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Jan 23 16:23 /dev/null\n')




>>> r = envoy.run('git config', data='data to pipe in', timeout=2)

>>> r.status_code
>>> r.std_out
'usage: git config [options]'
>>> r.std_err


>>> r = envoy.run('uptime | pbcopy')

>>> r.command
>>> r.status_code

>>> r.history
[<Response 'uptime'>]


subprocess.run is the recommended approach as of Python 3.5 if your code does not need to maintain compatibility with earlier Python versions. It’s more consistent and offers similar ease-of-use as Envoy. (Piping isn’t as straightforward though. See this question for how.)

Here’s some examples from the documentation.

Run a process:

>>> subprocess.run(["ls", "-l"])  # Doesn't capture output
CompletedProcess(args=['ls', '-l'], returncode=0)

Raise on failed run:

>>> subprocess.run("exit 1", shell=True, check=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'exit 1' returned non-zero exit status 1

Capture output:

>>> subprocess.run(["ls", "-l", "/dev/null"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
CompletedProcess(args=['ls', '-l', '/dev/null'], returncode=0,
stdout=b'crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Jan 23 16:23 /dev/null\n')

Original answer:

I recommend trying Envoy. It’s a wrapper for subprocess, which in turn aims to replace the older modules and functions. Envoy is subprocess for humans.

Example usage from the README:

>>> r = envoy.run('git config', data='data to pipe in', timeout=2)

>>> r.status_code
>>> r.std_out
'usage: git config [options]'
>>> r.std_err

Pipe stuff around too:

>>> r = envoy.run('uptime | pbcopy')

>>> r.command
>>> r.status_code

>>> r.history
[<Response 'uptime'>]

回答 14



import os
os.system('cat testfile')

Use subprocess.

…or for a very simple command:

import os
os.system('cat testfile')

回答 15



>>> import subprocess
>>> completed_process = subprocess.run('python --version')
Python 3.6.1 :: Anaconda 4.4.0 (64-bit)
>>> completed_process
CompletedProcess(args='python --version', returncode=0)


从Python 3.5开始,文档建议使用subprocess.run



>>> import subprocess
>>> completed_process = subprocess.run('python --version')
Python 3.6.1 :: Anaconda 4.4.0 (64-bit)
>>> completed_process
CompletedProcess(args='python --version', returncode=0)




>>> completed_process.args
'python --version'
>>> completed_process.returncode



>>> cp = subprocess.run('python --version', 
>>> cp.stderr
b'Python 3.6.1 :: Anaconda 4.4.0 (64-bit)\r\n'
>>> cp.stdout




>>> import textwrap
>>> args = ['python', textwrap.__file__]
>>> cp = subprocess.run(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> cp.stdout
b'Hello there.\r\n  This is indented.\r\n'




def run(*popenargs, input=None, timeout=None, check=False, **kwargs):

popenargskwargs被给予Popen的构造。input可以是universal_newlines=True将通过管道传输到子进程的stdin 的字节字符串(或unicode,如果指定encoding或)。





>>> subprocess.run("exit 1", shell=True, check=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'exit 1' returned non-zero exit status 1



subprocess.run(args, *, stdin=None, input=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, 
shell=False, cwd=None, timeout=None, check=False, encoding=None, 



何时使用Popen代替?我将很难仅根据参数来找到用例。Popen但是,直接使用pollwill 将使您能够访问其方法,包括,“ send_signal”,“ terminate”和“ wait”。


def __init__(self, args, bufsize=-1, executable=None,
             stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None,
             preexec_fn=None, close_fds=_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_CLOSE_FDS,
             shell=False, cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False,
             startupinfo=None, creationflags=0,
             restore_signals=True, start_new_session=False,
             pass_fds=(), *, encoding=None, errors=None):


subprocess.Popen(args, bufsize=-1, executable=None, stdin=None,
                 stdout=None, stderr=None, preexec_fn=None, close_fds=True,
                 shell=False, cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False,
                 startupinfo=None, creationflags=0, restore_signals=True,
                 start_new_session=False, pass_fds=(), *, encoding=None, errors=None)

在新进程中执行子程序。在POSIX上,该类使用类似于os.execvp()的行为来执行子程序。在Windows上,该类使用Windows CreateProcess()函数。Popen的参数如下。


Calling an external command in Python

Simple, use subprocess.run, which returns a CompletedProcess object:

>>> import subprocess
>>> completed_process = subprocess.run('python --version')
Python 3.6.1 :: Anaconda 4.4.0 (64-bit)
>>> completed_process
CompletedProcess(args='python --version', returncode=0)


As of Python 3.5, the documentation recommends subprocess.run:

The recommended approach to invoking subprocesses is to use the run() function for all use cases it can handle. For more advanced use cases, the underlying Popen interface can be used directly.

Here’s an example of the simplest possible usage – and it does exactly as asked:

>>> import subprocess
>>> completed_process = subprocess.run('python --version')
Python 3.6.1 :: Anaconda 4.4.0 (64-bit)
>>> completed_process
CompletedProcess(args='python --version', returncode=0)

run waits for the command to successfully finish, then returns a CompletedProcess object. It may instead raise TimeoutExpired (if you give it a timeout= argument) or CalledProcessError (if it fails and you pass check=True).

As you might infer from the above example, stdout and stderr both get piped to your own stdout and stderr by default.

We can inspect the returned object and see the command that was given and the returncode:

>>> completed_process.args
'python --version'
>>> completed_process.returncode

Capturing output

If you want to capture the output, you can pass subprocess.PIPE to the appropriate stderr or stdout:

>>> cp = subprocess.run('python --version', 
>>> cp.stderr
b'Python 3.6.1 :: Anaconda 4.4.0 (64-bit)\r\n'
>>> cp.stdout

(I find it interesting and slightly counterintuitive that the version info gets put to stderr instead of stdout.)

Pass a command list

One might easily move from manually providing a command string (like the question suggests) to providing a string built programmatically. Don’t build strings programmatically. This is a potential security issue. It’s better to assume you don’t trust the input.

>>> import textwrap
>>> args = ['python', textwrap.__file__]
>>> cp = subprocess.run(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> cp.stdout
b'Hello there.\r\n  This is indented.\r\n'

Note, only args should be passed positionally.

Full Signature

Here’s the actual signature in the source and as shown by help(run):

def run(*popenargs, input=None, timeout=None, check=False, **kwargs):

The popenargs and kwargs are given to the Popen constructor. input can be a string of bytes (or unicode, if specify encoding or universal_newlines=True) that will be piped to the subprocess’s stdin.

The documentation describes timeout= and check=True better than I could:

The timeout argument is passed to Popen.communicate(). If the timeout expires, the child process will be killed and waited for. The TimeoutExpired exception will be re-raised after the child process has terminated.

If check is true, and the process exits with a non-zero exit code, a CalledProcessError exception will be raised. Attributes of that exception hold the arguments, the exit code, and stdout and stderr if they were captured.

and this example for check=True is better than one I could come up with:

>>> subprocess.run("exit 1", shell=True, check=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'exit 1' returned non-zero exit status 1

Expanded Signature

Here’s an expanded signature, as given in the documentation:

subprocess.run(args, *, stdin=None, input=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, 
shell=False, cwd=None, timeout=None, check=False, encoding=None, 

Note that this indicates that only the args list should be passed positionally. So pass the remaining arguments as keyword arguments.


When use Popen instead? I would struggle to find use-case based on the arguments alone. Direct usage of Popen would, however, give you access to its methods, including poll, ‘send_signal’, ‘terminate’, and ‘wait’.

Here’s the Popen signature as given in the source. I think this is the most precise encapsulation of the information (as opposed to help(Popen)):

def __init__(self, args, bufsize=-1, executable=None,
             stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None,
             preexec_fn=None, close_fds=_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_CLOSE_FDS,
             shell=False, cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False,
             startupinfo=None, creationflags=0,
             restore_signals=True, start_new_session=False,
             pass_fds=(), *, encoding=None, errors=None):

But more informative is the Popen documentation:

subprocess.Popen(args, bufsize=-1, executable=None, stdin=None,
                 stdout=None, stderr=None, preexec_fn=None, close_fds=True,
                 shell=False, cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False,
                 startupinfo=None, creationflags=0, restore_signals=True,
                 start_new_session=False, pass_fds=(), *, encoding=None, errors=None)

Execute a child program in a new process. On POSIX, the class uses os.execvp()-like behavior to execute the child program. On Windows, the class uses the Windows CreateProcess() function. The arguments to Popen are as follows.

Understanding the remaining documentation on Popen will be left as an exercise for the reader.

回答 16



os.system is OK, but kind of dated. It’s also not very secure. Instead, try subprocess. subprocess does not call sh directly and is therefore more secure than os.system.

Get more information here.

回答 17


>>> from plumbum import local
>>> ls = local["ls"]
>>> ls
LocalCommand(<LocalPath /bin/ls>)
>>> ls()
>>> notepad = local["c:\\windows\\notepad.exe"]
>>> notepad()                                   # Notepad window pops up
u''                                             # Notepad window is closed by user, command returns

There is also Plumbum

>>> from plumbum import local
>>> ls = local["ls"]
>>> ls
LocalCommand(<LocalPath /bin/ls>)
>>> ls()
>>> notepad = local["c:\\windows\\notepad.exe"]
>>> notepad()                                   # Notepad window pops up
u''                                             # Notepad window is closed by user, command returns

回答 18


import os

cmd = 'ls -al'





import os

cmd = 'ls -al'


os – This module provides a portable way of using operating system-dependent functionality.

For the more os functions, here is the documentation.

回答 19


import os
cmd = "your command"

It can be this simple:

import os
cmd = "your command"

回答 20



>>> from shell_command import shell_call
>>> shell_call("ls *.py")
setup.py  shell_command.py  test_shell_command.py
>>> shell_call("ls -l *.py")
-rw-r--r-- 1 ncoghlan ncoghlan  391 2011-12-11 12:07 setup.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 ncoghlan ncoghlan 7855 2011-12-11 16:16 shell_command.py
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ncoghlan ncoghlan 8463 2011-12-11 16:17 test_shell_command.py

I quite like shell_command for its simplicity. It’s built on top of the subprocess module.

Here’s an example from the documentation:

>>> from shell_command import shell_call
>>> shell_call("ls *.py")
setup.py  shell_command.py  test_shell_command.py
>>> shell_call("ls -l *.py")
-rw-r--r-- 1 ncoghlan ncoghlan  391 2011-12-11 12:07 setup.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 ncoghlan ncoghlan 7855 2011-12-11 16:16 shell_command.py
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ncoghlan ncoghlan 8463 2011-12-11 16:17 test_shell_command.py

回答 21





如果尝试这样做os.system("kwrite"),程序流将冻结,直到用户关闭kwrite。为了克服这个问题,我改为尝试os.system(konsole -e kwrite)。这个时间程序继续进行,但是kwrite成为了控制台的子进程。


There is another difference here which is not mentioned previously.

subprocess.Popen executes the <command> as a subprocess. In my case, I need to execute file <a> which needs to communicate with another program, <b>.

I tried subprocess, and execution was successful. However <b> could not communicate with <a>. Everything is normal when I run both from the terminal.

One more: (NOTE: kwrite behaves different from other applications. If you try the below with Firefox, the results will not be the same.)

If you try os.system("kwrite"), program flow freezes until the user closes kwrite. To overcome that I tried instead os.system(konsole -e kwrite). This time program continued to flow, but kwrite became the subprocess of the console.

Anyone runs the kwrite not being a subprocess (i.e. in the system monitor it must appear at the leftmost edge of the tree).

回答 22


os.system does not allow you to store results, so if you want to store results in some list or something, a subprocess.call works.

回答 23


subprocess.check_call is convenient if you don’t want to test return values. It throws an exception on any error.

回答 24


>>> import subprocess, shlex
>>> command = 'ls -l "/your/path/with spaces/"'
>>> call_params = shlex.split(command)
>>> print call_params
["ls", "-l", "/your/path/with spaces/"]
>>> subprocess.call(call_params)

I tend to use subprocess together with shlex (to handle escaping of quoted strings):

>>> import subprocess, shlex
>>> command = 'ls -l "/your/path/with spaces/"'
>>> call_params = shlex.split(command)
>>> print call_params
["ls", "-l", "/your/path/with spaces/"]
>>> subprocess.call(call_params)

回答 25

无耻的插件,我为此写了一个库:P https://github.com/houqp/shell.py


ex('echo hello shell.py') | "awk '{print $2}'"

Shameless plug, I wrote a library for this :P https://github.com/houqp/shell.py

It’s basically a wrapper for popen and shlex for now. It also supports piping commands so you can chain commands easier in Python. So you can do things like:

ex('echo hello shell.py') | "awk '{print $2}'"

回答 26


# Python script to run a command line
import subprocess

def execute(cmd):
        Purpose  : To execute a command and return exit status
        Argument : cmd - command to execute
        Return   : exit_code
    process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    (result, error) = process.communicate()

    rc = process.wait()

    if rc != 0:
        print "Error: failed to execute command:", cmd
        print error
    return result
# def

command = "tasklist | grep python"
print "This process detail: \n", execute(command)


This process detail:
python.exe                     604 RDP-Tcp#0                  4      5,660 K

In Windows you can just import the subprocess module and run external commands by calling subprocess.Popen(), subprocess.Popen().communicate() and subprocess.Popen().wait() as below:

# Python script to run a command line
import subprocess

def execute(cmd):
        Purpose  : To execute a command and return exit status
        Argument : cmd - command to execute
        Return   : exit_code
    process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    (result, error) = process.communicate()

    rc = process.wait()

    if rc != 0:
        print "Error: failed to execute command:", cmd
        print error
    return result
# def

command = "tasklist | grep python"
print "This process detail: \n", execute(command)


This process detail:
python.exe                     604 RDP-Tcp#0                  4      5,660 K

回答 27



import os
os.system('ts <your-command>')


  1. 您可以使用以下命令设置要运行的并发进程数(“插槽”):

    ts -S <number-of-slots>

  2. 安装ts不需要管理员权限。您可以使用简单的源代码下载并编译它make,然后将其添加到路径中,即可完成操作。

Under Linux, in case you would like to call an external command that will execute independently (will keep running after the python script terminates), you can use a simple queue as task spooler or the at command

An example with task spooler:

import os
os.system('ts <your-command>')

Notes about task spooler (ts):

  1. You could set the number of concurrent processes to be run (“slots”) with:

    ts -S <number-of-slots>

  2. Installing ts doesn’t requires admin privileges. You can download and compile it from source with a simple make, add it to your path and you’re done.

回答 28


from subprocess import Popen

proc = Popen(['ls', '-l'])
if proc.poll() is None:


You can use Popen, and then you can check the procedure’s status:

from subprocess import Popen

proc = Popen(['ls', '-l'])
if proc.poll() is None:

Check out subprocess.Popen.

回答 29

要从OpenStack Neutron获取网络ID :

import os
netid = "nova net-list | awk '/ External / { print $2 }'"
temp = os.popen(netid).read()  /* Here temp also contains new line (\n) */
networkId = temp.rstrip()

nova net-list的输出

| ID                                   | Label      | CIDR |
| 431c9014-5b5d-4b51-a357-66020ffbb123 | test1      | None |
| 27a74fcd-37c0-4789-9414-9531b7e3f126 | External   | None |
| 5a2712e9-70dc-4b0e-9281-17e02f4684c9 | management | None |
| 7aa697f5-0e60-4c15-b4cc-9cb659698512 | Internal   | None |



To fetch the network id from the OpenStack Neutron:

import os
netid = "nova net-list | awk '/ External / { print $2 }'"
temp = os.popen(netid).read()  /* Here temp also contains new line (\n) */
networkId = temp.rstrip()

Output of nova net-list

| ID                                   | Label      | CIDR |
| 431c9014-5b5d-4b51-a357-66020ffbb123 | test1      | None |
| 27a74fcd-37c0-4789-9414-9531b7e3f126 | External   | None |
| 5a2712e9-70dc-4b0e-9281-17e02f4684c9 | management | None |
| 7aa697f5-0e60-4c15-b4cc-9cb659698512 | Internal   | None |

Output of print(networkId)

