问题:在Mac OS X上,适用于Python的IDE是什么?[关闭]




I’m about to start a new job where the coding practices are heavily centered around TDD and refactoring, and whose primary development language is Python. I come from the Java world, and have been a confident user of Eclipse for a good, long time. When not working in Java, I use emacs.

I’m looking for an IDE for Python that will give me a lot of the capabilities I’ve grown used to with Eclipse, not only for refactoring but in terms of code completion, project management, SCM integration (currently CVS, but likely to switch to git one of these days) et al.

What IDE should I use?

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尝试了许多不同的方法(Kate,Eclipse,Scite,Vim,Komodo):每个函数都有一些故障,要么功能有限,要么反应缓慢且反应迟钝。多年后的最终选择:Emacs + ropemas + flymake。绳索项目文件打开对话框非常快捷。绳索重构和代码辅助功能非常有用。Flymake显示语法错误。Emacs是最可配置的编辑器。我对此配置感到非常满意。配置的Python相关部分位于此处:public.halogen-dg.com浏览器/alex-emacs-settings/configs/cfg_python.el

Have tried many different (Kate, Eclipse, Scite, Vim, Komodo): each one have some glitches, either limited functions, or slow and unresponsive. Final choice after many years: Emacs + ropemacs + flymake. Rope project file open dialog is extremely quick. Rope refactoring and code assist functions are super helpful. Flymake shows syntax mistakes. Emacs is the most configurable editor. I am very happy with this config. Python related part of config is here: public.halogen-dg.com browser/alex-emacs-settings/configs/cfg_python.el

回答 1

我的2便士,请查看PyCharm http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/


My 2 pennies, check out PyCharm http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/

(also multi-platform)

回答 2


I use TextMate for all my Python programming needs. It’s not an IDE per se, but it does a lot of stuff that an IDE does (without all the cruft of an IDE). It has syntax highlighting, code folding, integration with various SCMs through the use of additional bundles (I know it supports SVN, Git, Mercurial, Darcs, and probably a few others). It’s also quite extensible and customizable (again, through the use of bundles). It also has a basic concept of projects. One place where it doesn’t shine, though, is in code completion; some bundles have limited support for code completion, but it’s generally not as amazing as that of most language-specific IDEs. Given how awesome TextMate is, though, I don’t know sacrificing that. TextMate’s definitely made me much more productive.

回答 3




  • Textmate-花钱,人们喜欢这个程序,但是我还没有足够用它来了解所有的大惊小怪。
  • Jedit-基于Java的文本编辑器,具有一些不错的功能,但是启动时间并不好(由于Java)。
  • CarbonEmacs-体面的Emacs端口。
  • AquaEmacs-更好的Emacs端口。
  • TextWrangler -Lite,BBEdit的免费版本(如啤酒)。
  • BBEdit-老兵。Textmate之前的事实编辑偷走了风头。昂贵。
  • Smultron-非常好的编辑器,UI类似于Textmate。
  • 空闲 -Python自己的小编辑器,具有一些不错的功能,但也存在一些主要问题。我个人觉得使用起来太不稳定了。
  • Sublime TextSublime文本) -这是一个非常好的文本编辑器,具有令人惊讶的良好Python支持。
  • Pycharm-用于Python的IDE上的另一个完整版本。

Pydev for Eclipse, as others have mentioned, is good.

Netbeans has a beta Python plugin that is a little rough around the edges, but could turn into something really cool.

Additionally there is a long list of programming centric text editors for the mac, that may or may not fit your needs.

  • Textmate – costs money, people love this program, but I haven’t used it enough to see what all the fuss is about.
  • Jedit – Java based text editor, has some nice features, but the startup time isn’t great (due to Java).
  • CarbonEmacs – Decent Emacs port.
  • AquaEmacs – Better Emacs port.
  • TextWrangler – Lite, free (as in beer) verision of BBEdit.
  • BBEdit – The old guard. The defacto editor before Textmate stole its limelight. Expensive.
  • Smultron – Very nice editor, the UI is similar to Textmate.
  • Idle – Python’s own little editor, has some nice features, but also some major problems. I’ve personally found it too unstable for my usage.
  • Sublime Text – This is really sweet text editor that has some surprisingly good Python support.
  • Pycharm – Another solid full on IDE for Python.

回答 4

带有Pydev的 Eclipse 在任何平台上最适合我。

Eclipse with Pydev works best for me on any platform.

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回答 6

我通常将komodo editaquamacsropemas 一起使用。尽管我应该警告您,但是如果您来自Java或C#背景,IDE功能将不再是您惯用的功能。我个人发现,功能强大的IDE会比他们提供的帮助更多。

更新:我还应该指出,如果您有钱,Komodo IDE是值得的。这是Komodo Edit的付费版本。

I usually use either komodo edit or aquamacs with ropemacs. Although I should warn you, IDE features won’t be what you’re used to if you’re coming from a Java or C# background. I personally find that powerful IDEs get in my way more than they help.

UPDATE: I should also point out that if you have the money Komodo IDE is worth it. It’s the paid version of Komodo Edit.

回答 7

macvim + pyflakes.vim

macvim + pyflakes.vim

回答 8



I like Spyder, it has many tools, such as profiling, intelligent indentation helper and a good autocompletion support


回答 9

如果您的IDE有预算,则应尝试Wingware Professional,请参阅wingware.com。

If you have a budget for your IDE, you should give Wingware Professional a try, see wingware.com .

回答 10


I’ve used WingIDE and have been very happy. Intellisense is pretty good, some other things are a bit wacky but overall it’s a very productive tool

回答 11

如果您正在寻找一个交互式环境并且不需要编写模块代码,我建议使用IPython。尽管这是在考虑科学家/统计学家的前提下开发的,但是它在没有安装任何科学软件包的情况下也可以正常运行。这些功能强大,具有代码完成,集成的帮助,集成的调试等功能,并且可作为具有Markdown和MathJax集成的笔记本使用。到目前为止,对于那些需要强大功能而又不希望将MB的GUI加载到RAM的用户来说,这是最佳选择-由于它是基于浏览器的,因此可在您始终加载的 chrome / safari实例中使用。;-)

If you are looking for an interactive environment and not needing to code modules, I would suggest IPython. Though this is developed with scientists/statisticians in mind, it will run just as well without any of the scientific packages installed. The features are powerful, with code completion, integrated help, integrated debugging, etc., and it functions as a notebook with Markdown and MathJax integration. By far the best choice for those that need powerful features without wishing to load megabytes of GUI into RAM–since it is browser based, it is used in your always loaded chrome/safari instance. ;-)

回答 12

Eclipse PyDev插件。


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since you are familiar with Eclipse maybe you are interested in Pydev

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Python support on netbeans is surprisingly good, and comes with most of the features you’re looking for.

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TextMate or Panic’s Coda. NetBeans works very well, if you want a full-blown kitchen sink IDE.

回答 16


然后,我打开了Mac App Store,找到了CodeRunner。非常漂亮和干净的界面。支持多种语言,如Python,Lua,Perl,Ruby,Javascript等。价格为10美元,但值得!

I’ve searched on Google for an app like this for a while, and I’ve found only options with heavy and ugly interfaces.

Then I opened Mac App Store and found CodeRunner. Very nice and clean interface. Support many languages like Python, Lua, Perl, Ruby, Javascript, etc. The price is U$10, but it’s worth it!

回答 17

“ …的哪个编辑器/ IDE?” 是开始“我的狗比你的狗还漂亮”的长期方法。最棒的 如今,大多数vim向上的编辑器都可以使用,有很多不错的选择,甚至以C或Java工具开头的IDE都可以与Python和其他动态语言很好地兼容。

就是说,在尝试了许多IDE(Eclipse,NetBeans,XCode,Komodo,PyCharm等)之后,我成为ActiveState的Komodo IDE的粉丝。我主要在Mac OS X上使用它,尽管我在Windows上也使用了多年。一个许可证可将您带到任何平台。


我喜欢Komodo的某些方面超出了write-run-debug循环。自从动态语言成为趋势之前,ActiveState长期以来就一直为开发社区提供支持(例如,使用免费语言构建,软件包存储库,配方站点等)。基本的Komodo Edit编辑器是免费和开源的,是Mozilla Firefox技术的扩展。科莫多语是多国语言。我永远不会只做Python,Perl或其他任何事情。Komodo使用核心语言(Python,Perl,Ruby,PHP,JavaScript)以及支持语言(XML,XSLT,SQL,X / HTML,CSS),非动态语言(Java,C等)和帮助器( Makefile,INI和配置文件,shell脚本,自定义小语言等),其他人也可以做到这一点,但Komodo将它们全部放在一个地方,随时可以使用。它是动态语言的瑞士军刀。

Komodo IDE绝不是完美的,而编辑器/ IDE是YMMV的最终选择。但是我经常很高兴使用它,每年我都很高兴地重新获得支持订阅。的确,我只记得!这个月即将到来。信用卡:出。我与ActiveState没有任何商业联系,只是一个满意的客户。

“Which editor/IDE for …?” is a longstanding way to start a “My dog is too prettier than yours!” slapfest. Nowadays most editors from vim upwards can be used, there are multiple good alternatives, and even IDEs that started as C or Java tools work pretty well with Python and other dynamic languages.

That said, having tried a bunch of IDEs (Eclipse, NetBeans, XCode, Komodo, PyCharm, …), I am a fan of ActiveState’s Komodo IDE. I use it on Mac OS X primarily, though I’ve used it for years on Windows as well. The one license follows you to any platform.

Komodo is well-integrated with popular ActiveState builds of the languages themselves (esp. for Windows), works well with the fabulous (and Pythonic) Mercurial change management system (among others), and has good-to-excellent abilities for core tasks like code editing, syntax coloring, code completion, real-time syntax checking, and visual debugging. It is a little weak when it comes to pre-integrated refactoring and code-check tools (e.g. rope, pylint), but it is extensible and has a good facility for integrating external and custom tools.

Some of the things I like about Komodo go beyond the write-run-debug loop. ActiveState has long supported the development community (e.g. with free language builds, package repositories, a recipes site, …), since before dynamic languages were the trend. The base Komodo Edit editor is free and open source, an extension of Mozilla’s Firefox technologies. And Komodo is multi-lingual. I never end up doing just Python, just Perl, or just whatever. Komodo works with the core language (Python, Perl, Ruby, PHP, JavaScript) alongside supporting languages (XML, XSLT, SQL, X/HTML, CSS), non-dynamic languages (Java, C, etc.), and helpers (Makefiles, INI and config files, shell scripts, custom little languages, etc.) Others can do that too, but Komodo puts them all in once place, ready to go. It’s a Swiss Army Knife for dynamic languages. (This is contra PyCharm, e.g., which is great itself, but I’d need like a half-dozen of JetBrains’ individual IDEs to cover all the things I do).

Komodo IDE is by no means perfect, and editors/IDEs are the ultimate YMMV choice. But I am regularly delighted to use it, and every year I re-up my support subscription quite happily. Indeed, I just remembered! That’s coming up this month. Credit card: Out. I have no commercial connection to ActiveState–just a happy customer.

回答 18


You might want to look into Eclim, an Eclipse server that allows you to use Eclipse functionality from within your favorite text editor. For python-related functionality, it uses Rope, PyFlakes, and PyLint under the hood.

回答 19

我一直在使用的评估版Sublime Text。好的是它并没有真正过期。


I’ve been using an Evaluation copy of Sublime Text. What’s good is it doesn’t really expire.

It’s been good so far and was really easy to get started with.

回答 20

我为此可能会有点晚,但是我建议使用Aptana Studio3.x。它是基于eclipse的,并且可以随时使用python。对DJango, HTML5 and JQuery。对我来说,它是一个完美的Web开发工具。我也从事HTML5 and Android开发工作,因此无需切换其他IDE。这是我的多合一解决方案。

注意:您需要大量的RAM才能使它时髦!4+ GB太棒了!

I may be a little late for this, but I would recommend Aptana Studio 3.x . Its a based on eclipse and has everything ready-to-go for python. It has very good support for DJango, HTML5 and JQuery. For me its a perfect web-development tool. I do HTML5 and Android development too, this way I do not need to keep switching different IDE’s. It my all-in-one solution.

Note: you need a good amount of RAM for this to be snazzy !! 4+ GB is awesome !!

回答 21

Visual Studio代码 + 官方Python插件






编辑:显然,巧克力在2013年是一个有趣的选择,但此后许多其他人出现了,开发停滞了。如今,我建议使用Visual Studio Code + Python插件。

Visual Studio Code + Official Python Plugin

Here you see an overview of its current Python features:




It’s lightweight and offers Code Completion. Costs money.

EDIT: Apparently Chocolat was an interesting option in 2013 but since then many others came up and development stalled. Nowadays I recommend Visual Studio Code + Python Plugin.
