

但是在Python的IDLE 2.6.5或3.1.2中,似乎如果我们的语句打印出了25行,我们需要按向上箭头25次到最后一个命令,然后按Enter才能将其复制?


On bash or Window’s Command Prompt, we can press the up arrow on keyboard to get the last command, and edit it, and press ENTER again to see the result.

But in Python’s IDLE 2.6.5 or 3.1.2, it seems if our statement prints out 25 lines, we need to press the up arrow 25 times to that last command, and press ENTER for it to be copied?

Or use the mouse to pinpoint that line and click there, and press ENTER to copy? Is there a faster way?

回答 0

  • 我认为您正在寻找history-previous action,默认情况下绑定到Alt+ P
  • 您可以在“ 选项->配置IDLE->密钥 ”中重新映射它
  • 您还可以从IDLE的顶部菜单访问此命令:“ Shell-> Previous History


  • I think you are looking for the history-previous action, which is bound to Alt+P by default.
  • You can remap it in “Options -> Configure IDLE -> Keys
  • You can also access this command from the top menu in IDLE: “Shell -> Previous History

Incidentally, why don’t you try a better (less ugly, for starters) shell like bpython or ipython?

回答 1


just use Alt+P to go up. Similarly, Alt+N could be used to go down.

回答 2

如果您使用的是Mac,则为ctrl+ p

If you’re on mac, it’s ctrl+p.

回答 3



Go into Preferences > Keys. Find the ‘history-previous’ selection in the list and edit it to Up Arrow.

Idle settings

回答 4

默认情况下,您始终可以编辑〜/ .idlerc下的config-keys.cfg文件。查找条目“ history-previous”,并将其设置为如下所示…

history-previous = <Key-Up>


You can always edit the file config-keys.cfg found under ~/.idlerc by default; look for the entry “history-previous” and set it to as below…

history-previous = <Key-Up>

