
我一直在使用随Anaconda发行版安装的Spyder,后者使用Python 2.7作为默认值。当前,我需要使用Python 3.4设置开发虚拟环境。


  1. 首先建立虚拟环境并指出改变Spyder的偏好,例如在这里 ;
  2. 在虚拟环境本身中安装所有Spyder依赖项,例如PyQt4,例如在这里



I have been using Spyder installed with with Anaconda distribution which uses Python 2.7 as default. Currently I need to set up a development virtual environment with Python 3.4.

Top two suggestions after research online are:

  1. to set up virtual environment first and to point change the preferences of Spyder , e.g here;
  2. to install all Spyder dependencies, like PyQt4, in the virtual environment itself, e. g. here ;

Both recommendations are cumbersome and do not look like smart options for development.

Is there a solution that would allow to run Spyder with required Python version automatically after activating the required virtual environment?

回答 0

这是在2020年实现的快速方法。使用Anaconda Navigator:

  1. 打开Anaconda Navigator
  2. 根据需要创建新环境。我将此环境命名为“测试”。单击它将其激活。


  1. 转到“主页”,然后在Spyder框下单击“安装”。


  1. 点击“启动/运行”

设置环境时,仍然存在一些小错误(大多数问题可以通过重新启动Navigator来解决),如果发现错误,请将其发布到Anaconda Issues bug-tracker中。谢谢。



Here is a quick way to do it in 2020. Using the Anaconda Navigator:

  1. Open Anaconda Navigator
  2. Create your new environment as you wish. I named this environment “test”. Click on it to activate it.

enter image description here

  1. Go to “Home” and click on “Install” under the Spyder box.

enter image description here

  1. Click “Launch/Run”

There are still some minor bugs when setting up your environment (most of which are solved by restarting the Navigator), if you find a bug, please post it in Anaconda Issues bug-tracker. Thanks.

If even then this doesn’t work, Navigator could still be useful, clicking on >Enviroments takes you to a management window for the modules installed on such enviroment, searching and selecting the spyder related ones, and then clicking on Apply will install them and their dependencies.

enter image description here

回答 1


conda create -n myenv python=3.4


source activate myenv   # (in linux, you can use . as a shortcut for "source")
activate myenv          # (in windows - note that you should be in your c:\anaconda2 directory)

更新。我已经在Ubuntu 18.04上对其进行了测试。现在,您必须使用此命令为新环境另外安装spyder(在使用上述命令激活环境之后):

conda install spyder

(我也用pip测试了安装,但是对于Python 3.4或更早版本,它会因需要手动安装的库依赖关系错误而中断。)

现在,要在Python 3.4中运行Spyder,只需键入:


Spyder与Python 3.4


对于一个正常的开立,使用“Python提示符”> > activate myenvspyder那么“巨蟒提示”必须保持开放的,你不能将其用于其他命令和强制关闭将关闭Spyder的)。当然,这要比长时间加载“ Anaconda Navigator”>切换环境>启动Spyder(@adelriosantiago的答案)更快。

There is an option to create virtual environments in Anaconda with required Python version.

conda create -n myenv python=3.4

To activate it :

source activate myenv   # (in linux, you can use . as a shortcut for "source")
activate myenv          # (in windows - note that you should be in your c:\anaconda2 directory)

UPDATE. I have tested it with Ubuntu 18.04. Now you have to install spyder additionally for the new environment with this command (after the activation of the environment with the command above):

conda install spyder

(I have also tested the installation with pip, but for Python 3.4 or older versions, it breaks with the library dependencies error that requires manual installation.)

And now to run Spyder with Python 3.4 just type:


Spyder with Python 3.4

EDIT from a reader:

For a normal opening, use “Anaconda Prompt” > activate myenv > spyder (then the “Anaconda Prompt” must stay open, you cannot use it for other commands, and a force-close will shut down Spyder). This is of course faster than the long load of “Anaconda Navigator” > switch environment > launch Spyder (@adelriosantiago’s answer).

回答 2


conda install -n myenv spyder


Additional to tomaskazemekas’s answer: you should install spyder in that virtual environment by:

conda install -n myenv spyder

(on Windows, for Linux or MacOS, you can search for similar commands)

回答 3


  1. 从环境中运行间谍程序(激活源后)
  2. 转到工具->首选项-> python解释器,然后从您要链接到spyder en 的env中选择python文件:/ home / you / anaconda3 / envs / your_env / bin / python

在ubuntu 16,spyder3,python3.6上工作。

What worked for me :

  1. run spyder from the environment (after source activate)
  2. go to Tools –> preferences –> python Interpreter and select the python file from the env you want to link to spyder ex : /home/you/anaconda3/envs/your_env/bin/python

Worked on ubuntu 16, spyder3, python3.6.

回答 4



  • Spyder应该安装在基本环境中


  • 创建一个新的环境。请注意,根据创建方式(conda,virtualenv),环境文件夹将位于系统上的其他位置)

  • 激活环境(例如conda activate [yourEnvName]

  • 在环境中安装间谍内核(例如conda install spyder-kernels

  • 在环境中查找并复制python可执行文件的路径。查找此路径可以使用提示符以下命令来完成python -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)"

  • 停用环境(即返回基地conda deactivate

  • 运行间谍(spyder3

  • 最后,在spyder的“工具”菜单中,转到“首选项”>“ Python解释器”>“使用以下解释器”,然后粘贴环境python可执行文件路径。

  • 重新启动ipython控制台



To do without reinstalling spyder in all environments follow official reference here.

In summary (tested with conda):

  • Spyder should be installed in the base environment

From the system prompt:

  • Create an new environment. Note that depending on how you create it (conda, virtualenv) the environment folder will be located at different place on your system)

  • Activate the environment (e.g., conda activate [yourEnvName])

  • Install spyder-kernels inside the environment (e.g., conda install spyder-kernels)

  • Find and copy the path for the python executable inside the environment. Finding this path can be done using from the prompt this command python -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)"

  • Deactivate the environment (i.e., return to base conda deactivate)

  • run spyder (spyder3)

  • Finally in spyder Tool menu go to Preferences > Python Interpreter > Use the following interpreter and paste the environment python executable path

  • Restart the ipython console

PS: in spyder you should see at the bottom something like thisenter image description here


回答 5

上面的答案是正确的,但是我spyder在virtualenv中调用仍会使用PATH默认的anaconda env查找spyder的版本。我发现此答案提供了以下解决方法:

source activate my_env            # activate your target env with spyder installed
conda info -e                     # look up the directory of your conda env
find /path/to/my/env -name spyder # search for the spyder executable in your env
/path/to/my/env/then/to/spyder    # run that executable directly


The above answers are correct but I calling spyder within my virtualenv would still use my PATH to look up the version of spyder in my default anaconda env. I found this answer which gave the following workaround:

source activate my_env            # activate your target env with spyder installed
conda info -e                     # look up the directory of your conda env
find /path/to/my/env -name spyder # search for the spyder executable in your env
/path/to/my/env/then/to/spyder    # run that executable directly

I chose this over modifying PATH or adding a link to the executable at a higher priority in PATH since I felt this was less likely to break other programs. However, I did add an alias to the executable in ~/.bash_aliases.

回答 6







I just had the same problem trying to get Spyder to run in Virtual Environment.

The solution is simple:

Activate your virtual environment.

Then pip install Spyder and its dependencies (PyQt5) in your virtual environment.

Then launch Spyder3 from your virtual environment CLI.

It works fine for me now.

回答 7



Anaconda3\pythonw.exe Anaconda3\cwp.py Anaconda3\envs\<your_env> Anaconda3\envs\<your env>\pythonw.exe Anaconda3\envs\<your_env>\Scripts\spyder-script.py

但是,如果您从Anaconda外壳中的venv启动spyder,我相信它会为您创建此快捷方式(只需在Windows上搜索“ Spyder”)。

On Windows:

You can create a shortcut executing

Anaconda3\pythonw.exe Anaconda3\cwp.py Anaconda3\envs\<your_env> Anaconda3\envs\<your env>\pythonw.exe Anaconda3\envs\<your_env>\Scripts\spyder-script.py

However, if you started spyder from your venv inside Anaconda shell, it creates this shortcut for you automatically in the Windows menu. The steps:

  1. install spyder in your venv using the methods mentioned in the other answers here.

  2. (in anaconda:) activate testenv

  3. Look up the windows menu “recently added” or just search for “spyder” in the windows menu, find spyder (testenv) and

  • [add that to taskbar] and / or

  • [look up the file source location] and copy that to your desktop, e.g. from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Anaconda3 (64-bit), where the spyder links for any of my environments can be found.

Now you can directly start spyder from a shortcut without the need to open anaconda prompt.

回答 8

我遵循上述建议之一,并且确实有效。总而言之,使用上述建议在Ubuntu上下载Anaconda时,可以帮助您“创建”环境。在我的情况下,下载Spyder的默认值为:(base)smith @ ubuntu〜$。创建环境(即fenics并使用$ conda激活它)后,立即激活(fenics)smith @ ubuntu〜$。然后从该提示启动Spyder,即$ spyder然后您的系统打开Spyder IDE,您可以在其上编写fenics代码。记住,每次打开终端时,系统都会打开默认提示。您必须激活您的包装所在的环境,并迅速更改它,即(fenics)。我希望这将有所帮助。谢谢您以及所有提供帮助的人。这个社区很棒。

I follow one of the advice above and indeed it works. In summary while you download Anaconda on Ubuntu using the advice given above can help you to ‘create’ environments. The default when you download Spyder in my case is: (base) smith@ubuntu ~$. After you create the environment, i.e. fenics and activate it with $ conda activate fenics the prompt change to (fenics) smith@ubuntu ~$. Then you launch Spyder from this prompt, i.e $ spyder and your system open the Spyder IDE, and you can write fenics code on it. Remember every time you open a terminal your system open the default prompt. You have to activate your environment where your package is and the prompt change to it i.e. (fenics). I Hope this will help. Thank you as well as all the people who help. This community is great.
