问题:对python 2.7的支持终止了吗?

当不再支持python 2.7而不再支持python 2.7时,是否存在已知的日期/时间框架?

Is there a known date/timeframe when python 2.7 will not be supported any more in favor of python 3?

回答 0

自2014年4月13日起,来自http://hg.python.org/peps/rev/76d43e52d978(PEP 373,Python 2.7发布时间表):

Python 2.7的终止生命日期(停产日期,终止日期)已移至未来五年,即2020年。此决定旨在阐明Python 2.7的状态,并减轻那些尚无法迁移到Python 3的用户的后顾之忧。另请参阅PEP 466

As of 13 Apr 2014, from http://hg.python.org/peps/rev/76d43e52d978 (PEP 373, Python 2.7 Release Schedule):

The End Of Life date (EOL, sunset date) for Python 2.7 has been moved five years into the future, to 2020. This decision was made to clarify the status of Python 2.7 and relieve worries for those users who cannot yet migrate to Python 3. See also PEP 466.

回答 1

2010年5月,神的话语为Python 2.7 PATCHLEVEL版本将可能至少6年内作出


编辑:推回2020年。请参阅PEP 373的修订版,并在其他答案中链接。

In May 2010, Word of God was that patchlevel releases for Python 2.7 will probably be made for at least 6 years.

So, maybe 2016, probably later.

Edit: Pushed back to 2020. See the revision to PEP 373, linked to in other answers.

回答 2



Recently, that date has been updated to January 1, 2020.

see https://pythonclock.org/

回答 3

您应该仔细阅读以下内容(参考:https : //news.ycombinator.com/item ? id =7582300):

这里没有来自python-dev列表的人有很多评论,他们并不真正理解这种差异的实际含义。核心开发人员无需维持2015年后的2.7,并且大多数人不会参与其中。那部分没有改变。发生的事情是Red Hat准备削减RHEL 7发行版,AFAIK取决于您为他们支付13年支持的费用。因此,他们将需要弄清楚如何至少在2027年之前自己获得2.7的支持。RH完全有权利分叉Python,并为自己和客户保留维护补丁(Python不是copyleft)。但,他们是好人,因此,如果仍有Python项目愿意接受这些更改,也许他们愿意至少暂时进行更改。再次,这是我基于ML讨论的推测,而不是RH实​​际上说过的。可以比喻Rails LTS,它是patio11参与[0]的Rails 2.x的商业分支。不可避免地会有人介入以支持2.7,所以让我们看看如何避免出现这样的情况,即保持2.7唯一运行的唯一方法是订阅RHEL。同时,有一些大公司在Windows上广泛使用2.7(例如Enthought,Anaconda),并且认为可以找到某个人偶尔制作Windows安装程序,前提是假定Python.org仍将托管下载。因此,实际上发生的事情不是很令人兴奋。核心提交者所做的工作与将项目按原计划进行一样没有什么不同。发生的情况是,它们将使源代码控制存储库和FTP服务器中的指示灯保持打开状态,以便捕获有兴趣继续支持2.7的大公司员工的免费劳动力。另一种选择是,RH和其他供应商创建专有且昂贵的Python 2.7分支。无论如何,这种情况最终可能会发生,但是如果二进制文件仍然出现在python.org上,并且您不必要求IT部门设置SCM和错误跟踪器,那么雇主将需要更长的时间才能注意到您应该停止提供补丁。等等 发生的情况是,它们将使源代码控制存储库和FTP服务器中的指示灯保持打开状态,以便捕获有兴趣继续支持2.7的大公司员工的免费劳动力。另一种选择是,RH和其他供应商创建专有且昂贵的Python 2.7分支。无论如何,这种情况最终可能会发生,但是如果二进制文件仍然出现在python.org上,并且您不必要求IT部门设置SCM和错误跟踪器,那么雇主将需要更长的时间才能注意到您应该停止提供补丁。等等 发生的情况是,它们将使源代码控制存储库和FTP服务器中的指示灯保持打开状态,以便捕获有兴趣继续支持2.7的大公司员工的免费劳动力。另一种选择是,RH和其他供应商创建专有且昂贵的Python 2.7分支。无论如何,这种情况最终可能会发生,但是如果二进制文件仍然出现在python.org上,并且您不必要求IT部门设置SCM和错误跟踪器,那么雇主将需要更长的时间才能注意到您应该停止提供补丁。等等

you should read this carefully (ref : https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7582300 ):

There are a lot of comments here from people who aren’t on the python-dev list and don’t really understand what this diff actually means. The core developers are not required to maintain 2.7 post-2015, and most of them won’t be involved in it. That part hasn’t changed. What is happening is that Red Hat is preparing to cut a RHEL 7 release, which AFAIK depending on how much you pay them they support for 13 years. So they will need to figure out how to support 2.7 themselves at least through 2027. Here is where I am reading between the lines. RH are well within their right to fork Python and keep their maintenance patches to themselves and their customers (Python’s not copyleft). But, they are nice guys and so maybe they are willing to upstream their changes at least for awhile if there is still a Python project willing to accept them. Again, this is my speculation based on the ML discussion, not what RH has actually said they will do. An analogy can be made to Rails LTS, a commercial fork of Rails 2.x that patio11 was involved in [0]. Inevitably somebody is going to step in to support 2.7, and so let’s see what we can do to avoid a situation where the only way to keep running 2.7 is to subscribe to RHEL. Meanwhile, there are some large companies that use 2.7 extensively on Windows (e.g. Enthought, Anaconda) and the thinking goes that somebody can probably be found to produce a Windows installer once in awhile, assuming that Python.org will still host a download. So really what is happening here is not very exciting. The core committers aren’t doing anything different than leaving the project as originally planned. What is happening is that they will leave the lights on in the source control repository and on the FTP server, so as to capture the free labor from people at large companies who have an interest in continuing to support 2.7. The alternative is that RH and other vendors create proprietary and expensive forks of Python 2.7. That may end up happening anyway, but it will take longer for your employer to notice you should stop contributing your patches back if binaries still appear on python.org and you don’t have to ask IT to set up SCM and a bug tracker, etc.

回答 4


因此,据我所知,Python 2.7是最后一个添加2.x功能的版本,尽管发现的错误将被修复(一段时间),但新功能仅适用于3.x版本。

This article says: “When 2.7 is released, the 2.x line will move into five years of a bug fix-only mode.”

So, as far as I see, Python 2.7 was the last 2.x feature-adding release, and though found bugs are going to be fixed (for some time), new features only go to 3.x releases.

回答 5

到2020年EOS 倒计时还不错。

There is also a pretty ominous countdown clock to the EOS at 2020.

回答 6

PEP 373(Python 2.7发布时间表)是您要求的那种信息的正式来源。


  • 2014年5月2.7.7
  • 2.7.8 2014年11月
  • 2015年5月2.7.9
  • 在此日期之后,根据需要发布

另外,它说:“ Python 2.7的生命终止日期(停产日期,日落日期)已经移到了五年后的2020年。”


PEP 373 (Python 2.7 Release Schedule) is the official source for the kind of information you asked for.

It currently says “Planned future release dates:”

  • 2.7.7 May 2014
  • 2.7.8 November 2014
  • 2.7.9 May 2015
  • beyond this date, releases as needed

Also, it says “The End Of Life date (EOL, sunset date) for Python 2.7 has been moved five years into the future, to 2020.”

Edited in April 2014, according to http://hg.python.org/peps/rev/76d43e52d978

回答 7

《 Python开发人员指南》列出了从2.6版到当前版本的“ Python分支的状态 ”,包括其当前支持状态以及生命周期终止日期。


  • Python 3.8(当前的master / develop分支)
  • Python 3.7
  • Python 3.6
  • Python 2.7(直到2020-01-01)


  • Python 3.5
  • Python 3.4

The Python Developer’s Guide lists the “Status of Python branches” from version 2.6 up to the current version, including their current support status with End-of-life dates.

Currently supported (bug + security fixes):

  • Python 3.8 (current master/development branch)
  • Python 3.7
  • Python 3.6
  • Python 2.7 (until 2020-01-01)

Security fixes only:

  • Python 3.5
  • Python 3.4

回答 8

Python 2.7将会永远存在。有太多使用它的旧代码,没有人愿意重写。已经有一个名为Tauthon的分支,但是如果这个毫无意义的截止日期成为现实,我们可能还会看到其他人。

Python 2.7 wil be around forever. There is too much old code that uses it that no one wants to rewrite. There is already a fork called Tauthon, but we may see others if this pointless deadline gets real.
