


I’m working on making a URL shortener for my site, and my current plan (I’m open to suggestions) is to use a node ID to generate the shortened URL. So, in theory, node 26 might be short.com/z, node 1 might be short.com/a, node 52 might be short.com/Z, and node 104 might be short.com/ZZ. When a user goes to that URL, I need to reverse the process (obviously).

I can think of some kludgy ways to go about this, but I’m guessing there are better ones. Any suggestions?

回答 0





  • 在Python2中: str(unichr(97))
  • 在Python3中: chr(97)


ASCII to int:


gives 97

And back to a string:

  • in Python2: str(unichr(97))
  • in Python3: chr(97)

gives 'a'

回答 1

>>> ord("a")
>>> chr(97)
>>> ord("a")
>>> chr(97)

回答 2


s = '0123456789'
nchars = len(s)
# string to int or long. Type depends on nchars
x = sum(ord(s[byte])<<8*(nchars-byte-1) for byte in range(nchars))
# int or long to string
''.join(chr((x>>8*(nchars-byte-1))&0xFF) for byte in range(nchars))

Yield'0123456789'x = 227581098929683594426425L

If multiple characters are bound inside a single integer/long, as was my issue:

s = '0123456789'
nchars = len(s)
# string to int or long. Type depends on nchars
x = sum(ord(s[byte])<<8*(nchars-byte-1) for byte in range(nchars))
# int or long to string
''.join(chr((x>>8*(nchars-byte-1))&0xFF) for byte in range(nchars))

Yields '0123456789' and x = 227581098929683594426425L

回答 3


# note the missing lowercase L and the zero etc.
BASE58 = '123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ' 
url = ''
while node_id >= 58:
    div, mod = divmod(node_id, 58)
    url = BASE58[mod] + url
    node_id = int(div)

return 'http://short.com/%s' % BASE58[node_id] + url


What about BASE58 encoding the URL? Like for example flickr does.

# note the missing lowercase L and the zero etc.
BASE58 = '123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ' 
url = ''
while node_id >= 58:
    div, mod = divmod(node_id, 58)
    url = BASE58[mod] + url
    node_id = int(div)

return 'http://short.com/%s' % BASE58[node_id] + url

Turning that back into a number isn’t a big deal either.

回答 4

使用hex(id)[2:]int(urlpart, 16)。还有其他选择。对您的id进行base32编码也可以正常工作,但是我不知道有没有内置Python进行base32编码的库。

显然,在Python 2.4中使用base64模块引入了base32编码器。您可以尝试使用b32encodeb32decode。你应该给True两者的casefoldmap01期权b32decode的情况下,人们写下你的短网址。


Use hex(id)[2:] and int(urlpart, 16). There are other options. base32 encoding your id could work as well, but I don’t know that there’s any library that does base32 encoding built into Python.

Apparently a base32 encoder was introduced in Python 2.4 with the base64 module. You might try using b32encode and b32decode. You should give True for both the casefold and map01 options to b32decode in case people write down your shortened URLs.

Actually, I take that back. I still think base32 encoding is a good idea, but that module is not useful for the case of URL shortening. You could look at the implementation in the module and make your own for this specific case. :-)
