

How do you convert a Unicode string (containing extra characters like £ $, etc.) into a Python string?

回答 0

title = u"Klüft skräms inför på fédéral électoral große"
import unicodedata
unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', title).encode('ascii','ignore')
'Kluft skrams infor pa federal electoral groe'
title = u"Klüft skräms inför på fédéral électoral große"
import unicodedata
unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', title).encode('ascii','ignore')
'Kluft skrams infor pa federal electoral groe'

回答 1


>>> a=u"aaaàçççñññ"
>>> type(a)
<type 'unicode'>
>>> a.encode('ascii','ignore')
>>> a.encode('ascii','replace')

You can use encode to ASCII if you don’t need to translate the non-ASCII characters:

>>> a=u"aaaàçççñññ"
>>> type(a)
<type 'unicode'>
>>> a.encode('ascii','ignore')
>>> a.encode('ascii','replace')

回答 2

>>> text=u'abcd'
>>> str(text)


>>> text=u'abcd'
>>> str(text)

If the string only contains ascii characters.

回答 3


>>> s= u'£10'
>>> s.encode('utf8')
>>> s.encode('utf16')



import codecs
f = codecs.open('path/to/file.txt','w','utf8')
f.write(my_unicode_string)  # Stored on disk as UTF-8


在Python 3中,这种形式的文件访问是默认的,并且内置open函数将采用编码参数,并始终与以文本模式打开的文件在Unicode字符串(Python 3中的默认字符串对象)之间进行转换。

If you have a Unicode string, and you want to write this to a file, or other serialised form, you must first encode it into a particular representation that can be stored. There are several common Unicode encodings, such as UTF-16 (uses two bytes for most Unicode characters) or UTF-8 (1-4 bytes / codepoint depending on the character), etc. To convert that string into a particular encoding, you can use:

>>> s= u'£10'
>>> s.encode('utf8')
>>> s.encode('utf16')

This raw string of bytes can be written to a file. However, note that when reading it back, you must know what encoding it is in and decode it using that same encoding.

When writing to files, you can get rid of this manual encode/decode process by using the codecs module. So, to open a file that encodes all Unicode strings into UTF-8, use:

import codecs
f = codecs.open('path/to/file.txt','w','utf8')
f.write(my_unicode_string)  # Stored on disk as UTF-8

Do note that anything else that is using these files must understand what encoding the file is in if they want to read them. If you are the only one doing the reading/writing this isn’t a problem, otherwise make sure that you write in a form understandable by whatever else uses the files.

In Python 3, this form of file access is the default, and the built-in open function will take an encoding parameter and always translate to/from Unicode strings (the default string object in Python 3) for files opened in text mode.

回答 4


>>> u = u'€€€'
>>> s = u.encode('utf8')
>>> s

Here is an example:

>>> u = u'€€€'
>>> s = u.encode('utf8')
>>> s

回答 5

好吧,如果您愿意/准备切换到Python 3(可能不是由于与某些Python 2代码的向后不兼容),则不必进行任何转换。Python 3中的所有文本均以Unicode字符串表示,这也意味着不再使用该u'<text>'语法。实际上,您还有字节字符串,用于表示数据(可以是编码字符串)。


(当然,如果您当前使用的是Python 3,则问题可能与您尝试将文本保存到文件中有关。)

Well, if you’re willing/ready to switch to Python 3 (which you may not be due to the backwards incompatibility with some Python 2 code), you don’t have to do any converting; all text in Python 3 is represented with Unicode strings, which also means that there’s no more usage of the u'<text>' syntax. You also have what are, in effect, strings of bytes, which are used to represent data (which may be an encoded string).


(Of course, if you’re currently using Python 3, then the problem is likely something to do with how you’re attempting to save the text to a file.)

回答 6


import unicodedata    
raw_text = u"here $%6757 dfgdfg"
convert_text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', raw_text).encode('ascii','ignore')

Here is an example code

import unicodedata    
raw_text = u"here $%6757 dfgdfg"
convert_text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', raw_text).encode('ascii','ignore')

回答 7


\"message\": \"\\u0410\\u0432\\u0442\\u043e\\u0437\\u0430\\u0446\\u0438\\u044f .....\",


 f = open("56ad62-json.log", encoding="utf-8")

 {"log":\"message\": \"\\u0410\\u0432\\u0442\\u043e\\u0440\\u0438\\u0437\\u0430\\u0446\\u0438\\u044f \\u043f\\u043e\\u043b\\u044c\\u0437\\u043e\\u0432\\u0430\\u0442\\u0435\\u043b\\u044f\"}

# '{"log":"message": "Авторизация пользователя"}\n'

file contain unicode-esaped string

\"message\": \"\\u0410\\u0432\\u0442\\u043e\\u0437\\u0430\\u0446\\u0438\\u044f .....\",

for me

 f = open("56ad62-json.log", encoding="utf-8")

 {"log":\"message\": \"\\u0410\\u0432\\u0442\\u043e\\u0440\\u0438\\u0437\\u0430\\u0446\\u0438\\u044f \\u043f\\u043e\\u043b\\u044c\\u0437\\u043e\\u0432\\u0430\\u0442\\u0435\\u043b\\u044f\"}

# '{"log":"message": "Авторизация пользователя"}\n'

回答 8



echo "no me llama mucho la atenci\u00f3n"


>>> print("no me llama mucho la atenci\u00f3n")


output: no me llama mucho la atención



string_to_convert = "no me llama mucho la atenci\u00f3n"
print(json.dumps(json.loads(r'"%s"' % string_to_convert), ensure_ascii=False))
output: no me llama mucho la atención

No answere worked for my case, where I had a string variable containing unicode chars, and no encode-decode explained here did the work.

If I do in a Terminal

echo "no me llama mucho la atenci\u00f3n"


>>> print("no me llama mucho la atenci\u00f3n")

The output is correct:

output: no me llama mucho la atención

But working with scripts loading this string variable didn’t work.

This is what worked on my case, in case helps anybody:

string_to_convert = "no me llama mucho la atenci\u00f3n"
print(json.dumps(json.loads(r'"%s"' % string_to_convert), ensure_ascii=False))
output: no me llama mucho la atención
