



Should I be adding the Django migration files in the .gitignore file?

I’ve recently been getting a lot of git issues due to migration conflicts and was wondering if I should be marking migration files as ignore.

If so, how would I go about adding all of the migrations that I have in my apps, and adding them to the .gitignore file?

回答 0





./manage.py makemigrations --merge




其次,迁移通常包含自定义的手写代码。并非总是可以使用自动生成它们./manage.py makemigrations



Quoting from the Django migrations documentation:

The migration files for each app live in a “migrations” directory inside of that app, and are designed to be committed to, and distributed as part of, its codebase. You should be making them once on your development machine and then running the same migrations on your colleagues’ machines, your staging machines, and eventually your production machines.

If you follow this process, you shouldn’t be getting any merge conflicts in the migration files.

When merging version control branches, you still may encounter a situation where you have multiple migrations based on the same parent migration, e.g. if to different developers introduced a migration concurrently. One way of resolving this situation is to introduce a _merge_migration_. Often this can be done automatically with the command

./manage.py makemigrations --merge

which will introduce a new migration that depends on all current head migrations. Of course this only works when there is no conflict between the head migrations, in which case you will have to resolve the problem manually.

Given that some people here suggested that you shouldn’t commit your migrations to version control, I’d like to expand on the reasons why you actually should do so.

First, you need a record of the migrations applied to your production systems. If you deploy changes to production and want to migrate the database, you need a description of the current state. You can create a separate backup of the migrations applied to each production database, but this seems unnecessarily cumbersome.

Second, migrations often contain custom, handwritten code. It’s not always possible to automatically generate them with ./manage.py makemigrations.

Third, migrations should be included in code review. They are significant changes to your production system, and there are lots of things that can go wrong with them.

So in short, if you care about your production data, please check your migrations into version control.

回答 1





python manage.py makemigrations 
python manage.py migrate


git add app/migrations/...
git commit -m 'add migration files' app/migrations/...


python manage.py migrate

You can follow the below process.

You can run makemigrations locally and this creates the migration file. Commit this new migration file to repo.

In my opinion you should not run makemigrations in production at all. You can run migrate in production and you will see the migrations are applied from the migration file that you committed from local. This way you can avoid all conflicts.

IN LOCAL ENV, to create the migration files,

python manage.py makemigrations 
python manage.py migrate

Now commit these newly created files, something like below.

git add app/migrations/...
git commit -m 'add migration files' app/migrations/...

IN PRODUCTION ENV, run only the below command.

python manage.py migrate

回答 2

引用2018年文档Django 2.0。(两个单独的命令= makemigrationsmigrate



Quote from the 2018 docs, Django 2.0. (two separate commands = makemigrations and migrate)

The reason that there are separate commands to make and apply migrations is because you’ll commit migrations to your version control system and ship them with your app; they not only make your development easier, they’re also useable by other developers and in production.


回答 3

TL; DR:提交迁移,解决迁移冲突,调整git工作流程。




提交迁移文件很重要!如果发生冲突,Django甚至可以帮助您解决那些冲突 ;)

TL;DR: commit migrations, resolve migration conflicts, adjust your git workflow.

Feels like you’d need to adjust your git workflow, instead of ignoring conflicts.

Ideally, every new feature is developed in a different branch, and merged back with a pull request.

PRs cannot be merged if there’s a conflict, therefore who needs to merge his feature needs to resolve the conflict, migrations included. This might need coordination between different teams.

It is important though to commit migration files! If a conflict arises, Django might even help you solve those conflicts ;)

回答 4


我遵循的过程非常简单-每当您更改应用程序的模型时,您也会提交迁移,然后迁移不会改变 -如果您需要模型中的其他内容,则可以更改模型并提交新的迁移以及您的更改。


I can’t imagine why you would be getting conflicts, unless you’re editing the migrations somehow? That usually ends badly – if someone misses some intermediate commits then they won’t be upgrading from the correct version, and their copy of the database will be corrupted.

The process that I follow is pretty simple – whenever you change the models for an app, you also commit a migration, and then that migration doesn’t change – if you need something different in the model, then you change the model and commit a new migration alongside your changes.

In greenfield projects, you can often delete the migrations and start over from scratch with a 0001_ migration when you release, but if you have production code, then you can’t (though you can squash migrations down into one).

回答 5

通常使用的解决方案是,在将任何东西合并到母版之前,开发人员必须拉动任何远程更改。如果迁移版本存在冲突,则他应将其本地迁移(远程迁移已由其他开发人员运行,并且有可能在生产环境中)重命名为N + 1。



这适用于Django迁移以及其他类似应用程序(sqlalchemy + alembic,RoR等)。

The solution usually used, is that, before anything is merged into master, the developer must pull any remote changes. If there’s a conflict in migration versions, he should rename his local migration (the remote one has been run by other devs, and, potentially, in production), to N+1.

During development it might be okay to just not-commit migrations (don’t add an ignore though, just don’t add them). But once you’ve gone into production, you’ll need them in order to keep the schema in sync with model changes.

You then need to edit the file, and change the dependencies to the latest remote version.

This works for Django migrations, as well as other similar apps (sqlalchemy+alembic, RoR, etc).

回答 6

在git中有一堆迁移文件很麻烦。迁移文件夹中只有一个文件,您不应忽略。该文件是init .py文件,如果忽略它,python将不再在目录内寻找子模块,因此任何导入模块的尝试都会失败。所以问题应该怎么忽略所有迁移文件,但初始化的.py?解决方案是:将’0 * .py’添加到.gitignore文件中,即可完美完成工作。


Having a bunch of migration files in git is messy. There is only one file in migration folder that you should not ignore. That file is init.py file, If you ignore it, python will no longer look for submodules inside the directory, so any attempts to import the modules will fail. So the question should be how to ignore all migration files but init.py? The solution is: Add ‘0*.py’ to .gitignore files and it does the job perfectly.

Hope this helps someone.

回答 7

如果您具有用于开发,登台和生产环境的单独的数据库,则忽略迁移。对于开发人员。目的您可以使用本地sqlite DB并在本地进行迁移。我建议您另外创建四个分支:

  1. 主-清除新代码而不进行迁移。没有人连接到该分支。仅用于代码审查

  2. 开发-日常开发。接受推/拉。每个开发人员都在使用sqlite DB

  3. Cloud_DEV_env-远程云/服务器DEV环境。只拉。将迁移保留在本地计算机上,用于代码部署和Dev数据库的远程迁移

  4. Cloud_STAG_env-远程云/服务器STAG环境。只拉。将迁移保留在本地计算机上,该迁移用于Stag数据库的代码部署和远程迁移

  5. Cloud_PROD_env-远程云/服务器DEV环境。只拉。将迁移保留在本地计算机上,该迁移用于Prod数据库的代码部署和远程迁移

注意:2、3、4-迁移可以保存在存储库中,但是应该有合并合并拉取请求的严格规则,因此我们决定找一个负责部署的人员,所以唯一拥有所有迁移文件的人-我们的部署-嗯 每当我们对模型进行任何更改时,他都会保留远程数据库迁移。

Gitignore the migrations, if You have separate DBs for Development, Staging and Production environment. For dev. purposes You can use local sqlite DB and play with migrations locally. I would recommend You to create four additional branches:

  1. Master – Clean fresh code without migrations. Nobody is connected to this branch. Used for code reviews only

  2. Development – daily development. Push/pull accepted. Each developer is working on sqlite DB

  3. Cloud_DEV_env – remote cloud/server DEV environment. Pull only. Keep migrations locally on machine, which is used for the code deployment and remote migrations of Dev database

  4. Cloud_STAG_env – remote cloud/server STAG environment. Pull only. Keep migrations locally on machine, which is used for the code deployment and remote migrations of Stag database

  5. Cloud_PROD_env – remote cloud/server DEV environment. Pull only. Keep migrations locally on machine, which is used for the code deployment and remote migrations of Prod database

Notes: 2, 3, 4 – migrations can be kept in repos but there should be strict rules of pull requests merging, so we decided to find a person, responsible for deployments, so the only guy who has all the migration files – our deploy-er. He keeps the remote DB migrations each time we have any changes in Models.

回答 8

简短答案 我建议排除回购中的迁移。代码合并后,只需运行即可./manage.py makemigrations

长答案 我不认为您应该将迁移文件放入存储库中。它将破坏其他人的开发环境以及其他产品和阶段环境中的迁移状态。(有关示例,请参见Sugar Tang的评论)。



; 请保持这种方式。要手动合并迁移,您必须完全了解其他更改和更改的任何依存关系。这会产生很多开销,而且容易出错。因此,跟踪模型文件就足够了。


Short answer I propose excluding migrations in the repo. After code merge, just run ./manage.py makemigrations and you are all set.

Long answer I don’t think you should put migrations files into repo. It will spoil the migration states in other person’s dev environment and other prod and stage environment. (refer to Sugar Tang’s comment for examples).

In my point of view, the purpose of Django migrations is to find gaps between previous model states and new model states, and then serialise the gap. If your model changes after code merge, you can simple do makemigrations to find out the gap. Why do you want to manually and carefully merge other migrations when you can achieve the same automatically and bug free? Django documentation says,

They*(migrations)*’re designed to be mostly automatic

; please keep it that way. To merge migrations manually, you have to fully understand what others have changed and any dependence of the changes. That’s a lot of overhead and error prone. So tracking models file is sufficient.

It is a good topic on the workflow. I am open to other options.
