


Conda and conda-forge are both Python package managers. What is the appropriate choice when a package exists in both repositories? Django, for example, can be installed with either, but the difference between the two is several dependencies (conda-forge has many more). There is no explanation for these differences, not even a simple README.

Which one should be used? Conda or conda-forge? Does it matter?

回答 0




在这里,我们需要进行区分,我认为您对问题的措辞不清楚conda,即跨平台的程序包管理器和conda-forge程序包通道之间。该conda软件的主要开发人员Anaconda Inc.(以前称为Continuum IO)也维护一个单独的软件包频道,这是您在conda install packagename不更改任何选项的情况下键入的默认软件包。


conda install -c some-channel packagename


conda install some-channel::packagename



conda config --show channels

您可以使用来控制搜索频道的顺序conda config。你可以写:

conda config --add channels some-channel


conda config --append channels some-channel


conda config --remove channels some-channel


conda config -h



  1. 上的软件包conda-forge 可能defaults频道上的软件包最新
  2. conda-forge频道上的某些软件包无法从defaults
  3. 您可能希望使用诸如openblas(from conda-forge)而不是mkl(from defaults)的依赖项。
  4. 如果要安装需要编译库的软件包(例如,C扩展名或C库的包装器),则由于二进制原因,如果从单个通道在环境中安装所有软件包,则可能会减少不兼容的可能性。基本C库的兼容性(但是此建议可能会过时/将来会更改)。

The short answer is that, in my experience generally, it doesn’t matter which you use.

The long answer:

So conda-forge is an additional channel from which packages may be installed. In this sense, it is not any more special than the default channel, or any of the other hundreds (thousands?) of channels that people have posted packages to. You can add your own channel if you sign up at https://anaconda.org and upload your own Conda packages.

Here we need to make the distinction, which I think you’re not clear about from your phrasing in the question, between conda, the cross-platform package manager, and conda-forge, the package channel. Anaconda Inc. (formerly Continuum IO), the main developers of the conda software, also maintain a separate channel of packages, which is the default when you type conda install packagename without changing any options.

There are three ways to change the options for channels. The first two are done every time you install a package and the last one is persistent. The first one is to specify a channel every time you install a package:

conda install -c some-channel packagename

Of course, the package has to exist on that channel. This way will install packagename and all its dependencies from some-channel. Alternately, you can specify:

conda install some-channel::packagename

The package still has to exist on some-channel, but now, only packagename will be pulled from some-channel. Any other packages that are needed to satisfy dependencies will be searched for from your default list of channels.

To see your channel configuration, you can write:

conda config --show channels

You can control the order that channels are searched with conda config. You can write:

conda config --add channels some-channel

to add the channel some-channel to the top of the channels configuration list. This gives some-channel the highest priority. Priority determines (in part) which channel is selected when more than one channel has a particular package. To add the channel to the end of the list and give it the lowest priority, type

conda config --append channels some-channel

If you would like to remove the channel that you added, you can do so by writing

conda config --remove channels some-channel


conda config -h

for more options.

With all of that said, there are four main reasons to use the conda-forge channel instead of the defaults channel maintained by Anaconda:

  1. Packages on conda-forge may be more up-to-date than those on the defaults channel
  2. There are packages on the conda-forge channel that aren’t available from defaults
  3. You would prefer to use a dependency such as openblas (from conda-forge) instead of mkl (from defaults).
  4. If you are installing a package that requires a compiled library (e.g., a C extension or a wrapper around a C library), it may reduce the chance of incompatibilities if you install all of the packages in an environment from a single channel due to binary compatibility of the base C library (but this advice may be out of date/change in the future).

回答 1



conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda install <package-name>


Anaconda has changed their Terms of Service so that “heavy commercial users” would have to pay, which doesn’t include conda-forge channel.

You probably would want to stick to conda-forge if you don’t want to pay for the usage. As stated in the docs:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda install <package-name>

You could also use miniforge which has conda-forge as the default channel, and supports ppc64le and aarch64 platforms as well as the other usual ones.

回答 2



The conda-forge channel is where you can find packages that have been built for conda but yet to be part of the official Anaconda distribution.

Generally, you can use any of them.

回答 3

有些Python库无法简单安装,conda install因为除非应用conda-forge,否则它们的通道不可用。根据我的经验,与conda相比,pip更通用于研究不同的渠道来源。例如,如果要安装python-constraint,可以通过,pip install但可以通过** cond **进行安装。您必须指定频道- conda-forge

conda install -c conda-forge python-constraint // works


conda install python-constraint

There are some Python libraries that you cannot install with a simple conda install since their channel is not available unless you apply conda-forge. From my experience, pip is more generic to look into different channel sources than conda. For instance, if you want to install python-constraint you can do it via pip install but to install it via **cond **. you have to specify the channel – conda-forge.

conda install -c conda-forge python-constraint // works

but not

conda install python-constraint
