


例如,假设d1 = {'a':'2', 'b':'3'}d2=相同。d1 == d2结果为True。但是,假设d2=同一件事,再加上一堆其他事情。我的方法需要能够判断d1是否在d2中,但是Python无法使用字典来做到这一点。


我有一个字类,并且每个对象都有类似的属性worddefinitionpart_of_speech,等等。我希望能够在这些单词的主列表上调用filter方法,例如Word.objects.filter(word='jump', part_of_speech='verb-intransitive')。我无法弄清楚如何同时管理这些键和值。但是,对于其他人来说,这可能具有更大的功能。

I’m trying to write a custom filter method that takes an arbitrary number of kwargs and returns a list containing the elements of a database-like list that contain those kwargs.

For example, suppose d1 = {'a':'2', 'b':'3'} and d2 = the same thing. d1 == d2 results in True. But suppose d2 = the same thing plus a bunch of other things. My method needs to be able to tell if d1 in d2, but Python can’t do that with dictionaries.


I have a Word class, and each object has properties like word, definition, part_of_speech, and so on. I want to be able to call a filter method on the main list of these words, like Word.objects.filter(word='jump', part_of_speech='verb-intransitive'). I can’t figure out how to manage these keys and values at the same time. But this could have larger functionality outside this context for other people.

回答 0


all(item in superset.items() for item in subset.items())


Convert to item pairs and check for containment.

all(item in superset.items() for item in subset.items())

Optimization is left as an exercise for the reader.

回答 1

在Python 3中,您可以dict.items()用来获取字典项的类似集合的视图。然后,您可以使用<=运算符来测试一个视图是否为另一个视图的“子集”:

d1.items() <= d2.items()

在Python 2.7中,使用dict.viewitems()进行相同的操作:

d1.viewitems() <= d2.viewitems()

在Python 2.6及以下版本中,您将需要其他解决方案,例如使用all()

all(key in d2 and d2[key] == d1[key] for key in d1)

In Python 3, you can use dict.items() to get a set-like view of the dict items. You can then use the <= operator to test if one view is a “subset” of the other:

d1.items() <= d2.items()

In Python 2.7, use the dict.viewitems() to do the same:

d1.viewitems() <= d2.viewitems()

In Python 2.6 and below you will need a different solution, such as using all():

all(key in d2 and d2[key] == d1[key] for key in d1)

回答 2



Note for people that need this for unit testing: there’s also an assertDictContainsSubset() method in Python’s TestCase class.

It’s however deprecated in 3.2, not sure why, maybe there’s a replacement for it.

回答 3

对于键和值,请检查使用: set(d1.items()).issubset(set(d2.items()))

如果您只需要检查按键: set(d1).issubset(set(d2))

for keys and values check use: set(d1.items()).issubset(set(d2.items()))

if you need to check only keys: set(d1).issubset(set(d2))

回答 4


def is_subdict(small, big):
    return dict(big, **small) == big


For completeness, you can also do this:

def is_subdict(small, big):
    return dict(big, **small) == big

However, I make no claims whatsoever concerning speed (or lack thereof) or readability (or lack thereof).

回答 5

>>> d1 = {'a':'2', 'b':'3'}
>>> d2 = {'a':'2', 'b':'3','c':'4'}
>>> all((k in d2 and d2[k]==v) for k,v in d1.iteritems())


>>> d1 = {'a':'2', 'b':'3'}
>>> d2 = {'a':'2', 'b':'3','c':'4'}
>>> list(d1.iteritems())
[('a', '2'), ('b', '3')]
>>> [(k,v) for k,v in d1.iteritems()]
[('a', '2'), ('b', '3')]
>>> k,v = ('a','2')
>>> k
>>> v
>>> k in d2
>>> d2[k]
>>> k in d2 and d2[k]==v
>>> [(k in d2 and d2[k]==v) for k,v in d1.iteritems()]
[True, True]
>>> ((k in d2 and d2[k]==v) for k,v in d1.iteritems())
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x02A9D2B0>
>>> ((k in d2 and d2[k]==v) for k,v in d1.iteritems()).next()
>>> all((k in d2 and d2[k]==v) for k,v in d1.iteritems())
>>> d1 = {'a':'2', 'b':'3'}
>>> d2 = {'a':'2', 'b':'3','c':'4'}
>>> all((k in d2 and d2[k]==v) for k,v in d1.iteritems())


>>> d1 = {'a':'2', 'b':'3'}
>>> d2 = {'a':'2', 'b':'3','c':'4'}
>>> list(d1.iteritems())
[('a', '2'), ('b', '3')]
>>> [(k,v) for k,v in d1.iteritems()]
[('a', '2'), ('b', '3')]
>>> k,v = ('a','2')
>>> k
>>> v
>>> k in d2
>>> d2[k]
>>> k in d2 and d2[k]==v
>>> [(k in d2 and d2[k]==v) for k,v in d1.iteritems()]
[True, True]
>>> ((k in d2 and d2[k]==v) for k,v in d1.iteritems())
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x02A9D2B0>
>>> ((k in d2 and d2[k]==v) for k,v in d1.iteritems()).next()
>>> all((k in d2 and d2[k]==v) for k,v in d1.iteritems())

回答 6


def dictMatch(patn, real):
    """does real dict match pattern?"""
        for pkey, pvalue in patn.iteritems():
            if type(pvalue) is dict:
                result = dictMatch(pvalue, real[pkey])
                assert result
                assert real[pkey] == pvalue
                result = True
    except (AssertionError, KeyError):
        result = False
    return result

在您的示例中,dictMatch(d1, d2)即使d2中包含其他内容,也应返回True,而且它也适用于较低级别:

d1 = {'a':'2', 'b':{3: 'iii'}}
d2 = {'a':'2', 'b':{3: 'iii', 4: 'iv'},'c':'4'}

dictMatch(d1, d2)   # True

注意:可能有更好的解决方案,可以避免使用该if type(pvalue) is dict子句,并适用于更广泛的情况(例如哈希列表等)。递归也不受限制,因此后果自负。;)

My function for the same purpose, doing this recursively:

def dictMatch(patn, real):
    """does real dict match pattern?"""
        for pkey, pvalue in patn.iteritems():
            if type(pvalue) is dict:
                result = dictMatch(pvalue, real[pkey])
                assert result
                assert real[pkey] == pvalue
                result = True
    except (AssertionError, KeyError):
        result = False
    return result

In your example, dictMatch(d1, d2) should return True even if d2 has other stuff in it, plus it applies also to lower levels:

d1 = {'a':'2', 'b':{3: 'iii'}}
d2 = {'a':'2', 'b':{3: 'iii', 4: 'iv'},'c':'4'}

dictMatch(d1, d2)   # True

Notes: There could be even better solution which avoids the if type(pvalue) is dict clause and applies to even wider range of cases (like lists of hashes etc). Also recursion is not limited here so use at your own risk. ;)

回答 7


def is_subset(subset, superset):
    if isinstance(subset, dict):
        return all(key in superset and is_subset(val, superset[key]) for key, val in subset.items())

    if isinstance(subset, list) or isinstance(subset, set):
        return all(any(is_subset(subitem, superitem) for superitem in superset) for subitem in subset)

    # assume that subset is a plain value if none of the above match
    return subset == superset

Here is a solution that also properly recurses into lists and sets contained within the dictionary. You can also use this for lists containing dicts etc…

def is_subset(subset, superset):
    if isinstance(subset, dict):
        return all(key in superset and is_subset(val, superset[key]) for key, val in subset.items())

    if isinstance(subset, list) or isinstance(subset, set):
        return all(any(is_subset(subitem, superitem) for superitem in superset) for subitem in subset)

    # assume that subset is a plain value if none of the above match
    return subset == superset

回答 8


  1. 用“ Pythonic-ally”来讲,small_dict <= big_dict这将是最直观的方法,但是很糟糕,它不起作用{'a': 1} < {'a': 1, 'b': 2}似乎可以在Python 2中使用,但是它不可靠,因为官方文档明确指出了这一点。继续搜索“除平等以外的其他结果均得到一致解决,但没有其他定义。” 在这一节。更不用说,比较Python 3中的2个字典会导致TypeError异常。

  2. 第二个最直观的东西是small.viewitems() <= big.viewitems()仅适用于Python 2.7和small.items() <= big.items()Python3。但是有一个警告:它可能有bug。如果您的程序可以在<= 2.6的Python上使用,则它d1.items() <= d2.items()实际上是在比较2个元组列表,没有特定的顺序,因此最终结果将不可靠,并且将成为程序中的一个讨厌的bug。我不希望为Python <= 2.6编写另一种实现,但是我仍然不满意我的代码带有一个已知的错误(即使它在不受支持的平台上)。所以我放弃了这种方法。

  3. 我用@blubberdiblub的答案安定下来(信誉归他所有):

    def is_subdict(small, big): return dict(big, **small) == big


    • “只有并且当它们具有相同的(键,值)对时,字典的比较才相等。” 是本页的最后一句话
    • “映射(dict的实例)在且仅当它们具有相等的(键,值)对时比较相等。键和元素的相等比较会增强自反性。” 在此页面

This seemingly straightforward issue costs me a couple hours in research to find a 100% reliable solution, so I documented what I’ve found in this answer.

  1. “Pythonic-ally” speaking, small_dict <= big_dict would be the most intuitive way, but too bad that it won’t work. {'a': 1} < {'a': 1, 'b': 2} seemingly works in Python 2, but it is not reliable because the official documention explicitly calls it out. Go search “Outcomes other than equality are resolved consistently, but are not otherwise defined.” in this section. Not to mention, comparing 2 dicts in Python 3 results in a TypeError exception.

  2. The second most-intuitive thing is small.viewitems() <= big.viewitems() for Python 2.7 only, and small.items() <= big.items() for Python 3. But there is one caveat: it is potentially buggy. If your program could potentially be used on Python <=2.6, its d1.items() <= d2.items() are actually comparing 2 lists of tuples, without particular order, so the final result will be unreliable and it becomes a nasty bug in your program. I am not keen to write yet another implementation for Python<=2.6, but I still don’t feel comfortable that my code comes with a known bug (even if it is on an unsupported platform). So I abandon this approach.

  3. I settle down with @blubberdiblub ‘s answer (Credit goes to him):

    def is_subdict(small, big): return dict(big, **small) == big

    It is worth pointing out that, this answer relies on the == behavior between dicts, which is clearly defined in official document, hence should work in every Python version. Go search:

    • “Dictionaries compare equal if and only if they have the same (key, value) pairs.” is the last sentence in this page
    • “Mappings (instances of dict) compare equal if and only if they have equal (key, value) pairs. Equality comparison of the keys and elements enforces reflexivity.” in this page

回答 9


import traceback
import unittest

def is_subset(superset, subset):
    for key, value in subset.items():
        if key not in superset:
            return False

        if isinstance(value, dict):
            if not is_subset(superset[key], value):
                return False

        elif isinstance(value, str):
            if value not in superset[key]:
                return False

        elif isinstance(value, list):
            if not set(value) <= set(superset[key]):
                return False
        elif isinstance(value, set):
            if not value <= superset[key]:
                return False

            if not value == superset[key]:
                return False

    return True

class Foo(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.dct = {
            'a': 'hello world',
            'b': 12345,
            'c': 1.2345,
            'd': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            'e': {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
            'f': {
                'a': 'hello world',
                'b': 12345,
                'c': 1.2345,
                'd': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                'e': {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
                'g': False,
                'h': None
            'g': False,
            'h': None,
            'question': 'mcve',
            'metadata': {}

    def tearDown(self):

    def check_true(self, superset, subset):
        return self.assertEqual(is_subset(superset, subset), True)

    def check_false(self, superset, subset):
        return self.assertEqual(is_subset(superset, subset), False)

    def test_simple_cases(self):
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'a': 'hello world'})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'b': 12345})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'c': 1.2345})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'d': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'e': {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'f': {
            'a': 'hello world',
            'b': 12345,
            'c': 1.2345,
            'd': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            'e': {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'g': False})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'h': None})

    def test_tricky_cases(self):
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'a': 'hello'})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'d': [1, 2, 3]})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'e': {3, 4}})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'f': {
            'a': 'hello world',
            'h': None
            self.dct, {'question': 'mcve', 'metadata': {'author': 'BPL'}})
            self.dct, {'question': 'mcve', 'metadata': {}})
            self.dct, {'question1': 'mcve', 'metadata': {}})

if __name__ == "__main__":

注:原来的代码将无法在某些情况下,学分固定@奥利维尔- melançon

Here’s a general recursive solution for the problem given:

import traceback
import unittest

def is_subset(superset, subset):
    for key, value in subset.items():
        if key not in superset:
            return False

        if isinstance(value, dict):
            if not is_subset(superset[key], value):
                return False

        elif isinstance(value, str):
            if value not in superset[key]:
                return False

        elif isinstance(value, list):
            if not set(value) <= set(superset[key]):
                return False
        elif isinstance(value, set):
            if not value <= superset[key]:
                return False

            if not value == superset[key]:
                return False

    return True

class Foo(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.dct = {
            'a': 'hello world',
            'b': 12345,
            'c': 1.2345,
            'd': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            'e': {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
            'f': {
                'a': 'hello world',
                'b': 12345,
                'c': 1.2345,
                'd': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                'e': {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
                'g': False,
                'h': None
            'g': False,
            'h': None,
            'question': 'mcve',
            'metadata': {}

    def tearDown(self):

    def check_true(self, superset, subset):
        return self.assertEqual(is_subset(superset, subset), True)

    def check_false(self, superset, subset):
        return self.assertEqual(is_subset(superset, subset), False)

    def test_simple_cases(self):
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'a': 'hello world'})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'b': 12345})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'c': 1.2345})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'d': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'e': {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'f': {
            'a': 'hello world',
            'b': 12345,
            'c': 1.2345,
            'd': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            'e': {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'g': False})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'h': None})

    def test_tricky_cases(self):
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'a': 'hello'})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'d': [1, 2, 3]})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'e': {3, 4}})
        self.check_true(self.dct, {'f': {
            'a': 'hello world',
            'h': None
            self.dct, {'question': 'mcve', 'metadata': {'author': 'BPL'}})
            self.dct, {'question': 'mcve', 'metadata': {}})
            self.dct, {'question1': 'mcve', 'metadata': {}})

if __name__ == "__main__":

NOTE: The original code would fail in certain cases, credits for the fixing goes to @olivier-melançon

回答 10

如果您不介意使用pydash 那里is_match,那确实可以做到:

import pydash

a = {1:2, 3:4, 5:{6:7}}
b = {3:4.0, 5:{6:8}}
c = {3:4.0, 5:{6:7}}

pydash.predicates.is_match(a, b) # False
pydash.predicates.is_match(a, c) # True

If you don’t mind using pydash there is is_match there which does exactly that:

import pydash

a = {1:2, 3:4, 5:{6:7}}
b = {3:4.0, 5:{6:8}}
c = {3:4.0, 5:{6:7}}

pydash.predicates.is_match(a, b) # False
pydash.predicates.is_match(a, c) # True

回答 11


def compare_dicts(a, b):
    for key, value in a.items():
        if key in b:
            if isinstance(a[key], dict):
                if not compare_dicts(a[key], b[key]):
                    return False
            elif value != b[key]:
                return False
            return False
    return True

I know this question is old, but here is my solution for checking if one nested dictionary is a part of another nested dictionary. The solution is recursive.

def compare_dicts(a, b):
    for key, value in a.items():
        if key in b:
            if isinstance(a[key], dict):
                if not compare_dicts(a[key], b[key]):
                    return False
            elif value != b[key]:
                return False
            return False
    return True

回答 12


def isSubDict(subDict,dictionary):
    for key in subDict.keys():
        if (not key in dictionary) or (not subDict[key] == dictionary[key]):
            return False
    return True

In [126]: isSubDict({1:2},{3:4})
Out[126]: False

In [127]: isSubDict({1:2},{1:2,3:4})
Out[127]: True

In [128]: isSubDict({1:{2:3}},{1:{2:3},3:4})
Out[128]: True

In [129]: isSubDict({1:{2:3}},{1:{2:4},3:4})
Out[129]: False

This function works for non-hashable values. I also think that it is clear and easy to read.

def isSubDict(subDict,dictionary):
    for key in subDict.keys():
        if (not key in dictionary) or (not subDict[key] == dictionary[key]):
            return False
    return True

In [126]: isSubDict({1:2},{3:4})
Out[126]: False

In [127]: isSubDict({1:2},{1:2,3:4})
Out[127]: True

In [128]: isSubDict({1:{2:3}},{1:{2:3},3:4})
Out[128]: True

In [129]: isSubDict({1:{2:3}},{1:{2:4},3:4})
Out[129]: False

回答 13


def compare_dicts(a,b):
    if not a: return True
    if isinstance(a, dict):
        key, val = a.popitem()
        return isinstance(b, dict) and key in b and compare_dicts(val, b.pop(key)) and compare_dicts(a, b)
    return a == b



A short recursive implementation that works for nested dictionaries:

def compare_dicts(a,b):
    if not a: return True
    if isinstance(a, dict):
        key, val = a.popitem()
        return isinstance(b, dict) and key in b and compare_dicts(val, b.pop(key)) and compare_dicts(a, b)
    return a == b

This will consume the a and b dicts. If anyone knows of a good way to avoid that without resorting to partially iterative solutions as in other answers, please tell me. I would need a way to split a dict into head and tail based on a key.

This code is more usefull as a programming exercise, and probably is a lot slower than other solutions in here that mix recursion and iteration. @Nutcracker’s solution is pretty good for nested dictionaries.