
在我用Python阅读的书中,它一直在使用代码 eval(input('blah'))



In the book that I am reading on Python, it keeps using the code eval(input('blah'))

I read the documentation, and I understand it, but I still do not see how it changes the input() function.

What does it do? Can someone explain?

回答 0



>>> x = 1
>>> eval('x + 1')
>>> eval('x')

The eval function lets a Python program run Python code within itself.

eval example (interactive shell):

>>> x = 1
>>> eval('x + 1')
>>> eval('x')

回答 1

eval()将字符串解释为代码。之所以有如此多的人警告您使用此功能,是因为用户可以将其用作在计算机上运行代码的选项。如果你有eval(input())os进口的,一个人可以键入input() os.system('rm -R *')这将删除你的家目录中的所有文件。(假设您有一个Unix系统)。使用eval()是一个安全漏洞。如果您需要将字符串转换为其他格式,请尝试使用可实现此目的的东西int()

eval() interprets a string as code. The reason why so many people have warned you about using this is because a user can use this as an option to run code on the computer. If you have eval(input()) and os imported, a person could type into input() os.system('rm -R *') which would delete all your files in your home directory. (Assuming you have a unix system). Using eval() is a security hole. If you need to convert strings to other formats, try to use things that do that, like int().

回答 2

这里有很多很好的答案,但没有一个描述在eval()globalslocalskwargs 的上下文中的使用,即eval(expression, globals=None, locals=None)(请参阅此处的文档eval )。


{'__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__doc__': None,
 '__spec__': None, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>,
 '__package__': None, '__name__': '__main__'}

builtins模块中肯定有一些功能可能会对系统造成重大损害。但是可以阻止任何我们不希望使用的东西。让我们举个例子。假设我们要构建一个列表,以表示系统上可用内核的域。对我来说,我有8个核心,因此我需要一个清单[1, 8]

>>>from os import cpu_count
>>>eval('[1, cpu_count()]')
[1, 8]




>>>eval('[1, cpu_count()]', {'__builtins__':None}, {})
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable


>>>from os import cpu_count
>>>exposed_methods = {'cpu_count': cpu_count}
>>>eval('cpu_count()', {'__builtins__':None}, exposed_methods)
>>>eval('abs(cpu_count())', {'__builtins__':None}, exposed_methods)
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable




>>>from os import cpu_count
>>>eval('[1,cores]', {'__builtins__': None}, {'cores': cpu_count()})
[1, 8]

Lots of good answers here, but none describe the use of eval() in the context of its globals and locals kwargs, i.e. eval(expression, globals=None, locals=None) (see docs for eval here).

These can be used to limit the functions that are available through the eval function. For example if you load up a fresh python interpreter the locals() and globals() will be the same and look something like this:

{'__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__doc__': None,
 '__spec__': None, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>,
 '__package__': None, '__name__': '__main__'}

There are certainly functions within the builtins module that can do significant damage to a system. But it is possible to block anything and everything we don’t want available. Let’s take an example. Say we want to construct a list to represent a domain of the available cores on a system. For me I have 8 cores so I would want a list [1, 8].

>>>from os import cpu_count
>>>eval('[1, cpu_count()]')
[1, 8]

Likewise all of __builtins__ is available.


Ok. So there we see one function we want exposed and an example of one (of many that can be much more complex) method that we do not want exposed. So let’s block everything.

>>>eval('[1, cpu_count()]', {'__builtins__':None}, {})
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

We have effectively blocked all of the __builtins__ functions and as such brought a level of protection into our system. At this point we can start to add back in functions that we do want exposed.

>>>from os import cpu_count
>>>exposed_methods = {'cpu_count': cpu_count}
>>>eval('cpu_count()', {'__builtins__':None}, exposed_methods)
>>>eval('abs(cpu_count())', {'__builtins__':None}, exposed_methods)
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

Now we have the cpu_count function available while still blocking everything we do not want. In my opinion, this is super powerful and clearly from the scope of the other answers, not a common implementation. There are numerous uses for something like this and as long as it is handled correctly I personally feel eval can be safely used to great value.


Something else that is cool about these kwargs is that you can start to use shorthand for your code. Let’s say you use eval as part of a pipeline to execute some imported text. The text doesn’t need to have exact code, it can follow some template file format, and still execute anything you’d like. For example:

>>>from os import cpu_count
>>>eval('[1,cores]', {'__builtins__': None}, {'cores': cpu_count()})
[1, 8]

回答 3

在Python 2.x input(...)中等效于eval(raw_input(...)),在Python 3.x中raw_input已重命名input,我怀疑这会引起您的困惑(您可能正在查看inputPython 2.x 的文档)。此外,eval(input(...))在Python 3.x中可以正常工作,但TypeError在Python 2中可以提高a 。


In Python 2.x input(...) is equivalent to eval(raw_input(...)), in Python 3.x raw_input was renamed input, which I suspect lead to your confusion (you were probably looking at the documentation for input in Python 2.x). Additionally, eval(input(...)) would work fine in Python 3.x, but would raise a TypeError in Python 2.

In this case eval is used to coerce the string returned from input into an expression and interpreted. Generally this is considered bad practice.

回答 4



Maybe a misleading example of reading a line and interpreting it.

Try eval(input()) and type "1+1" – this should print 2. Eval evaluates expressions.

回答 5

eval()将传递的字符串评估为Python表达式并返回结果。例如,eval("1 + 1")解释并执行表达式"1 + 1"并返回结果(2)。

您可能会感到困惑的一个原因是,您引用的代码涉及一种间接级别。内部函数调用(输入)首先执行,因此用户看到“ blah”提示。假设它们以“ 1 +1”响应(为清楚起见添加了引号,请在运行程序时不要键入它们),输入函数返回该字符串,然后将其传递给外部函数(eval),该函数解释该字符串并返回结果(2)。


eval() evaluates the passed string as a Python expression and returns the result. For example, eval("1 + 1") interprets and executes the expression "1 + 1" and returns the result (2).

One reason you might be confused is because the code you cited involves a level of indirection. The inner function call (input) gets executed first so the user sees the “blah” prompt. Let’s imagine they respond with “1 + 1” (quotes added for clarity, don’t type them when running your program), the input function returns that string, which is then passed to the outer function (eval) which interprets the string and returns the result (2).

Read more about eval here.

回答 6


raw_input()现在input()是python 3.x版本。因此,最常见的使用示例eval()是它用于提供input()python 2.x版本提供的功能。raw_input以字符串的形式返回用户输入的数据,而input评估输入的数据的值并返回它。

eval(input("bla bla"))因此复制了input()2.x中的功能,即评估用户输入的数据。

简而言之:eval()计算传递给它的参数并因此eval('1 + 1')返回2。

eval(), as the name suggests, evaluates the passed argument.

raw_input() is now input() in python 3.x versions. So the most commonly found example for the use of eval() is its use to provide the functionality that input() provided in 2.x version of python. raw_input returned the user-entered data as a string, while input evaluated the value of data entered and returned it.

eval(input("bla bla")) thus replicates the functionality of input() in 2.x, i.e., of evaluating the user-entered data.

In short: eval() evaluates the arguments passed to it and hence eval('1 + 1') returned 2.

回答 7


running_params = {"Greeting":"Hello "}
fout = open("params.dat",'w')


fin = open("params.dat",'r')
print diction


{'Greeting': 'Hello world'}

One of useful applications of eval() is to evaluate python expressions from string. For example load from file string representation of dictionary:

running_params = {"Greeting":"Hello "}
fout = open("params.dat",'w')

Read it out as a variable and edit it:

fin = open("params.dat",'r')
print diction


{'Greeting': 'Hello world'}

回答 8



>>> input('Enter a number: ')
Enter a number: 3
>>> '3'
>>> input('Enter a number: ')
Enter a number: 1+1


>>> eval(input('Enter a number: '))
Enter a number: 1+1
>>> eval(input('Enter a number: '))
Enter a number: 3.14


>>> float(input('Enter a number: '))
Enter a number: 3.14

I’m late to answer this question but, no one seems to give clear answer to the question.

If an user enters a numeric value, input() will return a string.

>>> input('Enter a number: ')
Enter a number: 3
>>> '3'
>>> input('Enter a number: ')
Enter a number: 1+1

So, eval() will evaluate returned value (or expression) which is a string and return integer/float.

>>> eval(input('Enter a number: '))
Enter a number: 1+1
>>> eval(input('Enter a number: '))
Enter a number: 3.14

Of cource this is a bad practice. int() or float() should be used instead of eval() in this case.

>>> float(input('Enter a number: '))
Enter a number: 3.14

回答 9


import ast

# print(ast.literal_eval(''))          # SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
# print(ast.literal_eval('a'))         # ValueError: malformed node or string
# print(ast.literal_eval('import os')) # SyntaxError: invalid syntax
# print(ast.literal_eval('1+1'))       # 2: but only works due to a quirk in parser
# print(ast.literal_eval('1*1'))       # ValueError: malformed node or string
print(ast.literal_eval("{'a':1}"))     # {'a':1}





允许带有文字的运算符表达式是可能的,但是比当前实现复杂得多。一个简单的实现并不安全:您可以毫不费力地诱导CPU和内存的使用不受限制(尝试“ 9 ** 9 ** 9”或“ [无] * 9 ** 9”)。


Another option if you want to limit the evaluation string to simple literals is to use ast.literal_eval(). Some examples:

import ast

# print(ast.literal_eval(''))          # SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
# print(ast.literal_eval('a'))         # ValueError: malformed node or string
# print(ast.literal_eval('import os')) # SyntaxError: invalid syntax
# print(ast.literal_eval('1+1'))       # 2: but only works due to a quirk in parser
# print(ast.literal_eval('1*1'))       # ValueError: malformed node or string
print(ast.literal_eval("{'a':1}"))     # {'a':1}

From the docs:

Safely evaluate an expression node or a string containing a Python literal or container display. The string or node provided may only consist of the following Python literal structures: strings, bytes, numbers, tuples, lists, dicts, sets, booleans, and None.

This can be used for safely evaluating strings containing Python values from untrusted sources without the need to parse the values oneself. It is not capable of evaluating arbitrarily complex expressions, for example involving operators or indexing.

As for why it’s so limited, from the mailing list:

Allowing operator expressions with literals is possible, but much more complex than the current implementation. A simple implementation is not safe: you can induce basically unbounded CPU and memory usage with no effort (try “9**9**9” or “[None] * 9**9”).

As for the usefulness, this function is useful to “read back” literal values and containers as stringified by repr(). This can for example be used for serialization in a format that is similar to but more powerful than JSON.
