

从Python 2.6 shell:

>>> import sys
>>> print sys.getdefaultencoding()
>>> print u'\xe9'



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From the Python 2.6 shell:

>>> import sys
>>> print sys.getdefaultencoding()
>>> print u'\xe9'

I expected to have either some gibberish or an Error after the print statement, since the “é” character isn’t part of ASCII and I haven’t specified an encoding. I guess I don’t understand what ASCII being the default encoding means.


I moved the edit to the Answers section and accepted it as suggested.

回答 0


通过尝试打印unicode字符串u’\ xe9’,Python隐式尝试使用当前存储在sys.stdout.encoding中的编码方案对该字符串进行编码。Python实际上是从启动它的环境中选取此设置的。如果它无法从环境中找到合适的编码,则只有它才能恢复为其默认值 ASCII。

例如,我使用bash shell,其编码默认为UTF-8。如果我从中启动Python,它将启动并使用该设置:

$ python

>>> import sys
>>> print sys.stdout.encoding

让我们暂时退出Python shell,并使用一些伪造的编码设置bash的环境:

$ export LC_CTYPE=klingon
# we should get some error message here, just ignore it.

然后再次启动python shell并确认它确实恢复为默认的ascii编码。

$ python

>>> import sys
>>> print sys.stdout.encoding



>>> print u'\xe9'
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' 
in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

让我们退出Python并丢弃bash shell。

现在,我们将观察Python输出字符串之后发生的情况。为此,我们首先在图形终端(我使用Gnome Terminal)中启动bash shell,然后将终端设置为使用ISO-8859-1 aka latin-1解码输出(图形终端通常可以选择设置字符)在其下拉菜单之一中编码)。请注意,这不会更改实际shell环境的编码,仅会更改终端本身将解码给定输出的方式,就像Web浏览器一样。因此,您可以独立于外壳环境而更改终端的编码。然后让我们从外壳启动Python,并验证sys.stdout.encoding是否设置为外壳环境的编码(对我来说是UTF-8):

$ python

>>> import sys

>>> print sys.stdout.encoding

>>> print '\xe9' # (1)
>>> print u'\xe9' # (2)
>>> print u'\xe9'.encode('latin-1') # (3)


(2)python尝试使用sys.stdout.encoding中当前设置的任何方案对Unicode字符串进行隐式编码,在本例中为“ UTF-8”。经过UTF-8编码后,生成的二进制字符串为’\ xc3 \ xa9’(请参阅后面的说明)。终端按原样接收流,并尝试使用latin-1解码0xc3a9,但是latin-1从0到255,因此,一次仅解码1个字节的流。0xc3a9为2个字节长,因此latin-1解码器将其解释为0xc3(195)和0xa9(169),并产生2个字符:Ã和©。

(3)python使用latin-1方案对unicode代码点u’\ xe9’(233)进行编码。原来latin-1代码点的范围是0-255,并指向该范围内与Unicode完全相同的字符。因此,以latin-1编码时,该范围内的Unicode代码点将产生相同的值。因此,以latin-1编码的u’\ xe9’(233)也将产生二进制字符串’\ xe9’。终端接收到该值,并尝试在latin-1字符映射上进行匹配。就像情况(1)一样,它会产生“é”,这就是显示的内容。


>>> print '\xe9' # (4)

>>> print u'\xe9' # (5)
>>> print u'\xe9'.encode('latin-1') # (6)


(4)python 按原样输出二进制字符串。终端尝试使用UTF-8解码该流。但是UTF-8无法理解值0xe9(请参阅后面的说明),因此无法将其转换为unicode代码点。找不到代码点,没有打印字符。

(5)python尝试使用sys.stdout.encoding中的任何内容隐式编码Unicode字符串。仍然是“ UTF-8”。生成的二进制字符串为“ \ xc3 \ xa9”。终端接收流,并尝试使用UTF-8解码0xc3a9。它会产生回码值0xe9(233),该值在Unicode字符映射表上指向符号“é”。终端显示“é”。

(6)python使用latin-1编码unicode字符串,它产生一个具有相同值’\ xe9’的二进制字符串。同样,对于终端,这与情况(4)几乎相同。



Unicode基本上是一个字符表,其中按常规分配了一些键(代码点)以指向某些符号。例如,根据约定,已确定键0xe9(233)是指向符号’é’的值。ASCII和Unicode使用相同的代码点(从0到127),latin-1和Unicode使用的代码点也从0到255。也就是说,0x41指向ASCII,latin-1和Unicode中的“ A”,0xc8指向ASCII中的“Ü” latin-1和Unicode,0xe9指向latin-1和Unicode中的’é’。


大多数编码方案在空间要求上都有缺点,最经济的方案不能覆盖所有unicode码点,例如ascii仅覆盖前128个,而latin-1覆盖前256个。这是浪费的,因为即使对于常见的“便宜”字符,它们也需要更多的字节。例如,UTF-16每个字符至少使用2个字节,包括在ASCII范围内的字符(“ B”为65,在UTF-16中仍需要2个字节的存储空间)。UTF-32更加浪费,因为它将所有字符存储在4个字节中。



0xxx xxxx  (in binary)
  • x表示在编码过程中为“存储”代码点保留的实际空间
  • 前导0是一个标志,向UTF-8解码器指示此代码点仅需要1个字节。
  • 编码后,UTF-8不会在该特定范围内更改代码点的值(即,以UTF-8编码的65也是65)。考虑到Unicode和ASCII在相同范围内也兼容,因此附带地使UTF-8和ASCII在该范围内也兼容。

例如,“ B”的Unicode代码点是“ 0x42”或二进制的0100 0010(正如我们所说的,在ASCII中是相同的)。用UTF-8编码后,它变为:

0xxx xxxx  <-- UTF-8 encoding for Unicode code points 0 to 127
*100 0010  <-- Unicode code point 0x42
0100 0010  <-- UTF-8 encoded (exactly the same)


110x xxxx 10xx xxxx            <-- (from 128 to 2047)
1110 xxxx 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx  <-- (from 2048 to 65535)
  • 前导比特“ 110”向UTF-8解码器指示以2个字节编码的代码点的开始,而“ 1110”指示3个字节,11110将指示4个字节,依此类推。
  • 内部的“ 10”标志位用于表示内部字节的开始。
  • 再次,x标记编码后存储Unicode代码点值的空间。

例如,“é” Unicode代码点为0xe9(233)。

1110 1001    <-- 0xe9


110x xxxx 10xx xxxx   <-- UTF-8 encoding for Unicode 128-2047
***0 0011 **10 1001   <-- 0xe9
1100 0011 1010 1001   <-- 'é' after UTF-8 encoding
C    3    A    9

UTF-8编码之后的0xe9 Unicode代码指向变为0xc3a9。终端接收的确切方式。如果将您的终端设置为使用latin-1(一种非unicode遗留编码)对字符串进行解码,则会看到é,因为恰好发生在latin-1中的0xc3指向Ã,而0xa9则指向©。

Thanks to bits and pieces from various replies, I think we can stitch up an explanation.

By trying to print an unicode string, u’\xe9′, Python implicitly try to encode that string using the encoding scheme currently stored in sys.stdout.encoding. Python actually picks up this setting from the environment it’s been initiated from. If it can’t find a proper encoding from the environment, only then does it revert to its default, ASCII.

For example, I use a bash shell which encoding defaults to UTF-8. If I start Python from it, it picks up and use that setting:

$ python

>>> import sys
>>> print sys.stdout.encoding

Let’s for a moment exit the Python shell and set bash’s environment with some bogus encoding:

$ export LC_CTYPE=klingon
# we should get some error message here, just ignore it.

Then start the python shell again and verify that it does indeed revert to its default ascii encoding.

$ python

>>> import sys
>>> print sys.stdout.encoding


If you now try to output some unicode character outside of ascii you should get a nice error message

>>> print u'\xe9'
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' 
in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

Lets exit Python and discard the bash shell.

We’ll now observe what happens after Python outputs strings. For this we’ll first start a bash shell within a graphic terminal (I use Gnome Terminal) and we’ll set the terminal to decode output with ISO-8859-1 aka latin-1 (graphic terminals usually have an option to Set Character Encoding in one of their dropdown menus). Note that this doesn’t change the actual shell environment’s encoding, it only changes the way the terminal itself will decode output it’s given, a bit like a web browser does. You can therefore change the terminal’s encoding, independantly from the shell’s environment. Let’s then start Python from the shell and verify that sys.stdout.encoding is set to the shell environment’s encoding (UTF-8 for me):

$ python

>>> import sys

>>> print sys.stdout.encoding

>>> print '\xe9' # (1)
>>> print u'\xe9' # (2)
>>> print u'\xe9'.encode('latin-1') # (3)

(1) python outputs binary string as is, terminal receives it and tries to match its value with latin-1 character map. In latin-1, 0xe9 or 233 yields the character “é” and so that’s what the terminal displays.

(2) python attempts to implicitly encode the Unicode string with whatever scheme is currently set in sys.stdout.encoding, in this instance it’s “UTF-8”. After UTF-8 encoding, the resulting binary string is ‘\xc3\xa9’ (see later explanation). Terminal receives the stream as such and tries to decode 0xc3a9 using latin-1, but latin-1 goes from 0 to 255 and so, only decodes streams 1 byte at a time. 0xc3a9 is 2 bytes long, latin-1 decoder therefore interprets it as 0xc3 (195) and 0xa9 (169) and that yields 2 characters: Ã and ©.

(3) python encodes unicode code point u’\xe9′ (233) with the latin-1 scheme. Turns out latin-1 code points range is 0-255 and points to the exact same character as Unicode within that range. Therefore, Unicode code points in that range will yield the same value when encoded in latin-1. So u’\xe9′ (233) encoded in latin-1 will also yields the binary string ‘\xe9’. Terminal receives that value and tries to match it on the latin-1 character map. Just like case (1), it yields “é” and that’s what’s displayed.

Let’s now change the terminal’s encoding settings to UTF-8 from the dropdown menu (like you would change your web browser’s encoding settings). No need to stop Python or restart the shell. The terminal’s encoding now matches Python’s. Let’s try printing again:

>>> print '\xe9' # (4)

>>> print u'\xe9' # (5)
>>> print u'\xe9'.encode('latin-1') # (6)


(4) python outputs a binary string as is. Terminal attempts to decode that stream with UTF-8. But UTF-8 doesn’t understand the value 0xe9 (see later explanation) and is therefore unable to convert it to a unicode code point. No code point found, no character printed.

(5) python attempts to implicitly encode the Unicode string with whatever’s in sys.stdout.encoding. Still “UTF-8”. The resulting binary string is ‘\xc3\xa9’. Terminal receives the stream and attempts to decode 0xc3a9 also using UTF-8. It yields back code value 0xe9 (233), which on the Unicode character map points to the symbol “é”. Terminal displays “é”.

(6) python encodes unicode string with latin-1, it yields a binary string with the same value ‘\xe9’. Again, for the terminal this is pretty much the same as case (4).

Conclusions: – Python outputs non-unicode strings as raw data, without considering its default encoding. The terminal just happens to display them if its current encoding matches the data. – Python outputs Unicode strings after encoding them using the scheme specified in sys.stdout.encoding. – Python gets that setting from the shell’s environment. – the terminal displays output according to its own encoding settings. – the terminal’s encoding is independant from the shell’s.

More details on unicode, UTF-8 and latin-1:

Unicode is basically a table of characters where some keys (code points) have been conventionally assigned to point to some symbols. e.g. by convention it’s been decided that key 0xe9 (233) is the value pointing to the symbol ‘é’. ASCII and Unicode use the same code points from 0 to 127, as do latin-1 and Unicode from 0 to 255. That is, 0x41 points to ‘A’ in ASCII, latin-1 and Unicode, 0xc8 points to ‘Ü’ in latin-1 and Unicode, 0xe9 points to ‘é’ in latin-1 and Unicode.

When working with electronic devices, Unicode code points need an efficient way to be represented electronically. That’s what encoding schemes are about. Various Unicode encoding schemes exist (utf7, UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32). The most intuitive and straight forward encoding approach would be to simply use a code point’s value in the Unicode map as its value for its electronic form, but Unicode currently has over a million code points, which means that some of them require 3 bytes to be expressed. To work efficiently with text, a 1 to 1 mapping would be rather impractical, since it would require that all code points be stored in exactly the same amount of space, with a minimum of 3 bytes per character, regardless of their actual need.

Most encoding schemes have shortcomings regarding space requirement, the most economic ones don’t cover all unicode code points, for example ascii only covers the first 128, while latin-1 covers the first 256. Others that try to be more comprehensive end up also being wasteful, since they require more bytes than necessary, even for common “cheap” characters. UTF-16 for instance, uses a minimum of 2 bytes per character, including those in the ascii range (‘B’ which is 65, still requires 2 bytes of storage in UTF-16). UTF-32 is even more wasteful as it stores all characters in 4 bytes.

UTF-8 happens to have cleverly resolved the dilemma, with a scheme able to store code points with a variable amount of byte spaces. As part of its encoding strategy, UTF-8 laces code points with flag bits that indicate (presumably to decoders) their space requirements and their boundaries.

UTF-8 encoding of unicode code points in the ascii range (0-127):

0xxx xxxx  (in binary)
  • the x’s show the actual space reserved to “store” the code point during encoding
  • The leading 0 is a flag that indicates to the UTF-8 decoder that this code point will only require 1 byte.
  • upon encoding, UTF-8 doesn’t change the value of code points in that specific range (i.e. 65 encoded in UTF-8 is also 65). Considering that Unicode and ASCII are also compatible in the same range, it incidentally makes UTF-8 and ASCII also compatible in that range.

e.g. Unicode code point for ‘B’ is ‘0x42’ or 0100 0010 in binary (as we said, it’s the same in ASCII). After encoding in UTF-8 it becomes:

0xxx xxxx  <-- UTF-8 encoding for Unicode code points 0 to 127
*100 0010  <-- Unicode code point 0x42
0100 0010  <-- UTF-8 encoded (exactly the same)

UTF-8 encoding of Unicode code points above 127 (non-ascii):

110x xxxx 10xx xxxx            <-- (from 128 to 2047)
1110 xxxx 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx  <-- (from 2048 to 65535)
  • the leading bits ‘110’ indicate to the UTF-8 decoder the beginning of a code point encoded in 2 bytes, whereas ‘1110’ indicates 3 bytes, 11110 would indicate 4 bytes and so forth.
  • the inner ’10’ flag bits are used to signal the beginning of an inner byte.
  • again, the x’s mark the space where the Unicode code point value is stored after encoding.

e.g. ‘é’ Unicode code point is 0xe9 (233).

1110 1001    <-- 0xe9

When UTF-8 encodes this value, it determines that the value is larger than 127 and less than 2048, therefore should be encoded in 2 bytes:

110x xxxx 10xx xxxx   <-- UTF-8 encoding for Unicode 128-2047
***0 0011 **10 1001   <-- 0xe9
1100 0011 1010 1001   <-- 'é' after UTF-8 encoding
C    3    A    9

The 0xe9 Unicode code points after UTF-8 encoding becomes 0xc3a9. Which is exactly how the terminal receives it. If your terminal is set to decode strings using latin-1 (one of the non-unicode legacy encodings), you’ll see é, because it just so happens that 0xc3 in latin-1 points to à and 0xa9 to ©.

回答 1

将Unicode字符打印到stdout时,sys.stdout.encoding使用。假定包含一个非Unicode字符,sys.stdout.encoding并将其发送到终端。在我的系统上(Python 2):

>>> import unicodedata as ud
>>> import sys
>>> sys.stdout.encoding
>>> ud.name(u'\xe9') # U+00E9 Unicode codepoint
>>> ud.name('\xe9'.decode('cp437')) 
>>> '\xe9'.decode('cp437') # byte E9 decoded using code page 437 is U+0398.
>>> ud.name(u'\u0398')
>>> print u'\xe9' # Unicode is encoded to CP437 correctly
>>> print '\xe9'  # Byte is just sent to terminal and assumed to be CP437.

sys.getdefaultencoding() 仅在Python没有其他选项时使用。

请注意,Python 3.6或更高版本会忽略Windows上的编码,并使用Unicode API将Unicode写入终端。没有UnicodeEncodeError警告,并且如果字体支持,则显示正确的字符。即使字体支持,仍可以将字符从终端剪切到带有支持字体的应用程序中,这是正确的。升级!

When Unicode characters are printed to stdout, sys.stdout.encoding is used. A non-Unicode character is assumed to be in sys.stdout.encoding and is just sent to the terminal. On my system (Python 2):

>>> import unicodedata as ud
>>> import sys
>>> sys.stdout.encoding
>>> ud.name(u'\xe9') # U+00E9 Unicode codepoint
>>> ud.name('\xe9'.decode('cp437')) 
>>> '\xe9'.decode('cp437') # byte E9 decoded using code page 437 is U+0398.
>>> ud.name(u'\u0398')
>>> print u'\xe9' # Unicode is encoded to CP437 correctly
>>> print '\xe9'  # Byte is just sent to terminal and assumed to be CP437.

sys.getdefaultencoding() is only used when Python doesn’t have another option.

Note that Python 3.6 or later ignores encodings on Windows and uses Unicode APIs to write Unicode to the terminal. No UnicodeEncodeError warnings and the correct character is displayed if the font supports it. Even if the font doesn’t support it the characters can still be cut-n-pasted from the terminal to an application with a supporting font and it will be correct. Upgrade!

回答 2

Python REPL尝试从您的环境中选择要使用的编码。如果它发现一个理智的东西,那就一切正常。在无法弄清楚到底是什么情况时,它才会出错。

>>> print sys.stdout.encoding

The Python REPL tries to pick up what encoding to use from your environment. If it finds something sane then it all Just Works. It’s when it can’t figure out what’s going on that it bugs out.

>>> print sys.stdout.encoding

回答 3


>>> import sys
>>> sys.getdefaultencoding()
>>> '\xe9'
>>> u'\xe9'
>>> print u'\xe9'
>>> print '\xe9'



You have specified an encoding by entering an explicit Unicode string. Compare the results of not using the u prefix.

>>> import sys
>>> sys.getdefaultencoding()
>>> '\xe9'
>>> u'\xe9'
>>> print u'\xe9'
>>> print '\xe9'


In the case of \xe9 then Python assumes your default encoding (Ascii), thus printing … something blank.

回答 4


import sys
stdin, stdout = sys.stdin, sys.stdout
sys.stdin, sys.stdout = stdin, stdout

It works for me:

import sys
stdin, stdout = sys.stdin, sys.stdout
sys.stdin, sys.stdout = stdin, stdout

回答 5


  • print荷兰国际集团unicode,它的encoded用<file>.encoding
    • encoding未设置时,会将unicode隐式转换为str(因为该的编解码器为sys.getdefaultencoding(),即ascii任何国家字符都会导致UnicodeEncodeError
    • 对于标准流,encoding是从环境推断的。通常是设置fot tty流(从终端的语言环境设置),但可能没有为管道设置
      • 因此print u'\xe9',当输出到终端时,a 可能会成功,而如果将其重定向到,则a可能会失败。一个解决方案是encode()print输入前对具有所需编码的字符串进行处理。
  • print荷兰国际集团str,由于是字节被发送到流中。终端显示的字形将取决于其区域设置。

As per Python default/implicit string encodings and conversions :

  • When printing unicode, it’s encoded with <file>.encoding.
    • when the encoding is not set, the unicode is implicitly converted to str (since the codec for that is sys.getdefaultencoding(), i.e. ascii, any national characters would cause a UnicodeEncodeError)
    • for standard streams, the encoding is inferred from environment. It’s typically set fot tty streams (from the terminal’s locale settings), but is likely to not be set for pipes
      • so a print u'\xe9' is likely to succeed when the output is to a terminal, and fail if it’s redirected. A solution is to encode() the string with the desired encoding before printing.
  • When printing str, the bytes are sent to the stream as is. What glyphs the terminal shows will depend on its locale settings.