

class C(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._x = None

    def x(self):
        """I'm the 'x' property."""
        return self._x

    def x(self, value):
        self._x = value

    def x(self):
        del self._x


class C(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = None



I am interested in how to use @property in Python. I’ve read the python docs and the example there, in my opinion, is just a toy code:

class C(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._x = None

    def x(self):
        """I'm the 'x' property."""
        return self._x

    def x(self, value):
        self._x = value

    def x(self):
        del self._x

I do not know what benefit(s) I can get from wrapping the _x filled with the property decorator. Why not just implement as:

class C(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = None

I think, the property feature might be useful in some situations. But when? Could someone please give me some real-world examples?


回答 0



class PDB_Calculator(object):
    def protein_folding_angle(self):
        # number crunching, remote server calls, etc
        # all results in an angle set in 'some_angle'
        # It could also reference a cache, remote or otherwise,
        # that holds the latest value for this angle
        return some_angle

>>> f = PDB_Calculator()
>>> angle = f.protein_folding_angle
>>> angle


class Pedometer(object)
    def stride_length(self):
        return self._stride_length

    def stride_length(self, value):
        if value > 10:
            raise ValueError("This pedometer is based on the human stride - a stride length above 10m is not supported")
            self._stride_length = value

Other examples would be validation/filtering of the set attributes (forcing them to be in bounds or acceptable) and lazy evaluation of complex or rapidly changing terms.

Complex calculation hidden behind an attribute:

class PDB_Calculator(object):
    def protein_folding_angle(self):
        # number crunching, remote server calls, etc
        # all results in an angle set in 'some_angle'
        # It could also reference a cache, remote or otherwise,
        # that holds the latest value for this angle
        return some_angle

>>> f = PDB_Calculator()
>>> angle = f.protein_folding_angle
>>> angle


class Pedometer(object)
    def stride_length(self):
        return self._stride_length

    def stride_length(self, value):
        if value > 10:
            raise ValueError("This pedometer is based on the human stride - a stride length above 10m is not supported")
            self._stride_length = value

回答 1

一个简单的用例是设置一个只读实例属性,因为您知道_x在python 中用一个下划线开头一个变量名通常意味着它是私有的(内部使用),但是有时我们希望能够读取实例属性而不是编写所以我们可以使用property它:

>>> class C(object):

        def __init__(self, x):
            self._x = x

        def x(self):
            return self._x

>>> c = C(1)
>>> c.x
>>> c.x = 2
AttributeError        Traceback (most recent call last)

AttributeError: can't set attribute

One simple use case will be to set a read only instance attribute , as you know leading a variable name with one underscore _x in python usually mean it’s private (internal use) but sometimes we want to be able to read the instance attribute and not to write it so we can use property for this:

>>> class C(object):

        def __init__(self, x):
            self._x = x

        def x(self):
            return self._x

>>> c = C(1)
>>> c.x
>>> c.x = 2
AttributeError        Traceback (most recent call last)

AttributeError: can't set attribute

回答 2

看一下这篇文章,将其用于非常实际的用途。简而言之,它解释了在Python中通常如何放弃显式的getter / setter方法,因为如果在某个阶段需要它们,则可以使用它property来实现无缝实现。

Take a look at this article for a very practical use. In short, it explains how in Python you can usually ditch explicit getter/setter method, since if you come to need them at some stage you can use property for a seamless implementation.

回答 3


class Model(object):

  def get_a(self):
    if not hasattr(self, "_a"):
      self._a = self.db.lookup("a")
    return self._a

  a = property(get_a)


One thing I’ve used it for is caching slow-to-look-up, but unchanging, values stored in a database. This generalises to any situation where your attributes require computation or some other long operation (eg. database check, network communication) which you only want to do on demand.

class Model(object):

  def get_a(self):
    if not hasattr(self, "_a"):
      self._a = self.db.lookup("a")
    return self._a

  a = property(get_a)

This was in a web app where any given page view might only need one particular attribute of this kind, but the underlying objects themselves might have several such attributes – initialising them all on construction would be wasteful, and properties allow me to be flexible in which attributes are lazy and which aren’t.

回答 4


class Distance(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # This private attribute will store the distance in metres
        # All units provided using setters will be converted before
        # being stored
        self._distance = 0.0

    def in_metres(self):
        return self._distance

    def in_metres(self, val):
            self._distance = float(val)
            raise ValueError("The input you have provided is not recognised "
                             "as a valid number")

    def in_feet(self):
        return self._distance * 3.2808399

    def in_feet(self, val):
            self._distance = float(val) / 3.2808399
            raise ValueError("The input you have provided is not recognised "
                             "as a valid number")

    def in_parsecs(self):
        return self._distance * 3.24078e-17

    def in_parsecs(self, val):
            self._distance = float(val) / 3.24078e-17
            raise ValueError("The input you have provided is not recognised "
                             "as a valid number")


>>> distance = Distance()
>>> distance.in_metres = 1000.0
>>> distance.in_metres
>>> distance.in_feet
>>> distance.in_parsecs

Reading through the answers and comments, the main theme seems to be the answers seem to be missing a simple, yet useful example. I have included a very simple one here that demonstrates the simple use of the @property decorator. It’s a class that allows a user to specify and get distance measurement using a variety of different units, i.e. in_feet or in_metres.

class Distance(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # This private attribute will store the distance in metres
        # All units provided using setters will be converted before
        # being stored
        self._distance = 0.0

    def in_metres(self):
        return self._distance

    def in_metres(self, val):
            self._distance = float(val)
            raise ValueError("The input you have provided is not recognised "
                             "as a valid number")

    def in_feet(self):
        return self._distance * 3.2808399

    def in_feet(self, val):
            self._distance = float(val) / 3.2808399
            raise ValueError("The input you have provided is not recognised "
                             "as a valid number")

    def in_parsecs(self):
        return self._distance * 3.24078e-17

    def in_parsecs(self, val):
            self._distance = float(val) / 3.24078e-17
            raise ValueError("The input you have provided is not recognised "
                             "as a valid number")


>>> distance = Distance()
>>> distance.in_metres = 1000.0
>>> distance.in_metres
>>> distance.in_feet
>>> distance.in_parsecs

回答 5


def x(self):
    """I'm the 'x' property."""
    if self._x is None:
        self._x = Foo()

    return self._x

Property is just an abstraction around a field which give you more control on ways that a specific field can be manipulated and to do middleware computations. Few of the usages that come to mind is validation and prior initialization and access restriction

def x(self):
    """I'm the 'x' property."""
    if self._x is None:
        self._x = Foo()

    return self._x

回答 6

是的,对于发布的原始示例,该属性的作用与仅具有实例变量“ x”的作用完全相同。


这意味着您的第一个示例实际上可以使用实例变量。如果情况发生了变化,然后您决定更改实现,并且一个属性很有用,则该类的代码与该类外部的代码的接口将相同。 从实例变量更改为属性不会影响类外部的代码。

许多其他语言和编程类将指示程序员不要公开实例变量,而应使用“ getters”和“ setters”从类外部访问任何值,即使是问题中引用的简单情况也是如此。



#in place of (with python)
object.i = value

在实现该类时,有许多“ getter”和“ setter”的作用与您的第一个示例完全相同:复制一个简单的实例变量。这些获取器和设置器是必需的,因为如果类实现更改,则该类外部的所有代码都需要更改。但是python属性允许类外的代码与实例变量相同。因此,如果添加属性或具有简单的实例变量,则无需更改类外部的代码。因此,与大多数面向对象的语言不同,对于您的简单示例,您可以使用实例变量代替真正不需要的“ getters”和“ setters”,因此请确保在将来更改为属性时,可以使用您的Class无需更改。


Yes, for the original example posted, the property will work exactly the same as simply having an instance variable ‘x’.

This is the best thing about python properties. From the outside, they work exactly like instance variables! Which allows you to use instance variables from outside the class.

This means your first example could actually use an instance variable. If things changed, and then you decide to change your implementation and a property is useful, the interface to the property would still be the same from code outside the class. A change from instance variable to property has no impact on code outside the class.

Many other languages and programming courses will instruct that a programmer should never expose instance variables, and instead use ‘getters’ and ‘setters’ for any value to be accessed from outside the class, even the simple case as quoted in the question.

Code outside the class with many languages (e.g. Java) use


#in place of (with python)
object.i = value

And when implementing the class there are many ‘getters’ and ‘setters’ that do exactly as your first example: replicate a simply instance variable. These getters and setters are required because if the class implementation changes, all the code outside the class will need to change. But python properties allow code outside the class to be the same as with instance variables. So code outside the class does not need to be changed if you add a property, or have a simple instance variable. So unlike most Object Oriented languages, for your simple example you can use the instance variable instead of ‘getters’ and ‘setters’ that are really not needed, secure in the knowledge that if you change to a property in the future, the code using your class need not change.

This means you only need create properties if there is complex behaviour, and for the very common simple case where, as described in the question, a simple instance variable is all that is needed, you can just use the instance variable.

回答 7

与使用setter和getters相比,属性的另一个不错的功能是,它们允许您继续在属性上使用OP =运算符(例如,+ =,-=,* =等),同时仍保留任何验证,访问控制,缓存等设置者和获取者将提供。

例如,如果您Person使用setter setage(newage)和getter 编写了类,getage()则要增加年龄,您必须编写:

bob = Person('Robert', 25)
bob.setage(bob.getage() + 1)


bob.age += 1

another nice feature of properties over using setters and getters it that they allow you to continue to use OP= operators (eg +=, -=, *= etc) on your attributes while still retaining any validation, access control, caching, etc that the setters and getters would supply.

for example if you wrote the class Person with a setter setage(newage), and a getter getage(), then to increment the age you would have to write:

bob = Person('Robert', 25)
bob.setage(bob.getage() + 1)

but if you made age a property you could write the much cleaner:

bob.age += 1

回答 8



The short answer to your question, is that in your example, there is no benefit. You should probably use the form that doesn’t involve properties.

The reason properties exists, is that if your code changes in the future, and you suddenly need to do more with your data: cache values, protect access, query some external resource… whatever, you can easily modify your class to add getters and setters for the data without changing the interface, so you don’t have to find everywhere in your code where that data is accessed and change that too.

回答 9


class reader(property):
    def __init__(self, varname):
        _reader = lambda obj: getattr(obj, varname)
        super(reader, self).__init__(_reader)

class accessor(property):
    def __init__(self, varname, set_validation=None):
        _reader = lambda obj: getattr(obj, varname)
        def _writer(obj, value):
            if set_validation is not None:
               if set_validation(value):
                  setattr(obj, varname, value)
        super(accessor, self).__init__(_reader, _writer)

class MyClass(object):
   def __init__(self):
     self._attr = None

   attr = reader('_attr')

Something that many do not notice at first is that you can make your own subclasses of property. This I have found very useful for exposing read only object attributes or attribute you can read and write but not remove. It is also an excellent way to wrap functionality like tracking modifications to object fields.

class reader(property):
    def __init__(self, varname):
        _reader = lambda obj: getattr(obj, varname)
        super(reader, self).__init__(_reader)

class accessor(property):
    def __init__(self, varname, set_validation=None):
        _reader = lambda obj: getattr(obj, varname)
        def _writer(obj, value):
            if set_validation is not None:
               if set_validation(value):
                  setattr(obj, varname, value)
        super(accessor, self).__init__(_reader, _writer)

class MyClass(object):
   def __init__(self):
     self._attr = None

   attr = reader('_attr')
