



File "name.py", line 24, in reading
    print whip[name]
TypeError: string indices must be integers, not str


#!/usr/bin/env python
from sys import exit

class Person(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = ""
        self.address = ""
        self.phone = ""
        self.age = ""
        self.whip = {}

    def writing(self):
        self.whip[p.name] = p.age, p.address, p.phone
        target = open('deed.txt', 'a')
        print self.whip

    def reading(self):
        self.whip = open('deed.txt', 'r').read()
        name = raw_input("> ")
        if name in self.whip:
            print self.whip[name]

p = Person()

while True:
    print "Type:\n\t*read to read data base\n\t*write to write to data base\n\t*exit to exit"
    action = raw_input("\n> ")
    if "write" in action:
        p.name = raw_input("Name?\n> ")
        p.phone = raw_input("Phone Number?\n> ")
        p.age = raw_input("Age?\n> ")
        p.address = raw_input("Address?\n>")
    elif "read" in action:
    elif "exit" in action:

I am trying to write a dictionary to a txt file. Then read the dict values by typing the keys with raw_input. I feel like I am just missing one step but I have been looking for a while now.

I get this error

File "name.py", line 24, in reading
    print whip[name]
TypeError: string indices must be integers, not str

My code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from sys import exit

class Person(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = ""
        self.address = ""
        self.phone = ""
        self.age = ""
        self.whip = {}

    def writing(self):
        self.whip[p.name] = p.age, p.address, p.phone
        target = open('deed.txt', 'a')
        print self.whip

    def reading(self):
        self.whip = open('deed.txt', 'r').read()
        name = raw_input("> ")
        if name in self.whip:
            print self.whip[name]

p = Person()

while True:
    print "Type:\n\t*read to read data base\n\t*write to write to data base\n\t*exit to exit"
    action = raw_input("\n> ")
    if "write" in action:
        p.name = raw_input("Name?\n> ")
        p.phone = raw_input("Phone Number?\n> ")
        p.age = raw_input("Age?\n> ")
        p.address = raw_input("Address?\n>")
    elif "read" in action:
    elif "exit" in action:

回答 0





def reading(self):
    s = open('deed.txt', 'r').read()
    self.whip = eval(s)


def reading(self):
    self.whip = eval(open('deed.txt', 'r').read())



import ast

def reading(self):
    s = open('deed.txt', 'r').read()
    self.whip = ast.literal_eval(s)

ast.literal_eval() 只会评估转换为基本Python类型的字符串,因此,棘手的字符串无法对您的计算机造成不良影响。



import ast

def reading(self):
    with open('deed.txt', 'r') as f:
        s = f.read()
        self.whip = ast.literal_eval(s)

在最流行的Python(称为“ CPython”)中,您通常不需要该with语句,因为内置的“垃圾收集”功能将确定您已完成文件并会为您关闭文件。但是其他Python实现,例如“ Jython”(用于Java VM的Python)或“ PyPy”(具有即时代码优化的非常酷的实验系统)可能无法为您关闭文件。养成使用的习惯是很好的with,而且我认为这使代码非常容易理解。

Your code is almost right! You are right, you are just missing one step. When you read in the file, you are reading it as a string; but you want to turn the string back into a dictionary.

The error message you saw was because self.whip was a string, not a dictionary.

I first wrote that you could just feed the string into dict() but that doesn’t work! You need to do something else.


Here is the simplest way: feed the string into eval(). Like so:

def reading(self):
    s = open('deed.txt', 'r').read()
    self.whip = eval(s)

You can do it in one line, but I think it looks messy this way:

def reading(self):
    self.whip = eval(open('deed.txt', 'r').read())

But eval() is sometimes not recommended. The problem is that eval() will evaluate any string, and if someone tricked you into running a really tricky string, something bad might happen. In this case, you are just running eval() on your own file, so it should be okay.

But because eval() is useful, someone made an alternative to it that is safer. This is called literal_eval and you get it from a Python module called ast.

import ast

def reading(self):
    s = open('deed.txt', 'r').read()
    self.whip = ast.literal_eval(s)

ast.literal_eval() will only evaluate strings that turn into the basic Python types, so there is no way that a tricky string can do something bad on your computer.


Actually, best practice in Python is to use a with statement to make sure the file gets properly closed. Rewriting the above to use a with statement:

import ast

def reading(self):
    with open('deed.txt', 'r') as f:
        s = f.read()
        self.whip = ast.literal_eval(s)

In the most popular Python, known as “CPython”, you usually don’t need the with statement as the built-in “garbage collection” features will figure out that you are done with the file and will close it for you. But other Python implementations, like “Jython” (Python for the Java VM) or “PyPy” (a really cool experimental system with just-in-time code optimization) might not figure out to close the file for you. It’s good to get in the habit of using with, and I think it makes the code pretty easy to understand.

回答 1


>>> import json
>>> d = {"one":1, "two":2}
>>> json.dump(d, open("text.txt",'w'))


$ cat text.txt 
{"two": 2, "one": 1}


>>> d2 = json.load(open("text.txt"))
>>> print d2
{u'two': 2, u'one': 1}

Have you tried the json module? JSON format is very similar to python dictionary. And it’s human readable/writable:

>>> import json
>>> d = {"one":1, "two":2}
>>> json.dump(d, open("text.txt",'w'))

This code dumps to a text file

$ cat text.txt 
{"two": 2, "one": 1}

Also you can load from a JSON file:

>>> d2 = json.load(open("text.txt"))
>>> print d2
{u'two': 2, u'one': 1}

回答 2


import pickle

a = {
  'a': 1,
  'b': 2

with open('file.txt', 'wb') as handle:
  pickle.dump(a, handle)

with open('file.txt', 'rb') as handle:
  b = pickle.loads(handle.read())

print a == b # True

请注意,我从未设置b = a,而是a将其腌制到一个文件中,然后将其解开b


self.whip = open('deed.txt', 'r').read()



self.whip = eval(open('deed.txt', 'r').read())


To store Python objects in files, use the pickle module:

import pickle

a = {
  'a': 1,
  'b': 2

with open('file.txt', 'wb') as handle:
  pickle.dump(a, handle)

with open('file.txt', 'rb') as handle:
  b = pickle.loads(handle.read())

print a == b # True

Notice that I never set b = a, but instead pickled a to a file and then unpickled it into b.

As for your error:

self.whip = open('deed.txt', 'r').read()

self.whip was a dictionary object. deed.txt contains text, so when you load the contents of deed.txt into self.whip, self.whip becomes the string representation of itself.

You’d probably want to evaluate the string back into a Python object:

self.whip = eval(open('deed.txt', 'r').read())

Notice how eval sounds like evil. That’s intentional. Use the pickle module instead.

回答 3


def writeDict(dict, filename, sep):
    with open(filename, "a") as f:
        for i in dict.keys():            
            f.write(i + " " + sep.join([str(x) for x in dict[i]]) + "\n")


def readDict(filename, sep):
    with open(filename, "r") as f:
        dict = {}
        for line in f:
            values = line.split(sep)
            dict[values[0]] = {int(x) for x in values[1:len(values)]}

I created my own functions which work really nicely:

def writeDict(dict, filename, sep):
    with open(filename, "a") as f:
        for i in dict.keys():            
            f.write(i + " " + sep.join([str(x) for x in dict[i]]) + "\n")

It will store the keyname first, followed by all values. Note that in this case my dict contains integers so that’s why it converts to int. This is most likely the part you need to change for your situation.

def readDict(filename, sep):
    with open(filename, "r") as f:
        dict = {}
        for line in f:
            values = line.split(sep)
            dict[values[0]] = {int(x) for x in values[1:len(values)]}

回答 4



 import json

 your_dictionary = {"some_date" : "date"}
 f = open('destFile.txt', 'w+')


 import json

 f = open('destFile.txt', 'r')
 your_dictionary = json.loads(f.read())

Hi there is a way to write and read the dictionary to file you can turn your dictionary to JSON format and read and write quickly just do this :

To write your date:

 import json

 your_dictionary = {"some_date" : "date"}
 f = open('destFile.txt', 'w+')

and to read your data:

 import json

 f = open('destFile.txt', 'r')
 your_dictionary = json.loads(f.read())

回答 5


pair = {'name': name,'location': location}
with open('F:\\twitter.json', 'a') as f:
     f.writelines('{}:{}'.format(k,v) for k, v in pair.items())

You can iterate through the key-value pair and write it into file

pair = {'name': name,'location': location}
with open('F:\\twitter.json', 'a') as f:
     f.writelines('{}:{}'.format(k,v) for k, v in pair.items())