

# etc (up to Z_rank )...

现在,我要获取的均值和std *_Rank[0],的均值和std *_Rank[1]
第三个数字的均值和std …;等等)。

I want to find mean and standard deviation of 1st, 2nd,… digits of several (Z) lists. For example, I have

# etc (up to Z_rank )...

Now I want to take the mean and std of *_Rank[0], the mean and std of *_Rank[1], etc.
(ie: mean and std of the 1st digit from all the (A..Z)_rank lists;
the mean and std of the 2nd digit from all the (A..Z)_rank lists;
the mean and std of the 3rd digit…; etc).

回答 0

从Python 3.4 / PEP450开始statistics module,标准库中提供了一个,该库提供了一种stdev用于计算像您这样的可迭代对象的标准偏差的方法

>>> A_rank = [0.8, 0.4, 1.2, 3.7, 2.6, 5.8]
>>> import statistics
>>> statistics.stdev(A_rank)

Since Python 3.4 / PEP450 there is a statistics module in the standard library, which has a method stdev for calculating the standard deviation of iterables like yours:

>>> A_rank = [0.8, 0.4, 1.2, 3.7, 2.6, 5.8]
>>> import statistics
>>> statistics.stdev(A_rank)

回答 1


In [17]: import numpy

In [18]: arr = numpy.array([A_rank, B_rank, C_rank])

In [20]: numpy.mean(arr, axis=0)
array([ 0.7       ,  2.2       ,  1.8       ,  2.13333333,  3.36666667,
        5.1       ])

In [21]: numpy.std(arr, axis=0)
array([ 0.45460606,  1.29614814,  1.37355985,  1.50628314,  1.15566239,
        1.2083046 ])

I would put A_Rank et al into a 2D NumPy array, and then use numpy.mean() and numpy.std() to compute the means and the standard deviations:

In [17]: import numpy

In [18]: arr = numpy.array([A_rank, B_rank, C_rank])

In [20]: numpy.mean(arr, axis=0)
array([ 0.7       ,  2.2       ,  1.8       ,  2.13333333,  3.36666667,
        5.1       ])

In [21]: numpy.std(arr, axis=0)
array([ 0.45460606,  1.29614814,  1.37355985,  1.50628314,  1.15566239,
        1.2083046 ])

回答 2


以下所有代码均基于statisticsPython 3.4+中的模块。

def mean(data):
    """Return the sample arithmetic mean of data."""
    n = len(data)
    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError('mean requires at least one data point')
    return sum(data)/n # in Python 2 use sum(data)/float(n)

def _ss(data):
    """Return sum of square deviations of sequence data."""
    c = mean(data)
    ss = sum((x-c)**2 for x in data)
    return ss

def stddev(data, ddof=0):
    """Calculates the population standard deviation
    by default; specify ddof=1 to compute the sample
    standard deviation."""
    n = len(data)
    if n < 2:
        raise ValueError('variance requires at least two data points')
    ss = _ss(data)
    pvar = ss/(n-ddof)
    return pvar**0.5



>>> mean([1, 2, 3])
>>> stddev([1, 2, 3]) # population standard deviation
>>> stddev([1, 2, 3], ddof=1) # sample standard deviation

Here’s some pure-Python code you can use to calculate the mean and standard deviation.

All code below is based on the statistics module in Python 3.4+.

def mean(data):
    """Return the sample arithmetic mean of data."""
    n = len(data)
    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError('mean requires at least one data point')
    return sum(data)/n # in Python 2 use sum(data)/float(n)

def _ss(data):
    """Return sum of square deviations of sequence data."""
    c = mean(data)
    ss = sum((x-c)**2 for x in data)
    return ss

def stddev(data, ddof=0):
    """Calculates the population standard deviation
    by default; specify ddof=1 to compute the sample
    standard deviation."""
    n = len(data)
    if n < 2:
        raise ValueError('variance requires at least two data points')
    ss = _ss(data)
    pvar = ss/(n-ddof)
    return pvar**0.5

Note: for improved accuracy when summing floats, the statistics module uses a custom function _sum rather than the built-in sum which I’ve used in its place.

Now we have for example:

>>> mean([1, 2, 3])
>>> stddev([1, 2, 3]) # population standard deviation
>>> stddev([1, 2, 3], ddof=1) # sample standard deviation

回答 3

在Python 2.7.1中,您可以使用numpy.std()以下方法计算标准差:

  • 人口标准:仅使用numpy.std()数据列表之外的其他参数即可。
  • 示例std:您需要将ddof(即Delta自由度)设置为1,如以下示例所示:

numpy.std(<您的列表>,ddof = 1



In Python 2.7.1, you may calculate standard deviation using numpy.std() for:

  • Population std: Just use numpy.std() with no additional arguments besides to your data list.
  • Sample std: You need to pass ddof (i.e. Delta Degrees of Freedom) set to 1, as in the following example:

numpy.std(< your-list >, ddof=1)

The divisor used in calculations is N – ddof, where N represents the number of elements. By default ddof is zero.

It calculates sample std rather than population std.

回答 4

在python 2.7中,您可以使用NumPy numpy.std()给出总体标准差

在Python 3.4中返回样本标准偏差。该pstdv()功能是一样的numpy.std()

In python 2.7 you can use NumPy’s numpy.std() gives the population standard deviation.

In Python 3.4 returns the sample standard deviation. The pstdv() function is the same as numpy.std().

回答 5


import statistics as st

n = int(input())
data = list(map(int, input().split()))


stdev = st.pstdev(data)


variance = st.pvariance(data)
devia = math.sqrt(variance)


mean = sum(data)/n
variance = sum([((x - mean) ** 2) for x in X]) / n
stddev = variance ** 0.5



  • variance 计算样本总体的方差
  • pvariance 计算整个人口的方差
  • 相似的差异stdevpstdev

Using python, here are few methods:

import statistics as st

n = int(input())
data = list(map(int, input().split()))

Approach1 – using a function

stdev = st.pstdev(data)

Approach2: calculate variance and take square root of it

variance = st.pvariance(data)
devia = math.sqrt(variance)

Approach3: using basic math

mean = sum(data)/n
variance = sum([((x - mean) ** 2) for x in X]) / n
stddev = variance ** 0.5



  • variance calculates variance of sample population
  • pvariance calculates variance of entire population
  • similar differences between stdev and pstdev

回答 6


from math import sqrt

def stddev(lst):
    mean = float(sum(lst)) / len(lst)
    return sqrt(float(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(lambda x: (x - mean) ** 2, lst))) / len(lst))

pure python code:

from math import sqrt

def stddev(lst):
    mean = float(sum(lst)) / len(lst)
    return sqrt(float(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(lambda x: (x - mean) ** 2, lst))) / len(lst))

回答 7

其他答案涵盖了如何在python中充分执行std dev,但没有人解释如何进行您所描述的怪异遍历。



#standard deviation
numpy.std([A_rank[0], B_rank[0], C_rank[0], ..., Z_rank[0]])

numpy.mean([A_rank[0], B_rank[0], C_rank[0], ..., Z_rank[0]])


def getAllNthRanks(n):
    return [A_rank[n], B_rank[n], C_rank[n], D_rank[n], E_rank[n], F_rank[n], G_rank[n], H_rank[n], I_rank[n], J_rank[n], K_rank[n], L_rank[n], M_rank[n], N_rank[n], O_rank[n], P_rank[n], Q_rank[n], R_rank[n], S_rank[n], T_rank[n], U_rank[n], V_rank[n], W_rank[n], X_rank[n], Y_rank[n], Z_rank[n]] 


#standard deviation


The other answers cover how to do std dev in python sufficiently, but no one explains how to do the bizarre traversal you’ve described.

I’m going to assume A-Z is the entire population. If not see Ome‘s answer on how to inference from a sample.

So to get the standard deviation/mean of the first digit of every list you would need something like this:

#standard deviation
numpy.std([A_rank[0], B_rank[0], C_rank[0], ..., Z_rank[0]])

numpy.mean([A_rank[0], B_rank[0], C_rank[0], ..., Z_rank[0]])

To shorten the code and generalize this to any nth digit use the following function I generated for you:

def getAllNthRanks(n):
    return [A_rank[n], B_rank[n], C_rank[n], D_rank[n], E_rank[n], F_rank[n], G_rank[n], H_rank[n], I_rank[n], J_rank[n], K_rank[n], L_rank[n], M_rank[n], N_rank[n], O_rank[n], P_rank[n], Q_rank[n], R_rank[n], S_rank[n], T_rank[n], U_rank[n], V_rank[n], W_rank[n], X_rank[n], Y_rank[n], Z_rank[n]] 

Now you can simply get the stdd and mean of all the nth places from A-Z like this:

#standard deviation

