
我需要专门安装psycopg2 v2.4.1。我不小心做了:

 pip install psycopg2


 pip install psycopg2==2.4.1




I need to install psycopg2 v2.4.1 specifically. I accidentally did:

 pip install psycopg2

Instead of:

 pip install psycopg2==2.4.1

That installs 2.4.4 instead of the earlier version.

Now even after I pip uninstall psycopg2 and attempt to reinstall with the correct version, it appears that pip is re-using the cache it downloaded the first time.

How can I force pip to clear out its download cache and use the specific version I’m including in the command?

回答 0

如果使用的是pip 6.0或更高版本,请尝试添加该--no-cache-dir选项

如果使用的是pip 6.0之前的版本,请使用进行升级pip install -U pip

If using pip 6.0 or newer, try adding the --no-cache-dir option.

If using pip older than pip 6.0, upgrade it with pip install -U pip.

回答 1



~/.cache/pip  # and it respects the XDG_CACHE_HOME directory.





Clear the cache directory where appropriate for your system

Linux and Unix

~/.cache/pip  # and it respects the XDG_CACHE_HOME directory.





回答 2


从v6.0开始,pip提供了默认情况下的缓存,其功能类似于网络浏览器。默认情况下,当缓存处于打开状态并且被设计为默认时,您可以禁用缓存并始终通过使用该--no-cache-dir 选项来访问PyPI 。

From documentation at https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/reference/pip_install.html#caching:

Starting with v6.0, pip provides an on-by-default cache which functions similarly to that of a web browser. While the cache is on by default and is designed do the right thing by default you can disable the cache and always access PyPI by utilizing the --no-cache-dir option.

回答 3


pip --no-cache-dir install scipy

pip can install a package ignoring the cache, like this

pip --no-cache-dir install scipy

回答 4


On Ubuntu, I had to delete /tmp/pip-build-root.

回答 5


由于PIP 6.0(后在2014年!) pip installpip download并且pip wheel命令可以告诉避免使用与高速缓存--no-cache-dir选项。(例如:pip install --no-cache-dir <package>

自pip 10.0(早在2018年!)以来,pip config添加了一个命令,该命令可用于将pip配置为始终忽略缓存- pip config set global.cache-dir false将pip配置为不“全局”使用缓存(即,在所有命令中)。

从pip 20.1开始,pip具有pip cache管理pip缓存内容的命令。

  • pip cache purge 删除缓存中的所有wheel文件。
  • pip cache remove matplotlib 有选择地从缓存中删除与matplotlib相关的文件。


  • pip install --no-cache-dir <package>:仅为此运行而无需使用缓存安装软件包。
  • pip config set global.cache-dir false:将pip配置为不“全局”使用缓存(在所有命令中)
  • pip cache remove matplotlib:从pip的缓存中删除所有与matplotlib相关的wheel文件。
  • pip cache purge:清除pip缓存中的所有文件。

问题中提到的“由于缓存而安装了错误版本”的特定问题已在pip 1.4中修复(早在2013年!):


(pip maintainer here!)

Since pip 6.0 (back in 2014!), pip install, pip download and pip wheel commands can be told to avoid using the cache with the --no-cache-dir option. (eg: pip install --no-cache-dir <package>)

Since pip 10.0 (back in 2018!), a pip config command was added, which can be used to configure pip to always ignore the cache — pip config set global.cache-dir false configures pip to not use the cache “globally” (i.e. in all commands).

Since pip 20.1, pip has a pip cache command to manage the contents of pip’s cache.

  • pip cache purge removes all the wheel files in the cache.
  • pip cache remove matplotlib selectively removes files related to a matplotlib from the cache.

In summary, pip provides a lot of ways to tweak how it uses the cache:

  • pip install --no-cache-dir <package>: install a package without using the cache, for just this run.
  • pip config set global.cache-dir false: configure pip to not use the cache “globally” (in all commands)
  • pip cache remove matplotlib: removes all wheel files related to matplotlib from pip’s cache.
  • pip cache purge: to clear all files from pip’s cache.

The specific issue of “installing the wrong version due to caching” issue mentioned in the question was fixed in pip 1.4 (back in 2013!):

Fix a number of issues related to cleaning up and not reusing build directories. (#413, #709, #634, #602, #939, #865, #948)

回答 6


no-cache-dir = false


If you like to set the --no-cache-dir option by default, you can put this into pip.conf:

no-cache-dir = false

The location of pip.conf depends on your OS. See the documentation for more info.

回答 7


I just had a similar problem and found that the only way to get pip to upgrade the package was to delete the $PWD/build (%CD%\build on Windows) directory that might have been left over from a previously unfinished install or a previous version of pip (it now deletes the build directories after a successful install).

回答 8

在archlinux中,pip缓存位于〜/ .cache / pip上,我可以通过删除其中的http文件夹来解决问题。

On archlinux pip cache is located at ~/.cache/pip, I could solve my issue by removing the http folder inside it.

回答 9

在我的Mac上,我必须删除缓存目录 ~/Library/Caches/pip/

On my mac I had to remove the cache directory ~/Library/Caches/pip/

回答 10

2020年4月21日发布pip 20.1b1以来,它“添加pip cache了检查/管理pip的转盘缓存的命令”,因此可以发出以下命令:

pip cache purge

https : //pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_cache/

Since pip 20.1b1, which was released on 21 April 2020 and “added pip cache command for inspecting/managing pip’s wheel cache”, it is possible to issue this command:

pip cache purge

The reference guide is here:
The corresponding pull request is here.

回答 11

在Windows 7上,我必须删除%HOMEPATH%/pip

On Windows 7, I had to delete %HOMEPATH%/pip.

回答 12


If using virtualenv, look for the build directory under your environments root.

回答 13

我必须在Windows 7上删除%TEMP%\ pip-build

I had to delete %TEMP%\pip-build On Windows 7

回答 14

在Mac OS(小牛)上,我不得不删除 /tmp/pip-build/

On Mac OS (Mavericks), I had to delete /tmp/pip-build/

回答 15



Processing <some_prefix>/Library/Caches/pip/wheels/d0/c4/e4/e49fd07bca8dda00dd6b4bbc606aa05a25aacb00d45747a47a/horovod-0.19.3-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_9_x86_64.wh


A better way to do it is to delete the cache and rebuild it. In this way, if you install it again for other virtualenv, it will use the cache instead of building every time when you install it.

For example, when you install it, it will say it uses cached wheel,

Processing <some_prefix>/Library/Caches/pip/wheels/d0/c4/e4/e49fd07bca8dda00dd6b4bbc606aa05a25aacb00d45747a47a/horovod-0.19.3-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_9_x86_64.wh

Just delete that one and restart your install.

回答 16


我很确定这不是正在发生的事情。用来(错误地)重用构建目录而非缓存的Pip。此问题已在 2013年7月23日发布的pip版本1.4中修复

(…) it appears that pip is re-using the cache (…)

I’m pretty sure that’s not what’s happening. Pip used to (wrongly) reuse build directory not cache. This was fixed in version 1.4 of pip which was released on 2013-07-23.
