问题:在熊猫MultiIndex DataFrame中选择行


  • 根据单个值/标签切片
  • 根据一个或多个级别的多个标签进行切片
  • 过滤布尔条件和表达式
  • 哪种方法在什么情况下适用


  1. 输入数据框没有重复的索引键
  2. 下面的输入数据框只有两个级别。(此处显示的大多数解决方案一般都适用于N级)


mux = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([
], names=['one', 'two'])

df = pd.DataFrame({'col': np.arange(len(mux))}, mux)

one two     
a   t      0
    u      1
    v      2
    w      3
b   t      4
    u      5
    v      6
    w      7
    t      8
c   u      9
    v     10
d   w     11
    t     12
    u     13
    v     14
    w     15


如何选择在“一个”级别中具有“ a”的行?

one two     
a   t      0
    u      1
    v      2
    w      3


t      0
u      1
v      2
w      3

如何在级别“ two”上切片所有值为“ t”的行?

one two     
a   t      0
b   t      4
    t      8
d   t     12


如何在级别“ one”中选择与项目“ b”和“ d”相对应的行?

one two     
b   t      4
    u      5
    v      6
    w      7
    t      8
d   w     11
    t     12
    u     13
    v     14
    w     15

我如何获得与“二”级中的“ t”和“ w”相对应的所有值?

one two     
a   t      0
    w      3
b   t      4
    w      7
    t      8
d   w     11
    t     12
    w     15

问题3:切片单个横截面 (x, y)

如何检索横截面,即具有从中为索引指定值的单行df?具体来说,我如何检索的横截面('c', 'u'),由

one two     
c   u      9

问题4:切片多个横截面 [(a, b), (c, d), ...]

如何选择与('c', 'u')和相对应的两行('a', 'w')

one two     
c   u      9
a   w      3


如何检索与“一级”中的“ a”或“二级”中的“ t”相对应的所有行?

one two     
a   t      0
    u      1
    v      2
    w      3
b   t      4
    t      8
d   t     12


如何切特定的横截面?对于“ a”和“ b”,我想选择子级别为“ u”和“ v”的所有行,对于“ d”,我想选择子级别为“ w”的行。

one two     
a   u      1
    v      2
b   u      5
    v      6
d   w     11
    w     15


mux2 = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([
    np.random.choice(10, size=16)
], names=['one', 'two'])

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'col': np.arange(len(mux2))}, mux2)

one two     
a   5      0
    0      1
    3      2
    3      3
b   7      4
    9      5
    3      6
    5      7
    2      8
c   4      9
    7     10
d   6     11
    8     12
    8     13
    1     14
    6     15



one two     
b   7      4
    9      5
c   7     10
d   6     11
    8     12
    8     13
    6     15


What are the most common pandas ways to select/filter rows of a dataframe whose index is a MultiIndex?

  • Slicing based on a single value/label
  • Slicing based on multiple labels from one or more levels
  • Filtering on boolean conditions and expressions
  • Which methods are applicable in what circumstances

Assumptions for simplicity:

  1. input dataframe does not have duplicate index keys
  2. input dataframe below only has two levels. (Most solutions shown here generalize to N levels)

Example input:

mux = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([
], names=['one', 'two'])

df = pd.DataFrame({'col': np.arange(len(mux))}, mux)

one two     
a   t      0
    u      1
    v      2
    w      3
b   t      4
    u      5
    v      6
    w      7
    t      8
c   u      9
    v     10
d   w     11
    t     12
    u     13
    v     14
    w     15

Question 1: Selecting a Single Item

How do I select rows having “a” in level “one”?

one two     
a   t      0
    u      1
    v      2
    w      3

Additionally, how would I be able to drop level “one” in the output?

t      0
u      1
v      2
w      3

Question 1b
How do I slice all rows with value “t” on level “two”?

one two     
a   t      0
b   t      4
    t      8
d   t     12

Question 2: Selecting Multiple Values in a Level

How can I select rows corresponding to items “b” and “d” in level “one”?

one two     
b   t      4
    u      5
    v      6
    w      7
    t      8
d   w     11
    t     12
    u     13
    v     14
    w     15

Question 2b
How would I get all values corresponding to “t” and “w” in level “two”?

one two     
a   t      0
    w      3
b   t      4
    w      7
    t      8
d   w     11
    t     12
    w     15

Question 3: Slicing a Single Cross Section (x, y)

How do I retrieve a cross section, i.e., a single row having a specific values for the index from df? Specifically, how do I retrieve the cross section of ('c', 'u'), given by

one two     
c   u      9

Question 4: Slicing Multiple Cross Sections [(a, b), (c, d), ...]

How do I select the two rows corresponding to ('c', 'u'), and ('a', 'w')?

one two     
c   u      9
a   w      3

Question 5: One Item Sliced per Level

How can I retrieve all rows corresponding to “a” in level “one” or “t” in level “two”?

one two     
a   t      0
    u      1
    v      2
    w      3
b   t      4
    t      8
d   t     12

Question 6: Arbitrary Slicing

How can I slice specific cross sections? For “a” and “b”, I would like to select all rows with sub-levels “u” and “v”, and for “d”, I would like to select rows with sub-level “w”.

one two     
a   u      1
    v      2
b   u      5
    v      6
d   w     11
    w     15

Question 7 will use a unique setup consisting of a numeric level:

mux2 = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([
    np.random.choice(10, size=16)
], names=['one', 'two'])

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'col': np.arange(len(mux2))}, mux2)

one two     
a   5      0
    0      1
    3      2
    3      3
b   7      4
    9      5
    3      6
    5      7
    2      8
c   4      9
    7     10
d   6     11
    8     12
    8     13
    1     14
    6     15

Question 7: Filtering by numeric inequality on individual levels of the multiindex

How do I get all rows where values in level “two” are greater than 5?

one two     
b   7      4
    9      5
c   7     10
d   6     11
    8     12
    8     13
    6     15

Note: This post will not go through how to create MultiIndexes, how to perform assignment operations on them, or any performance related discussions (these are separate topics for another time).

回答 0



  1. 操作规范中提出的问题将一一解决
  2. 对于每个问题,将演示一种或多种适用于解决该问题并获得预期结果的方法。

注意 s(非常类似于此内容)将被提供给有兴趣学习更多功能,实现细节和其他手头主题信息的读者。这些注释是通过搜集文档并发现各种晦涩难懂的功能,以及从我自己的(公认的有限)经验中编写的。

所有代码示例均已在pandas v0.23.4,python3.7上创建并测试。如果有不清楚的地方,或者实际上是不正确的,或者您找不到适用于您的用例的解决方案,请随时提出修改建议,在注释中要求澄清,或打开一个新问题…… 。


  1. DataFrame.loc-按标签选择的一般解决方案(+ pd.IndexSlice表示涉及切片的更复杂应用)

  2. DataFrame.xs -从Series / DataFrame中提取特定的横截面。

  3. DataFrame.query-动态指定切片和/或过滤操作(即,作为动态评估的表达式。比其他情况更适用于某些方案。另请参阅文档的此部分以查询MultiIndexes。

  4. 使用生成的掩码进行布尔索引MultiIndex.get_level_values(通常与结合使用Index.isin,尤其是在使用多个值进行过滤时)。在某些情况下这也很有用。



如何选择在“一个”级别中具有“ a”的行?

one two     
a   t      0
    u      1
    v      2
    w      3




TypeError: Expected tuple, got str

这意味着您使用的是旧版熊猫。考虑升级!否则,请使用df.loc[('a', slice(None)), :]


df.xs('a', level=0, axis=0, drop_level=False)
# df.xs('a', drop_level=False)



df.query("one == 'a'")

如果索引没有名称,则需要将查询字符串更改为"ilevel_0 == 'a'"


df[df.index.get_level_values('one') == 'a']
# If your levels are unnamed, or if you need to select by position (not label),
# df[df.index.get_level_values(0) == 'a']


t      0
u      1
v      2
w      3


df.loc['a'] # Notice the single string argument instead the list.


df.xs('a', level=0, axis=0, drop_level=True)
# df.xs('a')



v = df.loc[['a']]
one two     
a   t      0
    u      1
    v      2
    w      3

MultiIndex(levels=[['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], ['t', 'u', 'v', 'w']],
           labels=[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3]],
           names=['one', 'two'])


v.index = v.index.remove_unused_levels()

MultiIndex(levels=[['a'], ['t', 'u', 'v', 'w']],
           labels=[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3]],
           names=['one', 'two'])


如何在级别“ two”上切片所有值为“ t”的行?

one two     
a   t      0
b   t      4
    t      8
d   t     12


df.loc[(slice(None), 't'), :]

它就是行得通!™,但是笨拙。我们可以在pd.IndexSlice此处使用API 促进更自然的切片语法。

idx = pd.IndexSlice
df.loc[idx[:, 't'], :]



如果要消除任何歧义,请loc接受一个axis 参数:

df.loc(axis=0)[pd.IndexSlice[:, 't']]

如果没有该axis参数(即仅执行df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, 't']]),则假定切片在列上,并且KeyError在这种情况下将引发a 。



df.xs('t', axis=0, level=1, drop_level=False)


df.query("two == 't'")
# Or, if the first level has no name, 
# df.query("ilevel_1 == 't'") 


df[df.index.get_level_values('two') == 't']
# Or, to perform selection by position/integer,
# df[df.index.get_level_values(1) == 't']



如何在级别“ one”中选择与项目“ b”和“ d”相对应的行?

one two     
b   t      4
    u      5
    v      6
    w      7
    t      8
d   w     11
    t     12
    u     13
    v     14
    w     15


df.loc[['b', 'd']]

要解决选择“ b”和“ d”的上述问题,您还可以使用query

items = ['b', 'd']
df.query("one in @items")
# df.query("one == @items", parser='pandas')
# df.query("one in ['b', 'd']")
# df.query("one == ['b', 'd']", parser='pandas')

是的,默认解析器为'pandas',但重要的是要突出此语法不是python。Pandas解析器从表达式生成的解析树略有不同。这样做是为了使某些操作更直观地指定。有关更多信息,请阅读我关于 使用pd.eval()在熊猫中进行动态表达评估的文章

并且,用get_level_values+ Index.isin

df[df.index.get_level_values("one").isin(['b', 'd'])]


我如何获得与“第二”级别中的“ t”和“ w”相对应的所有值?

one two     
a   t      0
    w      3
b   t      4
    w      7
    t      8
d   w     11
    t     12
    w     15


df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, ['t', 'w']], :] 

中的第一个冒号:pd.IndexSlice[:, ['t', 'w']]指跨越第一级。随着要查询的级别的深度增加,您将需要指定更多的切片,每个级别将切片一个。您不需要指定多层次超越但被切片的一个。


items = ['t', 'w']
df.query("two in @items")
# df.query("two == @items", parser='pandas') 
# df.query("two in ['t', 'w']")
# df.query("two == ['t', 'w']", parser='pandas')


df[df.index.get_level_values('two').isin(['t', 'w'])]


如何检索横截面,即具有从中为索引指定值的单行df?具体来说,我如何检索的横截面('c', 'u'),由

one two     
c   u      9


df.loc[('c', 'u'), :]


df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[('c', 'u')]]


PerformanceWarning: indexing past lexsort depth may impact performance.


df_sort = df.sort_index()
df_sort.loc[('c', 'u')]



df.xs(('c', 'u'))


df.query("one == 'c' and two == 'u'")



m1 = (df.index.get_level_values('one') == 'c')
m2 = (df.index.get_level_values('two') == 'u')
df[m1 & m2]


如何选择与('c', 'u')和相对应的两行('a', 'w')

one two     
c   u      9
a   w      3


df.loc[[('c', 'u'), ('a', 'w')]]
# df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[[('c', 'u'), ('a', 'w')]]]


cses = [('c', 'u'), ('a', 'w')]
levels = ['one', 'two']
# This is a useful check to make in advance.
assert all(len(levels) == len(cs) for cs in cses) 

query = '(' + ') or ('.join([
    ' and '.join([f"({l} == {repr(c)})" for l, c in zip(levels, cs)]) 
    for cs in cses
]) + ')'

# ((one == 'c') and (two == 'u')) or ((one == 'a') and (two == 'w'))




如何检索与“一级”中的“ a”或“二级”中的“ t”相对应的所有行?

one two     
a   t      0
    u      1
    v      2
    w      3
b   t      4
    t      8
d   t     12

loc在确保正确性仍保持代码清晰的同时,这实际上很难做到。df.loc[pd.IndexSlice['a', 't']]不正确,将其解释为df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[('a', 't')]](即选择横截面)。您可能会想到一种解决方案,pd.concat可以单独处理每个标签:

    df.loc[['a'],:], df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, 't'],:]

one two     
a   t      0
    u      1
    v      2
    w      3
    t      0   # Does this look right to you? No, it isn't!
b   t      4
    t      8
d   t     12


v = pd.concat([
        df.loc[['a'],:], df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, 't'],:]

但是,如果您的DataFrame固有地包含重复的索引(所需),那么它将不会保留它们。 使用时要格外小心


df.query("one == 'a' or two == 't'")


m1 = (df.index.get_level_values('one') == 'a')
m2 = (df.index.get_level_values('two') == 't')
df[m1 | m2] 


如何切特定的横截面?对于“ a”和“ b”,我想选择子级别为“ u”和“ v”的所有行,对于“ d”,我想选择子级别为“ w”的行。

one two     
a   u      1
    v      2
b   u      5
    v      6
d   w     11
    w     15



keys = [('a', 'u'), ('a', 'v'), ('b', 'u'), ('b', 'v'), ('d', 'w')]
df.loc[keys, :]

如果要保存一些键入内容,您将认识到存在一种切片“ a”,“ b”及其子级别的模式,因此我们可以将切片任务分为两部分和concat结果:

     df.loc[(('a', 'b'), ('u', 'v')), :], 
     df.loc[('d', 'w'), :]
   ], axis=0)

“ a”和“ b”的切片规范稍微清晰一些,(('a', 'b'), ('u', 'v'))因为被索引的相同子级别对于每个级别都是相同的。



one two     
b   7      4
    9      5
c   7     10
d   6     11
    8     12
    8     13
    6     15


df2.query("two > 5")


df2[df2.index.get_level_values('two') > 5]



如果我需要对MultiIndex 进行切片怎么办?


mux3 = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([
        list('ABCD'), list('efgh')
], names=['one','two'])

df3 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.choice(10, (3, len(mux))), columns=mux3)

one  A           B           C           D         
two  e  f  g  h  e  f  g  h  e  f  g  h  e  f  g  h
0    5  0  3  3  7  9  3  5  2  4  7  6  8  8  1  6
1    7  7  8  1  5  9  8  9  4  3  0  3  5  0  2  3
2    8  1  3  3  3  7  0  1  9  9  0  4  7  3  2  7


  1. 要切片loc,请使用

    df3.loc[:, ....] # Notice how we slice across the index with `:`. 


    df3.loc[:, pd.IndexSlice[...]]
  2. xs适当使用,只需传递一个参数axis=1

  3. 您可以使用直接访问列级别值df.columns.get_level_values。然后,您需要做类似的事情

    df.loc[:, {condition}] 


  4. 要使用query,您唯一的选择是转置,查询索引并再次转置:



MultiIndex / Advanced Indexing

This post will be structured in the following manner:

  1. The questions put forth in the OP will be addressed, one by one
  2. For each question, one or more methods applicable to solving this problem and getting the expected result will be demonstrated.

Notes (much like this one) will be included for readers interested in learning about additional functionality, implementation details, and other info cursory to the topic at hand. These notes have been compiled through scouring the docs and uncovering various obscure features, and from my own (admittedly limited) experience.

All code samples have created and tested on pandas v0.23.4, python3.7. If something is not clear, or factually incorrect, or if you did not find a solution applicable to your use case, please feel free to suggest an edit, request clarification in the comments, or open a new question, ….as applicable.

Here is an introduction to some common idioms (henceforth referred to as the Four Idioms) we will be frequently re-visiting

  1. DataFrame.loc – A general solution for selection by label (+ pd.IndexSlice for more complex applications involving slices)

  2. DataFrame.xs – Extract a particular cross section from a Series/DataFrame.

  3. DataFrame.query – Specify slicing and/or filtering operations dynamically (i.e., as an expression that is evaluated dynamically. Is more applicable to some scenarios than others. Also see this section of the docs for querying on MultiIndexes.

  4. Boolean indexing with a mask generated using MultiIndex.get_level_values (often in conjunction with Index.isin, especially when filtering with multiple values). This is also quite useful in some circumstances.

It will be beneficial to look at the various slicing and filtering problems in terms of the Four Idioms to gain a better understanding what can be applied to a given situation. It is very important to understand that not all of the idioms will work equally well (if at all) in every circumstance. If an idiom has not been listed as a potential solution to a problem below, that means that idiom cannot be applied to that problem effectively.

Question 1

How do I select rows having “a” in level “one”?

one two     
a   t      0
    u      1
    v      2
    w      3

You can use loc, as a general purpose solution applicable to most situations:


At this point, if you get

TypeError: Expected tuple, got str

That means you’re using an older version of pandas. Consider upgrading! Otherwise, use df.loc[('a', slice(None)), :].

Alternatively, you can use xs here, since we are extracting a single cross section. Note the levels and axis arguments (reasonable defaults can be assumed here).

df.xs('a', level=0, axis=0, drop_level=False)
# df.xs('a', drop_level=False)

Here, the drop_level=False argument is needed to prevent xs from dropping level “one” in the result (the level we sliced on).

Yet another option here is using query:

df.query("one == 'a'")

If the index did not have a name, you would need to change your query string to be "ilevel_0 == 'a'".

Finally, using get_level_values:

df[df.index.get_level_values('one') == 'a']
# If your levels are unnamed, or if you need to select by position (not label),
# df[df.index.get_level_values(0) == 'a']

Additionally, how would I be able to drop level “one” in the output?

t      0
u      1
v      2
w      3

This can be easily done using either

df.loc['a'] # Notice the single string argument instead the list.


df.xs('a', level=0, axis=0, drop_level=True)
# df.xs('a')

Notice that we can omit the drop_level argument (it is assumed to be True by default).

You may notice that a filtered DataFrame may still have all the levels, even if they do not show when printing the DataFrame out. For example,

v = df.loc[['a']]
one two     
a   t      0
    u      1
    v      2
    w      3

MultiIndex(levels=[['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], ['t', 'u', 'v', 'w']],
           labels=[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3]],
           names=['one', 'two'])

You can get rid of these levels using MultiIndex.remove_unused_levels:

v.index = v.index.remove_unused_levels()
MultiIndex(levels=[['a'], ['t', 'u', 'v', 'w']],
           labels=[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3]],
           names=['one', 'two'])

Question 1b

How do I slice all rows with value “t” on level “two”?

one two     
a   t      0
b   t      4
    t      8
d   t     12

Intuitively, you would want something involving slice():

df.loc[(slice(None), 't'), :]

It Just Works!™ But it is clunky. We can facilitate a more natural slicing syntax using the pd.IndexSlice API here.

idx = pd.IndexSlice
df.loc[idx[:, 't'], :]

This is much, much cleaner.

Why is the trailing slice : across the columns required? This is because, loc can be used to select and slice along both axes (axis=0 or axis=1). Without explicitly making it clear which axis the slicing is to be done on, the operation becomes ambiguous. See the big red box in the documentation on slicing.

If you want to remove any shade of ambiguity, loc accepts an axis parameter:

df.loc(axis=0)[pd.IndexSlice[:, 't']]

Without the axis parameter (i.e., just by doing df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, 't']]), slicing is assumed to be on the columns, and a KeyError will be raised in this circumstance.

This is documented in slicers. For the purpose of this post, however, we will explicitly specify all axes.

With xs, it is

df.xs('t', axis=0, level=1, drop_level=False)

With query, it is

df.query("two == 't'")
# Or, if the first level has no name, 
# df.query("ilevel_1 == 't'") 

And finally, with get_level_values, you may do

df[df.index.get_level_values('two') == 't']
# Or, to perform selection by position/integer,
# df[df.index.get_level_values(1) == 't']

All to the same effect.

Question 2

How can I select rows corresponding to items “b” and “d” in level “one”?

one two     
b   t      4
    u      5
    v      6
    w      7
    t      8
d   w     11
    t     12
    u     13
    v     14
    w     15

Using loc, this is done in a similar fashion by specifying a list.

df.loc[['b', 'd']]

To solve the above problem of selecting “b” and “d”, you can also use query:

items = ['b', 'd']
df.query("one in @items")
# df.query("one == @items", parser='pandas')
# df.query("one in ['b', 'd']")
# df.query("one == ['b', 'd']", parser='pandas')

Yes, the default parser is 'pandas', but it is important to highlight this syntax isn’t conventionally python. The Pandas parser generates a slightly different parse tree from the expression. This is done to make some operations more intuitive to specify. For more information, please read my post on Dynamic Expression Evaluation in pandas using pd.eval().

And, with get_level_values + Index.isin:

df[df.index.get_level_values("one").isin(['b', 'd'])]

Question 2b

How would I get all values corresponding to “t” and “w” in level “two”?

one two     
a   t      0
    w      3
b   t      4
    w      7
    t      8
d   w     11
    t     12
    w     15

With loc, this is possible only in conjuction with pd.IndexSlice.

df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, ['t', 'w']], :] 

The first colon : in pd.IndexSlice[:, ['t', 'w']] means to slice across the first level. As the depth of the level being queried increases, you will need to specify more slices, one per level being sliced across. You will not need to specify more levels beyond the one being sliced, however.

With query, this is

items = ['t', 'w']
df.query("two in @items")
# df.query("two == @items", parser='pandas') 
# df.query("two in ['t', 'w']")
# df.query("two == ['t', 'w']", parser='pandas')

With get_level_values and Index.isin (similar to above):

df[df.index.get_level_values('two').isin(['t', 'w'])]

Question 3

How do I retrieve a cross section, i.e., a single row having a specific values for the index from df? Specifically, how do I retrieve the cross section of ('c', 'u'), given by

one two     
c   u      9

Use loc by specifying a tuple of keys:

df.loc[('c', 'u'), :]


df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[('c', 'u')]]

At this point, you may run into a PerformanceWarning that looks like this:

PerformanceWarning: indexing past lexsort depth may impact performance.

This just means that your index is not sorted. pandas depends on the index being sorted (in this case, lexicographically, since we are dealing with string values) for optimal search and retrieval. A quick fix would be to sort your DataFrame in advance using DataFrame.sort_index. This is especially desirable from a performance standpoint if you plan on doing multiple such queries in tandem:

df_sort = df.sort_index()
df_sort.loc[('c', 'u')]

You can also use MultiIndex.is_lexsorted() to check whether the index is sorted or not. This function returns True or False accordingly. You can call this function to determine whether an additional sorting step is required or not.

With xs, this is again simply passing a single tuple as the first argument, with all other arguments set to their appropriate defaults:

df.xs(('c', 'u'))

With query, things become a bit clunky:

df.query("one == 'c' and two == 'u'")

You can see now that this is going to be relatively difficult to generalize. But is still OK for this particular problem.

With accesses spanning multiple levels, get_level_values can still be used, but is not recommended:

m1 = (df.index.get_level_values('one') == 'c')
m2 = (df.index.get_level_values('two') == 'u')
df[m1 & m2]

Question 4

How do I select the two rows corresponding to ('c', 'u'), and ('a', 'w')?

one two     
c   u      9
a   w      3

With loc, this is still as simple as:

df.loc[[('c', 'u'), ('a', 'w')]]
# df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[[('c', 'u'), ('a', 'w')]]]

With query, you will need to dynamically generate a query string by iterating over your cross sections and levels:

cses = [('c', 'u'), ('a', 'w')]
levels = ['one', 'two']
# This is a useful check to make in advance.
assert all(len(levels) == len(cs) for cs in cses) 

query = '(' + ') or ('.join([
    ' and '.join([f"({l} == {repr(c)})" for l, c in zip(levels, cs)]) 
    for cs in cses
]) + ')'

# ((one == 'c') and (two == 'u')) or ((one == 'a') and (two == 'w'))


100% DO NOT RECOMMEND! But it is possible.

What if I have multiple levels?
One option in this scenario would be to use droplevel to drop the levels you’re not checking, then use isin to test membership, and then boolean index on the final result.

df[df.index.droplevel(unused_level).isin([('c', 'u'), ('a', 'w')])]

Question 5

How can I retrieve all rows corresponding to “a” in level “one” or “t” in level “two”?

one two     
a   t      0
    u      1
    v      2
    w      3
b   t      4
    t      8
d   t     12

This is actually very difficult to do with loc while ensuring correctness and still maintaining code clarity. df.loc[pd.IndexSlice['a', 't']] is incorrect, it is interpreted as df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[('a', 't')]] (i.e., selecting a cross section). You may think of a solution with pd.concat to handle each label separately:

    df.loc[['a'],:], df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, 't'],:]

one two     
a   t      0
    u      1
    v      2
    w      3
    t      0   # Does this look right to you? No, it isn't!
b   t      4
    t      8
d   t     12

But you’ll notice one of the rows is duplicated. This is because that row satisfied both slicing conditions, and so appeared twice. You will instead need to do

v = pd.concat([
        df.loc[['a'],:], df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, 't'],:]

But if your DataFrame inherently contains duplicate indices (that you want), then this will not retain them. Use with extreme caution.

With query, this is stupidly simple:

df.query("one == 'a' or two == 't'")

With get_level_values, this is still simple, but not as elegant:

m1 = (df.index.get_level_values('one') == 'a')
m2 = (df.index.get_level_values('two') == 't')
df[m1 | m2] 

Question 6

How can I slice specific cross sections? For “a” and “b”, I would like to select all rows with sub-levels “u” and “v”, and for “d”, I would like to select rows with sub-level “w”.

one two     
a   u      1
    v      2
b   u      5
    v      6
d   w     11
    w     15

This is a special case that I’ve added to help understand the applicability of the Four Idioms—this is one case where none of them will work effectively, since the slicing is very specific, and does not follow any real pattern.

Usually, slicing problems like this will require explicitly passing a list of keys to loc. One way of doing this is with:

keys = [('a', 'u'), ('a', 'v'), ('b', 'u'), ('b', 'v'), ('d', 'w')]
df.loc[keys, :]

If you want to save some typing, you will recognise that there is a pattern to slicing “a”, “b” and its sublevels, so we can separate the slicing task into two portions and concat the result:

     df.loc[(('a', 'b'), ('u', 'v')), :], 
     df.loc[('d', 'w'), :]
   ], axis=0)

Slicing specification for “a” and “b” is slightly cleaner (('a', 'b'), ('u', 'v')) because the same sub-levels being indexed are the same for each level.

Question 7

How do I get all rows where values in level “two” are greater than 5?

one two     
b   7      4
    9      5
c   7     10
d   6     11
    8     12
    8     13
    6     15

This can be done using query,

df2.query("two > 5")

And get_level_values.

df2[df2.index.get_level_values('two') > 5]

Similar to this example, we can filter based on any arbitrary condition using these constructs. In general, it is useful to remember that loc and xs are specifically for label-based indexing, while query and get_level_values are helpful for building general conditional masks for filtering.

Bonus Question

What if I need to slice a MultiIndex column?

Actually, most solutions here are applicable to columns as well, with minor changes. Consider:

mux3 = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([
        list('ABCD'), list('efgh')
], names=['one','two'])

df3 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.choice(10, (3, len(mux))), columns=mux3)

one  A           B           C           D         
two  e  f  g  h  e  f  g  h  e  f  g  h  e  f  g  h
0    5  0  3  3  7  9  3  5  2  4  7  6  8  8  1  6
1    7  7  8  1  5  9  8  9  4  3  0  3  5  0  2  3
2    8  1  3  3  3  7  0  1  9  9  0  4  7  3  2  7

These are the following changes you will need to make to the Four Idioms to have them working with columns.

  1. To slice with loc, use

     df3.loc[:, ....] # Notice how we slice across the index with `:`. 


     df3.loc[:, pd.IndexSlice[...]]
  2. To use xs as appropriate, just pass an argument axis=1.

  3. You can access the column level values directly using df.columns.get_level_values. You will then need to do something like

     df.loc[:, {condition}] 

    Where {condition} represents some condition built using columns.get_level_values.

  4. To use query, your only option is to transpose, query on the index, and transpose again:


    Not recommended, use one of the other 3 options.

回答 1





  1. 一种从一个索引级别选择两个以上的值,从另一个索引级别选择一个值的方法,以及
  2. 在数据帧输出中保留上一操作的索引值的方法。


  1. 索引未命名。


    index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['a','b'],

    df = pd.DataFrame([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,

    a stock1 price      1
             volume     2
             velocity   3
      stock2 price      4
             volume     5
             velocity   6
      stock3 price      7
             volume     8
             velocity   9
    b stock1 price     10
             volume    11
             velocity  12
      stock2 price     13
             volume    14
             velocity  15
      stock3 price     16
             volume    17
             velocity  18


    df.xs(('stock1', 'velocity'), level=(1,2))

    a   3
    b  12


   df.iloc[df.index.isin(['stock1'], level=1) & 
           df.index.isin(['velocity'], level=2)] 

    a stock1 velocity   3
    b stock1 velocity  12


    df.iloc[df.index.isin(['stock1','stock3'], level=1) & 
            df.index.isin(['velocity'], level=2)] 

    a stock1 velocity   3
      stock3 velocity   9
    b stock1 velocity  12
      stock3 velocity  18


Recently I came across a use case where I had a 3+ level multi-index dataframe in which I couldn’t make any of the solutions above produce the results I was looking for. It’s quite possible that the above solutions do of course work for my use case, and I tried several, however I was unable to get them to work with the time I had available.

I am far from expert, but I stumbled across a solution that was not listed in the comprehensive answers above. I offer no guarantee that the solutions are in any way optimal.

This is a different way to get a slightly different result to Question #6 above. (and likely other questions as well)

Specifically I was looking for:

  1. A way to choose two+ values from one level of the index and a single value from another level of the index, and
  2. A way to leave the index values from the previous operation in the dataframe output.

As a monkey wrench in the gears (however totally fixable):

  1. The indexes were unnamed.

On the toy dataframe below:

    index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['a','b'],

    df = pd.DataFrame([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,

    a stock1 price      1
             volume     2
             velocity   3
      stock2 price      4
             volume     5
             velocity   6
      stock3 price      7
             volume     8
             velocity   9
    b stock1 price     10
             volume    11
             velocity  12
      stock2 price     13
             volume    14
             velocity  15
      stock3 price     16
             volume    17
             velocity  18

Using the below works, of course:

    df.xs(('stock1', 'velocity'), level=(1,2))

    a   3
    b  12

But I wanted a different result, so my method to get that result was:

   df.iloc[df.index.isin(['stock1'], level=1) & 
           df.index.isin(['velocity'], level=2)] 

    a stock1 velocity   3
    b stock1 velocity  12

And if I wanted two+ values from one level and a single (or 2+) value from another level:

    df.iloc[df.index.isin(['stock1','stock3'], level=1) & 
            df.index.isin(['velocity'], level=2)] 

    a stock1 velocity   3
      stock3 velocity   9
    b stock1 velocity  12
      stock3 velocity  18

The above method is probably a bit clunky, however I found it filled my needs and as a bonus was easier for me to understand and read.
