


class Sample(models.Model):
    date = fields.DateField(auto_now=False)



I’ve got a field in one model like:

class Sample(models.Model):
    date = fields.DateField(auto_now=False)

Now, I need to filter the objects by a date range.

How do I filter all the objects that have a date between 1-Jan-2011 and 31-Jan-2011?

回答 0

Sample.objects.filter(date__range=["2011-01-01", "2011-01-31"])




正如伯恩哈德Vallant说,如果你想查询集去掉了specified range ends,你应该考虑自己的解决方案,它采用GT / LT(大于/小于号)。


Sample.objects.filter(date__range=["2011-01-01", "2011-01-31"])

Or if you are just trying to filter month wise:



As Bernhard Vallant said, if you want a queryset which excludes the specified range ends you should consider his solution, which utilizes gt/lt (greater-than/less-than).

回答 1


import datetime
samples = Sample.objects.filter(sampledate__gte=datetime.date(2011, 1, 1),
                                sampledate__lte=datetime.date(2011, 1, 31))

You can use django’s filter with datetime.date objects:

import datetime
samples = Sample.objects.filter(sampledate__gte=datetime.date(2011, 1, 1),
                                sampledate__lte=datetime.date(2011, 1, 31))

回答 2


    startdate = date.today()
    enddate = startdate + timedelta(days=6)
    Sample.objects.filter(date__range=[startdate, enddate])


    startdate = datetime.today()
    enddate = startdate + timedelta(days=6)
    Sample.objects.filter(date__range=[startdate, enddate])


When doing django ranges with a filter make sure you know the difference between using a date object vs a datetime object. __range is inclusive on dates but if you use a datetime object for the end date it will not include the entries for that day if the time is not set.

    startdate = date.today()
    enddate = startdate + timedelta(days=6)
    Sample.objects.filter(date__range=[startdate, enddate])

returns all entries from startdate to enddate including entries on those dates. Bad example since this is returning entries a week into the future, but you get the drift.

    startdate = datetime.today()
    enddate = startdate + timedelta(days=6)
    Sample.objects.filter(date__range=[startdate, enddate])

will be missing 24 hours worth of entries depending on what the time for the date fields is set to.

回答 3


start = date(2012, 12, 11)
end = date(2012, 12, 18)
new_end = end + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

ExampleModel.objects.filter(some_datetime_field__range=[start, new_end])



You can get around the “impedance mismatch” caused by the lack of precision in the DateTimeField/date object comparison — that can occur if using range — by using a datetime.timedelta to add a day to last date in the range. This works like:

start = date(2012, 12, 11)
end = date(2012, 12, 18)
new_end = end + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

ExampleModel.objects.filter(some_datetime_field__range=[start, new_end])

As discussed previously, without doing something like this, records are ignored on the last day.

Edited to avoid the use of datetime.combine — seems more logical to stick with date instances when comparing against a DateTimeField, instead of messing about with throwaway (and confusing) datetime objects. See further explanation in comments below.

回答 4




Is simple,


Works for me

回答 5


class AnalyticsFilterBackend(generic_filters.BaseFilterBackend):
    def filter_queryset(self, request, queryset, view):
        predicate = request.query_params # or request.data for POST

        if predicate.get('from_date', None) is not None and predicate.get('to_date', None) is not None:
            queryset = queryset.filter(your_date__range=(predicate['from_date'], predicate['to_date']))

        if predicate.get('from_date', None) is not None and predicate.get('to_date', None) is None:
            queryset = queryset.filter(your_date__gte=predicate['from_date'])

        if predicate.get('to_date', None) is not None and predicate.get('from_date', None) is None:
            queryset = queryset.filter(your_date__lte=predicate['to_date'])
        return queryset

To make it more flexible, you can design a FilterBackend as below:

class AnalyticsFilterBackend(generic_filters.BaseFilterBackend):
    def filter_queryset(self, request, queryset, view):
        predicate = request.query_params # or request.data for POST

        if predicate.get('from_date', None) is not None and predicate.get('to_date', None) is not None:
            queryset = queryset.filter(your_date__range=(predicate['from_date'], predicate['to_date']))

        if predicate.get('from_date', None) is not None and predicate.get('to_date', None) is None:
            queryset = queryset.filter(your_date__gte=predicate['from_date'])

        if predicate.get('to_date', None) is not None and predicate.get('from_date', None) is None:
            queryset = queryset.filter(your_date__lte=predicate['to_date'])
        return queryset

回答 6


import dateutil
import pytz

date = dateutil.parser.parse('02/11/2019').replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)

Still relevant today. You can also do:

import dateutil
import pytz

date = dateutil.parser.parse('02/11/2019').replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)