
这就是我通常做,以确定输入是一个list/ tuple-但不是str。因为很多时候我偶然发现了一个错误,即一个函数str错误地传递了一个对象,而目标函数确实for x in lst假定这lst实际上是一个listor tuple

assert isinstance(lst, (list, tuple))


This is what I normally do in order to ascertain that the input is a list/tuple – but not a str. Because many times I stumbled upon bugs where a function passes a str object by mistake, and the target function does for x in lst assuming that lst is actually a list or tuple.

assert isinstance(lst, (list, tuple))

My question is: is there a better way of achieving this?

回答 0

仅在python 2中(不是python 3):

assert not isinstance(lst, basestring)


In python 2 only (not python 3):

assert not isinstance(lst, basestring)

Is actually what you want, otherwise you’ll miss out on a lot of things which act like lists, but aren’t subclasses of list or tuple.

回答 1




def srepr(arg):
    if isinstance(arg, basestring): # Python 3: isinstance(arg, str)
        return repr(arg)
        return '<' + ", ".join(srepr(x) for x in arg) + '>'
    except TypeError: # catch when for loop fails
        return repr(arg) # not a sequence so just return repr




注意:try/ except是表达我们意图的最干净的方法。但是,如果这段代码在某种程度上对时间很紧迫,我们可能要用某种测试来替换它,看看是否arg是一个序列。除了测试类型,我们可能应该测试行为。如果它有一个.strip()方法,它是一个字符串,所以不要认为它是一个序列。否则,如果它是可索引的或可迭代的,则它是一个序列:

def is_sequence(arg):
    return (not hasattr(arg, "strip") and
            hasattr(arg, "__getitem__") or
            hasattr(arg, "__iter__"))

def srepr(arg):
    if is_sequence(arg):
        return '<' + ", ".join(srepr(x) for x in arg) + '>'
    return repr(arg)

编辑:我最初写上面检查,__getslice__()但我注意到在collections模块文档中,有趣的方法是__getitem__(); 这很有意义,这就是您索引对象的方式。这似乎比根本,__getslice__()因此我更改了上面的内容。

Remember that in Python we want to use “duck typing”. So, anything that acts like a list can be treated as a list. So, don’t check for the type of a list, just see if it acts like a list.

But strings act like a list too, and often that is not what we want. There are times when it is even a problem! So, check explicitly for a string, but then use duck typing.

Here is a function I wrote for fun. It is a special version of repr() that prints any sequence in angle brackets (‘<‘, ‘>’).

def srepr(arg):
    if isinstance(arg, basestring): # Python 3: isinstance(arg, str)
        return repr(arg)
        return '<' + ", ".join(srepr(x) for x in arg) + '>'
    except TypeError: # catch when for loop fails
        return repr(arg) # not a sequence so just return repr

This is clean and elegant, overall. But what’s that isinstance() check doing there? That’s kind of a hack. But it is essential.

This function calls itself recursively on anything that acts like a list. If we didn’t handle the string specially, then it would be treated like a list, and split up one character at a time. But then the recursive call would try to treat each character as a list — and it would work! Even a one-character string works as a list! The function would keep on calling itself recursively until stack overflow.

Functions like this one, that depend on each recursive call breaking down the work to be done, have to special-case strings–because you can’t break down a string below the level of a one-character string, and even a one-character string acts like a list.

Note: the try/except is the cleanest way to express our intentions. But if this code were somehow time-critical, we might want to replace it with some sort of test to see if arg is a sequence. Rather than testing the type, we should probably test behaviors. If it has a .strip() method, it’s a string, so don’t consider it a sequence; otherwise, if it is indexable or iterable, it’s a sequence:

def is_sequence(arg):
    return (not hasattr(arg, "strip") and
            hasattr(arg, "__getitem__") or
            hasattr(arg, "__iter__"))

def srepr(arg):
    if is_sequence(arg):
        return '<' + ", ".join(srepr(x) for x in arg) + '>'
    return repr(arg)

EDIT: I originally wrote the above with a check for __getslice__() but I noticed that in the collections module documentation, the interesting method is __getitem__(); this makes sense, that’s how you index an object. That seems more fundamental than __getslice__() so I changed the above.

回答 2

H = "Hello"

if type(H) is list or type(H) is tuple:
    ## Do Something.
    ## Do Something.
H = "Hello"

if type(H) is list or type(H) is tuple:
    ## Do Something.
    ## Do Something.

回答 3

对于Python 3:

import collections.abc

if isinstance(obj, collections.abc.Sequence) and not isinstance(obj, str):
    print("obj is a sequence (list, tuple, etc) but not a string")


对于Python 2:

import collections

if isinstance(obj, collections.Sequence) and not isinstance(obj, basestring):
    print "obj is a sequence (list, tuple, etc) but not a string or unicode"

For Python 3:

import collections.abc

if isinstance(obj, collections.abc.Sequence) and not isinstance(obj, str):
    print("obj is a sequence (list, tuple, etc) but not a string")

Changed in version 3.3: Moved Collections Abstract Base Classes to the collections.abc module. For backwards compatibility, they will continue to be visible in this module as well until version 3.8 where it will stop working.

For Python 2:

import collections

if isinstance(obj, collections.Sequence) and not isinstance(obj, basestring):
    print "obj is a sequence (list, tuple, etc) but not a string or unicode"

回答 4


def is_array(var):
    return isinstance(var, (list, tuple))

Python with PHP flavor:

def is_array(var):
    return isinstance(var, (list, tuple))

回答 5


这听起来像是个反问,但事实并非如此。答案为“为什么我应该检查参数的类型?” 可能会建议解决实际问题,而不是感知到的问题。将字符串传递给函数时,为什么会出错?另外:如果将字符串传递给此函数是一个错误,是否将其他非列表/元组可迭代传递给它也是一个错误吗?为什么或者为什么不?

我认为这个问题的最常见答案可能是 f("abc")期望该函数的行为就像编写的一样f(["abc"])。在某些情况下,保护开发人员免受自身侵害比支持对字符串中的字符进行迭代的用例更有意义。但是我首先会考虑很长时间。

Generally speaking, the fact that a function which iterates over an object works on strings as well as tuples and lists is more feature than bug. You certainly can use isinstance or duck typing to check an argument, but why should you?

That sounds like a rhetorical question, but it isn’t. The answer to “why should I check the argument’s type?” is probably going to suggest a solution to the real problem, not the perceived problem. Why is it a bug when a string is passed to the function? Also: if it’s a bug when a string is passed to this function, is it also a bug if some other non-list/tuple iterable is passed to it? Why, or why not?

I think that the most common answer to the question is likely to be that developers who write f("abc") are expecting the function to behave as though they’d written f(["abc"]). There are probably circumstances where it makes more sense to protect developers from themselves than it does to support the use case of iterating across the characters in a string. But I’d think long and hard about it first.

回答 6



import types
if isinstance(lst, types.ListType) or isinstance(lst, types.TupleType):
    # Do something


import typing
if isinstance(lst, typing.List) or isinstance(lst, typing.Tuple):
    # Do something


Try this for readability and best practices:


import types
if isinstance(lst, types.ListType) or isinstance(lst, types.TupleType):
    # Do something


import typing
if isinstance(lst, typing.List) or isinstance(lst, typing.Tuple):
    # Do something

Hope it helps.

回答 7


>>> hasattr('', '__iter__')


assert hasattr(x, '__iter__')


编辑: 正如蒂姆在评论中提到的那样,这仅适用于python 2.x,而不是3.x

The str object doesn’t have an __iter__ attribute

>>> hasattr('', '__iter__')

so you can do a check

assert hasattr(x, '__iter__')

and this will also raise a nice AssertionError for any other non-iterable object too.

Edit: As Tim mentions in the comments, this will only work in python 2.x, not 3.x

回答 8



毕竟,非str类型(例如,维护一些复杂的递归结构的用户定义类型)可能导致@steveha srepr函数引起无限递归。尽管这确实不太可能,但我们不能忽略这种可能性。因此,与其特殊外壳strsrepr,我们应该明确,我们想要什么srepr在无限递归产生时的事情情况。

似乎一种合理的方法是srepr暂时中断当前递归list(arg) == [arg]。这,其实,彻底解决这个问题str,没有任何isinstance

但是,真正复杂的递归结构可能会导致无限循环,list(arg) == [arg]永远不会发生。因此,尽管上面的检查很有用,但还不够。我们需要对递归深度进行严格限制。


This is not intended to directly answer the OP, but I wanted to share some related ideas.

I was very interested in @steveha answer above, which seemed to give an example where duck typing seems to break. On second thought, however, his example suggests that duck typing is hard to conform to, but it does not suggest that str deserves any special handling.

After all, a non-str type (e.g., a user-defined type that maintains some complicated recursive structures) may cause @steveha srepr function to cause an infinite recursion. While this is admittedly rather unlikely, we can’t ignore this possibility. Therefore, rather than special-casing str in srepr, we should clarify what we want srepr to do when an infinite recursion results.

It may seem that one reasonable approach is to simply break the recursion in srepr the moment list(arg) == [arg]. This would, in fact, completely solve the problem with str, without any isinstance.

However, a really complicated recursive structure may cause an infinite loop where list(arg) == [arg] never happens. Therefore, while the above check is useful, it’s not sufficient. We need something like a hard limit on the recursion depth.

My point is that if you plan to handle arbitrary argument types, handling str via duck typing is far, far easier than handling the more general types you may (theoretically) encounter. So if you feel the need to exclude str instances, you should instead demand that the argument is an instance of one of the few types that you explicitly specify.

回答 9


def is_sequence(seq):
  """Returns a true if its input is a collections.Sequence (except strings).
    seq: an input sequence.
    True if the sequence is a not a string and is a collections.Sequence.
  return (isinstance(seq, collections.Sequence)
and not isinstance(seq, six.string_types))


I find such a function named is_sequence in tensorflow.

def is_sequence(seq):
  """Returns a true if its input is a collections.Sequence (except strings).
    seq: an input sequence.
    True if the sequence is a not a string and is a collections.Sequence.
  return (isinstance(seq, collections.Sequence)
and not isinstance(seq, six.string_types))

And I have verified that it meets your needs.

回答 10


def assertIsIterable(self, item):
    #add types here you don't want to mistake as iterables
    if isinstance(item, basestring): 
        raise AssertionError("type %s is not iterable" % type(item))

    #Fake an iteration.
        for x in item:
    except TypeError:
        raise AssertionError("type %s is not iterable" % type(item))


I do this in my testcases.

def assertIsIterable(self, item):
    #add types here you don't want to mistake as iterables
    if isinstance(item, basestring): 
        raise AssertionError("type %s is not iterable" % type(item))

    #Fake an iteration.
        for x in item:
    except TypeError:
        raise AssertionError("type %s is not iterable" % type(item))

Untested on generators, I think you are left at the next ‘yield’ if passed in a generator, which may screw things up downstream. But then again, this is a ‘unittest’

回答 11


    lst = lst + []
except TypeError:
    #it's not a list


    lst = lst + ()
except TypeError:
    #it's not a tuple

分别。这避免了isinstance/ hasattr内省的东西。


    lst = lst + ''
except TypeError:
    #it's not (base)string


有趣的是,在任何情况下,如果是列表(不是元组),则在“就地”赋值时都不会引发+=no 。这就是为什么以这种方式完成分配的原因。也许有人可以阐明原因。TypeErrorlst

In “duck typing” manner, how about

    lst = lst + []
except TypeError:
    #it's not a list


    lst = lst + ()
except TypeError:
    #it's not a tuple

respectively. This avoids the isinstance / hasattr introspection stuff.

You could also check vice versa:

    lst = lst + ''
except TypeError:
    #it's not (base)string

All variants do not actually change the content of the variable, but imply a reassignment. I’m unsure whether this might be undesirable under some circumstances.

Interestingly, with the “in place” assignment += no TypeError would be raised in any case if lst is a list (not a tuple). That’s why the assignment is done this way. Maybe someone can shed light on why that is.

回答 12


>>> console_routers = 'x'
>>> any([isinstance(console_routers, list), isinstance(console_routers, tuple)])
>>> console_routers = ('x',)
>>> any([isinstance(console_routers, list), isinstance(console_routers, tuple)])
>>> console_routers = list('x',)
>>> any([isinstance(console_routers, list), isinstance(console_routers, tuple)])

simplest way… using any and isinstance

>>> console_routers = 'x'
>>> any([isinstance(console_routers, list), isinstance(console_routers, tuple)])
>>> console_routers = ('x',)
>>> any([isinstance(console_routers, list), isinstance(console_routers, tuple)])
>>> console_routers = list('x',)
>>> any([isinstance(console_routers, list), isinstance(console_routers, tuple)])

回答 13



# If a string was passed, convert it to a single-element sequence
if var == str(var):
    my_list = [var]

# All other iterables
    my_list = list(var)


Another version of duck-typing to help distinguish string-like objects from other sequence-like objects.

The string representation of string-like objects is the string itself, so you can check if you get an equal object back from the str constructor:

# If a string was passed, convert it to a single-element sequence
if var == str(var):
    my_list = [var]

# All other iterables
    my_list = list(var)

This should work for all objects compatible with str and for all kinds of iterable objects.

回答 14

Python 3具有以下功能:

from typing import List

def isit(value):
    return isinstance(value, List)

isit([1, 2, 3])  # True
isit("test")  # False
isit({"Hello": "Mars"})  # False
isit((1, 2))  # False


from typing import List, Tuple

def isit(value):
    return isinstance(value, List) or isinstance(value, Tuple)

Python 3 has this:

from typing import List

def isit(value):
    return isinstance(value, List)

isit([1, 2, 3])  # True
isit("test")  # False
isit({"Hello": "Mars"})  # False
isit((1, 2))  # False

So to check for both Lists and Tuples, it would be:

from typing import List, Tuple

def isit(value):
    return isinstance(value, List) or isinstance(value, Tuple)

回答 15

assert (type(lst) == list) | (type(lst) == tuple), "Not a valid lst type, cannot be string"
assert (type(lst) == list) | (type(lst) == tuple), "Not a valid lst type, cannot be string"

回答 16


if type(lst) in (list, tuple):
    # Do stuff

Just do this

if type(lst) in (list, tuple):
    # Do stuff

回答 17

在python> 3.6中

import collections

in python >3.6

import collections

回答 18


for i in some_var:
   if type(i) == type(list()):
       #do something with a list
   elif type(i) == type(tuple()):
       #do something with a tuple
   elif type(i) == type(str()):
       #here's your string

I tend to do this (if I really, really had to):

for i in some_var:
   if type(i) == type(list()):
       #do something with a list
   elif type(i) == type(tuple()):
       #do something with a tuple
   elif type(i) == type(str()):
       #here's your string
