

while len(alist) > 0 : alist.pop()


It seems so “dirty” emptying a list in this way:

while len(alist) > 0 : alist.pop()

Does a clear way exist to do that?

回答 0


del lst[:]


lst1 = [1, 2, 3]
lst2 = lst1
del lst1[:]


lst[:] = []


请注意,这样lst = []做不会清空列表,只是创建一个新对象并将其绑定到变量lst,但是旧列表仍将具有相同的元素,并且如果具有其他变量绑定,效果将显而易见。

This actually removes the contents from the list, but doesn’t replace the old label with a new empty list:

del lst[:]

Here’s an example:

lst1 = [1, 2, 3]
lst2 = lst1
del lst1[:]

For the sake of completeness, the slice assignment has the same effect:

lst[:] = []

It can also be used to shrink a part of the list while replacing a part at the same time (but that is out of the scope of the question).

Note that doing lst = [] does not empty the list, just creates a new object and binds it to the variable lst, but the old list will still have the same elements, and effect will be apparent if it had other variable bindings.

回答 1

如果你正在运行的Python 3.3或更好的,你可以使用clear()的方法list,这是平行clear()dictsetdeque和其他易变的容器类型:

alist.clear()  # removes all items from alist (equivalent to del alist[:])

按照链接的文档页面,也可以使用来实现相同的目的alist *= 0


  1. alist.clear() # Python 3.3+
  2. del alist[:]
  3. alist[:] = []
  4. alist *= 0

If you’re running Python 3.3 or better, you can use the clear() method of list, which is parallel to clear() of dict, set, deque and other mutable container types:

alist.clear()  # removes all items from alist (equivalent to del alist[:])

As per the linked documentation page, the same can also be achieved with alist *= 0.

To sum up, there are four equivalent ways to clear a list in-place (quite contrary to the Zen of Python!):

  1. alist.clear() # Python 3.3+
  2. del alist[:]
  3. alist[:] = []
  4. alist *= 0

回答 2


alist[:] = []



You could try:

alist[:] = []

Which means: Splice in the list [] (0 elements) at the location [:] (all indexes from start to finish)

The [:] is the slice operator. See this question for more information.

回答 3

事实证明,使用python 2.5.2的del l[:]速度比l[:] = []使用1.1 usec的速度略慢。

$ python -mtimeit "l=list(range(1000))" "b=l[:];del b[:]"
10000 loops, best of 3: 29.8 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit "l=list(range(1000))" "b=l[:];b[:] = []"
10000 loops, best of 3: 28.7 usec per loop
$ python -V
Python 2.5.2

it turns out that with python 2.5.2, del l[:] is slightly slower than l[:] = [] by 1.1 usec.

$ python -mtimeit "l=list(range(1000))" "b=l[:];del b[:]"
10000 loops, best of 3: 29.8 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit "l=list(range(1000))" "b=l[:];b[:] = []"
10000 loops, best of 3: 28.7 usec per loop
$ python -V
Python 2.5.2

回答 4

lst *= 0


lst[:] = []



lst *= 0

has the same effect as

lst[:] = []

It’s a little simpler and maybe easier to remember. Other than that there’s not much to say

The efficiency seems to be about the same

回答 5

list = []


请注意,通常您不应该遮盖保留的函数名称,例如list,它是列表对象的构造函数- 例如,可以使用lstlist_代替。

list = []

will reset list to an empty list.

Note that you generally should not shadow reserved function names, such as list, which is the constructor for a list object — you could use lst or list_ instead, for instance.

回答 6



while index>=0:
    del list[index]


另外,请确保while行上有一个“大于或等于”符号。省略它会使您剩下list [0]。

Another simple code you could use (depending on your situation) is:


while index>=0:
    del list[index]

You have to start index at the length of the list and go backwards versus index at 0, forwards because that would end you up with index equal to the length of the list with it only being cut in half.

Also, be sure that the while line has a “greater than or equal to” sign. Omitting it will leave you with list[0] remaining.
