如果文件以读/写方式打开,或者以不存在的方式创建,然后以读/写方式打开,最好的方法是什么?根据我的阅读,file = open('myfile.dat', 'rw')
它对我不起作用(Python 2.6.2),我想知道这是否是版本问题,或者不应该那样工作或做什么。
What is the best way to open a file as read/write if it exists, or if it does not, then create it and open it as read/write? From what I read, file = open('myfile.dat', 'rw')
should do this, right?
It is not working for me (Python 2.6.2) and I’m wondering if it is a version problem, or not supposed to work like that or what.
The bottom line is, I just need a solution for the problem. I am curious about the other stuff, but all I need is a nice way to do the opening part.
The enclosing directory was writeable by user and group, not other (I’m on a Linux system… so permissions 775 in other words), and the exact error was:
IOError: no such file or directory.
回答 0
file = open('myfile.dat', 'w+')
You should use open
with the w+
file = open('myfile.dat', 'w+')
回答 1
with open("file.dat","a+") as f:
a +打开一个文件以进行附加和读取。如果文件存在,则文件指针位于文件的末尾。该文件以追加模式打开。如果该文件不存在,它将创建一个用于读取和写入的新文件。- Python的文件模式
f.seek(pos [, (0|1|2)])
pos .. position of the r/w pointer
[] .. optionally
() .. one of ->
0 .. absolute position
1 .. relative position to current
2 .. relative position from end
只允许使用“ rwab +”字符;必须完全是“ rwa”之一-请参阅Stack Overflow问题Python文件模式详细信息。
The advantage of the following approach is that the file is properly closed at the block’s end, even if an exception is raised on the way. It’s equivalent to try-finally
, but much shorter.
with open("file.dat","a+") as f:
a+ Opens a file for both appending and reading. The file pointer is
at the end of the file if the file exists. The file opens in the
append mode. If the file does not exist, it creates a new file for
reading and writing. –Python file modes
seek() method sets the file’s current position.
f.seek(pos [, (0|1|2)])
pos .. position of the r/w pointer
[] .. optionally
() .. one of ->
0 .. absolute position
1 .. relative position to current
2 .. relative position from end
Only “rwab+” characters are allowed; there must be exactly one of “rwa” – see Stack Overflow question Python file modes detail.
回答 2
import os
writepath = 'some/path/to/file.txt'
mode = 'a' if os.path.exists(writepath) else 'w'
with open(writepath, mode) as f:
f.write('Hello, world!\n')
Good practice is to use the following:
import os
writepath = 'some/path/to/file.txt'
mode = 'a' if os.path.exists(writepath) else 'w'
with open(writepath, mode) as f:
f.write('Hello, world!\n')
回答 3
将“ rw”更改为“ w +”
或使用“ a +”进行附加(不删除现有内容)
Change “rw” to “w+”
Or use ‘a+’ for appending (not erasing existing content)
回答 4
>>> import os
>>> if os.path.exists("myfile.dat"):
... f = file("myfile.dat", "r+")
... else:
... f = file("myfile.dat", "w")
r +表示读/写
>>> import os
>>> if os.path.exists("myfile.dat"):
... f = file("myfile.dat", "r+")
... else:
... f = file("myfile.dat", "w")
r+ means read/write
回答 5
从python 3.4开始,您应该使用pathlib
from pathlib import Path
filename = Path('myfile.txt')
filename.touch(exist_ok=True) # will create file, if it exists will do nothing
file = open(filename)
filename.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
Since python 3.4 you should use pathlib
to “touch” files.
It is a much more elegant solution than the proposed ones in this thread.
from pathlib import Path
filename = Path('myfile.txt')
filename.touch(exist_ok=True) # will create file, if it exists will do nothing
file = open(filename)
Same thing with directories:
filename.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
回答 6
file_path = 'myfile.dat'
fp = open(file_path)
except IOError:
# If not exists, create the file
fp = open(file_path, 'w+')
My answer:
file_path = 'myfile.dat'
fp = open(file_path)
except IOError:
# If not exists, create the file
fp = open(file_path, 'w+')
回答 7
w write mode
r read mode
a append mode
w+ create file if it doesn't exist and open it in write mode
r+ open for reading and writing. Does not create file.
a+ create file if it doesn't exist and open it in append mode
file_name = 'my_file.txt'
f = open(file_name, 'w+') # open file in write mode
f.write('python rules')
我希望这有帮助。[仅供参考,请使用python 3.6.2版]
w write mode
r read mode
a append mode
w+ create file if it doesn't exist and open it in write mode
r+ open for reading and writing. Does not create file.
a+ create file if it doesn't exist and open it in append mode
file_name = 'my_file.txt'
f = open(file_name, 'w+') # open file in write mode
f.write('python rules')
I hope this helps. [FYI am using python version 3.6.2]
回答 8
open('myfile.dat', 'a')
>>> open('myfile.dat', 'rw')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#34>", line 1, in <module>
open('myfile.dat', 'rw')
ValueError: must have exactly one of read/write/append mode
open('myfile.dat', 'a')
works for me, just fine.
in py3k your code raises ValueError
>>> open('myfile.dat', 'rw')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#34>", line 1, in <module>
open('myfile.dat', 'rw')
ValueError: must have exactly one of read/write/append mode
in python-2.6 it raises IOError
回答 9
import os
f_loc = r"C:\Users\Russell\Desktop\myfile.dat"
# Create the file if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(f_loc):
open(f_loc, 'w').close()
# Open the file for appending and reading
with open(f_loc, 'a+') as f:
#Do stuff
import os
f_loc = r"C:\Users\Russell\Desktop\myfile.dat"
# Create the file if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(f_loc):
open(f_loc, 'w').close()
# Open the file for appending and reading
with open(f_loc, 'a+') as f:
#Do stuff
Note: Files have to be closed after you open them, and the with context manager is a nice way of letting Python take care of this for you.
回答 10
如果需要读取文件,则在打开文件之前必须先将其存在。您可以在打开它之前测试它的存在或使用try / except。
What do you want to do with file? Only writing to it or both read and write?
, 'a'
will allow write and will create the file if it doesn’t exist.
If you need to read from a file, the file has to be exist before open it. You can test its existence before opening it or use a try/except.
回答 11
I think it’s r+
, not rw
. I’m just a starter, and that’s what I’ve seen in the documentation.
回答 12
使用w +写入文件,如果存在则截断,使用r +读取文件,如果文件不存在则创建一个,但不写入(并返回null),或者使用a +创建新文件或追加到现有文件。
Put w+ for writing the file, truncating if it exist, r+ to read the file, creating one if it don’t exist but not writing (and returning null) or a+ for creating a new file or appending to a existing one.
回答 13
>>> with open('somefile', 'wt') as f:
... f.write('Hello\n')
>>> with open('somefile', 'xt') as f:
... f.write('Hello\n')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: 'somefile'
So You want to write data to a file, but only if it doesn’t already exist?.
This problem is easily solved by using the little-known x mode to open() instead of the usual w mode. For example:
>>> with open('somefile', 'wt') as f:
... f.write('Hello\n')
>>> with open('somefile', 'xt') as f:
... f.write('Hello\n')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: 'somefile'
If the file is binary mode, use mode xb instead of xt.
回答 14
file = open('myfile.dat', 'a+')
file.seek(0, 0)
If you want to open it to read and write, I’m assuming you don’t want to truncate it as you open it and you want to be able to read the file right after opening it. So this is the solution I’m using:
file = open('myfile.dat', 'a+')
file.seek(0, 0)
回答 15
import os
save_file = "history.txt"
然后定义一个函数,该函数将使用os.path.is file方法检查文件是否存在,如果不存在,它将创建一个文件
def check_into():
if os.path.isfile(save_file):
print("history file exists..... \nusing for writting....")
print("history file not exists..... \ncreating it..... ")
file = open(save_file, 'w')
print('file created ')
may be this will help
first import os module into your py file
import os
then create a variable named save_file and set it to file you want to make html or txt in this case a txt file
save_file = "history.txt"
then define a function that will use os.path.is file method to check if file exist and if not
it will create a file
def check_into():
if os.path.isfile(save_file):
print("history file exists..... \nusing for writting....")
print("history file not exists..... \ncreating it..... ")
file = open(save_file, 'w')
print('file created ')
and at last call the function
回答 16
import os, platform
try :
file = open("Learn Python.txt","a")
print('this file is exist')
print('this file is not exist')
file.write('\n''Hello Ashok')
fhead = open('Learn Python.txt')
for line in fhead:
words = line.split()
import os, platform
try :
file = open("Learn Python.txt","a")
print('this file is exist')
print('this file is not exist')
file.write('\n''Hello Ashok')
fhead = open('Learn Python.txt')
for line in fhead:
words = line.split()