

     USAF   WBAN  year  month  day  s_PC  s_CL  s_CD  s_CNT  tempf       
                                     sum   sum   sum    sum   amax   amin
0  702730  26451  1993      1    1     1     0    12     13  30.92  24.98
1  702730  26451  1993      1    2     0     0    13     13  32.00  24.98
2  702730  26451  1993      1    3     1    10     2     13  23.00   6.98
3  702730  26451  1993      1    4     1     0    12     13  10.04   3.92
4  702730  26451  1993      1    5     3     0    10     13  19.94  10.94


     USAF   WBAN  year  month  day  s_PC  s_CL  s_CD  s_CNT  tempf_amax  tmpf_amin   
0  702730  26451  1993      1    1     1     0    12     13  30.92          24.98
1  702730  26451  1993      1    2     0     0    13     13  32.00          24.98
2  702730  26451  1993      1    3     1    10     2     13  23.00          6.98
3  702730  26451  1993      1    4     1     0    12     13  10.04          3.92
4  702730  26451  1993      1    5     3     0    10     13  19.94          10.94



{('USAF', ''): {0: '702730',
  1: '702730',
  2: '702730',
  3: '702730',
  4: '702730'},
 ('WBAN', ''): {0: '26451', 1: '26451', 2: '26451', 3: '26451', 4: '26451'},
 ('day', ''): {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 5},
 ('month', ''): {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1},
 ('s_CD', 'sum'): {0: 12.0, 1: 13.0, 2: 2.0, 3: 12.0, 4: 10.0},
 ('s_CL', 'sum'): {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0, 2: 10.0, 3: 0.0, 4: 0.0},
 ('s_CNT', 'sum'): {0: 13.0, 1: 13.0, 2: 13.0, 3: 13.0, 4: 13.0},
 ('s_PC', 'sum'): {0: 1.0, 1: 0.0, 2: 1.0, 3: 1.0, 4: 3.0},
 ('tempf', 'amax'): {0: 30.920000000000002,
  1: 32.0,
  2: 23.0,
  3: 10.039999999999999,
  4: 19.939999999999998},
 ('tempf', 'amin'): {0: 24.98,
  1: 24.98,
  2: 6.9799999999999969,
  3: 3.9199999999999982,
  4: 10.940000000000001},
 ('year', ''): {0: 1993, 1: 1993, 2: 1993, 3: 1993, 4: 1993}}

I have a data frame with a hierarchical index in axis 1 (columns) (from a groupby.agg operation):

     USAF   WBAN  year  month  day  s_PC  s_CL  s_CD  s_CNT  tempf       
                                     sum   sum   sum    sum   amax   amin
0  702730  26451  1993      1    1     1     0    12     13  30.92  24.98
1  702730  26451  1993      1    2     0     0    13     13  32.00  24.98
2  702730  26451  1993      1    3     1    10     2     13  23.00   6.98
3  702730  26451  1993      1    4     1     0    12     13  10.04   3.92
4  702730  26451  1993      1    5     3     0    10     13  19.94  10.94

I want to flatten it, so that it looks like this (names aren’t critical – I could rename):

     USAF   WBAN  year  month  day  s_PC  s_CL  s_CD  s_CNT  tempf_amax  tmpf_amin   
0  702730  26451  1993      1    1     1     0    12     13  30.92          24.98
1  702730  26451  1993      1    2     0     0    13     13  32.00          24.98
2  702730  26451  1993      1    3     1    10     2     13  23.00          6.98
3  702730  26451  1993      1    4     1     0    12     13  10.04          3.92
4  702730  26451  1993      1    5     3     0    10     13  19.94          10.94

How do I do this? (I’ve tried a lot, to no avail.)

Per a suggestion, here is the head in dict form

{('USAF', ''): {0: '702730',
  1: '702730',
  2: '702730',
  3: '702730',
  4: '702730'},
 ('WBAN', ''): {0: '26451', 1: '26451', 2: '26451', 3: '26451', 4: '26451'},
 ('day', ''): {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 5},
 ('month', ''): {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1},
 ('s_CD', 'sum'): {0: 12.0, 1: 13.0, 2: 2.0, 3: 12.0, 4: 10.0},
 ('s_CL', 'sum'): {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0, 2: 10.0, 3: 0.0, 4: 0.0},
 ('s_CNT', 'sum'): {0: 13.0, 1: 13.0, 2: 13.0, 3: 13.0, 4: 13.0},
 ('s_PC', 'sum'): {0: 1.0, 1: 0.0, 2: 1.0, 3: 1.0, 4: 3.0},
 ('tempf', 'amax'): {0: 30.920000000000002,
  1: 32.0,
  2: 23.0,
  3: 10.039999999999999,
  4: 19.939999999999998},
 ('tempf', 'amin'): {0: 24.98,
  1: 24.98,
  2: 6.9799999999999969,
  3: 3.9199999999999982,
  4: 10.940000000000001},
 ('year', ''): {0: 1993, 1: 1993, 2: 1993, 3: 1993, 4: 1993}}

回答 0


df.columns = df.columns.get_level_values(0)


如果要将joinMultiIndex 组合成一个索引(假设您的列中仅包含字符串条目),则可以:

df.columns = [' '.join(col).strip() for col in df.columns.values]


In [11]: [' '.join(col).strip() for col in df.columns.values]
 's_CD sum',
 's_CL sum',
 's_CNT sum',
 's_PC sum',
 'tempf amax',
 'tempf amin',

I think the easiest way to do this would be to set the columns to the top level:

df.columns = df.columns.get_level_values(0)

Note: if the to level has a name you can also access it by this, rather than 0.


If you want to combine/join your MultiIndex into one Index (assuming you have just string entries in your columns) you could:

df.columns = [' '.join(col).strip() for col in df.columns.values]

Note: we must strip the whitespace for when there is no second index.

In [11]: [' '.join(col).strip() for col in df.columns.values]
 's_CD sum',
 's_CL sum',
 's_CNT sum',
 's_PC sum',
 'tempf amax',
 'tempf amin',

回答 1

pd.DataFrame(df.to_records()) # multiindex become columns and new index is integers only
pd.DataFrame(df.to_records()) # multiindex become columns and new index is integers only

回答 2






import pandas as pd
print(pd.__version__) # '0.23.4'
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
        [['foo', 'bar'], ['baz', 'qux']],
        names=['a', 'b'])

# MultiIndex(levels=[['bar', 'foo'], ['baz', 'qux']],
#           codes=[[1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]],
#           names=['a', 'b'])


# Index([('foo', 'baz'), ('foo', 'qux'), ('bar', 'baz'), ('bar', 'qux')], dtype='object')


一个如何在上使用它的示例dat,它是一个带有MultiIndex列的DataFrame :

dat = df.loc[:,['name','workshop_period','class_size']].groupby(['name','workshop_period']).describe()
# MultiIndex(levels=[['class_size'], ['count', 'mean', 'std', 'min', '25%', '50%', '75%', 'max']],
#            codes=[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]])

dat.columns = dat.columns.to_flat_index()
# Index([('class_size', 'count'),  ('class_size', 'mean'),
#     ('class_size', 'std'),   ('class_size', 'min'),
#     ('class_size', '25%'),   ('class_size', '50%'),
#     ('class_size', '75%'),   ('class_size', 'max')],
#  dtype='object')

All of the current answers on this thread must have been a bit dated. As of pandas version 0.24.0, the .to_flat_index() does what you need.

From panda’s own documentation:


Convert a MultiIndex to an Index of Tuples containing the level values.

A simple example from its documentation:

import pandas as pd
print(pd.__version__) # '0.23.4'
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
        [['foo', 'bar'], ['baz', 'qux']],
        names=['a', 'b'])

# MultiIndex(levels=[['bar', 'foo'], ['baz', 'qux']],
#           codes=[[1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]],
#           names=['a', 'b'])

Applying to_flat_index():

# Index([('foo', 'baz'), ('foo', 'qux'), ('bar', 'baz'), ('bar', 'qux')], dtype='object')

Using it to replace existing pandas column

An example of how you’d use it on dat, which is a DataFrame with a MultiIndex column:

dat = df.loc[:,['name','workshop_period','class_size']].groupby(['name','workshop_period']).describe()
# MultiIndex(levels=[['class_size'], ['count', 'mean', 'std', 'min', '25%', '50%', '75%', 'max']],
#            codes=[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]])

dat.columns = dat.columns.to_flat_index()
# Index([('class_size', 'count'),  ('class_size', 'mean'),
#     ('class_size', 'std'),   ('class_size', 'min'),
#     ('class_size', '25%'),   ('class_size', '50%'),
#     ('class_size', '75%'),   ('class_size', 'max')],
#  dtype='object')

回答 3

安迪·海登(Andy Hayden)的答案当然是最简单的方法-如果要避免重复的列标签,则需要进行一些调整

In [34]: df
     USAF   WBAN  day  month  s_CD  s_CL  s_CNT  s_PC  tempf         year
                               sum   sum    sum   sum   amax   amin      
0  702730  26451    1      1    12     0     13     1  30.92  24.98  1993
1  702730  26451    2      1    13     0     13     0  32.00  24.98  1993
2  702730  26451    3      1     2    10     13     1  23.00   6.98  1993
3  702730  26451    4      1    12     0     13     1  10.04   3.92  1993
4  702730  26451    5      1    10     0     13     3  19.94  10.94  1993

In [35]: mi = df.columns

In [36]: mi
[(USAF, ), (WBAN, ), (day, ), (month, ), (s_CD, sum), (s_CL, sum), (s_CNT, sum), (s_PC, sum), (tempf, amax), (tempf, amin), (year, )]

In [37]: mi.tolist()
[('USAF', ''),
 ('WBAN', ''),
 ('day', ''),
 ('month', ''),
 ('s_CD', 'sum'),
 ('s_CL', 'sum'),
 ('s_CNT', 'sum'),
 ('s_PC', 'sum'),
 ('tempf', 'amax'),
 ('tempf', 'amin'),
 ('year', '')]

In [38]: ind = pd.Index([e[0] + e[1] for e in mi.tolist()])

In [39]: ind
Out[39]: Index([USAF, WBAN, day, month, s_CDsum, s_CLsum, s_CNTsum, s_PCsum, tempfamax, tempfamin, year], dtype=object)

In [40]: df.columns = ind

In [46]: df
     USAF   WBAN  day  month  s_CDsum  s_CLsum  s_CNTsum  s_PCsum  tempfamax  tempfamin  \
0  702730  26451    1      1       12        0        13        1      30.92      24.98   
1  702730  26451    2      1       13        0        13        0      32.00      24.98   
2  702730  26451    3      1        2       10        13        1      23.00       6.98   
3  702730  26451    4      1       12        0        13        1      10.04       3.92   
4  702730  26451    5      1       10        0        13        3      19.94      10.94   

0  1993  
1  1993  
2  1993  
3  1993  
4  1993

Andy Hayden’s answer is certainly the easiest way — if you want to avoid duplicate column labels you need to tweak a bit

In [34]: df
     USAF   WBAN  day  month  s_CD  s_CL  s_CNT  s_PC  tempf         year
                               sum   sum    sum   sum   amax   amin      
0  702730  26451    1      1    12     0     13     1  30.92  24.98  1993
1  702730  26451    2      1    13     0     13     0  32.00  24.98  1993
2  702730  26451    3      1     2    10     13     1  23.00   6.98  1993
3  702730  26451    4      1    12     0     13     1  10.04   3.92  1993
4  702730  26451    5      1    10     0     13     3  19.94  10.94  1993

In [35]: mi = df.columns

In [36]: mi
[(USAF, ), (WBAN, ), (day, ), (month, ), (s_CD, sum), (s_CL, sum), (s_CNT, sum), (s_PC, sum), (tempf, amax), (tempf, amin), (year, )]

In [37]: mi.tolist()
[('USAF', ''),
 ('WBAN', ''),
 ('day', ''),
 ('month', ''),
 ('s_CD', 'sum'),
 ('s_CL', 'sum'),
 ('s_CNT', 'sum'),
 ('s_PC', 'sum'),
 ('tempf', 'amax'),
 ('tempf', 'amin'),
 ('year', '')]

In [38]: ind = pd.Index([e[0] + e[1] for e in mi.tolist()])

In [39]: ind
Out[39]: Index([USAF, WBAN, day, month, s_CDsum, s_CLsum, s_CNTsum, s_PCsum, tempfamax, tempfamin, year], dtype=object)

In [40]: df.columns = ind

In [46]: df
     USAF   WBAN  day  month  s_CDsum  s_CLsum  s_CNTsum  s_PCsum  tempfamax  tempfamin  \
0  702730  26451    1      1       12        0        13        1      30.92      24.98   
1  702730  26451    2      1       13        0        13        0      32.00      24.98   
2  702730  26451    3      1        2       10        13        1      23.00       6.98   
3  702730  26451    4      1       12        0        13        1      10.04       3.92   
4  702730  26451    5      1       10        0        13        3      19.94      10.94   

0  1993  
1  1993  
2  1993  
3  1993  
4  1993

回答 4

df.columns = ['_'.join(tup).rstrip('_') for tup in df.columns.values]
df.columns = ['_'.join(tup).rstrip('_') for tup in df.columns.values]

回答 5


In [1]: new_cols = [''.join(t) for t in df.columns]

In [2]: df.columns = new_cols

And if you want to retain any of the aggregation info from the second level of the multiindex you can try this:

In [1]: new_cols = [''.join(t) for t in df.columns]

In [2]: df.columns = new_cols

回答 6


df.columns = df.columns.map(' '.join).str.strip()


Index(['USAF', 'WBAN', 'day', 'month', 's_CD sum', 's_CL sum', 's_CNT sum',
       's_PC sum', 'tempf amax', 'tempf amin', 'year'],

使用Python 3.6+和f字符串进行更新:

df.columns = [f'{f} {s}' if s != '' else f'{f}' 
              for f, s in df.columns]



Index(['USAF', 'WBAN', 'day', 'month', 's_CD sum', 's_CL sum', 's_CNT sum',
       's_PC sum', 'tempf amax', 'tempf amin', 'year'],

The most pythonic way to do this to use map function.

df.columns = df.columns.map(' '.join).str.strip()

Output print(df.columns):

Index(['USAF', 'WBAN', 'day', 'month', 's_CD sum', 's_CL sum', 's_CNT sum',
       's_PC sum', 'tempf amax', 'tempf amin', 'year'],

Update using Python 3.6+ with f string:

df.columns = [f'{f} {s}' if s != '' else f'{f}' 
              for f, s in df.columns]



Index(['USAF', 'WBAN', 'day', 'month', 's_CD sum', 's_CL sum', 's_CNT sum',
       's_PC sum', 'tempf amax', 'tempf amin', 'year'],

回答 7


level_one = df.columns.get_level_values(0).astype(str)
level_two = df.columns.get_level_values(1).astype(str)
df.columns = level_one + level_two

如果要在列之间使用分隔符,则可以执行此操作。这将返回与Seiji Armstrong关于已接受答案的评论相同的内容,该评论仅包括两个索引级别中的值的列的下划线:

level_one = df.columns.get_level_values(0).astype(str)
level_two = df.columns.get_level_values(1).astype(str)
column_separator = ['_' if x != '' else '' for x in level_two]
df.columns = level_one + column_separator + level_two

我知道这与Andy Hayden的出色答案具有相同的作用,但我认为这种方式更直观,并且更容易记住(因此,我不必继续引用此线程),尤其是对于熊猫新手用户。


level_one = df.columns.get_level_values(0).astype(str)
level_two = df.columns.get_level_values(1).astype(str)
level_three = df.columns.get_level_values(2).astype(str)
df.columns = level_one + level_two + level_three

The easiest and most intuitive solution for me was to combine the column names using get_level_values. This prevents duplicate column names when you do more than one aggregation on the same column:

level_one = df.columns.get_level_values(0).astype(str)
level_two = df.columns.get_level_values(1).astype(str)
df.columns = level_one + level_two

If you want a separator between columns, you can do this. This will return the same thing as Seiji Armstrong’s comment on the accepted answer that only includes underscores for columns with values in both index levels:

level_one = df.columns.get_level_values(0).astype(str)
level_two = df.columns.get_level_values(1).astype(str)
column_separator = ['_' if x != '' else '' for x in level_two]
df.columns = level_one + column_separator + level_two

I know this does the same thing as Andy Hayden’s great answer above, but I think it is a bit more intuitive this way and is easier to remember (so I don’t have to keep referring to this thread), especially for novice pandas users.

This method is also more extensible in the case where you may have 3 column levels.

level_one = df.columns.get_level_values(0).astype(str)
level_two = df.columns.get_level_values(1).astype(str)
level_three = df.columns.get_level_values(2).astype(str)
df.columns = level_one + level_two + level_three

回答 8


def __my_flatten_cols(self, how="_".join, reset_index=True):
    how = (lambda iter: list(iter)[-1]) if how == "last" else how
    self.columns = [how(filter(None, map(str, levels))) for levels in self.columns.values] \
                    if isinstance(self.columns, pd.MultiIndex) else self.columns
    return self.reset_index() if reset_index else self
pd.DataFrame.my_flatten_cols = __my_flatten_cols



df = pd.DataFrame({"grouper": ["x","x","y","y"], "val1": [0,2,4,6], 2: [1,3,5,7]}, columns=["grouper", "val1", 2])

  grouper  val1  2
0       x     0  1
1       x     2  3
2       y     4  5
3       y     6  7
  • 单一聚合方法与源名称相同的结果变量:

    • df.groupby(by="grouper", as_index = False).agg(...).reset_index()相同
    • ----- before -----
                 val1  2
      ------ after -----
        grouper  val1  2
      0       x     0  1
      1       y     4  5
  • 单源变量,多个聚合以统计信息命名的结果变量:

    df.groupby(by="grouper").agg({"val1": [min,max]}).my_flatten_cols("last")
    • 与相同a = df.groupby(..).agg(..); a.columns = a.columns.droplevel(0); a.reset_index()
    • ----- before -----
                 min max
      ------ after -----
        grouper  min  max
      0       x    0    2
      1       y    4    6
  • 多个变量,多个聚合:名为(varname)_(statname)的结果变量:

    df.groupby(by="grouper").agg({"val1": min, 2:[sum, "size"]}).my_flatten_cols()
    # you can combine the names in other ways too, e.g. use a different delimiter:
    #df.groupby(by="grouper").agg({"val1": min, 2:[sum, "size"]}).my_flatten_cols(" ".join)
    • 在后台运行a.columns = ["_".join(filter(None, map(str, levels))) for levels in a.columns.values](因为这种形式的agg()结果出现MultiIndex在列上)。
    • 如果您没有my_flatten_cols帮助者,则输入@Seigi建议的解决方案可能会更容易:a.columns = ["_".join(t).rstrip("_") for t in a.columns.values]在这种情况下,它的工作原理类似(但如果列上有数字标签,则会失败)
    • 要处理列上的数字标签,可以使用@jxstanford和@Nolan Conawaya.columns = ["_".join(tuple(map(str, t))).rstrip("_") for t in a.columns.values])建议的解决方案,但我不明白为什么tuple()需要调用,并且我相信rstrip()只有在某些列具有类似("colname", "")(如果您reset_index()在尝试修复之前会发生这种情况.columns
    • ----- before -----
                 val1           2     
                 min       sum    size
      ------ after -----
        grouper  val1_min  2_sum  2_size
      0       x         0      4       2
      1       y         4     12       2
  • 要手动命名结果变量:(这是因为大熊猫0.20.0弃用没有适当的替代性为0.23

    df.groupby(by="grouper").agg({"val1": {"sum_of_val1": "sum", "count_of_val1": "count"},
                                       2: {"sum_of_2":    "sum", "count_of_2":    "count"}}).my_flatten_cols("last")
    • 其他建议包括:手动设置列:res.columns = ['A_sum', 'B_sum', 'count'].join()输入多个groupby语句。
    • ----- before -----
                         val1                      2         
                count_of_val1 sum_of_val1 count_of_2 sum_of_2
      ------ after -----
        grouper  count_of_val1  sum_of_val1  count_of_2  sum_of_2
      0       x              2            2           2         4
      1       y              2           10           2        12


  • 级别名称可以是非字符串,例如,当列名称是整数时按列号使用Index pandas DataFrame,因此我们必须使用map(str, ..)
  • 它们也可以是空的,所以我们必须 filter(None, ..)
  • 对于单级列(即,除MultiIndex之外的任何内容),columns.values返回名称(str,而不是元组)
  • 根据您的使用方式,.agg()您可能需要保留一列的最底端标签或连接多个标签
  • (因为我是熊猫新手?),我希望reset_index()能够以常规方式使用group-by列,因此默认情况下会这样做

After reading through all the answers, I came up with this:

def __my_flatten_cols(self, how="_".join, reset_index=True):
    how = (lambda iter: list(iter)[-1]) if how == "last" else how
    self.columns = [how(filter(None, map(str, levels))) for levels in self.columns.values] \
                    if isinstance(self.columns, pd.MultiIndex) else self.columns
    return self.reset_index() if reset_index else self
pd.DataFrame.my_flatten_cols = __my_flatten_cols


Given a data frame:

df = pd.DataFrame({"grouper": ["x","x","y","y"], "val1": [0,2,4,6], 2: [1,3,5,7]}, columns=["grouper", "val1", 2])

  grouper  val1  2
0       x     0  1
1       x     2  3
2       y     4  5
3       y     6  7
  • Single aggregation method: resulting variables named the same as source:

    • Same as df.groupby(by="grouper", as_index=False) or .agg(...).reset_index()
    • ----- before -----
                 val1  2
      ------ after -----
        grouper  val1  2
      0       x     0  1
      1       y     4  5
  • Single source variable, multiple aggregations: resulting variables named after statistics:

    df.groupby(by="grouper").agg({"val1": [min,max]}).my_flatten_cols("last")
    • Same as a = df.groupby(..).agg(..); a.columns = a.columns.droplevel(0); a.reset_index().
    • ----- before -----
                 min max
      ------ after -----
        grouper  min  max
      0       x    0    2
      1       y    4    6
  • Multiple variables, multiple aggregations: resulting variables named (varname)_(statname):

    df.groupby(by="grouper").agg({"val1": min, 2:[sum, "size"]}).my_flatten_cols()
    # you can combine the names in other ways too, e.g. use a different delimiter:
    #df.groupby(by="grouper").agg({"val1": min, 2:[sum, "size"]}).my_flatten_cols(" ".join)
    • Runs a.columns = ["_".join(filter(None, map(str, levels))) for levels in a.columns.values] under the hood (since this form of agg() results in MultiIndex on columns).
    • If you don’t have the my_flatten_cols helper, it might be easier to type in the solution suggested by @Seigi: a.columns = ["_".join(t).rstrip("_") for t in a.columns.values], which works similarly in this case (but fails if you have numeric labels on columns)
    • To handle the numeric labels on columns, you could use the solution suggested by @jxstanford and @Nolan Conaway (a.columns = ["_".join(tuple(map(str, t))).rstrip("_") for t in a.columns.values]), but I don’t understand why the tuple() call is needed, and I believe rstrip() is only required if some columns have a descriptor like ("colname", "") (which can happen if you reset_index() before trying to fix up .columns)
    • ----- before -----
                 val1           2     
                 min       sum    size
      ------ after -----
        grouper  val1_min  2_sum  2_size
      0       x         0      4       2
      1       y         4     12       2
  • You want to name the resulting variables manually: (this is deprecated since pandas 0.20.0 with no adequate alternative as of 0.23)

    df.groupby(by="grouper").agg({"val1": {"sum_of_val1": "sum", "count_of_val1": "count"},
                                       2: {"sum_of_2":    "sum", "count_of_2":    "count"}}).my_flatten_cols("last")
    • Other suggestions include: setting the columns manually: res.columns = ['A_sum', 'B_sum', 'count'] or .join()ing multiple groupby statements.
    • ----- before -----
                         val1                      2         
                count_of_val1 sum_of_val1 count_of_2 sum_of_2
      ------ after -----
        grouper  count_of_val1  sum_of_val1  count_of_2  sum_of_2
      0       x              2            2           2         4
      1       y              2           10           2        12

Cases handled by the helper function

  • level names can be non-string, e.g. Index pandas DataFrame by column numbers, when column names are integers, so we have to convert with map(str, ..)
  • they can also be empty, so we have to filter(None, ..)
  • for single-level columns (i.e. anything except MultiIndex), columns.values returns the names (str, not tuples)
  • depending on how you used .agg() you may need to keep the bottom-most label for a column or concatenate multiple labels
  • (since I’m new to pandas?) more often than not, I want reset_index() to be able to work with the group-by columns in the regular way, so it does that by default

回答 9


df.columns = ['_'.join(tuple(map(str, t))) for t in df.columns.values]

A general solution that handles multiple levels and mixed types:

df.columns = ['_'.join(tuple(map(str, t))) for t in df.columns.values]

回答 10


df.columns = df.columns.tolist()

A bit late maybe, but if you are not worried about duplicate column names:

df.columns = df.columns.tolist()

回答 11


def flattenHierarchicalCol(col,sep = '_'):
    if not type(col) is tuple:
        return col
        new_col = ''
        for leveli,level in enumerate(col):
            if not level == '':
                if not leveli == 0:
                    new_col += sep
                new_col += level
        return new_col

df.columns = df.columns.map(flattenHierarchicalCol)

In case you want to have a separator in the name between levels, this function works well.

def flattenHierarchicalCol(col,sep = '_'):
    if not type(col) is tuple:
        return col
        new_col = ''
        for leveli,level in enumerate(col):
            if not level == '':
                if not leveli == 0:
                    new_col += sep
                new_col += level
        return new_col

df.columns = df.columns.map(flattenHierarchicalCol)

回答 12

在@jxstanford和@ tvt173之后,我编写了一个快速函数,无论字符串/ int列名如何,该函数都可以完成此任务:

def flatten_cols(df):
    df.columns = [
        '_'.join(tuple(map(str, t))).rstrip('_') 
        for t in df.columns.values
    return df

Following @jxstanford and @tvt173, I wrote a quick function which should do the trick, regardless of string/int column names:

def flatten_cols(df):
    df.columns = [
        '_'.join(tuple(map(str, t))).rstrip('_') 
        for t in df.columns.values
    return df

回答 13


df.columns = [(df.columns[i][0])+'_'+(datadf_pos4.columns[i][1]) for i in range(len(df.columns))]

You could also do as below. Consider df to be your dataframe and assume a two level index (as is the case in your example)

df.columns = [(df.columns[i][0])+'_'+(datadf_pos4.columns[i][1]) for i in range(len(df.columns))]

回答 14


[" ".join([str(elem) for elem in tup]) for tup in df.columns.tolist()]
#df = df.reset_index() if needed

I’ll share a straight-forward way that worked for me.

[" ".join([str(elem) for elem in tup]) for tup in df.columns.tolist()]
#df = df.reset_index() if needed

回答 15


def flatten_index(df):
  df_copy = df.copy()
  df_copy.columns = ['_'.join(col).rstrip('_') for col in df_copy.columns.values]
  return df_copy.reset_index()


my_df \
  .groupby('group') \
  .agg({'value': ['count']}) \
  .pipe(flatten_index) \

To flatten a MultiIndex inside a chain of other DataFrame methods, define a function like this:

def flatten_index(df):
  df_copy = df.copy()
  df_copy.columns = ['_'.join(col).rstrip('_') for col in df_copy.columns.values]
  return df_copy.reset_index()

Then use the pipe method to apply this function in the chain of DataFrame methods, after groupby and agg but before any other methods in the chain:

my_df \
  .groupby('group') \
  .agg({'value': ['count']}) \
  .pipe(flatten_index) \

回答 16


def flatten_columns(df, sep='.'):
    def _remove_empty(column_name):
        return tuple(element for element in column_name if element)
    def _join(column_name):
        return sep.join(column_name)

    new_columns = [_join(_remove_empty(column)) for column in df.columns.values]
    df.columns = new_columns

Another simple routine.

def flatten_columns(df, sep='.'):
    def _remove_empty(column_name):
        return tuple(element for element in column_name if element)
    def _join(column_name):
        return sep.join(column_name)

    new_columns = [_join(_remove_empty(column)) for column in df.columns.values]
    df.columns = new_columns
