问题:用Python ping服务器


In Python, is there a way to ping a server through ICMP and return TRUE if the server responds, or FALSE if there is no response?

回答 0

Python 2和Python 3中使用

@radato os.system替换为subprocess.call。这样可以避免在主机名字符串可能未经验证的情况下出现外壳注入漏洞。

import platform    # For getting the operating system name
import subprocess  # For executing a shell command

def ping(host):
    Returns True if host (str) responds to a ping request.
    Remember that a host may not respond to a ping (ICMP) request even if the host name is valid.

    # Option for the number of packets as a function of
    param = '-n' if platform.system().lower()=='windows' else '-c'

    # Building the command. Ex: "ping -c 1 google.com"
    command = ['ping', param, '1', host]

    return subprocess.call(command) == 0

请注意,根据Windows上的@ikrase,True如果遇到Destination Host Unreachable错误,此函数仍将返回。



platform.system()返回平台名称。例如 'Darwin'在macOS上。
subprocess.call()执行系统调用。例如 subprocess.call(['ls','-l'])

This function works in any OS (Unix, Linux, macOS, and Windows)
Python 2 and Python 3

By @radato os.system was replaced by subprocess.call. This avoids shell injection vulnerability in cases where your hostname string might not be validated.

import platform    # For getting the operating system name
import subprocess  # For executing a shell command

def ping(host):
    Returns True if host (str) responds to a ping request.
    Remember that a host may not respond to a ping (ICMP) request even if the host name is valid.

    # Option for the number of packets as a function of
    param = '-n' if platform.system().lower()=='windows' else '-c'

    # Building the command. Ex: "ping -c 1 google.com"
    command = ['ping', param, '1', host]

    return subprocess.call(command) == 0

Note that, according to @ikrase on Windows this function will still return True if you get a Destination Host Unreachable error.


The command is ping in both Windows and Unix-like systems.
The option -n (Windows) or -c (Unix) controls the number of packets which in this example was set to 1.

platform.system() returns the platform name. Ex. 'Darwin' on macOS.
subprocess.call() performs a system call. Ex. subprocess.call(['ls','-l']).

回答 1


import os
hostname = "google.com" #example
response = os.system("ping -c 1 " + hostname)

#and then check the response...
if response == 0:
  print hostname, 'is up!'
  print hostname, 'is down!'


If you don’t need to support Windows, here’s a really concise way to do it:

import os
hostname = "google.com" #example
response = os.system("ping -c 1 " + hostname)

#and then check the response...
if response == 0:
  print hostname, 'is up!'
  print hostname, 'is down!'

This works because ping returns a non-zero value if the connection fails. (The return value actually differs depending on the network error.) You could also change the ping timeout (in seconds) using the ‘-t’ option. Note, this will output text to the console.

回答 2


pip install pyping


import pyping

r = pyping.ping('google.com')

if r.ret_code == 0:
    print("Failed with {}".format(r.ret_code))

There is a module called pyping that can do this. It can be installed with pip

pip install pyping

It is pretty simple to use, however, when using this module, you need root access due to the fact that it is crafting raw packets under the hood.

import pyping

r = pyping.ping('google.com')

if r.ret_code == 0:
    print("Failed with {}".format(r.ret_code))

回答 3

import subprocess
ping_response = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/ping", "-c1", "-w100", ""], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()
import subprocess
ping_response = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/ping", "-c1", "-w100", ""], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()

回答 4

对于python3,有一个非常简单方便的python模块ping3:(pip install ping3,需要root特权)。

from ping3 import ping, verbose_ping
ping('example.com')  # Returns delay in seconds.
>>> 0.215697261510079666


For python3 there’s a very simple and convenient python module ping3: (pip install ping3, needs root privileges).

from ping3 import ping, verbose_ping
ping('example.com')  # Returns delay in seconds.
>>> 0.215697261510079666

This module allows for the customization of some parameters as well.

回答 5

因为我希望Python程序在2.7和3.x版以及Linux,Mac OS和Windows平台上通用,所以我不得不修改现有示例。

# shebang does not work over all platforms
# ping.py  2016-02-25 Rudolf
# subprocess.call() is preferred to os.system()
# works under Python 2.7 and 3.4
# works under Linux, Mac OS, Windows

def ping(host):
    Returns True if host responds to a ping request
    import subprocess, platform

    # Ping parameters as function of OS
    ping_str = "-n 1" if  platform.system().lower()=="windows" else "-c 1"
    args = "ping " + " " + ping_str + " " + host
    need_sh = False if  platform.system().lower()=="windows" else True

    # Ping
    return subprocess.call(args, shell=need_sh) == 0

# test call

Because I like to have my Python program universal on version 2.7 and 3.x and on platform Linux, Mac OS and Windows, I had to modify the existing examples.

# shebang does not work over all platforms
# ping.py  2016-02-25 Rudolf
# subprocess.call() is preferred to os.system()
# works under Python 2.7 and 3.4
# works under Linux, Mac OS, Windows

def ping(host):
    Returns True if host responds to a ping request
    import subprocess, platform

    # Ping parameters as function of OS
    ping_str = "-n 1" if  platform.system().lower()=="windows" else "-c 1"
    args = "ping " + " " + ping_str + " " + host
    need_sh = False if  platform.system().lower()=="windows" else True

    # Ping
    return subprocess.call(args, shell=need_sh) == 0

# test call

回答 6

环顾四周后,我最终编写了自己的ping模块,该模块旨在监视大量地址,是异步的并且不占用大量系统资源。您可以在这里找到它:https : //github.com/romana/multi-ping/它是Apache许可的,因此您可以按照自己认为合适的任何方式在项目中使用它。


  • 这里提到的许多解决方案都需要执行程序才能使用命令行实用程序。如果您需要监视大量的IP地址,这是非常低效的,并且会浪费资源。
  • 其他人提到了一些较旧的python ping模块。我查看了这些内容,最后,它们都遇到了其他问题(例如未正确设置数据包ID),并且无法处理大量地址的ping操作。

After looking around, I ended up writing my own ping module, which is designed to monitor large numbers of addresses, is asynchronous and doesn’t use a lot of system resources. You can find it here: https://github.com/romana/multi-ping/ It’s Apache licensed, so you can use it in your project in any way you see fit.

The main reasons for implementing my own are the restrictions of the other approaches:

  • Many of the solutions mentioned here require an exec out to a command line utility. This is quite inefficient and resource hungry if you need to monitor large numbers of IP addresses.
  • Others mention some older python ping modules. I looked at those and in the end, they all had some issue or the other (such as not correctly setting packet IDs) and didn’t handle the ping-ing of large numbers of addresses.

回答 7


import subprocess as sp

def ipcheck():
    status,result = sp.getstatusoutput("ping -c1 -w2 " + str(pop))
    if status == 0:
        print("System " + str(pop) + " is UP !")
        print("System " + str(pop) + " is DOWN !")

pop = input("Enter the ip address: ")

import subprocess as sp

def ipcheck():
    status,result = sp.getstatusoutput("ping -c1 -w2 " + str(pop))
    if status == 0:
        print("System " + str(pop) + " is UP !")
        print("System " + str(pop) + " is DOWN !")

pop = input("Enter the ip address: ")

回答 8

确保已安装pyping或将其安装pip install pyping

import pyping

response = pyping.ping('Your IP')

if response.ret_code == 0:

Make Sure pyping is installed or install it pip install pyping

import pyping

response = pyping.ping('Your IP')

if response.ret_code == 0:

回答 9

由于发送原始ICMP数据包需要提升的特权,因此编程ICMP ping变得很复杂,并且调用ping二进制文件很丑陋。对于服务器监视,可以使用称为TCP ping的技术来达到相同的结果:

# pip3 install tcping
>>> from tcping import Ping
# Ping(host, port, timeout)
>>> ping = Ping('', 22, 60)
>>> ping.ping(3)
Connected to[:22]: seq=1 time=23.71 ms
Connected to[:22]: seq=2 time=24.38 ms
Connected to[:22]: seq=3 time=24.00 ms


Programmatic ICMP ping is complicated due to the elevated privileges required to send raw ICMP packets, and calling ping binary is ugly. For server monitoring, you can achieve the same result using a technique called TCP ping:

# pip3 install tcping
>>> from tcping import Ping
# Ping(host, port, timeout)
>>> ping = Ping('', 22, 60)
>>> ping.ping(3)
Connected to[:22]: seq=1 time=23.71 ms
Connected to[:22]: seq=2 time=24.38 ms
Connected to[:22]: seq=3 time=24.00 ms

Internally, this simply establishes a TCP connection to the target server and drops it immediately, measuring time elapsed. This particular implementation is a bit limited in that it doesn’t handle closed ports but for your own servers it works pretty well.

回答 10


import subprocess as sp

ip = ""
status,result = sp.getstatusoutput("ping -c1 -w2 " + ip)

if status == 0: 
    print("System " + ip + " is UP !")
    print("System " + ip + " is DOWN !")

import subprocess as sp

ip = ""
status,result = sp.getstatusoutput("ping -c1 -w2 " + ip)

if status == 0: 
    print("System " + ip + " is UP !")
    print("System " + ip + " is DOWN !")

回答 11


def ping(self, host):
    res = False

    ping_param = "-n 1" if system_name().lower() == "windows" else "-c 1"

    resultado = os.popen("ping " + ping_param + " " + host).read()

    if "TTL=" in resultado:
        res = True
    return res

“ TTL”是了解ping是否正确的方法。Saludos

I resolve this with:

def ping(self, host):
    res = False

    ping_param = "-n 1" if system_name().lower() == "windows" else "-c 1"

    resultado = os.popen("ping " + ping_param + " " + host).read()

    if "TTL=" in resultado:
        res = True
    return res

“TTL” is the way to know if the ping is correctly. Saludos

回答 12


import subprocess
import platform

operating_sys = platform.system()
nas = ''

def ping(ip):
    # ping_command = ['ping', ip, '-n', '1'] instead of ping_command = ['ping', ip, '-n 1'] for Windows
    ping_command = ['ping', ip, '-n', '1'] if operating_sys == 'Windows' else ['ping', ip, '-c 1']
    shell_needed = True if operating_sys == 'Windows' else False

    ping_output = subprocess.run(ping_command,shell=shell_needed,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    success = ping_output.returncode
    return True if success == 0 else False

out = ping(nas)

My reduction using ideas from answers in this post but only using the newer recommended subprocess module and python3:

import subprocess
import platform

operating_sys = platform.system()
nas = ''

def ping(ip):
    # ping_command = ['ping', ip, '-n', '1'] instead of ping_command = ['ping', ip, '-n 1'] for Windows
    ping_command = ['ping', ip, '-n', '1'] if operating_sys == 'Windows' else ['ping', ip, '-c 1']
    shell_needed = True if operating_sys == 'Windows' else False

    ping_output = subprocess.run(ping_command,shell=shell_needed,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    success = ping_output.returncode
    return True if success == 0 else False

out = ping(nas)

回答 13


import os
import platform

def isUp(hostname):

    giveFeedback = False

    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        response = os.system("ping "+hostname+" -n 1")
        response = os.system("ping -c 1 " + hostname)

    isUpBool = False
    if response == 0:
        if giveFeedback:
            print hostname, 'is up!'
        isUpBool = True
        if giveFeedback:
            print hostname, 'is down!'

    return isUpBool

print(isUp("example.com")) #Example domain
print(isUp("localhost")) #Your computer
print(isUp("invalid.example.com")) #Unresolvable hostname: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6761
print(isUp("")) #Pings local router
print(isUp("")) #Pings a local computer - will differ for your network

This script works on Windows, and should work on other OSes : It works on Windows, Debian, and macosx, need a test on solaris.

import os
import platform

def isUp(hostname):

    giveFeedback = False

    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        response = os.system("ping "+hostname+" -n 1")
        response = os.system("ping -c 1 " + hostname)

    isUpBool = False
    if response == 0:
        if giveFeedback:
            print hostname, 'is up!'
        isUpBool = True
        if giveFeedback:
            print hostname, 'is down!'

    return isUpBool

print(isUp("example.com")) #Example domain
print(isUp("localhost")) #Your computer
print(isUp("invalid.example.com")) #Unresolvable hostname: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6761
print(isUp("")) #Pings local router
print(isUp("")) #Pings a local computer - will differ for your network

回答 14

我最终发现了关于类似情况的这个问题。我尝试了pyping,但是Naveen给出的示例在Windows的Python 2.7下不起作用。


import pyping

response = pyping.send('Your IP')

if response['ret_code'] == 0:

I ended up finding this question regarding a similar scenario. I tried out pyping but the example given by Naveen didn’t work for me in Windows under Python 2.7.

An example that worked for me is:

import pyping

response = pyping.send('Your IP')

if response['ret_code'] == 0:

回答 15

使用Multi-pingpip install multiPing),我编写了以下简单代码(如果需要,只需复制并粘贴!):

from multiping import MultiPing

def ping(host,n = 0):
        avg = 0
        for i in range (n):
            avg += ping(host)
        avg = avg/n
    # Create a MultiPing object to test hosts / addresses
    mp = MultiPing([host])

    # Send the pings to those addresses

    # With a 1 second timout, wait for responses (may return sooner if all
    # results are received).
    responses, no_responses = mp.receive(1)

    for addr, rtt in responses.items():
        RTT = rtt

    if no_responses:
        # Sending pings once more, but just to those addresses that have not
        # responded, yet.
        responses, no_responses = mp.receive(1)
        RTT = -1

    return RTT


#Getting the latency average (in seconds) of host '' using 10 samples

如果只需要一个样本,10则可以忽略第二个参数“ ”!


Using Multi-ping (pip install multiPing) I made this simple code (simply copy and paste if you will!):

from multiping import MultiPing

def ping(host,n = 0):
        avg = 0
        for i in range (n):
            avg += ping(host)
        avg = avg/n
    # Create a MultiPing object to test hosts / addresses
    mp = MultiPing([host])

    # Send the pings to those addresses

    # With a 1 second timout, wait for responses (may return sooner if all
    # results are received).
    responses, no_responses = mp.receive(1)

    for addr, rtt in responses.items():
        RTT = rtt

    if no_responses:
        # Sending pings once more, but just to those addresses that have not
        # responded, yet.
        responses, no_responses = mp.receive(1)
        RTT = -1

    return RTT


#Getting the latency average (in seconds) of host '' using 10 samples

If you want a single sample, the second parameter “10” can be ignored!

Hope it helps!

回答 16


  • 适用于Python 3.5及更高版本,适用于Windows和Linux(应适用于Mac,但无法对其进行测试)。
  • 在Windows上,如果ping命令失败并显示“ Destination Host Unreachable”,则返回False。
  • 并且不显示任何输出,无论是作为弹出窗口还是在命令行中。
import platform, subprocess

def ping(host_or_ip, packets=1, timeout=1000):
    ''' Calls system "ping" command, returns True if ping succeeds.
    Required parameter: host_or_ip (str, address of host to ping)
    Optional parameters: packets (int, number of retries), timeout (int, ms to wait for response)
    Does not show any output, either as popup window or in command line.
    Python 3.5+, Windows and Linux compatible (Mac not tested, should work)
    # The ping command is the same for Windows and Linux, except for the "number of packets" flag.
    if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
        command = ['ping', '-n', str(packets), '-w', str(timeout), host_or_ip]
        # run parameters: capture output, discard error messages, do not show window
        result = subprocess.run(command, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, creationflags=0x08000000)
        # 0x0800000 is a windows-only Popen flag to specify that a new process will not create a window.
        # On Python 3.7+, you can use a subprocess constant:
        #   result = subprocess.run(command, capture_output=True, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NO_WINDOW)
        # On windows 7+, ping returns 0 (ok) when host is not reachable; to be sure host is responding,
        # we search the text "TTL=" on the command output. If it's there, the ping really had a response.
        return result.returncode == 0 and b'TTL=' in result.stdout
        command = ['ping', '-c', str(packets), '-w', str(timeout), host_or_ip]
        # run parameters: discard output and error messages
        result = subprocess.run(command, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
        return result.returncode == 0


My version of a ping function:

  • Works on Python 3.5 and later, on Windows and Linux (should work on Mac, but can’t test it).
  • On Windows, returns False if the ping command fails with “Destination Host Unreachable”.
  • And does not show any output, either as a pop-up window or in command line.
import platform, subprocess

def ping(host_or_ip, packets=1, timeout=1000):
    ''' Calls system "ping" command, returns True if ping succeeds.
    Required parameter: host_or_ip (str, address of host to ping)
    Optional parameters: packets (int, number of retries), timeout (int, ms to wait for response)
    Does not show any output, either as popup window or in command line.
    Python 3.5+, Windows and Linux compatible (Mac not tested, should work)
    # The ping command is the same for Windows and Linux, except for the "number of packets" flag.
    if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
        command = ['ping', '-n', str(packets), '-w', str(timeout), host_or_ip]
        # run parameters: capture output, discard error messages, do not show window
        result = subprocess.run(command, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, creationflags=0x08000000)
        # 0x0800000 is a windows-only Popen flag to specify that a new process will not create a window.
        # On Python 3.7+, you can use a subprocess constant:
        #   result = subprocess.run(command, capture_output=True, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NO_WINDOW)
        # On windows 7+, ping returns 0 (ok) when host is not reachable; to be sure host is responding,
        # we search the text "TTL=" on the command output. If it's there, the ping really had a response.
        return result.returncode == 0 and b'TTL=' in result.stdout
        command = ['ping', '-c', str(packets), '-w', str(timeout), host_or_ip]
        # run parameters: discard output and error messages
        result = subprocess.run(command, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
        return result.returncode == 0

Feel free to use it as you will.

回答 17


from easyprocess import EasyProcess # as root: pip install EasyProcess
def ping(ip):
    ping="ssh %s date;exit"%(ip) # test ssh alive or
    ping="curl -IL %s"%(ip)      # test if http alive
    return response #integer 0 if no response in 2 seconds

Seems simple enough, but gave me fits. I kept getting “icmp open socket operation not permitted” or else the solutions would hang up if the server was off line. If, however, what you want to know is that the server is alive and you are running a web server on that server, then curl will do the job. If you have ssh and certificates, then ssh and a simple command will suffice. Here is the code:

from easyprocess import EasyProcess # as root: pip install EasyProcess
def ping(ip):
    ping="ssh %s date;exit"%(ip) # test ssh alive or
    ping="curl -IL %s"%(ip)      # test if http alive
    return response #integer 0 if no response in 2 seconds

回答 18

我有类似的要求,所以我如下所示实现了它。已在Windows 64位和Linux上进行了测试。

import subprocess
def systemCommand(Command):
    Output = ""
    Error = ""     
        Output = subprocess.check_output(Command,stderr = subprocess.STDOUT,shell='True')
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        #Invalid command raises this exception
        Error =  e.output 

    if Output:
        Stdout = Output.split("\n")
        Stdout = []
    if Error:
        Stderr = Error.split("\n")
        Stderr = []

    return (Stdout,Stderr)

#in main
Host = "ip to ping"
NoOfPackets = 2
Timeout = 5000 #in milliseconds
#Command for windows
Command = 'ping -n {0} -w {1} {2}'.format(NoOfPackets,Timeout,Host)
#Command for linux 
#Command = 'ping -c {0} -w {1} {2}'.format(NoOfPackets,Timeout,Host)
Stdout,Stderr = systemCommand(Command)
if Stdout:
   print("Host [{}] is reachable.".format(Host))
   print("Host [{}] is unreachable.".format(Host))

当IP不可访问时,subprocess.check_output()引发异常。可以通过从输出行“数据包:已发送= 2,已接收= 2,丢失= 0(丢失0%)”中提取信息来进行额外的验证。

I had similar requirement so i implemented it as shown below. It is tested on Windows 64 bit and Linux.

import subprocess
def systemCommand(Command):
    Output = ""
    Error = ""     
        Output = subprocess.check_output(Command,stderr = subprocess.STDOUT,shell='True')
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        #Invalid command raises this exception
        Error =  e.output 

    if Output:
        Stdout = Output.split("\n")
        Stdout = []
    if Error:
        Stderr = Error.split("\n")
        Stderr = []

    return (Stdout,Stderr)

#in main
Host = "ip to ping"
NoOfPackets = 2
Timeout = 5000 #in milliseconds
#Command for windows
Command = 'ping -n {0} -w {1} {2}'.format(NoOfPackets,Timeout,Host)
#Command for linux 
#Command = 'ping -c {0} -w {1} {2}'.format(NoOfPackets,Timeout,Host)
Stdout,Stderr = systemCommand(Command)
if Stdout:
   print("Host [{}] is reachable.".format(Host))
   print("Host [{}] is unreachable.".format(Host))

When IP is not reachable subprocess.check_output() raises an exception. Extra verification can be done by extracting information from output line ‘Packets: Sent = 2, Received = 2, Lost = 0 (0% loss)’.

回答 19

这是使用Python subprocess模块和ping底层操作系统提供的CLI工具的解决方案。在Windows和Linux上测试。支持设置网络超时。不需要root特权(至少在Windows和Linux上)。

import platform
import subprocess

def ping(host, network_timeout=3):
    """Send a ping packet to the specified host, using the system "ping" command."""
    args = [

    platform_os = platform.system().lower()

    if platform_os == 'windows':
        args.extend(['-n', '1'])
        args.extend(['-w', str(network_timeout * 1000)])
    elif platform_os in ('linux', 'darwin'):
        args.extend(['-c', '1'])
        args.extend(['-W', str(network_timeout)])
        raise NotImplemented('Unsupported OS: {}'.format(platform_os))


        if platform_os == 'windows':
            output = subprocess.run(args, check=True, universal_newlines=True).stdout

            if output and 'TTL' not in output:
                return False
            subprocess.run(args, check=True)

        return True
    except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, subprocess.TimeoutExpired):
        return False

Here’s a solution using Python’s subprocess module and the ping CLI tool provided by the underlying OS. Tested on Windows and Linux. Support setting a network timeout. Doesn’t need root privileges (at least on Windows and Linux).

import platform
import subprocess

def ping(host, network_timeout=3):
    """Send a ping packet to the specified host, using the system "ping" command."""
    args = [

    platform_os = platform.system().lower()

    if platform_os == 'windows':
        args.extend(['-n', '1'])
        args.extend(['-w', str(network_timeout * 1000)])
    elif platform_os in ('linux', 'darwin'):
        args.extend(['-c', '1'])
        args.extend(['-W', str(network_timeout)])
        raise NotImplemented('Unsupported OS: {}'.format(platform_os))


        if platform_os == 'windows':
            output = subprocess.run(args, check=True, universal_newlines=True).stdout

            if output and 'TTL' not in output:
                return False
            subprocess.run(args, check=True)

        return True
    except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, subprocess.TimeoutExpired):
        return False

回答 20

使用它,它已经在python 2.7上进行了测试,并且工作正常,如果成功返回ping时间(以毫秒为单位),失败则返回False。

import platform,subproccess,re
def Ping(hostname,timeout):
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        command="ping "+hostname+" -n 1 -w "+str(timeout*1000)
        command="ping -i "+str(timeout)+" -c 1 " + hostname
    proccess = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    matches=re.match('.*time=([0-9]+)ms.*', proccess.stdout.read(),re.DOTALL)
    if matches:
        return matches.group(1)
        return False

Use this it’s tested on python 2.7 and works fine it returns ping time in milliseconds if success and return False on fail.

import platform,subproccess,re
def Ping(hostname,timeout):
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        command="ping "+hostname+" -n 1 -w "+str(timeout*1000)
        command="ping -i "+str(timeout)+" -c 1 " + hostname
    proccess = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    matches=re.match('.*time=([0-9]+)ms.*', proccess.stdout.read(),re.DOTALL)
    if matches:
        return matches.group(1)
        return False

回答 21

许多答案遗漏的一件事是(至少在Windows中) ping命令如果收到答复“目标主机不可达”,则返回0(表示成功)。


import platform
import subprocess

def ping(ipAddr, timeout=100):
    Send a ping packet to the specified host, using the system ping command.
    Accepts ipAddr as string for the ping destination.
    Accepts timeout in ms for the ping timeout.
    Returns True if ping succeeds otherwise Returns False.
        Ping succeeds if it returns 0 and the output includes b'TTL='
    if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
        numFlag = '-n'
        numFlag = '-c'
    completedPing = subprocess.run(['ping', numFlag, '1', '-w', str(timeout), ipAddr],
                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE,    # Capture standard out
                                   stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)  # Capture standard error
    # print(completedPing.stdout)
    return (completedPing.returncode == 0) and (b'TTL=' in completedPing.stdout)



One thing a lot of the answers miss is that (at least in Windows) the ping command returns 0 (indicating success) if it receives the reply “Destination host unreachable.”

Here is my code that checks if b'TTL=' is in the response, since that is only present when the ping reached the host. Note: Most of this code is based on the other answers here.

import platform
import subprocess

def ping(ipAddr, timeout=100):
    Send a ping packet to the specified host, using the system ping command.
    Accepts ipAddr as string for the ping destination.
    Accepts timeout in ms for the ping timeout.
    Returns True if ping succeeds otherwise Returns False.
        Ping succeeds if it returns 0 and the output includes b'TTL='
    if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
        numFlag = '-n'
        numFlag = '-c'
    completedPing = subprocess.run(['ping', numFlag, '1', '-w', str(timeout), ipAddr],
                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE,    # Capture standard out
                                   stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)  # Capture standard error
    # print(completedPing.stdout)
    return (completedPing.returncode == 0) and (b'TTL=' in completedPing.stdout)


Note: This captures the output instead of printing it, so if you want to see the output of ping, you’ll need to print completedPing.stdout before returning.

回答 22


import wmi

# new WMI object
c = wmi.WMI()

# here is where the ping actually is triggered
x = c.Win32_PingStatus(Address='google.com')

# how big is this thing? - 1 element
print 'length x: ' ,len(x)

#lets look at the object 'WMI Object:\n'
print x

#print out the whole returned object
# only x[0] element has values in it
print '\nPrint Whole Object - can directly reference the field names:\n'
for i in x:
    print i

#just a single field in the object - Method 1
print 'Method 1 ( i is actually x[0] ) :'
for i in x:
    print 'Response:\t', i.ResponseTime, 'ms'
    print 'TTL:\t', i.TimeToLive

#or better yet directly access the field you want
print '\npinged ', x[0].ProtocolAddress, ' and got reply in ', x[0].ResponseTime, 'ms'


WINDOWS ONLY – Can’t believe no-ones cracked open Win32_PingStatus Using a simple WMI query we return an object full of really detailed info for free

import wmi

# new WMI object
c = wmi.WMI()

# here is where the ping actually is triggered
x = c.Win32_PingStatus(Address='google.com')

# how big is this thing? - 1 element
print 'length x: ' ,len(x)

#lets look at the object 'WMI Object:\n'
print x

#print out the whole returned object
# only x[0] element has values in it
print '\nPrint Whole Object - can directly reference the field names:\n'
for i in x:
    print i

#just a single field in the object - Method 1
print 'Method 1 ( i is actually x[0] ) :'
for i in x:
    print 'Response:\t', i.ResponseTime, 'ms'
    print 'TTL:\t', i.TimeToLive

#or better yet directly access the field you want
print '\npinged ', x[0].ProtocolAddress, ' and got reply in ', x[0].ResponseTime, 'ms'

sample output

回答 23


import platform, os

def ping(host):
    result = os.popen(' '.join(("ping", ping.param, host))).read()
    return 'TTL=' in result

ping.param = "-n 1" if platform.system().lower() == "windows" else "-c 1"

My take borrowing from other answers. Attempt to simplify and minimize queries.

import platform, os

def ping(host):
    result = os.popen(' '.join(("ping", ping.param, host))).read()
    return 'TTL=' in result

ping.param = "-n 1" if platform.system().lower() == "windows" else "-c 1"

回答 24


此代码需要python 3.7+,并且仅在Linux上进行制作和测试。它在Windows上不起作用,但是我相信您可以轻松地将其更改为在Windows上工作。


它不会返回true或false,我认为将它打印出响应ping请求的IP会更方便。我认为这非常快,在将近10秒内ping 255 ips 。


import asyncio

async def ping(host):
    Prints the hosts that respond to ping request
    ping_process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell("ping -c 1 " + host + " > /dev/null 2>&1")
    await ping_process.wait()

    if ping_process.returncode == 0:

async def ping_all():
    tasks = []

    for i in range(1,255):
        ip = "192.168.1.{}".format(i)
        task = asyncio.ensure_future(ping(ip))

    await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions = True)




I needed a faster ping sweep and I didn’t want to use any external libraries, so I resolved to using concurrency using built-in asyncio.

This code requires python 3.7+ and is made and tested on Linux only. It won’t work on Windows but I am sure you can easily change it to work on Windows.

I ain’t an expert with asyncio but I used this great article Speed Up Your Python Program With Concurrency and I came up with these lines of codes. I tried to make it as simple as possible, so most likely you will need to add more code to it to suit your needs.

It doesn’t return true or false, I thought it would be more convenient just to make it print the IP that responds to a ping request. I think it is pretty fast, pinging 255 ips in nearly 10 seconds.


import asyncio

async def ping(host):
    Prints the hosts that respond to ping request
    ping_process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell("ping -c 1 " + host + " > /dev/null 2>&1")
    await ping_process.wait()

    if ping_process.returncode == 0:

async def ping_all():
    tasks = []

    for i in range(1,255):
        ip = "192.168.1.{}".format(i)
        task = asyncio.ensure_future(ping(ip))

    await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions = True)


Sample output:

Note that the IPs are not in order, as the IP is printed as soon it replies, so the one that responds first gets printed first.

回答 25

  1 #!/usr/bin/python
  3 import os
  4 import sys
  5 import time
  7 os.system("clear")
  8 home_network = "172.16.23."
  9 mine = []
 11 for i in range(1, 256):
 12         z =  home_network + str(i)
 13         result = os.system("ping -c 1 "+ str(z))
 14         os.system("clear")
 15         if result == 0:
 16                 mine.append(z)
 18 for j in mine:
 19         print "host ", j ," is up"

我在一分钟内就完成了一个简单的操作。使用icmplib需要root privs,下面的效果很好!高温超导

  1 #!/usr/bin/python
  3 import os
  4 import sys
  5 import time
  7 os.system("clear")
  8 home_network = "172.16.23."
  9 mine = []
 11 for i in range(1, 256):
 12         z =  home_network + str(i)
 13         result = os.system("ping -c 1 "+ str(z))
 14         os.system("clear")
 15         if result == 0:
 16                 mine.append(z)
 18 for j in mine:
 19         print "host ", j ," is up"

A simple one i just cooked up in a minute..using icmplib needs root privs the below works pretty good! HTH
