
以下代码可在Python 2.5和3.0中正常工作:

a, b, c = (1, 2, 3)

print(a, b, c)

def test():
    print(c)    # (A)
    #c+=1       # (B)

但是,当我取消注释(B)行时,我UnboundLocalError: 'c' not assigned(A)行得到了注释。的值ab被正确地打印。这使我完全困惑,原因有两个:

  1. 为什么由于行(B)的后面的语句而在行(A)抛出运行时错误?

  2. 为什么在按预期方式打印变量a并产生错误?bc



The following code works as expected in both Python 2.5 and 3.0:

a, b, c = (1, 2, 3)

print(a, b, c)

def test():
    print(c)    # (A)
    #c+=1       # (B)

However, when I uncomment line (B), I get an UnboundLocalError: 'c' not assigned at line (A). The values of a and b are printed correctly. This has me completely baffled for two reasons:

  1. Why is there a runtime error thrown at line (A) because of a later statement on line (B)?

  2. Why are variables a and b printed as expected, while c raises an error?

The only explanation I can come up with is that a local variable c is created by the assignment c+=1, which takes precedent over the “global” variable c even before the local variable is created. Of course, it doesn’t make sense for a variable to “steal” scope before it exists.

Could someone please explain this behavior?

回答 0


如果要让变量c引用c = 3该函数之前分配的全局变量,请输入

global c


至于python 3,现在有

nonlocal c


Python treats variables in functions differently depending on whether you assign values to them from inside or outside the function. If a variable is assigned within a function, it is treated by default as a local variable. Therefore, when you uncomment the line you are trying to reference the local variable c before any value has been assigned to it.

If you want the variable c to refer to the global c = 3 assigned before the function, put

global c

as the first line of the function.

As for python 3, there is now

nonlocal c

that you can use to refer to the nearest enclosing function scope that has a c variable.

回答 1

Python有点怪异之处在于,它把所有内容都保存在字典中以适应各种范围。原始的a,b,c在最高范围内,因此在该最高字典中。该函数具有其自己的字典。当到达print(a)and print(b)语句时,字典中没有该名称的任何内容,因此Python查找列表并在全局字典中找到它们。

现在我们到达c+=1,它当然等于c=c+1。当Python扫描该行时,它说:“啊哈,有一个名为c的变量,我将其放入本地范围字典中。” 然后,当它在赋值的右侧为c寻找c的值时,会找到名为c的局部变量,该变量尚无值,因此引发错误。

global c上面提到的语句只是告诉解析器它使用c全局范围内的,因此不需要一个新的语句。









解析器最终希望将其放入解析树中并执行它,但是由于它是一个赋值,因此在解析树之前,它会在本地字典中查找名称c,没有看到它,然后将其插入字典中,它未初始化。用完全编译的语言,它将只进入符号表并等待解析,但是由于它没有第二遍的奢侈,因此词法分析器做了一些额外的工作以使以后的生活更轻松。仅然后,它看到操作员,看到规则说“如果您有操作员+ =,则必须已经初始化了左侧”,并说“哇!”


正如我所说,您可能会争辩说这是一个可用性错误,但这实际上是相当普遍的事情。一些编译器对此更为诚实,并说“ XXX行或其附近的错误”,但事实并非如此。

Python is a little weird in that it keeps everything in a dictionary for the various scopes. The original a,b,c are in the uppermost scope and so in that uppermost dictionary. The function has its own dictionary. When you reach the print(a) and print(b) statements, there’s nothing by that name in the dictionary, so Python looks up the list and finds them in the global dictionary.

Now we get to c+=1, which is, of course, equivalent to c=c+1. When Python scans that line, it says “aha, there’s a variable named c, I’ll put it into my local scope dictionary.” Then when it goes looking for a value for c for the c on the right hand side of the assignment, it finds its local variable named c, which has no value yet, and so throws the error.

The statement global c mentioned above simply tells the parser that it uses the c from the global scope and so doesn’t need a new one.

The reason it says there’s an issue on the line it does is because it is effectively looking for the names before it tries to generate code, and so in some sense doesn’t think it’s really doing that line yet. I’d argue that is a usability bug, but it’s generally a good practice to just learn not to take a compiler’s messages too seriously.

If it’s any comfort, I spent probably a day digging and experimenting with this same issue before I found something Guido had written about the dictionaries that Explained Everything.

Update, see comments:

It doesn’t scan the code twice, but it does scan the code in two phases, lexing and parsing.

Consider how the parse of this line of code works. The lexer reads the source text and breaks it into lexemes, the “smallest components” of the grammar. So when it hits the line


it breaks it up into something like


The parser eventually wants to make this into a parse tree and execute it, but since it’s an assignment, before it does, it looks for the name c in the local dictionary, doesn’t see it, and inserts it in the dictionary, marking it as uninitialized. In a fully compiled language, it would just go into the symbol table and wait for the parse, but since it WON’T have the luxury of a second pass, the lexer does a little extra work to make life easier later on. Only, then it sees the OPERATOR, sees that the rules say “if you have an operator += the left hand side must have been initialized” and says “whoops!”

The point here is that it hasn’t really started the parse of the line yet. This is all happening sort of preparatory to the actual parse, so the line counter hasn’t advanced to the next line. Thus when it signals the error, it still thinks its on the previous line.

As I say, you could argue it’s a usability bug, but its actually a fairly common thing. Some compilers are more honest about it and say “error on or around line XXX”, but this one doesn’t.

回答 2


>>> def f():
...    print a
...    print b
...    a = 1

>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis(f)

  2           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (a)
              3 PRINT_ITEM
              4 PRINT_NEWLINE

  3           5 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (b)
              8 PRINT_ITEM
              9 PRINT_NEWLINE

  4          10 LOAD_CONST               1 (1)
             13 STORE_FAST               0 (a)
             16 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             19 RETURN_VALUE

如您所见,访问a的字节码是LOAD_FAST,访问b 的字节码LOAD_GLOBAL。这是因为编译器已经确定在函数内已将a分配给它,并将其归类为局部变量。局部变量的访问机制与全局变量的根本不同-它们在帧的变量表中静态分配了一个偏移量,这意味着查找是一个快速索引,而不是全局变量更昂贵的dict查找。因此,Python将print a行读为“获取插槽0中保存的局部变量’a’的值,并打印出来”,并且当它检测到该变量仍未初始化时,将引发异常。

Taking a look at the disassembly may clarify what is happening:

>>> def f():
...    print a
...    print b
...    a = 1

>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis(f)

  2           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (a)
              3 PRINT_ITEM
              4 PRINT_NEWLINE

  3           5 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (b)
              8 PRINT_ITEM
              9 PRINT_NEWLINE

  4          10 LOAD_CONST               1 (1)
             13 STORE_FAST               0 (a)
             16 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             19 RETURN_VALUE

As you can see, the bytecode for accessing a is LOAD_FAST, and for b, LOAD_GLOBAL. This is because the compiler has identified that a is assigned to within the function, and classified it as a local variable. The access mechanism for locals is fundamentally different for globals – they are statically assigned an offset in the frame’s variables table, meaning lookup is a quick index, rather than the more expensive dict lookup as for globals. Because of this, Python is reading the print a line as “get the value of local variable ‘a’ held in slot 0, and print it”, and when it detects that this variable is still uninitialised, raises an exception.

回答 3


def test():
    global c
    print(c)    # (A)
    c+=1        # (B)


Python has rather interesting behavior when you try traditional global variable semantics. I don’t remember the details, but you can read the value of a variable declared in ‘global’ scope just fine, but if you want to modify it, you have to use the global keyword. Try changing test() to this:

def test():
    global c
    print(c)    # (A)
    c+=1        # (B)

Also, the reason you are getting this error is because you can also declare a new variable inside that function with the same name as a ‘global’ one, and it would be completely separate. The interpreter thinks you are trying to make a new variable in this scope called c and modify it all in one operation, which isn’t allowed in Python because this new c wasn’t initialized.

回答 4


bar = 42
def foo():
    print bar
    if False:
        bar = 0

在调用时foo(),尽管我们永远都不会到达line ,但这也会引发问题 ,因此从逻辑上讲,绝对不应创建局部变量。UnboundLocalErrorbar=0

神秘之处在于“ Python是一种解释性语言 ”,并且函数的声明foo被解释为单个语句(即复合语句),它只是笨拙地解释它并创建局部和全局作用域。因此bar在执行之前会在本地范围内被识别。

有关此类的更多示例,请阅读以下文章:http : //blog.amir.rachum.com/blog/2013/07/09/python-common-newbie-mistakes-part-2/


The best example that makes it clear is:

bar = 42
def foo():
    print bar
    if False:
        bar = 0

when calling foo() , this also raises UnboundLocalError although we will never reach to line bar=0, so logically local variable should never be created.

The mystery lies in “Python is an Interpreted Language” and the declaration of the function foo is interpreted as a single statement (i.e. a compound statement), it just interprets it dumbly and creates local and global scopes. So bar is recognized in local scope before execution.

For more examples like this Read this post: http://blog.amir.rachum.com/blog/2013/07/09/python-common-newbie-mistakes-part-2/

This post provides a Complete Description and Analyses of the Python Scoping of variables:

回答 5


1:当变量具有值时,docs.python.org / 3.1 / faq / programming.html?highlight = nonlocal#why-am-i-getting-unboundboundlocalerror-

2:docs.python.org/3.1/faq/programming.html?highlight = nonlocal#how-do-i-write-a-function-with-output-parameters-call by reference


>>> a, b, c = (1, 2, 3)
>>> print (a, b, c)
(1, 2, 3)
>>> def test (a, b, c):
...     print (a)
...     print (b)
...     print (c)
...     c += 1
...     return a, b, c
>>> a, b, c = test (a, b, c)
>>> print (a, b ,c)
(1, 2, 4)

Here are two links that may help

1: docs.python.org/3.1/faq/programming.html?highlight=nonlocal#why-am-i-getting-an-unboundlocalerror-when-the-variable-has-a-value

2: docs.python.org/3.1/faq/programming.html?highlight=nonlocal#how-do-i-write-a-function-with-output-parameters-call-by-reference

link one describes the error UnboundLocalError. Link two can help with with re-writing your test function. Based on link two, the original problem could be rewritten as:

>>> a, b, c = (1, 2, 3)
>>> print (a, b, c)
(1, 2, 3)
>>> def test (a, b, c):
...     print (a)
...     print (b)
...     print (c)
...     c += 1
...     return a, b, c
>>> a, b, c = test (a, b, c)
>>> print (a, b ,c)
(1, 2, 4)

回答 6


在大多数情况下,您倾向于认为扩充分配(a += b)与简单分配(a = a + b)完全等效。不过,在一个极端的情况下,可能会遇到一些麻烦。让我解释:

Python的简单分配的工作方式意味着,如果a将其传递到函数中(如func(a);请注意,Python始终是按引用传递),则a = a + b不会修改所a传递的。相反,它将仅修改的本地指针a

但是,如果使用a += b,则有时可以实现为:

a = a + b





def copy_on_write(a):
      a = a + a
def inplace_add(a):
      a += a
a = [1]
print a # [1]
print a # [1, 1]
b = 1
print b # [1]
print b # 1


This is not a direct answer to your question, but it is closely related, as it’s another gotcha caused by the relationship between augmented assignment and function scopes.

In most cases, you tend to think of augmented assignment (a += b) as exactly equivalent to simple assignment (a = a + b). It is possible to get into some trouble with this though, in one corner case. Let me explain:

The way Python’s simple assignment works means that if a is passed into a function (like func(a); note that Python is always pass-by-reference), then a = a + b will not modify the a that is passed in. Instead, it will just modify the local pointer to a.

But if you use a += b, then it is sometimes implemented as:

a = a + b

or sometimes (if the method exists) as:


In the first case (as long as a is not declared global), there are no side-effects outside local scope, as the assignment to a is just a pointer update.

In the second case, a will actually modify itself, so all references to a will point to the modified version. This is demonstrated by the following code:

def copy_on_write(a):
      a = a + a
def inplace_add(a):
      a += a
a = [1]
print a # [1]
print a # [1, 1]
b = 1
print b # [1]
print b # 1

So the trick is to avoid augmented assignment on function arguments (I try to only use it for local/loop variables). Use simple assignment, and you will be safe from ambiguous behaviour.

回答 7


如您所知,您可能已经知道,在’=’左边使用的任何名称都隐含一个局部变量。我不止一次地通过将变量访问更改为+ =被发现,这突然是一个不同的变量。


The Python interpreter will read a function as a complete unit. I think of it as reading it in two passes, once to gather its closure (the local variables), then again to turn it into byte-code.

As I’m sure you were already aware, any name used on the left of a ‘=’ is implicitly a local variable. More than once I’ve been caught out by changing a variable access to a += and it’s suddenly a different variable.

I also wanted to point out it’s not really anything to do with global scope specifically. You get the same behaviour with nested functions.

回答 8

c+=1Assigns c,python假定已分配的变量是局部变量,但在这种情况下,尚未在本地声明。


nonlocal 仅在python 3中有效,因此,如果您使用的是python 2,并且不想将变量设置为全局变量,则可以使用可变对象:

my_variables = { # a mutable object
    'c': 3

def test():
    my_variables['c'] +=1


c+=1 assigns c, python assumes assigned variables are local, but in this case it hasn’t been declared locally.

Either use the global or nonlocal keywords.

nonlocal works only in python 3, so if you’re using python 2 and don’t want to make your variable global, you can use a mutable object:

my_variables = { # a mutable object
    'c': 3

def test():
    my_variables['c'] +=1


回答 9


class Employee:

    def __init__(self):

The best way to reach class variable is directly accesing by class name

class Employee:

    def __init__(self):

回答 10



In Python we have similar declaration for all type of variables: local, class, and global variables. When you refer to a global variable from a method, Python thinks that you are actually referring to a variable from the method itself, which is not yet defined and hence it throws an error.

To refer global variable we have to use globals()['variableName'].

in your case use globals()['a], globals()['b'] and globals()['c'] instead of a,b and c respectively.

回答 11


The same problem bothers me. Using nonlocal and global can solve the problem.
However, attention needed for the usage of nonlocal, it works for nested functions. However, in a module level, it does not work. See examples here.
