

  • 我想使用免费/开源工具。
  • 我喜欢Python,并认为它是一种长期的语言,而对于Ruby,我不确定,PHP似乎是一个学习上的麻烦。
  • 我正在为一个想法构建原型,并且对未来没有太多考虑。开发速度是主要因素,我已经了解Python。
  • 我知道,如果将来我选择迁移到Google App Engine,将会更容易。
  • 我听说Django很“不错”。



  • 今天在Django上构建的“最大”网站是什么?(我主要通过用户流量来衡量规模)
  • Django可以每天处理100,000个用户,每个用户访问几个小时吗?
  • 像Stack Overflow这样的网站可以在Django上运行吗?

I’m building a web application with Django. The reasons I chose Django were:

  • I wanted to work with free/open-source tools.
  • I like Python and feel it’s a long-term language, whereas regarding Ruby I wasn’t sure, and PHP seemed like a huge hassle to learn.
  • I’m building a prototype for an idea and wasn’t thinking too much about the future. Development speed was the main factor, and I already knew Python.
  • I knew the migration to Google App Engine would be easier should I choose to do so in the future.
  • I heard Django was “nice”.

Now that I’m getting closer to thinking about publishing my work, I start being concerned about scale. The only information I found about the scaling capabilities of Django is provided by the Django team (I’m not saying anything to disregard them, but this is clearly not objective information…).

My questions:

  • What’s the “largest” site that’s built on Django today? (I measure size mostly by user traffic)
  • Can Django deal with 100,000 users daily, each visiting the site for a couple of hours?
  • Could a site like Stack Overflow run on Django?

回答 0

  1. “当今在Django上最大的网站是什么?”


  2. “ Django每天可以处理100,000个用户,每个用户访问网站几个小时吗?”


  3. “像Stack Overflow这样的网站可以在Django上运行吗?”

    我的直觉是肯定的,但是正如其他人回答并且Mike Malone在演讲中提到的那样,数据库设计至关重要。如果我们可以找到任何可靠的流量统计信息,也可以在www.cnprog.com上找到有力的证明。无论如何,将一堆Django模型放在一起不仅仅是发生的事情:)




  1. “What are the largest sites built on Django today?”

    There isn’t any single place that collects information about traffic on Django built sites, so I’ll have to take a stab at it using data from various locations. First, we have a list of Django sites on the front page of the main Django project page and then a list of Django built sites at djangosites.org. Going through the lists and picking some that I know have decent traffic we see:

  2. “Can Django deal with 100,000 users daily, each visiting the site for a couple of hours?”

    Yes, see above.

  3. “Could a site like Stack Overflow run on Django?”

    My gut feeling is yes but, as others answered and Mike Malone mentions in his presentation, database design is critical. Strong proof might also be found at www.cnprog.com if we can find any reliable traffic stats. Anyway, it’s not just something that will happen by throwing together a bunch of Django models :)

There are, of course, many more sites and bloggers of interest, but I have got to stop somewhere!

Blog post about Using Django to build high-traffic site michaelmoore.com described as a top 10,000 website. Quantcast stats and compete.com stats.

(*) The author of the edit, including such reference, used to work as outsourced developer in that project.

回答 1


我们正在使用Apache前端Django和MySQL。操作系统是Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL)。64位。对于Django,我们在守护程序模式下使用mod_wsgi。除了接受默认值外,我们没有进行任何缓存或数据库优化。

我们全都位于具有(我认为)32Gb RAM的64位Dell上的一个VM中。



We’re doing load testing now. We think we can support 240 concurrent requests (a sustained rate of 120 hits per second 24×7) without any significant degradation in the server performance. That would be 432,000 hits per hour. Response times aren’t small (our transactions are large) but there’s no degradation from our baseline performance as the load increases.

We’re using Apache front-ending Django and MySQL. The OS is Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). 64-bit. We use mod_wsgi in daemon mode for Django. We’ve done no cache or database optimization other than to accept the defaults.

We’re all in one VM on a 64-bit Dell with (I think) 32Gb RAM.

Since performance is almost the same for 20 or 200 concurrent users, we don’t need to spend huge amounts of time “tweaking”. Instead we simply need to keep our base performance up through ordinary SSL performance improvements, ordinary database design and implementation (indexing, etc.), ordinary firewall performance improvements, etc.

What we do measure is our load test laptops struggling under the insane workload of 15 processes running 16 concurrent threads of requests.

回答 2



Not sure about the number of daily visits but here are a few examples of large Django sites:

Here is a link to list of high traffic Django sites on Quora.

回答 3


在美国,是玛哈洛(Mahalo)。有人告诉我他们每个月处理大约1000万个唯一身份。现在,在2019年,Mahalo由Ruby on Rails提供支持。








What’s the “largest” site that’s built on Django today? (I measure size mostly by user traffic)

In the US, it was Mahalo. I’m told they handle roughly 10 million uniques a month. Now, in 2019, Mahalo is powered by Ruby on Rails.

Abroad, the Globo network (a network of news, sports, and entertainment sites in Brazil); Alexa ranks them in to top 100 globally (around 80th currently).

Other notable Django users include PBS, National Geographic, Discovery, NASA (actually a number of different divisions within NASA), and the Library of Congress.

Can Django deal with 100k users daily, each visiting the site for a couple of hours?

Yes — but only if you’ve written your application right, and if you’ve got enough hardware. Django’s not a magic bullet.

Could a site like StackOverflow run on Django?

Yes (but see above).

Technology-wise, easily: see soclone for one attempt. Traffic-wise, compete pegs StackOverflow at under 1 million uniques per month. I can name at least dozen Django sites with more traffic than SO.

回答 4


Scaling Web apps is not about web frameworks or languages, is about your architecture. It’s about how you handle you browser cache, your database cache, how you use non-standard persistence providers (like CouchDB), how tuned is your database and a lot of other stuff…

回答 5


您应该查看Cal Henderson提供的DjangoCon 2008主题演讲,题目为“为什么我讨厌Django”,其中他几乎涵盖了您可能想要在高流量网站中执行的Django缺少的所有事项。在这一天结束时,你有,因为它把所有这些以开放的心态完全有可能写出Django的应用包含的规模,但我认为这是一个很好的介绍和有关你的问题。

Playing devil’s advocate a little bit:

You should check the DjangoCon 2008 Keynote, delivered by Cal Henderson, titled “Why I hate Django” where he pretty much goes over everything Django is missing that you might want to do in a high traffic website. At the end of the day you have to take this all with an open mind because it is perfectly possible to write Django apps that scale, but I thought it was a good presentation and relevant to your question.

回答 6


好的设计决策可能会对性能产生更大的影响。Twitter通常被认为是一个网站,它通过另一个基于动态解释语言的Web框架Ruby on Rails来体现性能问题-但Twitter工程师表示,该框架并没有像他们早先做出的某些数据库设计选择那样重要上。


The largest django site I know of is the Washington Post, which would certainly indicate that it can scale well.

Good design decisions probably have a bigger performance impact than anything else. Twitter is often cited as a site which embodies the performance issues with another dynamic interpreted language based web framework, Ruby on Rails – yet Twitter engineers have stated that the framework isn’t as much an issue as some of the database design choices they made early on.

Django works very nicely with memcached and provides some classes for managing the cache, which is where you would resolve the majority of your performance issues. What you deliver on the wire is almost more important than your backend in reality – using a tool like yslow is critical for a high performance web application. You can always throw more hardware at your backend, but you can’t change your users bandwidth.

回答 7



I was at the EuroDjangoCon conference the other week, and this was the subject of a couple of talks – including from the founders of what was the largest Django-based site, Pownce (slides from one talk here). The main message is that it’s not Django you have to worry about, but things like proper caching, load balancing, database optimisation, etc.

Django actually has hooks for most of those things – caching, in particular, is made very easy.

回答 8

我确定您正在寻找一个更可靠的答案,但是我能想到的最明显的客观验证是Google推动Django与它的App Engine框架一起使用。如果有人定期了解并处理可扩展性,那就是Google。根据我的阅读,最大的限制因素似乎是数据库后端,这就是Google使用自己的数据库的原因…

I’m sure you’re looking for a more solid answer, but the most obvious objective validation I can think of is that Google pushes Django for use with its App Engine framework. If anybody knows about and deals with scalability on a regular basis, it’s Google. From what I’ve read, the most limiting factor seems to be the database back-end, which is why Google uses their own…

回答 9

如高性能 Django书中所述, 并通过本Cal Henderson


听到人们说“ Django无法扩展”的情况并不少见。根据您的看法,该陈述是完全正确的,也可能是完全错误的。Django本身无法扩展。

Ruby on Rails,Flask,PHP或数据库驱动的动态网站使用的任何其他语言也可以这样说。








As stated in High Performance Django Book and Go through this Cal Henderson

See further details as mentioned below:

It’s not uncommon to hear people say “Django doesn’t scale”. Depending on how you look at it, the statement is either completely true or patently false. Django, on its own, doesn’t scale.

The same can be said of Ruby on Rails, Flask, PHP, or any other language used by a database-driven dynamic website.

The good news, however, is that Django interacts beautifully with a suite of caching and load balancing tools that will allow it to scale to as much traffic as you can throw at it.

Contrary to what you may have read online, it can do so without replacing core components often labeled as “too slow” such as the database ORM or the template layer.

Disqus serves over 8 billion page views per month. Those are some huge numbers.

These teams have proven Django most certainly does scale. Our experience here at Lincoln Loop backs it up.

We’ve built big Django sites capable of spending the day on the Reddit homepage without breaking a sweat.

Django’s scaling success stories are almost too numerous to list at this point.

It backs Disqus, Instagram, and Pinterest. Want some more proof? Instagram was able to sustain over 30 million users on Django with only 3 engineers (2 of which had no back-end development

回答 10



《华盛顿邮报》的网站是伴随他们的每日报纸而广为流行的在线新闻来源。Django Web框架可以轻松处理其大量的视图和流量。 Washington Post - 52.2 million unique visitors (March, 2015)


国家航空航天局的官方网站是查找有关其正在进行的太空探索的新闻,图片和视频的地方。这个Django网站可以轻松处理大量的视图和流量。 2 million visitors monthly


《卫报》是英国《卫报》媒体集团所有的新闻和媒体网站。它几乎包含了《卫报》和《观察家》报纸的所有内容。这些巨大的数据由Django处理。 The Guardian (commenting system) - 41,6 million unique visitors (October, 2014)






Survey Monkey是最大的在线调查公司。他们每天可以在重写的Python网站上处理超过一百万个响应。




Bitly URL缩短服务和分析的大多数代码都是使用Python构建的。他们的服务每天可以处理数亿个事件。





单击此处了解更多: 25个最受欢迎的python和django网站什么是在Django上运行的知名站点

Today we use many web apps and sites for our needs. Most of them are highly useful. I will show you some of them used by python or django.

Washington Post

The Washington Post’s website is a hugely popular online news source to accompany their daily paper. Its’ huge amount of views and traffic can be easily handled by the Django web framework. Washington Post - 52.2 million unique visitors (March, 2015)


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s official website is the place to find news, pictures, and videos about their ongoing space exploration. This Django website can easily handle huge amounts of views and traffic. 2 million visitors monthly

The Guardian

The Guardian is a British news and media website owned by the Guardian Media Group. It contains nearly all of the content of the newspapers The Guardian and The Observer. This huge data is handled by Django. The Guardian (commenting system) - 41,6 million unique visitors (October, 2014)


We all know YouTube as the place to upload cat videos and fails. As one of the most popular websites in existence, it provides us with endless hours of video entertainment. The Python programming language powers it and the features we love.


DropBox started the online document storing revolution that has become part of daily life. We now store almost everything in the cloud. Dropbox allows us to store, sync, and share almost anything using the power of Python.

Survey Monkey

Survey Monkey is the largest online survey company. They can handle over one million responses every day on their rewritten Python website.


Quora is the number one place online to ask a question and receive answers from a community of individuals. On their Python website relevant results are answered, edited, and organized by these community members.


A majority of the code for Bitly URL shortening services and analytics are all built with Python. Their service can handle hundreds of millions of events per day.


Reddit is known as the front page of the internet. It is the place online to find information or entertainment based on thousands of different categories. Posts and links are user generated and are promoted to the top through votes. Many of Reddit’s capabilities rely on Python for their functionality.


Hipmunk is an online consumer travel site that compares the top travel sites to find you the best deals. This Python website’s tools allow you to find the cheapest hotels and flights for your destination.

Click here for more: 25-of-the-most-popular-python-and-django-websites, What-are-some-well-known-sites-running-on-Django

回答 11


I think we might as well add Apple’s App of the year for 2011, Instagram, to the list which uses django intensively.

回答 12

是的,它可以。可以是带Python的Django或Ruby on Rails。它仍然会扩展。

有几种不同的技术。首先,缓存无法扩展。除了硬件平衡器之外,您可能还具有以nginx作为前端平衡的多个应用程序服务器。为了扩展数据库方面,如果您采用RDBMS方式,则可以在MySQL / PostgreSQL中使用读取从属进行相当大的扩展。


  • 当他们还在那儿的时候就穿衣服
  • 铁饼(通用共享评论管理器)
  • 所有与报纸相关的网站:《华盛顿邮报》等。


Yes it can. It could be Django with Python or Ruby on Rails. It will still scale.

There are few different techniques. First, caching is not scaling. You could have several application servers balanced with nginx as the front in addition to hardware balancer(s). To scale on the database side you can go pretty far with read slave in MySQL / PostgreSQL if you go the RDBMS way.

Some good examples of heavy traffic websites in Django could be:

  • Pownce when they were still there.
  • Discus (generic shared comments manager)
  • All the newspaper related websites: Washington Post and others.

You can feel safe.

回答 13


  1. 监护人的“ 调查议员的费用 ”应用程序

  2. Politifact.com(这是一篇有关(正面)体验的博客文章。该网站赢得了普利策奖)。

  3. 纽约时报的代表应用程序

  4. 每个块

  5. WaPo的一名程序员Peter Harkins 在他的博客中列出了他们用Django构建的所有内容

  6. 它有些旧,但是《洛杉矶时报》的某人对他们为什么选择Django 进行了基本概述

  7. 洋葱的AV俱乐部最近从(我认为Drupal)转移到了Django。





Here’s a list of some relatively high-profile things built in Django:

  1. The Guardian’s “Investigate your MP’s expenses” app

  2. Politifact.com (here’s a Blog post talking about the (positive) experience. Site won a Pulitzer.

  3. NY Times’ Represent app

  4. EveryBlock

  5. Peter Harkins, one of the programmers over at WaPo, lists all the stuff they’ve built with Django on his blog

  6. It’s a little old, but someone from the LA Times gave a basic overview of why they went with Django.

  7. The Onion’s AV Club was recently moved from (I think Drupal) to Django.

I imagine a number of these these sites probably gets well over 100k+ hits per day. Django can certainly do 100k hits/day and more. But YMMV in getting your particular site there depending on what you’re building.

There are caching options at the Django level (for example caching querysets and views in memcached can work wonders) and beyond (upstream caches like Squid). Database Server specifications will also be a factor (and usually the place to splurge), as is how well you’ve tuned it. Don’t assume, for example, that Django’s going set up indexes properly. Don’t assume that the default PostgreSQL or MySQL configuration is the right one.

Furthermore, you always have the option of having multiple application servers running Django if that is the slow point, with a software or hardware load balancer in front.

Finally, are you serving static content on the same server as Django? Are you using Apache or something like nginx or lighttpd? Can you afford to use a CDN for static content? These are things to think about, but it’s all very speculative. 100k hits/day isn’t the only variable: how much do you want to spend? How much expertise do you have managing all these components? How much time do you have to pull it all together?

回答 14

YouTube的开发者拥护者在PyCon 2012上发表了有关缩放Python话题,这也与缩放Django有关。


The developer advocate for YouTube gave a talk about scaling Python at PyCon 2012, which is also relevant to scaling Django.

YouTube has more than a billion users, and YouTube is built on Python.

回答 15


BidRodeo Penny Auctions是一个中等规模的Django支持的网站。这是一个非常动态的网站,每天确实处理大量的网页浏览。

I have been using Django for over a year now, and am very impressed with how it manages to combine modularity, scalability and speed of development. Like with any technology, it comes with a learning curve. However, this learning curve is made a lot less steep by the excellent documentation from the Django community. Django has been able to handle everything I have thrown at it really well. It looks like it will be able to scale well into the future.

BidRodeo Penny Auctions is a moderately sized Django powered website. It is a very dynamic website and does handle a good number of page views a day.

回答 16



Note that if you’re expecting 100K users per day, that are active for hours at a time (meaning max of 20K+ concurrent users), you’re going to need A LOT of servers. SO has ~15,000 registered users, and most of them are probably not active daily. While the bulk of traffic comes from unregistered users, I’m guessing that very few of them stay on the site more than a couple minutes (i.e. they follow google search results then leave).

For that volume, expect at least 30 servers … which is still a rather heavy 1,000 concurrent users per server.

回答 17

今天在Django上构建的“最大”网站是什么?(我衡量大多是由用户流量的大小), Pinterest的


像Stack Overflow这样的网站可以在Django上运行吗?

What’s the “largest” site that’s built on Django today? (I measure size mostly by user traffic) Pinterest
More here: https://www.shuup.com/en/blog/25-of-the-most-popular-python-and-django-websites/

Can Django deal with 100,000 users daily, each visiting the site for a couple of hours?
Yes but use proper architecture, database design, use of cache, use load balances and multiple servers or nodes

Could a site like Stack Overflow run on Django?
Yes just need to follow the answer mentioned in the 2nd question

回答 18


Another example is rasp.yandex.ru, Russian transport timetable service. Its attendance satisfies your requirements.

回答 19

如果您的网站上有一些静态内容,那么将Varnish服务器放在最前面将大大提高性能。即使是一个盒子,也可以轻松吐出100 Mbit / s的流量。


If you have a site with some static content, then putting a Varnish server in front will dramatically increase your performance. Even a single box can then easily spit out 100 Mbit/s of traffic.

Note that with dynamic content, using something like Varnish becomes a lot more tricky.

回答 20

我对Django的经验很少,但我确实记得《 Django书》中有一章,他们采访了运行某些较大Django应用程序的人员。 这是一个链接。 我想它可以提供一些见解。


My experience with Django is minimal but I do remember in The Django Book they have a chapter where they interview people running some of the larger Django applications. Here is a link. I guess it could provide some insights.

It says curse.com is one of the largest Django applications with around 60-90 million page views in a month.

回答 21

我使用Django为爱尔兰的国家广播公司开发高流量站点。它对我们很好。开发高性能站点不仅仅只是选择一个框架。框架将只是与最薄弱的环节一样强大的系统的一部分。如果问题是数据库查询速度慢或服务器或网络配置错误,则使用最新的框架“ X”不能解决您的性能问题。

I develop high traffic sites using Django for the national broadcaster in Ireland. It works well for us. Developing a high performance site is more than about just choosing a framework. A framework will only be one part of a system that is as strong as it’s weakest link. Using the latest framework ‘X’ won’t solve your performance issues if the problem is slow database queries or a badly configured server or network.

回答 22






Even-though there have been a lot of great answers here, I just feel like pointing out, that nobody have put emphasis on..

It depends on the application

If you application is light on writes, as in you are reading a lot more data from the DB than you are writing. Then scaling django should be fairly trivial, heck, it comes with some fairly decent output/view caching straight out of the box. Make use of that, and say, redis as a cache provider, put a load balancer in front of it, spin up n-instances and you should be able to deal with a VERY large amount of traffic.

Now, if you have to do thousands of complex writes a second? Different story. Is Django going to be a bad choice? Well, not necessarily, depends on how you architect your solution really, and also, what your requirements are.

Just my two cents :-)

回答 23

您绝对可以在Django中运行高流量站点。在Django 1.0之前的版本中查看该版本,但仍在此处相关:http : //menendez.com/blog/launching-high-performance-django-site/

You can definitely run a high-traffic site in Django. Check out this pre-Django 1.0 but still relevant post here: http://menendez.com/blog/launching-high-performance-django-site/

回答 24



Check out this micro news aggregator called EveryBlock.

It’s entirely written in Django. In fact they are the people who developed the Django framework itself.

回答 25


正确的方法是了解并了解在django / symfony / rails项目下可以很好地扩展的网络设计模式和工具。


  • 多路复用。
  • 反向代理。例如:Nginx,光油
  • Memcache会话。例如:Redis
  • 在项目和数据库上进行集群化以实现负载平衡和容错:例如:Docker
  • 使用第三方存储资产。例如:Amazon S3


The problem is not to know if django can scale or not.

The right way is to understand and know which are the network design patterns and tools to put under your django/symfony/rails project to scale well.

Some ideas can be :

  • Multiplexing.
  • Inversed proxy. Ex : Nginx, Varnish
  • Memcache Session. Ex : Redis
  • Clusterization on your project and db for load balancing and fault tolerance : Ex : Docker
  • Use third party to store assets. Ex : Amazon S3

Hope it help a bit. This is my tiny rock to the mountain.

回答 26


  • Python非常好,但是它是一种解释型语言,因此速度很慢。但是有许多加速器和缓存服务可以部分解决此问题。

  • 如果您正在考虑快速发展,那么Ruby on Rails是最好的选择。此(ROR)框架的主要座右铭是为开发人员提供舒适的体验。如果您比较一下,Ruby和Python的语法几乎相同。

  • Google App Engine是一项非常好的服务,但是它将在您的范围内束缚您,您没有机会尝试新事物。取而代之的是,您可以使用Digital Ocean云,因为它最简单的液滴仅需每月支付5美元Heroku是另一项免费服务,您可以在其中部署产品。

  • 是! 是! 您所听到的是完全正确的,但这是一些使用其他技术的示例

    • Rails:Github,Twitter(以前),Shopify,Airbnb,Slideshare,Heroku等
    • PHP:Facebook,Wikipedia,Flickr,Yahoo,Tumbler,Mailchimp等。


If you want to use Open source then there are many options for you. But python is best among them as it has many libraries and a super awesome community. These are a few reasons which might change your mind:

  • Python is very good but it is a interpreted language which makes it slow. But many accelerator and caching services are there which partly solve this problem.

  • If you are thinking about rapid development then Ruby on Rails is best among all. The main motto of this(ROR) framework is to give a comfortable experience to the developers. If you compare Ruby and Python both have nearly the same syntax.

  • Google App Engine is very good service but it will bind you in its scope, you don’t get chance to experiment new things. Instead of it you can use Digital Ocean cloud which will only take $5/Month charge for its simplest droplet. Heroku is another free service where you can deploy your product.

  • Yes! Yes! What you heard is totally correct but here are some examples which are using other technologies

    • Rails: Github, Twitter(previously), Shopify, Airbnb, Slideshare, Heroku etc.
    • PHP: Facebook, Wikipedia, Flickr, Yahoo, Tumbler, Mailchimp etc.

Conclusion is a framework or language won’t do everything for you. A better architecture, designing and strategy will give you a scalable website. Instagram is the biggest example, this small team is managing such huge data. Here is one blog about its architecture must read it.

回答 27







I don’t think the issue is really about Django scaling.

I really suggest you look into your architecture that’s what will help you with your scaling needs.If you get that wrong there is no point on how well Django performs. Performance != Scale. You can have a system that has amazing performance but does not scale and vice versa.

Is your application database bound? If it is then your scale issues lay there as well. How are you planning on interacting with the database from Django? What happens when you database cannot process requests as fast as Django accepts them? What happens when your data outgrows one physical machine. You need to account for how you plan on dealing with those circumstances.

Moreover, What happens when your traffic outgrows one app server? how you handle sessions in this case can be tricky, more often than not you would probably require a shared nothing architecture. Again that depends on your application.

In short languages is not what determines scale, a language is responsible for performance(again depending on your applications, different languages perform differently). It is your design and architecture that makes scaling a reality.

I hope it helps, would be glad to help further if you have questions.

回答 28


Spreading the tasks evenly, in short optimizing each and every aspect including DBs, Files, Images, CSS etc. and balancing the load with several other resources is necessary once your site/application starts growing. OR you make some more space for it to grow. Implementation of latest technologies like CDN, Cloud are must with huge sites. Just developing and tweaking an application won’t give your the cent percent satisfation, other components also play an important role.
