问题:Flask vs webapp2(适用于Google App Engine)

我正在启动新的Google App Engine应用程序,目前正在考虑两个框架:Flaskwebapp2。我对以前的App Engine应用程序使用的内置webapp框架感到非常满意,因此我认为webapp2会更好,并且不会有任何问题。


因此,问题是- 您是否知道Flask可能会带入Google App Engine应用程序的任何问题,性能问题,限制(例如,路由系统,内置授权机制等)?“问题”是指我无法在几行代码(或任何合理数量的代码和工作量)中解决的问题,或者是完全不可能的事情。


I’m starting new Google App Engine application and currently considering two frameworks: Flask and webapp2. I’m rather satisfied with built-in webapp framework that I’ve used for my previous App Engine application, so I think webapp2 will be even better and I won’t have any problems with it.

However, there are a lot of good reviews of Flask, I really like its approach and all the things that I’ve read so far in the documentation and I want to try it out. But I’m a bit concerned about limitations that I can face down the road with Flask.

So, the question is – do you know any problems, performance issues, limitations (e.g. routing system, built-in authorization mechanism, etc.) that Flask could bring into Google App Engine application? By “problem” I mean something that I can’t work around in several lines of code (or any reasonable amount of code and efforts) or something that is completely impossible.

And as a follow-up question: are there any killer-features in Flask that you think can blow my mind and make me use it despite any problems that I can face?

回答 0



例如,deferred使用一个webapp处理程序。要在纯Flask视图中使用werkzeug.Request和werkzeug.Response来使用它,您需要为此实现deferred(就像我在这里为tipfy 所做的那样)。

其他处理程序也会发生同样的情况:blobstore(Werkzeug仍然不支持范围请求,因此即使您创建了自己的处理程序,也需要使用WebOb -请参见tipfy.appengine.blobstore),邮件,XMPP等,或以后包含在SDK中的其他内容。

对于使用App Engine创建的库,也是如此,例如ProtoRPC,它基于webapp,并且如果您不想混合使用webapp和框架,则需要端口或适配器才能与其他框架一起使用。同一应用中的选择处理程序。


与WebOb相比,我更偏爱Werkzeug,但是在移植和维护可与Tipfy一起使用的SDK处理程序版本超过一年之后,我意识到这是一个失败的原因-长期支持GAE,最好是保持与webapp / WebOb。它使对SDK库的支持变得轻而易举,维护变得更加容易,因为新的库和SDK功能将立即可用,因此它具有更强的前瞻性,并且大型社区可以使用相同的App Engine工具来受益。

这里总结一个特定的webapp2防御。此外,webapp2可以在App Engine之外使用,并且易于自定义以使其看起来像流行的微框架,并且您有很多吸引人的理由。而且,webapp2有很大的机会被包含在将来的SDK版本中(这是非正式的,不要引用我的:-),这将推动它向前发展并带来新的开发人员和贡献。


Disclaimer: I’m the author of tipfy and webapp2.

A big advantage of sticking with webapp (or its natural evolution, webapp2) is that you don’t have to create your own versions for existing SDK handlers for your framework of your choice.

For example, deferred uses a webapp handler. To use it in a pure Flask view, using werkzeug.Request and werkzeug.Response, you’ll need to implement deferred for it (like I did here for tipfy).

The same happens for other handlers: blobstore (Werkzeug still doesn’t support range requests, so you’ll need to use WebOb even if you create your own handler — see tipfy.appengine.blobstore), mail, XMPP and so on, or others that are included in the SDK in the future.

And the same happens for libraries created with App Engine in mind, like ProtoRPC, which is based on webapp and would need a port or adapter to work with other frameworks, if you don’t want to mix webapp and your-framework-of-choice handlers in the same app.

So, even if you choose a different framework, you’ll end a) using webapp in some special cases or b) having to create and maintain your versions for specific SDK handlers or features, if you’ll use them.

I much prefer Werkzeug over WebOb, but after over one year porting and maintaining versions of the SDK handlers that work natively with tipfy, I realized that this is a lost cause — to support GAE for the long term, best is to stay close to webapp/WebOb. It makes support for SDK libraries a breeze, maintenance becomes a lot easier, it is more future-proof as new libraries and SDK features will work out of the box and there’s the benefit of a large community working around the same App Engine tools.

A specific webapp2 defense is summarized here. Add to those that webapp2 can be used outside of App Engine and is easy to be customized to look like popular micro-frameworks and you have a good set of compelling reasons to go for it. Also, webapp2 has a big chance to be included in a future SDK release (this is extra-official, don’t quote me :-) which will push it forward and bring new developers and contributions.

That said, I’m a big fan of Werkzeug and the Pocoo guys and borrowed a lot from Flask and others (web.py, Tornado), but — and, you know, I’m biased — the above webapp2 benefits should be taken into account.

回答 1

您的问题非常广泛,但是在Google App Engine上使用Flask似乎没有大问题。



以下是针对Flask / App Engine组合的教程:


另请参阅App Engine-难以访问Twitter数据-FlaskFlask消息刷新无法跨重定向重定向,以及如何使用Google App Engine管理第三方Python库?(virtualenv?pip?)解决人们对于Flask和Google App Engine的问题。

Your question is extremely broad, but there appears to be no big problems using Flask on Google App Engine.

This mailing list thread links to several templates:


And here is a tutorial specific to the Flask / App Engine combination:


Also, see App Engine – Difficulty Accessing Twitter Data – Flask, Flask message flashing fails across redirects, and How do I manage third-party Python libraries with Google App Engine? (virtualenv? pip?) for issues people have had with Flask and Google App Engine.

回答 2




  1. http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/views/#method-based-dispatching
  2. https://webapp-improved.appspot.com/guide/handlers.html
  3. https://webapp-improved.appspot.com/guide/handlers.html#overriding-dispatch

For me the decision for webapp2 was easy when I discovered that flask is not an object-oriented framework (from the beginning), while webapp2 is a pure object oriented framework. webapp2 uses Method Based Dispatching as standard for all RequestHandlers (as flask documentation calls it and implements it since V0.7 in MethodViews). While in flask MethodViews are an add-on it is a core design principle for webapp2. So your software design will look different using both frameworks. Both frameworks use nowadays jinja2 templates and are fairly feature identical.

I prefer to add security checks to a base-class RequestHandler and inherit from it. This is also good for utility functions, etc. As you can see for example in link [3] you can override methods to prevent dispatching a request.

If you are an OO-person, or if you need to design a REST-server, I would recommend webapp2 for you. If you prefer simple functions with decorators as handlers for multiple request-types, or you are uncomfortable with OO-inheritance then choose flask. I think both frameworks avoid the complexity and dependencies of much bigger frameworks like pyramid.

  1. http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/views/#method-based-dispatching
  2. https://webapp-improved.appspot.com/guide/handlers.html
  3. https://webapp-improved.appspot.com/guide/handlers.html#overriding-dispatch

回答 3

我认为Google App Engine正式支持Flask框架。这里有一个示例代码和教程-> https://console.developers.google.com/start/appengine?_ga=1.36257892.596387946.1427891855

I think google app engine officially supports flask framework. There is a sample code and tutorial here -> https://console.developers.google.com/start/appengine?_ga=1.36257892.596387946.1427891855

回答 4



I didn’t try webapp2 and found that tipfy was a bit difficult to use since it required setup scripts and builds that configure your python installation to other than default. For these and other reasons I haven’t made my largest project depend on a framework and I use the plain webapp instead, add the library called beaker to get session capability and django already has builtin translations for words common to many usecases so when building a localized application django was the right choice for my largest project. The 2 other frameworks I actually deployed with projects to a production environment were GAEframework.com and web2py and generally it seems that adding a framework which changes its template engine could lead to incompatibilities between old and new versions.

So my experience is that I’m being reluctant to adding a framework to my projects unless they solve the more advanced use cases (file upload, multi auth, admin ui are 3 examples of more advanced use cases that no framework for gae at the moment handles well.
