






I would like to know which programming language is better for natural language processing. Java or Python? I have found lots of questions and answers regarding about it. But I am still lost in choosing which one to use.

And I want to know which NLP library to use for Java since there are lots of libraries (LingPipe, GATE, OpenNLP, StandfordNLP). For Python, most programmers recommend NLTK.

But if I am to do some text processing or information extraction from unstructured data (just free formed plain English text) to get some useful information, what is the best option? Java or Python? Suitable library?


What I want to do is to extract useful product information from unstructured data (E.g. users make different forms of advertisement about mobiles or laptops with not very standard English language)

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Java vs Python for NLP非常偏爱或必需。根据公司/项目的不同,您将需要使用其中一个,而除非您负责一个项目,否则通常没有太多选择。







这是NLP工具的最新版本(2017):https : //

NLP工具的较旧列表(2013):http :// //

除了语言处理工具之外,您非常需要将machine learning工具合并到NLP管道中。




随着最近(2015年)NLP中的深度学习海啸,您可能可以考虑:https : //


其他也需要NLP / ML工具的Stackoverflow问题:

Java vs Python for NLP is very much a preference or necessity. Depending on the company/projects you’ll need to use one or the other and often there isn’t much of a choice unless you’re heading a project.

Other than NLTK (, there are actually other libraries for text processing in python:

(for more, see

For Java, there’re tonnes of others but here’s another list:

This is a nice comparison for basic string processing, see

A useful comparison of GATE vs UIMA vs OpenNLP, see

If you’re uncertain, which is the language to go for NLP, personally i say, “any language that will give you the desired analysis/output”, see Which language or tools to learn for natural language processing?

Here’s a pretty recent (2017) of NLP tools:

An older list of NLP tools (2013):

Other than language processing tools, you would very much need machine learning tools to incorporate into NLP pipelines.

There’s a whole range in Python and Java, and once again it’s up to preference and whether the libraries are user-friendly enough:

Machine Learning libraries in python:

(for more, see

With the recent (2015) deep learning tsunami in NLP, possibly you could consider:

I’ll avoid listing deep learning tools out of non-favoritism / neutrality.

Other Stackoverflow questions that also asked for NLP/ML tools:

回答 1



在Python方面,首先要看的是Python Natural Language Toolkit。正如他们在描述中所指出的那样,NLTK是构建Python程序以使用人类语言数据的领先平台。它为50多种语料库和词汇资源(如WordNet)提供了易于使用的界面,并提供了一套用于分类,标记化,词干,标记,解析和语义推理的文本处理库。



首先看的是斯坦福大学的自然语言处理小组。那里分发的所有软件都是用Java编写的。所有最新发行版都需要Oracle Java 6+或OpenJDK 7+。分发程序包包括用于命令行调用的组件,jar文件,Java API和源代码。


The question is very open ended. That said, rather than choose one, below is a comparison depending on the language that you would like to use (since there are good libraries available in both languages).


In terms of Python, the first place you should look at is the Python Natural Language Toolkit. As they note in their description, NLTK is a leading platform for building Python programs to work with human language data. It provides easy-to-use interfaces to over 50 corpora and lexical resources such as WordNet, along with a suite of text processing libraries for classification, tokenization, stemming, tagging, parsing, and semantic reasoning.

There is also some excellent code that you can look up that originated out of Google’s Natural Language Toolkit project that is Python based. You can find a link to that code here on GitHub.


The first place to look would be Stanford’s Natural Language Processing Group. All of software that is distributed there is written in Java. All recent distributions require Oracle Java 6+ or OpenJDK 7+. Distribution packages include components for command-line invocation, jar files, a Java API, and source code.

Another great option that you see in a lot of machine learning environments here (general option), is Weka. Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms can either be applied directly to a dataset or called from your own Java code. Weka contains tools for data pre-processing, classification, regression, clustering, association rules, and visualization. It is also well-suited for developing new machine learning schemes.