JSON对象中的项目使用“ json.dumps”乱序了吗?

问题:JSON对象中的项目使用“ json.dumps”乱序了吗?


print json.dumps(countries)


   {"timezone": 4, "id": 1, "name": "Mauritius"}, 
   {"timezone": 2, "id": 2, "name": "France"}, 
   {"timezone": 1, "id": 3, "name": "England"}, 
   {"timezone": -4, "id": 4, "name": "USA"}



I’m using json.dumps to convert into json like

print json.dumps(countries)

The result i have is:

   {"timezone": 4, "id": 1, "name": "Mauritius"}, 
   {"timezone": 2, "id": 2, "name": "France"}, 
   {"timezone": 1, "id": 3, "name": "England"}, 
   {"timezone": -4, "id": 4, "name": "USA"}

I want to have the keys in the following order: id, name, timezone – but instead I have timezone, id, name.

How should I fix this?

回答 0

Python dict(在Python 3.7之前)和JSON对象都是无序集合。您可以传递sort_keys参数来对键进行排序:

>>> import json
>>> json.dumps({'a': 1, 'b': 2})
'{"b": 2, "a": 1}'
>>> json.dumps({'a': 1, 'b': 2}, sort_keys=True)
'{"a": 1, "b": 2}'


>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> json.dumps(OrderedDict([("a", 1), ("b", 2)]))
'{"a": 1, "b": 2}'
>>> json.dumps(OrderedDict([("b", 2), ("a", 1)]))
'{"b": 2, "a": 1}'

从Python 3.6开始,关键字参数顺序得以保留,并且可以使用更好的语法重写以上内容:

>>> json.dumps(OrderedDict(a=1, b=2))
'{"a": 1, "b": 2}'
>>> json.dumps(OrderedDict(b=2, a=1))
'{"b": 2, "a": 1}'

请参阅PEP 468 –保留关键字参数顺序

如果你的输入给出JSON然后保存顺序(得到OrderedDict),你可以传递object_pair_hook通过@Fred Yankowski的建议

>>> json.loads('{"a": 1, "b": 2}', object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2)])
>>> json.loads('{"b": 2, "a": 1}', object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
OrderedDict([('b', 2), ('a', 1)])

Both Python dict (before Python 3.7) and JSON object are unordered collections. You could pass sort_keys parameter, to sort the keys:

>>> import json
>>> json.dumps({'a': 1, 'b': 2})
'{"b": 2, "a": 1}'
>>> json.dumps({'a': 1, 'b': 2}, sort_keys=True)
'{"a": 1, "b": 2}'

If you need a particular order; you could use collections.OrderedDict:

>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> json.dumps(OrderedDict([("a", 1), ("b", 2)]))
'{"a": 1, "b": 2}'
>>> json.dumps(OrderedDict([("b", 2), ("a", 1)]))
'{"b": 2, "a": 1}'

Since Python 3.6, the keyword argument order is preserved and the above can be rewritten using a nicer syntax:

>>> json.dumps(OrderedDict(a=1, b=2))
'{"a": 1, "b": 2}'
>>> json.dumps(OrderedDict(b=2, a=1))
'{"b": 2, "a": 1}'

See PEP 468 – Preserving Keyword Argument Order.

If your input is given as JSON then to preserve the order (to get OrderedDict), you could pass object_pair_hook, as suggested by @Fred Yankowski:

>>> json.loads('{"a": 1, "b": 2}', object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2)])
>>> json.loads('{"b": 2, "a": 1}', object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
OrderedDict([('b', 2), ('a', 1)])

回答 1

正如其他人提到的那样,基本的命令是无序的。但是在python中有OrderedDict对象。(它们内置在最新的python中,或者您可以使用此代码:http : //code.activestate.com/recipes/576693/)。

我相信较新的pythons json实现可以正确处理内置的OrderedDicts,但是我不确定(而且我无法轻松访问测试)。

旧的python simplejson实现无法很好地处理OrderedDict对象..并在输出它们之前将它们转换为常规dict ..但您可以通过执行以下操作来克服这一点:

class OrderedJsonEncoder( simplejson.JSONEncoder ):
   def encode(self,o):
      if isinstance(o,OrderedDict.OrderedDict):
         return "{" + ",".join( [ self.encode(k)+":"+self.encode(v) for (k,v) in o.iteritems() ] ) + "}"
         return simplejson.JSONEncoder.encode(self, o)


>>> import OrderedDict
>>> unordered={"id":123,"name":"a_name","timezone":"tz"}
>>> ordered = OrderedDict.OrderedDict( [("id",123), ("name","a_name"), ("timezone","tz")] )
>>> e = OrderedJsonEncoder()
>>> print e.encode( unordered )
{"timezone": "tz", "id": 123, "name": "a_name"}
>>> print e.encode( ordered )



As others have mentioned the underlying dict is unordered. However there are OrderedDict objects in python. ( They’re built in in recent pythons, or you can use this: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576693/ ).

I believe that newer pythons json implementations correctly handle the built in OrderedDicts, but I’m not sure (and I don’t have easy access to test).

Old pythons simplejson implementations dont handle the OrderedDict objects nicely .. and convert them to regular dicts before outputting them.. but you can overcome this by doing the following:

class OrderedJsonEncoder( simplejson.JSONEncoder ):
   def encode(self,o):
      if isinstance(o,OrderedDict.OrderedDict):
         return "{" + ",".join( [ self.encode(k)+":"+self.encode(v) for (k,v) in o.iteritems() ] ) + "}"
         return simplejson.JSONEncoder.encode(self, o)

now using this we get:

>>> import OrderedDict
>>> unordered={"id":123,"name":"a_name","timezone":"tz"}
>>> ordered = OrderedDict.OrderedDict( [("id",123), ("name","a_name"), ("timezone","tz")] )
>>> e = OrderedJsonEncoder()
>>> print e.encode( unordered )
{"timezone": "tz", "id": 123, "name": "a_name"}
>>> print e.encode( ordered )

Which is pretty much as desired.

Another alternative would be to specialise the encoder to directly use your row class, and then you’d not need any intermediate dict or UnorderedDict.

回答 2


>>> {"b": 1, "a": 2}
{'a': 2, 'b': 1}

实际上,该字典甚至在到达之前就被“颠倒了” json.dumps

>>> {"id":1,"name":"David","timezone":3}
{'timezone': 3, 'id': 1, 'name': 'David'}

The order of a dictionary doesn’t have any relationship to the order it was defined in. This is true of all dictionaries, not just those turned into JSON.

>>> {"b": 1, "a": 2}
{'a': 2, 'b': 1}

Indeed, the dictionary was turned “upside down” before it even reached json.dumps:

>>> {"id":1,"name":"David","timezone":3}
{'timezone': 3, 'id': 1, 'name': 'David'}

回答 3


json.dumps({'****': ***},sort_keys=False)


hey i know it is so late for this answer but add sort_keys and assign false to it as follows :

json.dumps({'****': ***},sort_keys=False)

this worked for me

回答 4




json.dump() will preserve the ordder of your dictionary. Open the file in a text editor and you will see. It will preserve the order regardless of whether you send it an OrderedDict.

But json.load() will lose the order of the saved object unless you tell it to load into an OrderedDict(), which is done with the object_pairs_hook parameter as J.F.Sebastian instructed above.

It would otherwise lose the order because under usual operation, it loads the saved dictionary object into a regular dict and a regular dict does not preserve the oder of the items it is given.

回答 5


in JSON, as in Javascript, order of object keys is meaningless, so it really doesn’t matter what order they’re displayed in, it is the same object.