

python -m mymod1 mymod2.py args

python mymod1.py mymod2.py args


['mymod1.py', 'mymod2.py', 'args']


Could you explain to me what the difference is between calling

python -m mymod1 mymod2.py args


python mymod1.py mymod2.py args

It seems in both cases mymod1.py is called and sys.argv is

['mymod1.py', 'mymod2.py', 'args']

So what is the -m switch for?

回答 0

PEP 338Rationale部分的第一行说:

Python 2.4添加了命令行开关-m,以允许使用Python模块命名空间定位模块以作为脚本执行。激励性的示例是标准库模块,例如pdb和profile,并且Python 2.4实现对于此有限的目的是合适的。

因此,您可以通过这种方式在Python的搜索路径中指定任何模块,而不仅仅是当前目录中的文件。您是正确的,python mymod1.py mymod2.py args其效果完全相同。本Scope of this proposal节的第一行指出:

在Python 2.4中,将执行使用-m定位的模块,就像在命令行中提供了其文件名一样。

还有-m更多的可能,例如使用作为包装一部分的模块等,这就是PEP 338其余部分的意义。阅读以获取更多信息。

The first line of the Rationale section of PEP 338 says:

Python 2.4 adds the command line switch -m to allow modules to be located using the Python module namespace for execution as scripts. The motivating examples were standard library modules such as pdb and profile, and the Python 2.4 implementation is fine for this limited purpose.

So you can specify any module in Python’s search path this way, not just files in the current directory. You’re correct that python mymod1.py mymod2.py args has exactly the same effect. The first line of the Scope of this proposal section states:

In Python 2.4, a module located using -m is executed just as if its filename had been provided on the command line.

With -m more is possible, like working with modules which are part of a package, etc. That’s what the rest of PEP 338 is about. Read it for more info.

回答 1


python -m some_package some_arguments


python path_to_package/__main__.py somearguments


if __name__ == "__main__":

It’s worth mentioning this only works if the package has a file __main__.py Otherwise, this package can not be executed directly.

python -m some_package some_arguments

The python interpreter will looking for a __main__.py file in the package path to execute. It’s equivalent to:

python path_to_package/__main__.py somearguments

It will execute the content after:

if __name__ == "__main__":

回答 2







其次,可以通过两种不同的方式唯一标识所有模块:<modulename><filename>。模块通常由Python代码中的模块名称(例如import <modulename>)和命令行上的文件名(例如)来标识python <filename>。所有Python解释器都可以通过一组定义良好的规则将模块名转换为文件名。这些规则取决于sys.path变量,因此可以通过更改此值来更改映射(有关如何完成此操作的更多信息,请参阅PEP 302)。

第三,所有模块(代码和程序包)都可以执行(这意味着与模块关联的代码将由Python解释器评估)。根据执行方法和模块类型的不同,对哪些代码进行评估以及何时修改可能会有所不同。例如,如果一个人通过执行一个包模块,python <filename>那么<filename>/__init__.py它将被评估,然后是<filename>/__main__.py。另一方面,如果一个人通过执行相同的程序包模块,import <modulename>那么__init__.py将仅执行程序包。

的历史发展 -m

-m标志最初是在Python 2.4.1中引入的。最初,它的唯一目的是提供一种识别要执行的python模块的替代方法。也就是说,如果我们同时知道模块的<filename><modulename>,则以下两个命令是等效的:python <filename> <args>python -m <modulename> <args>。另外,根据PEP 338,此迭代-m仅适用于顶级模块名称(即,可以直接在sys.path上找到的模块,而无需任何中间包)。

随着完成PEP 338-m功能扩展到支持<modulename>超出顶层modulenames表示。这意味着http.server现在已经完全支持诸如这样的名称。此增强功能还意味着模块中的所有软件包现在都已加载(即,所有软件包__init__.py文件均已评估)。

PEP 366-m带来了最终的主要功能增强。通过此更新,不仅可以支持绝对导入,还可以支持显式相对导入。这是通过修改命令中命名模块的变量来实现的。-m__package__-m



  1. 从命令行执行可能不知道其文件名的模块。该用例利用了Python解释器知道如何将模块名转换为文件名这一事实。当要从命令行运行stdlib模块或第三方模块时,这特别有利。例如,很少有人知道http.server模块的文件名,但大多数人确实知道其模块名,因此我们可以使用从命令行执行它python -m http.server

  2. 要执行包含绝对导入的本地软件包,而无需安装它。PEP 338中详细介绍了该用例,并利用了将当前工作目录添加到sys.path而不是模块目录的事实。该用例与pip install -e .在开发/编辑模式下安装软件包非常相似。


经过-m多年的改进,它仍然存在一个主要缺点-它只能执行以python编写的代码模块(即* .py)。例如,如果-m用于执行C编译代码模块,则会产生以下错误,No code object available for <modulename>(请参见此处以获取更多详细信息)。


通过python命令执行模块的效果(即python <filename>):

  • sys.path 修改为包括最终目录 <filename>
  • __name__ 设定为 '__main__'
  • __package__ 设定为 None
  • __init__.py 不评估任何软件包(包括其自身的软件包模块)
  • __main__.py评估包装模块;对代码进行代码模块评估。

通过import语句(即import <modulename>)执行模块的影响:

  • sys.path以任何方式修改
  • __name__ 设置为的绝对形式 <modulename>
  • __package__ 设置为中的直接父包 <modulename>
  • __init__.py 针对所有软件包进行评估(包括针对软件包模块的评估)
  • __main__.py评价包模块; 对代码进行代码模块评估

通过-m标志(即python -m <modulename>)执行模块的影响:

  • sys.path 修改为包括当前目录
  • __name__ 设定为 '__main__'
  • __package__ 设置为中的直接父包 <modulename>
  • __init__.py 针对所有软件包进行评估(包括针对软件包模块的评估)
  • __main__.py评估包装模块;对代码进行代码模块评估



Despite this question having been asked and answered several times (e.g., here, here, here, and here) in my opinion no existing answer fully or concisely captures all the implications of the -m flag. Therefore, the following will attempt to improve on what has come before.

Introduction (TLDR)

The -m flag does a lot of things, not all of which will be needed all the time. In short it can be used to: (1) execute python code from the command line via modulename rather than filename (2) add a directory to sys.path for use in import resolution and (3) execute python code that contains relative imports from the command line.


To explain the -m flag we first need to explain a little terminology.

Python’s primary organizational unit is known as a module. Module’s come in one of two flavors: code modules and package modules. A code module is any file that contains python executable code. A package module is a directory that contains other modules (either code modules or package modules). The most common type of code modules are *.py files while the most common type of package modules are directories containing an __init__.py file.

Python allows modules to be uniquely identified in two distinct ways: modulename and filename. In general, modules are identified by modulename in Python code (e.g., import <modulename>) and by filename on the command line (e.g., python <filename>). All python interpreters are able to convert modulenames to filenames by following the same few, well-defined rules. These rules hinge on the sys.path variable. By altering this variable one can change how Python resolves modulenames into filenames (for more on how this is done see PEP 302).

All modules (both code and package) can be executed (i.e., code associated with the module will be evaluated by the Python interpreter). Depending on the execution method (and module type) what code gets evaluated, and when, can change quite a bit. For example, if one executes a package module via python <filename> then <filename>/__init__.py will be evaluated followed by <filename>/__main__.py. On the other hand, if one executes that same package module via import <modulename> then only the package’s __init__.py will be executed.

Historical Development of -m

The -m flag was first introduced in Python 2.4.1. Initially its only purpose was to provide an alternative means of identifying the python module to execute from the command line. That is, if we knew both the <filename> and <modulename> for a module then the following two commands were equivalent: python <filename> <args> and python -m <modulename> <args>. One constraint with this iteration, according to PEP 338, was that -m only worked with top level modulenames (i.e., modules that could be found directly on sys.path without any intervening package modules).

With the completion of PEP 338 the -m feature was extended to support <modulename> representations beyond the top level. This meant names such as http.server were now fully supported. This extension also meant that each parent package in modulename was now evaluated (i.e., all parent package __init__.py files were evaluated) in addition to the module referenced by the modulename itself.

The final major feature enhancement for -m came with PEP 366. With this upgrade -m gained the ability to support not only absolute imports but also explicit relative imports when executing modules. This was achieved by changing -m so that it set the __package__ variable to the parent module of the given modulename (in addition to everything else it already did).

Use Cases

There are two notable use cases for the -m flag:

  1. To execute modules from the command line for which one may not know their filename. This use case takes advantage of the fact that the Python interpreter knows how to convert modulenames to filenames. This is particularly advantageous when one wants to run stdlib modules or 3rd-party module from the command line. For example, very few people know the filename for the http.server module but most people do know its modulename so we can execute it from the command line using python -m http.server.

  2. To execute a local package containing absolute or relative imports without needing to install it. This use case is detailed in PEP 338 and leverages the fact that the current working directory is added to sys.path rather than the module’s directory. This use case is very similar to using pip install -e . to install a package in develop/edit mode.


With all the enhancements made to -m over the years it still has one major shortcoming — it can only execute modules written in Python (i.e., *.py). For example, if -m is used to execute a C compiled code module the following error will be produced, No code object available for <modulename> (see here for more details).

Detailed Comparisons

Effects of module execution via import statement (i.e., import <modulename>):

  • sys.path is not modified in any way
  • __name__ is set to the absolute form of <modulename>
  • __package__ is set to the immediate parent package in <modulename>
  • __init__.py is evaluated for all packages (including its own for package modules)
  • __main__.py is not evaluated for package modules; the code is evaluated for code modules

Effects of module execution via command line (i.e., python <filename>):

  • sys.path is modified to include the final directory in <filename>
  • __name__ is set to '__main__'
  • __package__ is set to None
  • __init__.py is not evaluated for any package (including its own for package modules)
  • __main__.py is evaluated for package modules; the code is evaluated for code modules.

Effects of module execution via command line with the -m flag (i.e., python -m <modulename>):

  • sys.path is modified to include the current directory
  • __name__ is set to '__main__'
  • __package__ is set to the immediate parent package in <modulename>
  • __init__.py is evaluated for all packages (including its own for package modules)
  • __main__.py is evaluated for package modules; the code is evaluated for code modules


The -m flag is, at its simplest, a means to execute python scripts from the command line by using modulenames rather than filenames. The real power of -m, however, is in its ability to combine the power of import statements (e.g., support for explicit relative imports and automatic package __init__ evaluation) with the convenience of the command line.
