问题:PyCharm错误:尝试导入自己的模块时(“ Python模块”)为“无模块”



from my_module import my_mod as mm


但是,当我尝试运行cool_script.py时,PyCharm告诉我 “没有名为my_module的模块”


A)在终端(OS 10.10.2)中,在python中,我可以导入模块没有问题-.bashrc中的PYTHONPATH中有相应的条目


因此,为什么在尝试运行cool_script.py时出现错误?- 我想念什么?



当我进入PyCharm以运行-编辑配置时,对于当前项目,有两个选中的选项带有复选标记:“ 将内容根添加到PYTHONPATH ”和“ 将源根添加到PYTHONPATH ”。当我都取消选中时,我可以加载我的模块。

现在就可以了- 但是为什么呢?


  • 什么是“内容根”和什么是“源根”?为什么在PYTHONPATH中添加一些内容却使其以某种方式中断?
  • 我是否应该一直取消选中这两个选项(在默认设置中也要取消选中这两个选项,而不是仅针对项目特定的配置(“运行/调试配置”对话框的左侧面板)?

I have written a module (a file my_mod.py file residing in the folder my_module). Currently, I am working in the file cool_script.py that resides in the folder cur_proj. I have opened the folder in PyCharm using File — open (and I assume, hence, it is a PyCharm project).

In ProjectView (CMD-7), I can see my project cur_proj (in red) and under “External Libraries” I do see my_module. In cool_script.py, I can write

from my_module import my_mod as mm

and PyCharm even makes suggestion for my_mod. So far so good.

However, when I try to run cool_script.py, PyCharm tells me “No module named my_module”

This seems strange to me, because

A) in the terminal (OS 10.10.2), in python, I can import the module no problem — there is a corresponding entry in the PYTHONPATH in .bashrc

B) in PyCharm — Settings — Project cur_proj — Project Interpreter — CogWheel next to python interpreter — more — show paths for selected interpreter icon, the paths from PYTHONPATH do appear (as I think they should)

Hence, why do I get the error when I try to run cool_script.py? — What am I missing?


Addendum 2015-Feb-25

When I go in PyCharm to Run — Edit Configurations, for my current project, there are two options that are selected with a check mark: “Add content roots to PYTHONPATH” and “Add source roots to PYTHONPATH“. When I have both unchecked, I can load my module.

So it works now — but why?

Further questions emerged:

  • What are “content roots” and what are “source roots”? And why does adding something to the PYTHONPATH make it somehow break?
  • should I uncheck both of those options all the time (so also in the defaults, not only the project specific configurations (left panel of the Run/Debug Configurations dialog)?

回答 0

如果您自己的模块在同一路径中,则需要将该路径标记为Sources Root。在项目浏览器中,右键单击要导入的目录。然后选择Mark Directory As,然后选择Sources Root


If your own module is in the same path, you need mark the path as Sources Root. In the project explorer, right-click on the directory that you want import. Then select Mark Directory As and select Sources Root.

I hope this helps.

回答 1




So if you go to

-> Setting -> Project:My_project -> Project Structure,

Just the directory in which the source code is available and mark it as “Sources” (You can see it on the same window). The directory with source code should turn blue. Now u can import in modules residing in same directory.

回答 2


我现在遇到了这个问题,并且能够以类似于@Beatriz Fonseca和@Julie指出的方式解决它。

如果转到File-> Settings-> Project: YourProjectName-> Project Structure,则将具有当前正在处理的项目的目录布局。必须浏览目录并将其标记Source为所有源文件的目录,或作为Resource严格导入文件的文件夹。



PyCharm Community/Professional 2018.2.1

I was having this problem just now and I was able to solve it in sort of a similar way that @Beatriz Fonseca and @Julie pointed out.

If you go to File -> Settings -> Project: YourProjectName -> Project Structure, you’ll have a directory layout of the project you’re currently working in. You’ll have to go through your directories and label them as being either the Source directory for all your Source files, or as a Resource folder for files that are strictly for importing.

You’ll also want to make sure that you place __init__.py files within your resource directories, or really anywhere that you want to import from, and it’ll work perfectly fine.

I hope this answer helps someone, and hopefully JetBrains will fix this annoying bug.

回答 3


例如 E:\git_projects\My_project\__init__.py is my location.

我转到文件->设置->项目:My_project->项目结构,然后将内容根添加到要提到的地方 E:\git_projects\My_project


What I tried is to source the location where my files are.

e.g. E:\git_projects\My_project\__init__.py is my location.

I went to File -> Setting -> Project:My_project -> Project Structure and added the content root to about mention place E:\git_projects\My_project

it worked for me.

回答 4

my_module是不是模块的文件夹,您不能导入文件夹,请尝试移至my_mod.py与相同的文件夹cool_script.py,然后执行import my_mod as mm。这是因为python仅在当前目录和中sys.path查找,因此my_mod.py除非在同一目录中,否则不会找到



my_module is a folder not a module and you can’t import a folder, try moving my_mod.py to the same folder as the cool_script.py and then doimport my_mod as mm. This is because python only looks in the current directory and sys.path, and so wont find my_mod.py unless it’s in the same directory

Or you can look here for an answer telling you how to import from other directories.

As to your other questions, I do not know as I do not use PyCharm.

回答 5



I was getting the error with “Add source roots to PYTHONPATH” as well. My problem was that I had two folders with the same name, like project/subproject1/thing/src and project/subproject2/thing/src and I had both of them marked as source root. When I renamed one of the "thing" folders to "thing1" (any unique name), it worked.

Maybe if PyCharm automatically adds selected source roots, it doesn’t use the full path and hence mixes up folders with the same name.

回答 6



  • 转到您的python控制台
  • 添加sys.path.extend(['your module location'])到Python控制台。


  • 转到您的python控制台,
  • 首先,编写以下代码:

    import sys
    sys.path.extend([my module URI location])
  • 编写此语句后,可以运行以下命令:

    from mymodule import functions

This can be caused when Python interpreter can’t find your code. You have to mention explicitly to Python to find your code in this location.

To do so:

  • Go to your python console
  • Add sys.path.extend(['your module location']) to Python console.

In your case:

  • Go to your python console,
  • On the start, write the following code:

    import sys
    sys.path.extend([my module URI location])
  • Once you have written this statement you can run following command:

    from mymodule import functions

回答 7



The key confusing step that must be done is to recreate the run configuration for the source file that you’re trying to execute, so that the IDE picks up the new paths.

The way that actually worked for me was to go to Run/Edit Configurations…, select the configuration for the file that you’re trying to run on the left side, uncheck the “Add source roots to PYTHONPATH” box, save, and then go back and check the box and save. THEN it would work.

回答 8


取消选中它们不会影响运行时,直到您没有在程序包中创建单独的模块(这些模块已手动连接到Django)为止。这意味着,如果您的任何文件不包含“ from django import …”或未通过django调用任何功能,则取消选中这两个选项将导致故障。

更新-仅在使用Virtual Environmanet时出现问题,并且仅在通过提供的终端控制项目时出现。因为终端仍然可以通过默认系统pyhtonpath而不是虚拟环境工作。而python django控制面板可以正常工作。

Content roots are folders holding your project code while source roots are defined as same too. The only difference i came to understand was that the code in source roots is built before the code in the content root.

Unchecking them wouldn’t affect the runtime till the point you’re not making separate modules in your package which are manually connected to Django. That means if any of your files do not hold the ‘from django import…’ or any of the function isn’t called via django, unchecking these 2 options will result in a malfunction.

Update – the problem only arises when using Virtual Environmanet, and only when controlling the project via the provided terminal. Cause the terminal still works via the default system pyhtonpath and not the virtual env. while the python django control panel works fine.

回答 9




  1. 运行输入脚本的目录或当前目录(如果解释器正在交互运行)
  2. PYTHONPATH环境变量(如果已设置)中包含的目录列表。
  3. 在安装Python时配置的与安装有关的目录列表,在我的情况下为Ubuntu上的usr / lib / python3.6。

The solution for this problem without having to Mark Directory as Source Root is to Edit Run Configurations and in Execution select the option “Redirect input from” and choose script you want to run. This works because it is then treated as if the script was run interactively in this directory. However Python will still mark the module name with an error “no module named x”:

Redirect input from:

When the interpreter executes the import statement, it searches for x.py in a list of directories assembled from the following sources:

  1. The directory from which the input script was run or the current directory if the interpreter is being run interactively
  2. The list of directories contained in the PYTHONPATH environment variable, if it is set.
  3. An installation-dependent list of directories configured at the time Python is installed, in my case usr/lib/python3.6 on Ubuntu.

回答 10

Pycharm 2017.1.1

  1. 点击View->ToolBarView->Tool Buttons
  2. 在左窗格Project上将可见,右键单击它,然后按Autoscroll to source ,然后运行您的代码。


Pycharm 2017.1.1

  1. Click on View->ToolBar & View->Tool Buttons
  2. On the left pane Project would be visible, right click on it and press Autoscroll to source and then run your code.

This worked for me.

回答 11

ln -s someProject

如果您有someDirectory / someProjectDir和两个文件,则file1.py和file2.py,以及file1.py尝试使用此行导入



ln -s . someProject

If you have someDirectory/someProjectDir and two files, file1.py and file2.py, and file1.py tries to import with this line

from someProjectDir import file2

It won’t work, even if you have designated the someProjectDir as a source directory, and even if it shows in preferences, project, project structure menu as a content root. The only way it will work is by linking the project as show above (unix command, works in mac, not sure of use or syntax for Windows). There seems some mechanism where Pycharm does this automatically either in checkout from version control or adding as context root, since the soft link was created by Pycharm in a dependent project. Hence, just copying the same, although the weird replication of directory is annoying and necessity is perplexing. Also in the dependency where auto created, it doesn’t show as new directory under version control. Perhaps comparison of .idea files will reveal more.

回答 12


  • “将内容根添加到PYTHONPATH”
  • “将源根添加到PYTHONPATH”

我已经将run config设置为使用正确的venv,因此PyCharm不需要做其他工作即可向路径添加内容。相反,它导致了错误。

The answer that worked for me was indeed what OP mentions in his 2015 update: uncheck these two boxes in your Python run config:

  • “Add content roots to PYTHONPATH”
  • “Add source roots to PYTHONPATH”

I already had the run config set to use the proper venv, so PyCharm doing additional work to add things to the path was not necessary. Instead it was causing errors.
