

我来自Java世界,正在阅读Bruce Eckels的Python 3 Patterns,Recipes和Idioms



class Simple:
    def __init__(self, s):
        print("inside the simple constructor")
        self.s = s

    def show(self):

    def showMsg(self, msg):
        print(msg + ':',



if __name__ == "__main__":
    x = Simple("constructor argument")
    x.s = "test15" # this changes the value
    x.showMsg("A message")



I’m coming from the Java world and reading Bruce Eckels’ Python 3 Patterns, Recipes and Idioms.

While reading about classes, it goes on to say that in Python there is no need to declare instance variables. You just use them in the constructor, and boom, they are there.

So for example:

class Simple:
    def __init__(self, s):
        print("inside the simple constructor")
        self.s = s

    def show(self):

    def showMsg(self, msg):
        print(msg + ':',

If that’s true, then any object of class Simple can just change the value of variable s outside of the class.

For example:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    x = Simple("constructor argument")
    x.s = "test15" # this changes the value
    x.showMsg("A message")

In Java, we have been taught about public/private/protected variables. Those keywords make sense because at times you want variables in a class to which no one outside the class has access to.

Why is that not required in Python?

回答 0


如果出于某种原因要模拟私有变量,则始终可以使用PEP 8中__前缀。Python会像这样对变量名称进行修饰,以使它们在包含它们的类之外的代码中不易被看到(尽管只要有足够的决心,您可以解决它,就像您可以使用它来避开Java保护一样)。__foo


It’s cultural. In Python, you don’t write to other classes’ instance or class variables. In Java, nothing prevents you from doing the same if you really want to – after all, you can always edit the source of the class itself to achieve the same effect. Python drops that pretence of security and encourages programmers to be responsible. In practice, this works very nicely.

If you want to emulate private variables for some reason, you can always use the __ prefix from PEP 8. Python mangles the names of variables like __foo so that they’re not easily visible to code outside the class that contains them (although you can get around it if you’re determined enough, just like you can get around Java’s protections if you work at it).

By the same convention, the _ prefix means stay away even if you’re not technically prevented from doing so. You don’t play around with another class’s variables that look like __foo or _bar.

回答 1


class A:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__var = 123
    def printVar(self):
        print self.__var


 >>>x = A()
 >>>x.__var # this will return error: "A has no attribute __var"

 >>>x.printVar() # this gives back 123


 >>>x.__dict__ # this will show everything that is contained in object x
               # which in this case is something like {'_A__var' : 123}

 >>>x._A__var = 456 # you now know the masked name of private variables
 >>>x.printVar() # this gives back 456

您可能知道OOP中的方法是这样调用的:x.printVar() => A.printVar(x),如果A.printVar()可以访问中的某个字段,那么x也可以在外部 访问该字段A.printVar()…毕竟,创建函数是为了可重用性,内部的语句没有特殊的功能。


Private variables in python is more or less a hack: the interpreter intentionally renames the variable.

class A:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__var = 123
    def printVar(self):
        print self.__var

Now, if you try to access __var outside the class definition, it will fail:

 >>>x = A()
 >>>x.__var # this will return error: "A has no attribute __var"

 >>>x.printVar() # this gives back 123

But you can easily get away with this:

 >>>x.__dict__ # this will show everything that is contained in object x
               # which in this case is something like {'_A__var' : 123}

 >>>x._A__var = 456 # you now know the masked name of private variables
 >>>x.printVar() # this gives back 456

You probably know that methods in OOP are invoked like this: x.printVar() => A.printVar(x), if A.printVar() can access some field in x, this field can also be accessed outside A.printVar()…after all, functions are created for reusability, there is no special power given to the statements inside.

The game is different when there is a compiler involved (privacy is a compiler level concept). It know about class definition with access control modifiers so it can error out if the rules are not being followed at compile time

回答 2


As correctly mentioned by many of the comments above, let’s not forget the main goal of Access Modifiers: To help users of code understand what is supposed to change and what is supposed not to. When you see a private field you don’t mess around with it. So it’s mostly syntactic sugar which is easily achieved in Python by the _ and __.

回答 3


In [5]: class Test(object):
   ...:     def __private_method(self):
   ...:         return "Boo"
   ...:     def public_method(self):
   ...:         return self.__private_method()

In [6]: x = Test()

In [7]: x.public_method()
Out[7]: 'Boo'

In [8]: x.__private_method()
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-fa17ce05d8bc> in <module>()
----> 1 x.__private_method()

AttributeError: 'Test' object has no attribute '__private_method'



There is a variation of private variables in the underscore convention.

In [5]: class Test(object):
   ...:     def __private_method(self):
   ...:         return "Boo"
   ...:     def public_method(self):
   ...:         return self.__private_method()

In [6]: x = Test()

In [7]: x.public_method()
Out[7]: 'Boo'

In [8]: x.__private_method()
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-fa17ce05d8bc> in <module>()
----> 1 x.__private_method()

AttributeError: 'Test' object has no attribute '__private_method'

There are some subtle differences, but for the sake of programming pattern ideological purity, its good enough.

There are examples out there of @private decorators that more closely implement the concept, but YMMV. Arguably one could also write a class defintion that uses meta

回答 4




您可以自由使用-或不使用privateand protected








“In java, we have been taught about public/private/protected variables”

“Why is that not required in python?”

For the same reason, it’s not required in Java.

You’re free to use — or not use private and protected.

As a Python and Java programmer, I’ve found that private and protected are very, very important design concepts. But as a practical matter, in tens of thousands of lines of Java and Python, I’ve never actually used private or protected.

Why not?

Here’s my question “protected from whom?”

Other programmers on my team? They have the source. What does protected mean when they can change it?

Other programmers on other teams? They work for the same company. They can — with a phone call — get the source.

Clients? It’s work-for-hire programming (generally). The clients (generally) own the code.

So, who — precisely — am I protecting it from?

回答 5


class Foo:

    def __init__(self, bar):
        self._bar = bar

    def bar(self):
        """Getter for '_bar'."""
        return self._bar

这样,引用的某人或某物bar实际上是在引用bar函数的返回值,而不是变量本身,因此可以访问但不能更改。但是,如果有人真的想要,他们可以简单地使用_bar并为其分配新的值。就像反复提到的那样,没有一种万无一失的方法可以防止某人访问您想要隐藏的变量和方法。但是,使用property可以发送的最清晰的消息是不要编辑变量。property也可以用于更复杂的getter / setter / deleter访问路径,如下所示:https : //

As mentioned earlier, you can indicate that a variable or method is private by prefixing it with an underscore. If you don’t feel like this is enough, you can always use the property decorator. Here’s an example:

class Foo:

    def __init__(self, bar):
        self._bar = bar

    def bar(self):
        """Getter for '_bar'."""
        return self._bar

This way, someone or something that references bar is actually referencing the return value of the bar function rather than the variable itself, and therefore it can be accessed but not changed. However, if someone really wanted to, they could simply use _bar and assign a new value to it. There is no surefire way to prevent someone from accessing variables and methods that you wish to hide, as has been said repeatedly. However, using property is the clearest message you can send that a variable is not to be edited. property can also be used for more complex getter/setter/deleter access paths, as explained here:

回答 6




Python has limited support for private identifiers, through a feature that automatically prepends the class name to any identifiers starting with two underscores. This is transparent to the programmer, for the most part, but the net effect is that any variables named this way can be used as private variables.

See here for more on that.

In general, Python’s implementation of object orientation is a bit primitive compared to other languages. But I enjoy this, actually. It’s a very conceptually simple implementation and fits well with the dynamic style of the language.

回答 7





The only time I ever use private variables is when I need to do other things when writing to or reading from the variable and as such I need to force the use of a setter and/or getter.

Again this goes to culture, as already stated. I’ve been working on projects where reading and writing other classes variables was free-for-all. When one implementation became deprecated it took a lot longer to identify all code paths that used that function. When use of setters and getters was forced, a debug statement could easily be written to identify that the deprecated method had been called and the code path that calls it.

When you are on a project where anyone can write an extension, notifying users about deprecated methods that are to disappear in a few releases hence is vital to keep module breakage at a minimum upon upgrades.

So my answer is; if you and your colleagues maintain a simple code set then protecting class variables is not always necessary. If you are writing an extensible system then it becomes imperative when changes to the core is made that needs to be caught by all extensions using the code.

回答 8

私有和受保护的概念非常重要。但是python-只是用于原型开发和快速开发的工具,可用于开发的资源有限,这就是为什么在python中并没有严格遵循某些保护级别的原因。您可以在类成员中使用“ __”,它可以正常工作,但看起来不够好-每次访问此类字段都包含这些字符。

另外,您会注意到python OOP概念并不完美,smaltalk或ruby更接近于纯OOP概念。甚至C#或Java都更接近。


private and protected concepts are very important. But python – just a tool for prototyping and rapid development with restricted resources available for development, that is why some of protection levels are not so strict followed in python. You can use “__” in class member, it works properly, but looks not good enough – each access to such field contains these characters.

Also, you can noticed that python OOP concept is not perfect, smaltalk or ruby much closer to pure OOP concept. Even C# or Java are closer.

Python is very good tool. But it is simplified OOP language. Syntactically and conceptually simplified. The main goal of python existence is to bring to developers possibility to write easy readable code with high abstraction level in a very fast manner.

回答 9



class Simple:
    def __init__(self, str):
        print("inside the simple constructor")
        self.__s = str

    def show(self):

    def showMsg(self, msg):
        print(msg + ':',


ss = Simple("lol")



但是不要害怕。没关系 它也做这项工作。;)

Sorry guys for “resurrecting” the thread, but, I hope this will help someone:

In Python3 if you just want to “encapsulate” the class attributes, like in Java, you can just do the same thing like this:

class Simple:
    def __init__(self, str):
        print("inside the simple constructor")
        self.__s = str

    def show(self):

    def showMsg(self, msg):
        print(msg + ':',

To instantiate this do:

ss = Simple("lol")

Note that: print(ss.__s) will throw an error.

In practice, Python3 will obfuscate the global attribute name. Turning this like a “private” attribute, like in Java. The attribute’s name is still global, but in an inaccessible way, like a private attribute in other languages.

But don’t be afraid of it. It doesn’t matter. It does the job too. ;)

回答 10

Python没有像C ++或Java那样的任何私有变量。如果需要,您也可以随时访问任何成员变量。但是,在Python中不需要私有变量,因为在Python中公开类成员变量也不错。如果需要封装成员变量,则可以稍后使用“ @property”来实现,而无需破坏现有的客户端代码。

在python中,单个下划线“ _”用于表示方法或变量不被视为类的公共api的一部分,并且该api的这一部分可以在不同版本之间进行更改。您可以使用这些方法/变量,但如果使用此类的较新版本,则代码可能会中断。

双下划线“ __”并不表示“私有变量”。您可以使用它来定义“局部类”的变量,并且这些变量不能轻易被子类覆盖。它处理变量名称。


class A(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__foobar = None # will be automatically mangled to self._A__foobar

class B(A):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__foobar = 1 # will be automatically mangled to self._B__foobar

self .__ foobar的名称会在A类中自动更改为self._A__foobar。在B类中,其名称将更改为self._B__foobar。因此,每个子类都可以定义自己的变量__foobar而不覆盖其父变量。但是没有什么可以阻止您访问以双下划线开头的变量。但是,名称修改可防止您偶然调用此变量/方法。

我强烈建议观看Raymond Hettingers谈论Pycon 2013上的“ Pythons类开发工具包”(应该在Youtube上提供),该示例很好地说明了为什么以及如何使用@property和“ __”-instance变量。

Python does not have any private variables like C++ or Java does. You could access any member variable at any time if wanted, too. However, you don’t need private variables in Python, because in Python it is not bad to expose your classes member variables. If you have the need to encapsulate a member variable, you can do this by using “@property” later on without breaking existing client code.

In python the single underscore “_” is used to indicate, that a method or variable is not considered as part of the public api of a class and that this part of the api could change between different versions. You can use these methods/variables, but your code could break, if you use a newer version of this class.

The double underscore “__” does not mean a “private variable”. You use it to define variables which are “class local” and which can not be easily overidden by subclasses. It mangles the variables name.

For example:

class A(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__foobar = None # will be automatically mangled to self._A__foobar

class B(A):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__foobar = 1 # will be automatically mangled to self._B__foobar

self.__foobar’s name is automatically mangled to self._A__foobar in class A. In class B it is mangled to self._B__foobar. So every subclass can define its own variable __foobar without overriding its parents variable(s). But nothing prevents you from accessing variables beginning with double underscores. However, name-mangling prevents you from calling this variables /methods incidentally.

I strongly recommend to watch Raymond Hettingers talk “Pythons class development toolkit” from Pycon 2013 (should be available on Youtube), which gives a good example why and how you should use @property and “__”-instance variables.

回答 11


class Screen(object):

    def getter_setter_y(self, y, get=True):
        if get is True:
            Screen.getter_setter_y.value = y
            return Screen.getter_setter_y.value

     def getter_setter_x(self, x, get=True):
         if get is True:
             Screen.getter_setter_x.value = x
             return Screen.getter_setter_x.value


scr = Screen()
value =  scr.getter_setter_x(0, get=False)
print (value)


Actually you can simulate a C# getter and setter using this simple trick:

class Screen(object):

    def getter_setter_y(self, y, get=True):
        if get is True:
            Screen.getter_setter_y.value = y
            return Screen.getter_setter_y.value

     def getter_setter_x(self, x, get=True):
         if get is True:
             Screen.getter_setter_x.value = x
             return Screen.getter_setter_x.value

Then use it similar like in C#:

scr = Screen()
value =  scr.getter_setter_x(0, get=False)
print (value)

It’s just declaring a static local variable in a function that will play a get/set role, since that’s the only way to share a variable via get and set methods, without make it global for a class or file.