



What’s the difference between a Python module and a Python package?

See also: What’s the difference between “package” and “module” (for other languages)

回答 0


import my_module


from my_package.timing.danger.internets import function_of_love



A module is a single file (or files) that are imported under one import and used. e.g.

import my_module

A package is a collection of modules in directories that give a package hierarchy.

from my_package.timing.danger.internets import function_of_love

Documentation for modules

Introduction to packages

回答 1



>>> import xml
>>> type(xml)
<type 'module'>
>>> xml.etree.ElementTree
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'etree'
>>> import xml.etree
>>> type(xml.etree)
<type 'module'>
>>> xml.etree.ElementTree
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ElementTree'
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree
>>> type(xml.etree.ElementTree)
<type 'module'>
>>> xml.etree.ElementTree.parse
<function parse at 0x00B135B0>


Any Python file is a module, its name being the file’s base name without the .py extension. A package is a collection of Python modules: while a module is a single Python file, a package is a directory of Python modules containing an additional file, to distinguish a package from a directory that just happens to contain a bunch of Python scripts. Packages can be nested to any depth, provided that the corresponding directories contain their own file.

The distinction between module and package seems to hold just at the file system level. When you import a module or a package, the corresponding object created by Python is always of type module. Note, however, when you import a package, only variables/functions/classes in the file of that package are directly visible, not sub-packages or modules. As an example, consider the xml package in the Python standard library: its xml directory contains an file and four sub-directories; the sub-directory etree contains an file and, among others, an file. See what happens when you try to interactively import package/modules:

>>> import xml
>>> type(xml)
<type 'module'>
>>> xml.etree.ElementTree
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'etree'
>>> import xml.etree
>>> type(xml.etree)
<type 'module'>
>>> xml.etree.ElementTree
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ElementTree'
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree
>>> type(xml.etree.ElementTree)
<type 'module'>
>>> xml.etree.ElementTree.parse
<function parse at 0x00B135B0>

In Python there also are built-in modules, such as sys, that are written in C, but I don’t think you meant to consider those in your question.

回答 2



名称中带有破折号的Python文件(如无法通过简单的import语句导入。代码明智的,import my-file是一样的import my - file,这将引发异常。这样的文件可以更好地描述为脚本,而可导入文件是模块

From the Python glossary:

It’s important to keep in mind that all packages are modules, but not all modules are packages. Or put another way, packages are just a special kind of module. Specifically, any module that contains a __path__ attribute is considered a package.

Python files with a dash in the name, like, cannot be imported with a simple import statement. Code-wise, import my-file is the same as import my - file which will raise an exception. Such files are better characterized as scripts whereas importable files are modules.

回答 3


(例如,请注意,可以根据相同的sys.path设置和其他设置,从同一个文件中加载名称不同的两个模块。这正是在解释器中python -m my.module后面跟着的情况import my.module;将有两个模块对象,__main__并且my.module都创建了来自磁盘上的同一文件,my/。)


$ mkdir -p a/b
$ touch a/b/

确保下没有其他文件a。启动Python 3.4或更高版本的解释器(例如,使用python3 -i)并检查以下语句的结果:

import a
a                 <module 'a' (namespace)>
a.b               AttributeError: module 'a' has no attribute 'b'
import a.b.c
a.b               <module 'a.b' (namespace)>
a.b.c             <module 'a.b.c' from '/home/cjs/a/b/'>


import a.b.c
 ImportError: No module named 'a.b.c'; 'a.b' is not a package
import a.b
a                 <module 'a' (namespace)>
a.__path__        _NamespacePath(['/.../a'])
a.b               <module 'a.b' from '/home/cjs/tmp/a/'>
a.b.__path__      AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '__path__'



First, keep in mind that, in its precise definition, a module is an object in the memory of a Python interpreter, often created by reading one or more files from disk. While we may informally call a disk file such as a/b/ a “module,” it doesn’t actually become one until it’s combined with information from several other sources (such as sys.path) to create the module object.

(Note, for example, that two modules with different names can be loaded from the same file, depending on sys.path and other settings. This is exactly what happens with python -m my.module followed by an import my.module in the interpreter; there will be two module objects, __main__ and my.module, both created from the same file on disk, my/

A package is a module that may have submodules (including subpackages). Not all modules can do this. As an example, create a small module hierarchy:

$ mkdir -p a/b
$ touch a/b/

Ensure that there are no other files under a. Start a Python 3.4 or later interpreter (e.g., with python3 -i) and examine the results of the following statements:

import a
a                ⇒ <module 'a' (namespace)>
a.b              ⇒ AttributeError: module 'a' has no attribute 'b'
import a.b.c
a.b              ⇒ <module 'a.b' (namespace)>
a.b.c            ⇒ <module 'a.b.c' from '/home/cjs/a/b/'>

Modules a and a.b are packages (in fact, a certain kind of package called a “namespace package,” though we wont’ worry about that here). However, module a.b.c is not a package. We can demonstrate this by adding another file, a/ to the directory structure above and starting a fresh interpreter:

import a.b.c
⇒ ImportError: No module named 'a.b.c'; 'a.b' is not a package
import a.b
a                ⇒ <module 'a' (namespace)>
a.__path__       ⇒ _NamespacePath(['/.../a'])
a.b              ⇒ <module 'a.b' from '/home/cjs/tmp/a/'>
a.b.__path__     ⇒ AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '__path__'

Python ensures that all parent modules are loaded before a child module is loaded. Above it finds that a/ is a directory, and so creates a namespace package a, and that a/ is a Python source file which it loads and uses to create a (non-package) module a.b. At this point you cannot have a module a.b.c because a.b is not a package, and thus cannot have submodules.

You can also see here that the package module a has a __path__ attribute (packages must have this) but the non-package module a.b does not.

回答 4




A late answer, yet another definition:

A package is represented by an imported top-entity which could either be a self-contained module, or the special module as the top-entity from a set of modules within a sub directory structure.

So physically a package is a distribution unit, which provides one or more modules.

回答 5


import pack1


The Package is also a module that can contain other modules, ‘simple file-based modules, and packages (sub-package)’. The code related to the package type of module goes into the file.

import pack1

whereas modules are a simple file that can contain functions, classes, runnable code, etc. after importing a module it behaves like an object by which you can access the identifiers defined in the module.