



因此,我想知道你们是否可以提供一些示例,说明您在自己的程序中使用装饰器的位置,并希望我会收到“ A-ha!”字样。片刻,他们。

While I like to think of myself as a reasonably competent Python coder, one aspect of the language I’ve never been able to grok is decorators.

I know what they are (superficially), I’ve read tutorials, examples, questions on Stack Overflow, and I understand the syntax, can write my own, occasionally use @classmethod and @staticmethod, but it never occurs to me to use a decorator to solve a problem in my own Python code. I never encounter a problem where I think, “Hmm…this looks like a job for a decorator!”

So, I’m wondering if you guys might offer some examples of where you’ve used decorators in your own programs, and hopefully I’ll have an “A-ha!” moment and get them.

回答 0


def time_dec(func):

  def wrapper(*arg):
      t = time.clock()
      res = func(*arg)
      print func.func_name, time.clock()-t
      return res

  return wrapper

def myFunction(n):

I use decorators mainly for timing purposes

def time_dec(func):

  def wrapper(*arg):
      t = time.clock()
      res = func(*arg)
      print func.func_name, time.clock()-t
      return res

  return wrapper

def myFunction(n):

回答 1


import functools

def synchronized(lock):
    """ Synchronization decorator """
    def wrap(f):
        def newFunction(*args, **kw):
                return f(*args, **kw)
        return newFunction
    return wrap

正如评论中指出的那样,从Python 2.5开始,您可以将with语句与threading.Lock(或multiprocessing.Lock从2.6版本开始)对象结合使用, 以将装饰器的实现简化为:

import functools

def synchronized(lock):
    """ Synchronization decorator """
    def wrap(f):
        def newFunction(*args, **kw):
            with lock:
                return f(*args, **kw)
        return newFunction
    return wrap


import threading
lock = threading.Lock()

def do_something():
  # etc

def do_something_else():
  # etc

基本上,它只是将lock.acquire()/ lock.release()放在函数调用的任一侧。

I’ve used them for synchronization.

import functools

def synchronized(lock):
    """ Synchronization decorator """
    def wrap(f):
        def newFunction(*args, **kw):
                return f(*args, **kw)
        return newFunction
    return wrap

As pointed out in the comments, since Python 2.5 you can use a with statement in conjunction with a threading.Lock (or multiprocessing.Lock since version 2.6) object to simplify the decorator’s implementation to just:

import functools

def synchronized(lock):
    """ Synchronization decorator """
    def wrap(f):
        def newFunction(*args, **kw):
            with lock:
                return f(*args, **kw)
        return newFunction
    return wrap

Regardless, you then use it like this:

import threading
lock = threading.Lock()

def do_something():
  # etc

def do_something_else():
  # etc

Basically it just puts lock.acquire() / lock.release() on either side of the function call.

回答 2



def myMethod(ID, name):
    if not (myIsType(ID, 'uint') and myIsType(name, 'utf8string')):
        raise BlaBlaException() ...


@accepts(uint, utf8string)
def myMethod(ID, name):


I use decorators for type checking parameters which are passed to my Python methods via some RMI. So instead of repeating the same parameter counting, exception-raising mumbo-jumbo again and again.

For example, instead of:

def myMethod(ID, name):
    if not (myIsType(ID, 'uint') and myIsType(name, 'utf8string')):
        raise BlaBlaException() ...

I just declare:

@accepts(uint, utf8string)
def myMethod(ID, name):

and accepts() does all the work for me.

回答 3





PEP 318指向的Python-Dev新闻组上讨论了用例-函数和方法的装饰器

Decorators are used for anything that you want to transparently “wrap” with additional functionality.

Django uses them for wrapping “login required” functionality on view functions, as well as for registering filter functions.

You can use class decorators for adding named logs to classes.

Any sufficiently generic functionality that you can “tack on” to an existing class or function’s behavior is fair game for decoration.

There’s also a discussion of use cases on the Python-Dev newsgroup pointed to by PEP 318 — Decorators for Functions and Methods.

回答 4


   (2, 4, 6),
   (5, 6, 11),
def test_add(a, b, expected):
    assert a + b == expected

For nosetests, you can write a decorator that supplies a unit test function or method with several sets of parameters:

   (2, 4, 6),
   (5, 6, 11),
def test_add(a, b, expected):
    assert a + b == expected

回答 5


def asyncf():
    yield someAsynchronousCall()
    yield someAsynchronousCall()


The Twisted library uses decorators combined with generators to give the illusion that an asynchronous function is synchronous. For example:

def asyncf():
    yield someAsynchronousCall()
    yield someAsynchronousCall()

Using this, code that would have been broken up into a ton of little callback functions can be written quite naturally as a single block, making it a lot easier to understand and maintain.

回答 6


import functools

def log(logger, level='info'):
    def log_decorator(fn):
        def wrapper(*a, **kwa):
            getattr(logger, level)(fn.__name__)
            return fn(*a, **kwa)
        return wrapper
    return log_decorator

# later that day ...
@log(logging.getLogger('main'), level='warning')
def potentially_dangerous_function(times):
    for _ in xrange(times): rockets.get_rocket(NUCLEAR=True).fire()

One obvious use is for logging, of course:

import functools

def log(logger, level='info'):
    def log_decorator(fn):
        def wrapper(*a, **kwa):
            getattr(logger, level)(fn.__name__)
            return fn(*a, **kwa)
        return wrapper
    return log_decorator

# later that day ...
@log(logging.getLogger('main'), level='warning')
def potentially_dangerous_function(times):
    for _ in xrange(times): rockets.get_rocket(NUCLEAR=True).fire()

回答 7


I use them mainly for debugging (wrapper around a function that prints its arguments and result) and verification (e.g. to check if an argument is of correct type or, in the case of web application, if the user has sufficient privileges to call a particular method).

回答 8

我正在使用以下装饰器来使函数成为线程安全的。它使代码更具可读性。它几乎与John Fouhy提出的类似,但是区别在于,一个函数可以处理单个函数,因此无需显式创建锁对象。

def threadsafe_function(fn):
    """decorator making sure that the decorated function is thread safe"""
    lock = threading.Lock()
    def new(*args, **kwargs):
            r = fn(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e
        return r
    return new

class X:
    var = 0

    def inc_var(self):
        X.var += 1    
        return X.var

I am using the following decorator for making a function threadsafe. It makes the code more readable. It is almost similar to the one proposed by John Fouhy but the difference is that one work on a single function and that there is no need to create a lock object explicitely.

def threadsafe_function(fn):
    """decorator making sure that the decorated function is thread safe"""
    lock = threading.Lock()
    def new(*args, **kwargs):
            r = fn(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e
        return r
    return new

class X:
    var = 0

    def inc_var(self):
        X.var += 1    
        return X.var

回答 9


CherryPy使用对象分派将URL与对象以及方法进行匹配。这些方法上的装饰器会发出信号,表明是否甚至允许 CherryPy 使用这些方法。例如,根据本教程改编而成:

class HelloWorld:


    def secret(self):
        return "You shouldn't be here."

    def index(self):
        return "Hello world!"


Decorators are used either to define a function’s properties or as boilerplate that alters it; it’s possible but counter-intuitive for them to return completely different functions. Looking at the other responses here, it seems like one of the most common uses is to limit the scope of some other process – be it logging, profiling, security checks, etc.

CherryPy uses object-dispatching to match URLs to objects and, eventually, methods. Decorators on those methods signal whether or not CherryPy is even allowed to use those methods. For example, adapted from the tutorial:

class HelloWorld:


    def secret(self):
        return "You shouldn't be here."

    def index(self):
        return "Hello world!"


回答 10


I used them recently, while working on social networking web application. For Community/Groups, I was supposed to give membership authorization to create new discussion and reply to a message you have to be the member of that particular group. So, I wrote a decorator @membership_required and put that where I required in my view.

回答 11


def fill_it(arg):
    if isinstance(arg, int):
        return "wan" + str(arg)
            # number present as string
            if str(int(arg)) == arg:
                return "wan" + arg
                # This should never happened
                raise Exception("I dont know this " + arg)
                print "What arg?"
        except ValueError, e:
            return arg

def fill_wanname(func):
    def wrapper(arg):
        filled = fill_it(arg)
        return func(filled)
    return wrapper

def get_iface_of(wanname):
    global __iface_config__
    return __iface_config__[wanname]['iface']

当我重构某些函数需要传递参数“ wanN”时编写的此代码,但是在我的旧代码中,我仅传递了N或’N’

I use this decorator to fix parameter

def fill_it(arg):
    if isinstance(arg, int):
        return "wan" + str(arg)
            # number present as string
            if str(int(arg)) == arg:
                return "wan" + arg
                # This should never happened
                raise Exception("I dont know this " + arg)
                print "What arg?"
        except ValueError, e:
            return arg

def fill_wanname(func):
    def wrapper(arg):
        filled = fill_it(arg)
        return func(filled)
    return wrapper

def get_iface_of(wanname):
    global __iface_config__
    return __iface_config__[wanname]['iface']

this written when I refactor some functions need to passed argument “wanN” but in my old codes, I passed N or ‘N’ only

回答 12


def static_var(varname, value):
    Decorator to create a static variable for the specified function
    @param varname: static variable name
    @param value: initial value for the variable
    def decorate(func):
        setattr(func, varname, value)
        return func
    return decorate

@static_var("count", 0)
def mainCallCount():
    mainCallCount.count += 1

Decorator can be used to easily create function method variables.

def static_var(varname, value):
    Decorator to create a static variable for the specified function
    @param varname: static variable name
    @param value: initial value for the variable
    def decorate(func):
        setattr(func, varname, value)
        return func
    return decorate

@static_var("count", 0)
def mainCallCount():
    mainCallCount.count += 1