


db = sqlite.connect("test.sqlite")
res = db.execute("select * from table")


for row in res:
    print row


col_name_list = [tuple[0] for tuple in res.description]


{'col1': 'value', 'col2': 'value'}


db = sqlite.connect("test.sqlite")
res = db.execute("select * from table")

With iteration I get lists coresponding to the rows.

for row in res:
    print row

I can get name of the columns

col_name_list = [tuple[0] for tuple in res.description]

But is there some function or setting to get dictionaries instead of list?

{'col1': 'value', 'col2': 'value'}

or I have to do myself?

回答 0


import sqlite3

def dict_factory(cursor, row):
    d = {}
    for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description):
        d[col[0]] = row[idx]
    return d

con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
con.row_factory = dict_factory
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("select 1 as a")
print cur.fetchone()["a"]



You could use row_factory, as in the example in the docs:

import sqlite3

def dict_factory(cursor, row):
    d = {}
    for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description):
        d[col[0]] = row[idx]
    return d

con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
con.row_factory = dict_factory
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("select 1 as a")
print cur.fetchone()["a"]

or follow the advice that’s given right after this example in the docs:

If returning a tuple doesn’t suffice and you want name-based access to columns, you should consider setting row_factory to the highly-optimized sqlite3.Row type. Row provides both index-based and case-insensitive name-based access to columns with almost no memory overhead. It will probably be better than your own custom dictionary-based approach or even a db_row based solution.

回答 1

我以为我已经回答了这个问题,即使亚当·施密德(Adam Schmideg)和亚历克斯·马特利(Alex Martelli)的回答中都提到了部分答案。为了让其他像我一样有相同问题的人,可以轻松找到答案。

conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")

#This is the important part, here we are setting row_factory property of
#connection object to sqlite3.Row(sqlite3.Row is an implementation of
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('select * from stocks')

result = c.fetchall()
#returns a list of dictionaries, each item in list(each dictionary)
#represents a row of the table

I thought I answer this question even though the answer is partly mentioned in both Adam Schmideg’s and Alex Martelli’s answers. In order for others like me that have the same question, to find the answer easily.

conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")

#This is the important part, here we are setting row_factory property of
#connection object to sqlite3.Row(sqlite3.Row is an implementation of
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('select * from stocks')

result = c.fetchall()
#returns a list of dictionaries, each item in list(each dictionary)
#represents a row of the table

回答 2


print "%(id)i - %(name)s: %(value)s" % row


def dict_from_row(row):
    return dict(zip(row.keys(), row))       

Even using the sqlite3.Row class– you still can’t use string formatting in the form of:

print "%(id)i - %(name)s: %(value)s" % row

In order to get past this, I use a helper function that takes the row and converts to a dictionary. I only use this when the dictionary object is preferable to the Row object (e.g. for things like string formatting where the Row object doesn’t natively support the dictionary API as well). But use the Row object all other times.

def dict_from_row(row):
    return dict(zip(row.keys(), row))       

回答 3

连接到SQLite之后: con = sqlite3.connect(.....)只需运行即可:

con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row


After you connect to SQLite: con = sqlite3.connect(.....) it is sufficient to just run:

con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row


回答 4

PEP 249


   How can I construct a dictionary out of the tuples returned by


   There are several existing tools available which provide
   helpers for this task. Most of them use the approach of using
   the column names defined in the cursor attribute .description
   as basis for the keys in the row dictionary.

   Note that the reason for not extending the DB API specification
   to also support dictionary return values for the .fetch*()
   methods is that this approach has several drawbacks:

   * Some databases don't support case-sensitive column names or
     auto-convert them to all lowercase or all uppercase

   * Columns in the result set which are generated by the query
     (e.g.  using SQL functions) don't map to table column names
     and databases usually generate names for these columns in a
     very database specific way.

   As a result, accessing the columns through dictionary keys
   varies between databases and makes writing portable code


From PEP 249:


   How can I construct a dictionary out of the tuples returned by


   There are several existing tools available which provide
   helpers for this task. Most of them use the approach of using
   the column names defined in the cursor attribute .description
   as basis for the keys in the row dictionary.

   Note that the reason for not extending the DB API specification
   to also support dictionary return values for the .fetch*()
   methods is that this approach has several drawbacks:

   * Some databases don't support case-sensitive column names or
     auto-convert them to all lowercase or all uppercase

   * Columns in the result set which are generated by the query
     (e.g.  using SQL functions) don't map to table column names
     and databases usually generate names for these columns in a
     very database specific way.

   As a result, accessing the columns through dictionary keys
   varies between databases and makes writing portable code

So yes, do it yourself.

回答 5


db.row_factory = lambda c, r: dict([(col[0], r[idx]) for idx, col in enumerate(c.description)])

Shorter version:

db.row_factory = lambda c, r: dict([(col[0], r[idx]) for idx, col in enumerate(c.description)])

回答 6


conn.row_factory = lambda c, r: dict(zip([col[0] for col in c.description], r))
c = conn.cursor()

%timeit c.execute('SELECT * FROM table').fetchall()
19.8 µs ± 1.05 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)


conn.row_factory = lambda c, r: dict([(col[0], r[idx]) for idx, col in enumerate(c.description)])
c = conn.cursor()

%timeit c.execute('SELECT * FROM table').fetchall()
19.4 µs ± 75.6 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)

你决定 :)

Fastest on my tests:

conn.row_factory = lambda c, r: dict(zip([col[0] for col in c.description], r))
c = conn.cursor()

%timeit c.execute('SELECT * FROM table').fetchall()
19.8 µs ± 1.05 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)


conn.row_factory = lambda c, r: dict([(col[0], r[idx]) for idx, col in enumerate(c.description)])
c = conn.cursor()

%timeit c.execute('SELECT * FROM table').fetchall()
19.4 µs ± 75.6 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)

You decide :)

回答 7


db.row_factory = lambda C, R: { c[0]: R[i] for i, c in enumerate(C.description) }

Similar like before-mentioned solutions, but most compact:

db.row_factory = lambda C, R: { c[0]: R[i] for i, c in enumerate(C.description) }

回答 8

正如@gandalf的答案所提到的,必须使用conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row,但是结果不是直接的字典。必须dict在上一个循环中添加一个附加的“ cast” :

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
conn.execute('create table t (a text, b text, c text)')
conn.execute('insert into t values ("aaa", "bbb", "ccc")')
conn.execute('insert into t values ("AAA", "BBB", "CCC")')
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('select * from t')
for r in c.fetchall():

# {'a': 'aaa', 'b': 'bbb', 'c': 'ccc'}
# {'a': 'AAA', 'b': 'BBB', 'c': 'CCC'}

As mentioned by @gandalf’s answer, one has to use conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row, but the results are not directly dictionaries. One has to add an additional “cast” to dict in the last loop:

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
conn.execute('create table t (a text, b text, c text)')
conn.execute('insert into t values ("aaa", "bbb", "ccc")')
conn.execute('insert into t values ("AAA", "BBB", "CCC")')
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('select * from t')
for r in c.fetchall():

# {'a': 'aaa', 'b': 'bbb', 'c': 'ccc'}
# {'a': 'AAA', 'b': 'BBB', 'c': 'CCC'}

回答 9


import sqlite3
db = sqlite3.connect("test.sqlite3")
cur = db.cursor()
res = cur.execute("select * from table").fetchall()
data = dict(zip([c[0] for c in cur.description], res[0]))




I think you were on the right track. Let’s keep this very simple and complete what you were trying to do:

import sqlite3
db = sqlite3.connect("test.sqlite3")
cur = db.cursor()
res = cur.execute("select * from table").fetchall()
data = dict(zip([c[0] for c in cur.description], res[0]))


The downside is that .fetchall(), which is murder on your memory consumption, if your table is very large. But for trivial applications dealing with mere few thousands of rows of text and numeric columns, this simple approach is good enough.

For serious stuff, you should look into row factories, as proposed in many other answers.

回答 10


    def from_sqlite_Row_to_dict(list_with_rows):
    ''' Turn a list with sqlite3.Row objects into a dictionary'''
    d ={} # the dictionary to be filled with the row data and to be returned

    for i, row in enumerate(list_with_rows): # iterate throw the sqlite3.Row objects            
        l = [] # for each Row use a separate list
        for col in range(0, len(row)): # copy over the row date (ie. column data) to a list
        d[i] = l # add the list to the dictionary   
    return d

Or you could convert the sqlite3.Rows to a dictionary as follows. This will give a dictionary with a list for each row.

    def from_sqlite_Row_to_dict(list_with_rows):
    ''' Turn a list with sqlite3.Row objects into a dictionary'''
    d ={} # the dictionary to be filled with the row data and to be returned

    for i, row in enumerate(list_with_rows): # iterate throw the sqlite3.Row objects            
        l = [] # for each Row use a separate list
        for col in range(0, len(row)): # copy over the row date (ie. column data) to a list
        d[i] = l # add the list to the dictionary   
    return d

回答 11


def select_column_and_value(db, sql, parameters=()):
    execute = db.execute(sql, parameters)
    fetch = execute.fetchone()
    return {k[0]: v for k, v in list(zip(execute.description, fetch))}

con = sqlite3.connect('/mydatabase.db')
c = con.cursor()
print(select_column_and_value(c, 'SELECT * FROM things WHERE id=?', (id,)))


def select_column_and_value(self, sql, parameters=()):
    execute = self.execute(sql, parameters)
    fetch = execute.fetchone()

    if fetch is None:
        return {k[0]: None for k in execute.description}

    return {k[0]: v for k, v in list(zip(execute.description, fetch))}


def select_column_and_value(self, sql, parameters=()):
    execute = self.execute(sql, parameters)
    fetch = execute.fetchone()

    if fetch is None:
        return {}

    return {k[0]: v for k, v in list(zip(execute.description, fetch))}

A generic alternative, using just three lines

def select_column_and_value(db, sql, parameters=()):
    execute = db.execute(sql, parameters)
    fetch = execute.fetchone()
    return {k[0]: v for k, v in list(zip(execute.description, fetch))}

con = sqlite3.connect('/mydatabase.db')
c = con.cursor()
print(select_column_and_value(c, 'SELECT * FROM things WHERE id=?', (id,)))

But if your query returns nothing, will result in error. In this case…

def select_column_and_value(self, sql, parameters=()):
    execute = self.execute(sql, parameters)
    fetch = execute.fetchone()

    if fetch is None:
        return {k[0]: None for k in execute.description}

    return {k[0]: v for k, v in list(zip(execute.description, fetch))}


def select_column_and_value(self, sql, parameters=()):
    execute = self.execute(sql, parameters)
    fetch = execute.fetchone()

    if fetch is None:
        return {}

    return {k[0]: v for k, v in list(zip(execute.description, fetch))}

回答 12

import sqlite3

db = sqlite3.connect('mydatabase.db')
cursor = db.execute('SELECT * FROM students ORDER BY CREATE_AT')
studentList = cursor.fetchall()

columnNames = list(map(lambda x: x[0], cursor.description)) #students table column names list
studentsAssoc = {} #Assoc format is dictionary similarly

for lineNumber, student in enumerate(studentList):
    studentsAssoc[lineNumber] = {}

    for columnNumber, value in enumerate(student):
        studentsAssoc[lineNumber][columnNames[columnNumber]] = value



import sqlite3

db = sqlite3.connect('mydatabase.db')
cursor = db.execute('SELECT * FROM students ORDER BY CREATE_AT')
studentList = cursor.fetchall()

columnNames = list(map(lambda x: x[0], cursor.description)) #students table column names list
studentsAssoc = {} #Assoc format is dictionary similarly

for lineNumber, student in enumerate(studentList):
    studentsAssoc[lineNumber] = {}

    for columnNumber, value in enumerate(student):
        studentsAssoc[lineNumber][columnNames[columnNumber]] = value


The result is definitely true, but I do not know the best.

回答 13



         mycursor = self.memconn.cursor()
         mycursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM maintbl;''')
         #first get the names, because they will be lost after retrieval of rows
         names = list(map(lambda x: x[0], mycursor.description))
         manyrows = mycursor.fetchall()

         return manyrows, names

还请记住,在所有方法中,名称都是您在查询中提供的名称,而不是数据库中的名称。exceptions是SELECT * FROM

如果您唯一关心的是使用字典来获得结果,则一定要使用conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row(已经在另一个答案中说明了)。

Dictionaries in python provide arbitrary access to their elements. So any dictionary with “names” although it might be informative on one hand (a.k.a. what are the field names) “un-orders” the fields, which might be unwanted.

Best approach is to get the names in a separate list and then combine them with the results by yourself, if needed.

         mycursor = self.memconn.cursor()
         mycursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM maintbl;''')
         #first get the names, because they will be lost after retrieval of rows
         names = list(map(lambda x: x[0], mycursor.description))
         manyrows = mycursor.fetchall()

         return manyrows, names

Also remember that the names, in all approaches, are the names you provided in the query, not the names in database. Exception is the SELECT * FROM

If your only concern is to get the results using a dictionary, then definitely use the conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row (already stated in another answer).




mydict = {
  'Apple': {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5},
  'Grapes':{'Arabian':'25','Indian':'20'} }

例如,如何访问该词典的特定元素?例如,我想在对Apple的第一个元素进行某种格式设置后再打印第一个元素,在我们的例子中,该格式仅是“ American”?



因此,如果文件发生更改,则下次运行此应用程序时,文件的内容将有所不同,因此此数据结构的内容将有所不同,但格式将相同。因此,您在我的职能中看到我,我不知道Apple中的第一个元素是“ American”或其他任何元素,因此我不能直接使用“ American”作为键。

Consider a dict like

mydict = {
  'Apple': {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5},
  'Grapes':{'Arabian':'25','Indian':'20'} }

How do I access for instance a particular element of this dictionary? for instance, I would like to print the first element after some formatting the first element of Apple which in our case is ‘American’ only?

Additional information The above data structure was created by parsing an input file in a python function. Once created however it remains the same for that run.

I am using this data structure in my function.

So if the file changes, the next time this application is run the contents of the file are different and hence the contents of this data structure will be different but the format would be the same. So you see I in my function I don’t know that the first element in Apple is ‘American’ or anything else so I can’t directly use ‘American’ as a key.

回答 0

鉴于它是字典,您可以使用键来访问它。获取存储在“ Apple”下的词典,请执行以下操作:

>>> mydict["Apple"]
{'American': '16', 'Mexican': 10, 'Chinese': 5}


>>> mydict["Apple"]["American"]

Given that it is a dictionary you access it by using the keys. Getting the dictionary stored under “Apple”, do the following:

>>> mydict["Apple"]
{'American': '16', 'Mexican': 10, 'Chinese': 5}

And getting how many of them are American (16), do like this:

>>> mydict["Apple"]["American"]

回答 1

如果问题是,如果我知道我有一个包含“ Apple”作为水果和“ American”作为一种苹果的字典,我将使用:

myDict = {'Apple': {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5},
          'Grapes':{'Arabian':'25','Indian':'20'} }

print myDict['Apple']['American']

正如其他人建议的那样。如果问题是,则当您将任意文件读入dict数据结构的dict中时,您不知道是否存在“ Apple”作为水果,是否存在“ American”作为“ Apple”类型,您可以执行以下操作:

print [ftype['American'] for f,ftype in myDict.iteritems() if f == 'Apple' and 'American' in ftype]


if 'Apple' in myDict:
    if 'American' in myDict['Apple']:
        print myDict['Apple']['American']



If the questions is, if I know that I have a dict of dicts that contains ‘Apple’ as a fruit and ‘American’ as a type of apple, I would use:

myDict = {'Apple': {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5},
          'Grapes':{'Arabian':'25','Indian':'20'} }

print myDict['Apple']['American']

as others suggested. If instead the questions is, you don’t know whether ‘Apple’ as a fruit and ‘American’ as a type of ‘Apple’ exist when you read an arbitrary file into your dict of dict data structure, you could do something like:

print [ftype['American'] for f,ftype in myDict.iteritems() if f == 'Apple' and 'American' in ftype]

or better yet so you don’t unnecessarily iterate over the entire dict of dicts if you know that only Apple has the type American:

if 'Apple' in myDict:
    if 'American' in myDict['Apple']:
        print myDict['Apple']['American']

In all of these cases it doesn’t matter what order the dictionaries actually store the entries. If you are really concerned about the order, then you might consider using an OrderedDict:


回答 2


sampleDict = {
              "key1": {"key10": "value10", "key11": "value11"},
              "key2": {"key20": "value20", "key21": "value21"}


for key, value in sampleDict.items():
    print value.keys()[0]


print sampleDict.values()[0].keys()[0]


sampleDict = {
              'Apple': {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5},





As I noticed your description, you just know that your parser will give you a dictionary that its values are dictionary too like this:

sampleDict = {
              "key1": {"key10": "value10", "key11": "value11"},
              "key2": {"key20": "value20", "key21": "value21"}

So you have to iterate over your parent dictionary. If you want to print out or access all first dictionary keys in sampleDict.values() list, you may use something like this:

for key, value in sampleDict.items():
    print value.keys()[0]

If you want to just access first key of the first item in sampleDict.values(), this may be useful:

print sampleDict.values()[0].keys()[0]

If you use the example you gave in the question, I mean:

sampleDict = {
              'Apple': {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5},

The output for the first code is:


And the output for the second code is:



Above code examples does not work for version 3 and above of python; since from version 3, python changed the type of output of methods keys and values from list to dict_values. Type dict_values is not accepting indexing, but it is iterable. So you need to change above codes as below:

First One:

for key, value in sampleDict.items():

Second One:


回答 3




>>> import dict_digger
>>> d = {
  'Apple': {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5},

>>> print(dict_digger.dig(d, 'Apple','American'))
>>> print(dict_digger.dig(d, 'Grapes','American'))

As a bonus, I’d like to offer kind of a different solution to your issue. You seem to be dealing with nested dictionaries, which is usually tedious, especially when you have to check for existence of an inner key.

There are some interesting libraries regarding this on pypi, here is a quick search for you.

In your specific case, dict_digger seems suited.

>>> import dict_digger
>>> d = {
  'Apple': {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5},

>>> print(dict_digger.dig(d, 'Apple','American'))
>>> print(dict_digger.dig(d, 'Grapes','American'))

回答 4


You can use dict['Apple'].keys()[0] to get the first key in the Apple dictionary, but there’s no guarantee that it will be American. The order of keys in a dictionary can change depending on the contents of the dictionary and the order the keys were added.

回答 5



>>> mydict = {
...  'Apple': {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5},
...  'Grapes':{'Arabian':'25','Indian':'20'} }

>>>mylist = list(mydict.values())
{'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5},

>>>myInnerList1 = list(mylist[0].values())
['16', 10, 5]
>>>myInnerList2 = list(mylist[1].values())
['25', '20']

I know this is 8 years old, but no one seems to have actually read and answered the question.

You can call .values() on a dict to get a list of the inner dicts and thus access them by index.

>>> mydict = {
...  'Apple': {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5},
...  'Grapes':{'Arabian':'25','Indian':'20'} }

>>>mylist = list(mydict.values())
{'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5},

>>>myInnerList1 = list(mylist[0].values())
['16', 10, 5]
>>>myInnerList2 = list(mylist[1].values())
['25', '20']

回答 6



如果您希望保留订单,则可以使用以下网址http : //www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0372/#ordered-dict-api

You can’t rely on order on dictionaries. But you may try this:


If you want the order to be preserved you may want to use this: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0372/#ordered-dict-api

回答 7



d = {'dog' : 'bark', 'cat' : 'meow' } 
print(d.get('lion', 'Not in the dictionary'))
print(d.get('lion', 'NA'))
print(d.get('dog', 'NA'))


Simple Example to understand how to access elements in the dictionary:-

Create a Dictionary

d = {'dog' : 'bark', 'cat' : 'meow' } 
print(d.get('lion', 'Not in the dictionary'))
print(d.get('lion', 'NA'))
print(d.get('dog', 'NA'))

Explore more about Python Dictionaries and learn interactively here…

回答 8

尽管有很多问题的答案,但很少有人指出字典是无序的映射,因此(直到使用Python 3.7祝福插入顺序)字典中“第一个”条目的想法实际上是没道理 甚至OrderedDict只能通过使用诸如以下的丑陋的数字索引来访问mydict[mydict.keys()[0]](仅Python 2,因为在Python 3中keys()是不可下标的迭代器。)


关于选择和“格式化”项目的问题,如果您知道要在字典中检索的键,通常可以将该键用作下标来检索它(my_var = mydict['Apple'])。


mydict = {
  'Apple': {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5},
  'Grapes':{'Arabian':'25','Indian':'20'} }


mylist = [
    ('Apple', {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5}),
    ('Grapes', {'Arabian': '25', 'Indian': '20'}

在这种情况下,第一个条目采用mylist[0]经典的列表扩展名形式,其值为('Apple', {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5})。您可以如下遍历整个列表:

for (key, value) in mylist:  # unpacks to avoid tuple indexing
    if key == 'Apple':
        if 'American' in value:

但是,如果您知道要查找键“ Apple”,那么为什么不使用字典呢?


Few people appear, despite the many answers to this question, to have pointed out that dictionaries are un-ordered mappings, and so (until the blessing of insertion order with Python 3.7) the idea of the “first” entry in a dictionary literally made no sense. And even an OrderedDict can only be accessed by numerical index using such uglinesses as mydict[mydict.keys()[0]] (Python 2 only, since in Python 3 keys() is a non-subscriptable iterator.)

From 3.7 onwards and in practice in 3,6 as well – the new behaviour was introduced then, but not included as part of the language specification until 3.7 – iteration over the keys, values or items of a dict (and, I believe, a set also) will yield the least-recently inserted objects first. There is still no simple way to access them by numerical index of insertion.

As to the question of selecting and “formatting” items, if you know the key you want to retrieve in the dictionary you would normally use the key as a subscript to retrieve it (my_var = mydict['Apple']).

If you really do want to be able to index the items by entry number (ignoring the fact that a particular entry’s number will change as insertions are made) then the appropriate structure would probably be a list of two-element tuples. Instead of

mydict = {
  'Apple': {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5},
  'Grapes':{'Arabian':'25','Indian':'20'} }

you might use:

mylist = [
    ('Apple', {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5}),
    ('Grapes', {'Arabian': '25', 'Indian': '20'}

Under this regime the first entry is mylist[0] in classic list-endexed form, and its value is ('Apple', {'American':'16', 'Mexican':10, 'Chinese':5}). You could iterate over the whole list as follows:

for (key, value) in mylist:  # unpacks to avoid tuple indexing
    if key == 'Apple':
        if 'American' in value:

but if you know you are looking for the key “Apple”, why wouldn’t you just use a dict instead?

You could introduce an additional level of indirection by cacheing the list of keys, but the complexities of keeping two data structures in synchronisation would inevitably add to the complexity of your code.

回答 9


def dig(tree, path):
    for key in path.split("."):
        if isinstance(tree, dict) and tree.get(key):
            tree = tree[key]
            return None
    return tree

现在,dig(mydict, "Apple.Mexican")返回10,而dig(mydict, "Grape")产生子树{'Arabian':'25','Indian':'20'}。如果字典中不包含键,则dig返回None

请注意,您可以轻松地从’。’更改(甚至参数化)分隔符char。到“ /”,“ |” 等等

With the following small function, digging into a tree-shaped dictionary becomes quite easy:

def dig(tree, path):
    for key in path.split("."):
        if isinstance(tree, dict) and tree.get(key):
            tree = tree[key]
            return None
    return tree

Now, dig(mydict, "Apple.Mexican") returns 10, while dig(mydict, "Grape") yields the subtree {'Arabian':'25','Indian':'20'}. If a key is not contained in the dictionary, dig returns None.

Note that you can easily change (or even parameterize) the separator char from ‘.’ to ‘/’, ‘|’ etc.




metadata = {u'Composite:PreviewImage': u'(Binary data 101973 bytes)',
            u'EXIF:CFAPattern2': u''}


I have a dict and would like to remove all the keys for which there are empty value strings.

metadata = {u'Composite:PreviewImage': u'(Binary data 101973 bytes)',
            u'EXIF:CFAPattern2': u''}

What is the best way to do this?

回答 0

Python 2.X

dict((k, v) for k, v in metadata.iteritems() if v)

Python 2.7-3.X

{k: v for k, v in metadata.items() if v is not None}


Python 2.X

dict((k, v) for k, v in metadata.iteritems() if v)

Python 2.7 – 3.X

{k: v for k, v in metadata.items() if v is not None}

Note that all of your keys have values. It’s just that some of those values are the empty string. There’s no such thing as a key in a dict without a value; if it didn’t have a value, it wouldn’t be in the dict.

回答 1


{k: v for k, v in metadata.items() if v}

使用Python 2.7.3测试。

It can get even shorter than BrenBarn’s solution (and more readable I think)

{k: v for k, v in metadata.items() if v}

Tested with Python 2.7.3.

回答 2


empty_keys = [k for k,v in metadata.iteritems() if not v]
for k in empty_keys:
    del metadata[k]


If you really need to modify the original dictionary:

empty_keys = [k for k,v in metadata.iteritems() if not v]
for k in empty_keys:
    del metadata[k]

Note that we have to make a list of the empty keys because we can’t modify a dictionary while iterating through it (as you may have noticed). This is less expensive (memory-wise) than creating a brand-new dictionary, though, unless there are a lot of entries with empty values.

回答 3


from operator import itemgetter
dict(filter(itemgetter(1), metadata.items()))

BrenBarn’s solution is ideal (and pythonic, I might add). Here is another (fp) solution, however:

from operator import itemgetter
dict(filter(itemgetter(1), metadata.items()))

回答 4


之后pip install boltons或复制iterutils.py到您的项目,只是做:

from boltons.iterutils import remap

drop_falsey = lambda path, key, value: bool(value)
clean = remap(metadata, visit=drop_falsey)

该页面上有更多示例,包括使用Github API处理更大对象的示例。

它是纯Python,因此可在任何地方使用,并已在Python 2.7和3.3+中进行了全面测试。最棒的是,我是针对这种情况编写的,因此,如果您发现它无法处理的情况,可以在这里麻烦我进行修复。

If you want a full-featured, yet succinct approach to handling real-world data structures which are often nested, and can even contain cycles, I recommend looking at the remap utility from the boltons utility package.

After pip install boltons or copying iterutils.py into your project, just do:

from boltons.iterutils import remap

drop_falsey = lambda path, key, value: bool(value)
clean = remap(metadata, visit=drop_falsey)

This page has many more examples, including ones working with much larger objects from Github’s API.

It’s pure-Python, so it works everywhere, and is fully tested in Python 2.7 and 3.3+. Best of all, I wrote it for exactly cases like this, so if you find a case it doesn’t handle, you can bug me to fix it right here.

回答 5


对于Python 2:

def remove_empty_from_dict(d):
    if type(d) is dict:
        return dict((k, remove_empty_from_dict(v)) for k, v in d.iteritems() if v and remove_empty_from_dict(v))
    elif type(d) is list:
        return [remove_empty_from_dict(v) for v in d if v and remove_empty_from_dict(v)]
        return d

对于Python 3:

def remove_empty_from_dict(d):
    if type(d) is dict:
        return dict((k, remove_empty_from_dict(v)) for k, v in d.items() if v and remove_empty_from_dict(v))
    elif type(d) is list:
        return [remove_empty_from_dict(v) for v in d if v and remove_empty_from_dict(v)]
        return d

Based on Ryan’s solution, if you also have lists and nested dictionaries:

For Python 2:

def remove_empty_from_dict(d):
    if type(d) is dict:
        return dict((k, remove_empty_from_dict(v)) for k, v in d.iteritems() if v and remove_empty_from_dict(v))
    elif type(d) is list:
        return [remove_empty_from_dict(v) for v in d if v and remove_empty_from_dict(v)]
        return d

For Python 3:

def remove_empty_from_dict(d):
    if type(d) is dict:
        return dict((k, remove_empty_from_dict(v)) for k, v in d.items() if v and remove_empty_from_dict(v))
    elif type(d) is list:
        return [remove_empty_from_dict(v) for v in d if v and remove_empty_from_dict(v)]
        return d

回答 6


def scrub_dict(d):
    if type(d) is dict:
        return dict((k, scrub_dict(v)) for k, v in d.iteritems() if v and scrub_dict(v))
        return d

If you have a nested dictionary, and you want this to work even for empty sub-elements, you can use a recursive variant of BrenBarn’s suggestion:

def scrub_dict(d):
    if type(d) is dict:
        return dict((k, scrub_dict(v)) for k, v in d.iteritems() if v and scrub_dict(v))
        return d

回答 7

快速解答(TL; DR)


### example01 -------------------

mydict  =   { "alpha":0,
              "hotel":"   ",                        
newdict =   dict([(vkey, vdata) for vkey, vdata in mydict.iteritems() if(vdata) ])
print newdict

### result01 -------------------
result01 ='''
{'foxy': 'False', 'charlie': 'three', 'bravo': '0'}



  • 内容: Python 2.x
  • 场景:开发人员希望修改字典以排除空白值
    • aka从字典中删除空值
    • 也就是删除具有空白值的键
    • aka过滤器字典,用于每个键值对上的非空白值

  • example01使用带有简单条件的python list-comprehension语法删除“空”值


  • example01仅对原始词典的副本进行操作(未就地修改)
  • example01可能会产生意外结果,具体取决于开发人员“空”的含义
    • 开发人员是否打算保留虚假的价值
    • 如果字典中的值不保证是字符串,则开发人员可能会意外丢失数据。
    • result01显示原始集合中仅保留了三个键值对


  • example02帮助解决潜在的陷阱
  • 该方法是通过更改条件使用“空”的更精确定义。
  • 在这里,我们只想滤除评估为空字符串的值。
  • 在这里,我们还使用.strip()过滤出仅包含空格的值。


### example02 -------------------

mydict  =   { "alpha":0,
              "hotel":"   ",
newdict =   dict([(vkey, vdata) for vkey, vdata in mydict.iteritems() if(str(vdata).strip()) ])
print newdict

### result02 -------------------
result02 ='''
{'alpha': 0,
  'bravo': '0', 
  'charlie': 'three', 
  'delta': [],
  'echo': False,
  'foxy': 'False'


Quick Answer (TL;DR)


### example01 -------------------

mydict  =   { "alpha":0,
              "hotel":"   ",                        
newdict =   dict([(vkey, vdata) for vkey, vdata in mydict.iteritems() if(vdata) ])
print newdict

### result01 -------------------
result01 ='''
{'foxy': 'False', 'charlie': 'three', 'bravo': '0'}

Detailed Answer


  • Context: Python 2.x
  • Scenario: Developer wishes modify a dictionary to exclude blank values
    • aka remove empty values from a dictionary
    • aka delete keys with blank values
    • aka filter dictionary for non-blank values over each key-value pair


  • example01 use python list-comprehension syntax with simple conditional to remove “empty” values


  • example01 only operates on a copy of the original dictionary (does not modify in place)
  • example01 may produce unexpected results depending on what developer means by “empty”
    • Does developer mean to keep values that are falsy?
    • If the values in the dictionary are not gauranteed to be strings, developer may have unexpected data loss.
    • result01 shows that only three key-value pairs were preserved from the original set

Alternate example

  • example02 helps deal with potential pitfalls
  • The approach is to use a more precise definition of “empty” by changing the conditional.
  • Here we only want to filter out values that evaluate to blank strings.
  • Here we also use .strip() to filter out values that consist of only whitespace.


### example02 -------------------

mydict  =   { "alpha":0,
              "hotel":"   ",
newdict =   dict([(vkey, vdata) for vkey, vdata in mydict.iteritems() if(str(vdata).strip()) ])
print newdict

### result02 -------------------
result02 ='''
{'alpha': 0,
  'bravo': '0', 
  'charlie': 'three', 
  'delta': [],
  'echo': False,
  'foxy': 'False'

See also

回答 8

对于python 3

dict((k, v) for k, v in metadata.items() if v)

For python 3

dict((k, v) for k, v in metadata.items() if v)

回答 9

patriciasznneonneo的答案为基础,并考虑到您可能希望删除仅包含某些虚假内容(例如'')但没有其他虚假内容(例如)的密钥的可能性0,或者您甚至想包含一些真实的内容(例如'SPAM') ,那么您可以制作一个非常具体的命中列表:

unwanted = ['', u'', None, False, [], 'SPAM']

不幸的是,这并不是很有效,因为例如0 in unwanted计算结果为True。我们需要区分0和其他虚假的东西,所以我们必须使用is

any([0 is i for i in unwanted])



unwanted_keys = [k for k, v in metadata.items() if any([v is i for i in unwanted])]
for k in unwanted_keys: del metadata[k]


newdict = {k: v for k, v in metadata.items() if not any([v is i for i in unwanted])}

Building on the answers from patriciasz and nneonneo, and accounting for the possibility that you might want to delete keys that have only certain falsy things (e.g. '') but not others (e.g. 0), or perhaps you even want to include some truthy things (e.g. 'SPAM'), then you could make a highly specific hitlist:

unwanted = ['', u'', None, False, [], 'SPAM']

Unfortunately, this doesn’t quite work, because for example 0 in unwanted evaluates to True. We need to discriminate between 0 and other falsy things, so we have to use is:

any([0 is i for i in unwanted])

…evaluates to False.

Now use it to del the unwanted things:

unwanted_keys = [k for k, v in metadata.items() if any([v is i for i in unwanted])]
for k in unwanted_keys: del metadata[k]

If you want a new dictionary, instead of modifying metadata in place:

newdict = {k: v for k, v in metadata.items() if not any([v is i for i in unwanted])}

回答 10

我阅读了该线程中的所有答复,并且也引用了该线程: 使用递归函数删除嵌套字典中的空字典



def scrub_dict(d):
    if type(d) is dict:
        return dict((k, scrub_dict(v)) for k, v in d.iteritems() if v and scrub_dict(v))
        return d

但是在Python 2.7世界中提出了一些性能和兼容性问题:

  1. isinstance代替type
  2. 将列表组合展开到for循环中以提高效率
  3. 使用python3安全items而不是iteritems


def scrub_dict(d):
    new_dict = {}
    for k, v in d.items():
        if isinstance(v,dict):
            v = scrub_dict(v)
        if not v in (u'', None, {}):
            new_dict[k] = v
    return new_dict



def scrub_dict(d):
    new_dict = {}
    for k, v in d.items():
        if isinstance(v,dict):
            v = scrub_dict(v)
        if not v in (u'', None, {}):
            new_dict[k] = v
    return new_dict

I read all replies in this thread and some referred also to this thread: Remove empty dicts in nested dictionary with recursive function

I originally used solution here and it worked great:

Attempt 1: Too Hot (not performant or future-proof):

def scrub_dict(d):
    if type(d) is dict:
        return dict((k, scrub_dict(v)) for k, v in d.iteritems() if v and scrub_dict(v))
        return d

But some performance and compatibility concerns were raised in Python 2.7 world:

  1. use isinstance instead of type
  2. unroll the list comp into for loop for efficiency
  3. use python3 safe items instead of iteritems

Attempt 2: Too Cold (Lacks Memoization):

def scrub_dict(d):
    new_dict = {}
    for k, v in d.items():
        if isinstance(v,dict):
            v = scrub_dict(v)
        if not v in (u'', None, {}):
            new_dict[k] = v
    return new_dict

DOH! This is not recursive and not at all memoizant.

Attempt 3: Just Right (so far):

def scrub_dict(d):
    new_dict = {}
    for k, v in d.items():
        if isinstance(v,dict):
            v = scrub_dict(v)
        if not v in (u'', None, {}):
            new_dict[k] = v
    return new_dict

回答 11


  • 在答案尝试3:刚刚好(到目前为止)BlissRage的回答不能正确处理数组中的元素。我会附上一个补丁,以防有人需要。该方法使用带有的语句块处理列表,该语句块if isinstance(v, list):使用原始scrub_dict(d)实现清理列表。
    def scrub_dict(d):
        new_dict = {}
        for k, v in d.items():
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                v = scrub_dict(v)
            if isinstance(v, list):
                v = scrub_list(v)
            if not v in (u'', None, {}):
                new_dict[k] = v
        return new_dict

    def scrub_list(d):
        scrubbed_list = []
        for i in d:
            if isinstance(i, dict):
                i = scrub_dict(i)
        return scrubbed_list

Dicts mixed with Arrays

  • The answer at Attempt 3: Just Right (so far) from BlissRage’s answer does not properly handle arrays elements. I’m including a patch in case anyone needs it. The method is handles list with the statement block of if isinstance(v, list):, which scrubs the list using the original scrub_dict(d) implementation.
    def scrub_dict(d):
        new_dict = {}
        for k, v in d.items():
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                v = scrub_dict(v)
            if isinstance(v, list):
                v = scrub_list(v)
            if not v in (u'', None, {}):
                new_dict[k] = v
        return new_dict

    def scrub_list(d):
        scrubbed_list = []
        for i in d:
            if isinstance(i, dict):
                i = scrub_dict(i)
        return scrubbed_list

回答 12


result = {
    key: value for key, value in
    {"foo": "bar", "lorem": None}.items()
    if value

An alternative way you can do this, is using dictionary comprehension. This should be compatible with 2.7+

result = {
    key: value for key, value in
    {"foo": "bar", "lorem": None}.items()
    if value

回答 13


import pandas as pd

d = dict.fromkeys(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
d['b'] = 'not null'
d['c'] = ''  # empty string


# convert `dict` to `Series` and replace any blank strings with `None`;
# use the `.dropna()` method and
# then convert back to a `dict`
d_ = pd.Series(d).replace('', None).dropna().to_dict()


Here is an option if you are using pandas:

import pandas as pd

d = dict.fromkeys(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
d['b'] = 'not null'
d['c'] = ''  # empty string


# convert `dict` to `Series` and replace any blank strings with `None`;
# use the `.dropna()` method and
# then convert back to a `dict`
d_ = pd.Series(d).replace('', None).dropna().to_dict()


回答 14



def remove_empty_from_dict(d):
    if type(d) is dict:
        _temp = {}
        for k,v in d.items():
            if v == None or v == "":
            elif type(v) is int or type(v) is float:
                _temp[k] = remove_empty_from_dict(v)
            elif (v or remove_empty_from_dict(v)):
                _temp[k] = remove_empty_from_dict(v)
        return _temp
    elif type(d) is list:
        return [remove_empty_from_dict(v) for v in d if( (str(v).strip() or str(remove_empty_from_dict(v)).strip()) and (v != None or remove_empty_from_dict(v) != None))]
        return d

Some of Methods mentioned above ignores if there are any integers and float with values 0 & 0.0

If someone wants to avoid the above can use below code(removes empty strings and None values from nested dictionary and nested list):

def remove_empty_from_dict(d):
    if type(d) is dict:
        _temp = {}
        for k,v in d.items():
            if v == None or v == "":
            elif type(v) is int or type(v) is float:
                _temp[k] = remove_empty_from_dict(v)
            elif (v or remove_empty_from_dict(v)):
                _temp[k] = remove_empty_from_dict(v)
        return _temp
    elif type(d) is list:
        return [remove_empty_from_dict(v) for v in d if( (str(v).strip() or str(remove_empty_from_dict(v)).strip()) and (v != None or remove_empty_from_dict(v) != None))]
        return d

回答 15

“由于我目前还为使用Python编写一个桌面应用程序,因此我在数据输入应用程序中发现有很多条目,而其中一些条目不是强制性的,因此用户可以将其留空,以进行验证,因此很容易抓住。所有条目,然后丢弃空键或字典的值,因此我的代码上方显示了如何使用字典理解功能轻松地将它们取出,并保留不为空的字典值元素。我使用Python 3.8.3

data = {'':'', '20':'', '50':'', '100':'1.1', '200':'1.2'}

dic = {key:value for key,value in data.items() if value != ''}


{'100': '1.1', '200': '1.2'}

“As I also currently write a desktop application for my work with Python, I found in data-entry application when there is lots of entry and which some are not mandatory thus user can left it blank, for validation purpose, it is easy to grab all entries and then discard empty key or value of a dictionary. So my code above a show how we can easy take them out, using dictionary comprehension and keep dictionary value element which is not blank. I use Python 3.8.3

data = {'':'', '20':'', '50':'', '100':'1.1', '200':'1.2'}

dic = {key:value for key,value in data.items() if value != ''}


{'100': '1.1', '200': '1.2'}

回答 16



In [7]: %%timeit dic = {str(i):i for i in xrange(10)}; dic['10'] = None; dic['5'] = None
   ...: dic = {k: v for k, v in dic.items() if v is not None} 
   1000000 loops, best of 7: 375 ns per loop


In [8]: %%timeit dic = {str(i):i for i in xrange(10)}; dic['10'] = None; dic['5'] = None
   ...: dic = dict((k, v) for k, v in dic.items() if v is not None)
1000000 loops, best of 7: 681 ns per loop


In [10]: %%timeit dic = {str(i):i for i in xrange(10)}; dic['10'] = None; dic['5'] = None
    ...: for k, v in dic.items():
    ...:   if v is None:
    ...:     del dic[k]
10000000 loops, best of 7: 160 ns per loop


将3包装到函数中可将其再次降低到约275ns。对我来说,PyPy的速度也快于neet python的两倍。

Some benchmarking:

1. List comprehension recreate dict

In [7]: %%timeit dic = {str(i):i for i in xrange(10)}; dic['10'] = None; dic['5'] = None
   ...: dic = {k: v for k, v in dic.items() if v is not None} 
   1000000 loops, best of 7: 375 ns per loop

2. List comprehension recreate dict using dict()

In [8]: %%timeit dic = {str(i):i for i in xrange(10)}; dic['10'] = None; dic['5'] = None
   ...: dic = dict((k, v) for k, v in dic.items() if v is not None)
1000000 loops, best of 7: 681 ns per loop

3. Loop and delete key if v is None

In [10]: %%timeit dic = {str(i):i for i in xrange(10)}; dic['10'] = None; dic['5'] = None
    ...: for k, v in dic.items():
    ...:   if v is None:
    ...:     del dic[k]
10000000 loops, best of 7: 160 ns per loop

so loop and delete is the fastest at 160ns, list comprehension is half as slow at ~375ns and with a call to dict() is half as slow again ~680ns.

Wrapping 3 into a function brings it back down again to about 275ns. Also for me PyPy was about twice as fast as neet python.




I understand that they are both essentially the same thing, but in terms of style, which is the better (more Pythonic) one to use to create an empty list or dict?

回答 0


>>> from timeit import timeit
>>> timeit("[]")
>>> timeit("list()")
>>> timeit("{}")
>>> timeit("dict()")


>>> timeit("[1,2,3]")
>>> timeit("list((1,2,3))")
>>> timeit("list(foo)", setup="foo=(1,2,3)")
>>> timeit("{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}")
>>> timeit("dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)")
>>> timeit("dict(bar)", setup="bar=[('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]")


In terms of speed, it’s no competition for empty lists/dicts:

>>> from timeit import timeit
>>> timeit("[]")
>>> timeit("list()")
>>> timeit("{}")
>>> timeit("dict()")

and for non-empty:

>>> timeit("[1,2,3]")
>>> timeit("list((1,2,3))")
>>> timeit("list(foo)", setup="foo=(1,2,3)")
>>> timeit("{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}")
>>> timeit("dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)")
>>> timeit("dict(bar)", setup="bar=[('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]")

Also, using the bracket notation lets you use list and dictionary comprehensions, which may be reason enough.

回答 1



this_set = {5}
some_other_set = {}


In my opinion [] and {} are the most pythonic and readable ways to create empty lists/dicts.

Be wary of set()‘s though, for example:

this_set = {5}
some_other_set = {}

Can be confusing. The first creates a set with one element, the second creates an empty dict and not a set.

回答 2


In [1]: import dis
In [2]: a = lambda: {}
In [3]: b = lambda: dict()

In [4]: dis.dis(a)
  1           0 BUILD_MAP                0
              3 RETURN_VALUE

In [5]: dis.dis(b)
  1           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (dict)
              3 CALL_FUNCTION            0
              6 RETURN_VALUE


The dict literal might be a tiny bit faster as its bytecode is shorter:

In [1]: import dis
In [2]: a = lambda: {}
In [3]: b = lambda: dict()

In [4]: dis.dis(a)
  1           0 BUILD_MAP                0
              3 RETURN_VALUE

In [5]: dis.dis(b)
  1           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (dict)
              3 CALL_FUNCTION            0
              6 RETURN_VALUE

Same applies to the list vs []

回答 3


IMHO, using list() and dict() makes your Python look like C. Ugh.

回答 4


In [1]: foo_dict = {"1":"foo", "2":"bar"}

In [2]: [foo_dict]
Out [2]: [{'1': 'foo', '2': 'bar'}]

In [3]: list(foo_dict)
Out [3]: ['1', '2'] 

In the case of difference between [] and list(), there is a pitfall that I haven’t seen anyone else point out. If you use a dictionary as a member of the list, the two will give entirely different results:

In [1]: foo_dict = {"1":"foo", "2":"bar"}

In [2]: [foo_dict]
Out [2]: [{'1': 'foo', '2': 'bar'}]

In [3]: list(foo_dict)
Out [3]: ['1', '2'] 

回答 5


>>> def a(p=None):
...     print(id(p))
>>> for r in range(3):
...     a([])
>>> for r in range(3):
...     a(list())


list() and [] work differently:

>>> def a(p):
...     print(id(p))
>>> for r in range(3):
...     a([])
>>> for r in range(3):
...     a(list())

list() always create new object in heap, but [] can reuse memory cell in many reason.

回答 6


sth = [(1,2), (3,4),(5,6)]
sth2 = map(lambda x: x[1], sth) 
print(sth2) # print returns object <map object at 0x000001AB34C1D9B0>

sth2 = [map(lambda x: x[1], sth)]
print(sth2) # print returns object <map object at 0x000001AB34C1D9B0>
type(sth2) # list 
type(sth2[0]) # map

sth2 = list(map(lambda x: x[1], sth))
print(sth2) #[2, 4, 6]
type(sth2) # list
type(sth2[0]) # int

there is one difference in behavior between [] and list() as example below shows. we need to use list() if we want to have the list of numbers returned, otherwise we get a map object! No sure how to explain it though.

sth = [(1,2), (3,4),(5,6)]
sth2 = map(lambda x: x[1], sth) 
print(sth2) # print returns object <map object at 0x000001AB34C1D9B0>

sth2 = [map(lambda x: x[1], sth)]
print(sth2) # print returns object <map object at 0x000001AB34C1D9B0>
type(sth2) # list 
type(sth2[0]) # map

sth2 = list(map(lambda x: x[1], sth))
print(sth2) #[2, 4, 6]
type(sth2) # list
type(sth2[0]) # int

回答 7

方括号对表示列表对象或索引下标my_List [x]中的一个。


a_list = [‘on’,’off’,1,2]

a_dict = {开启:1,关闭:2}

A box bracket pair denotes one of a list object, or an index subscript, my_List[x].

A curly brace pair denotes a dictionary object.

a_list = [‘on’, ‘off’, 1, 2]

a_dict = { on: 1, off: 2 }

回答 8



mydict = dict(1="foo", 2="bar")


mydict = {"1":"foo", "2":"bar"}

It’s mainly a matter of choice most of the time. It’s a matter of preference.

Note however that if you have numeric keys for example, that you can’t do:

mydict = dict(1="foo", 2="bar")

You have to do:

mydict = {"1":"foo", "2":"bar"}






class CustomDictOne(dict):
   def __init__(self):
      self._mydict = {} 

   # other methods follow


class CustomDictTwo(dict):
   def __init__(self):
      # initialize my other stuff here ...

   # other methods follow





class myDict(dict):
    def __init__(self):
        self._dict = {}

    def add(self, id, val):
        self._dict[id] = val

md = myDict()
md.add('id', 123)
print md[id]





md = myDict()
md['id'] = 123



I want to write a custom class that behaves like dict – so, I am inheriting from dict.

My question, though, is: Do I need to create a private dict member in my __init__() method?. I don’t see the point of this, since I already have the dict behavior if I simply inherit from dict.

Can anyone point out why most of the inheritance snippets look like the one below?

class CustomDictOne(dict):
   def __init__(self):
      self._mydict = {} 

   # other methods follow

Instead of the simpler…

class CustomDictTwo(dict):
   def __init__(self):
      # initialize my other stuff here ...

   # other methods follow

Actually, I think I suspect the answer to the question is so that users cannot directly access your dictionary (i.e. they have to use the access methods that you have provided).

However, what about the array access operator []? How would one implement that? So far, I have not seen an example that shows how to override the [] operator.

So if a [] access function is not provided in the custom class, the inherited base methods will be operating on a different dictionary?

I tried the following snippet to test out my understanding of Python inheritance:

class myDict(dict):
    def __init__(self):
        self._dict = {}

    def add(self, id, val):
        self._dict[id] = val

md = myDict()
md.add('id', 123)
print md[id]

I got the following error:

KeyError: < built-in function id>

What is wrong with the code above?

How do I correct the class myDict so that I can write code like this?

md = myDict()
md['id'] = 123


I have edited the code sample above to get rid of the silly error I made before I dashed away from my desk. It was a typo (I should have spotted it from the error message).

回答 0


Check the documentation on emulating container types. In your case, the first parameter to add should be self.

回答 1

class Mapping(dict):

    def __setitem__(self, key, item):
        self.__dict__[key] = item

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.__dict__[key]

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.__dict__)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__dict__)

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.__dict__[key]

    def clear(self):
        return self.__dict__.clear()

    def copy(self):
        return self.__dict__.copy()

    def has_key(self, k):
        return k in self.__dict__

    def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.__dict__.update(*args, **kwargs)

    def keys(self):
        return self.__dict__.keys()

    def values(self):
        return self.__dict__.values()

    def items(self):
        return self.__dict__.items()

    def pop(self, *args):
        return self.__dict__.pop(*args)

    def __cmp__(self, dict_):
        return self.__cmp__(self.__dict__, dict_)

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self.__dict__

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.__dict__)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return unicode(repr(self.__dict__))

o = Mapping()
o.foo = "bar"
o['lumberjack'] = 'foo'
o.update({'a': 'b'}, c=44)
print 'lumberjack' in o
print o

In [187]: run mapping.py
{'a': 'b', 'lumberjack': 'foo', 'foo': 'bar', 'c': 44}
class Mapping(dict):

    def __setitem__(self, key, item):
        self.__dict__[key] = item

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.__dict__[key]

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.__dict__)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__dict__)

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.__dict__[key]

    def clear(self):
        return self.__dict__.clear()

    def copy(self):
        return self.__dict__.copy()

    def has_key(self, k):
        return k in self.__dict__

    def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.__dict__.update(*args, **kwargs)

    def keys(self):
        return self.__dict__.keys()

    def values(self):
        return self.__dict__.values()

    def items(self):
        return self.__dict__.items()

    def pop(self, *args):
        return self.__dict__.pop(*args)

    def __cmp__(self, dict_):
        return self.__cmp__(self.__dict__, dict_)

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self.__dict__

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.__dict__)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return unicode(repr(self.__dict__))

o = Mapping()
o.foo = "bar"
o['lumberjack'] = 'foo'
o.update({'a': 'b'}, c=44)
print 'lumberjack' in o
print o

In [187]: run mapping.py
{'a': 'b', 'lumberjack': 'foo', 'foo': 'bar', 'c': 44}

回答 2


class CustomDictOne(dict):
   def __init__(self,*arg,**kw):
      super(CustomDictOne, self).__init__(*arg, **kw)



Like this

class CustomDictOne(dict):
   def __init__(self,*arg,**kw):
      super(CustomDictOne, self).__init__(*arg, **kw)

Now you can use the built-in functions, like dict.get() as self.get().

You do not need to wrap a hidden self._dict. Your class already is a dict.

回答 3

为了完整起见,这里是@björn-pollex提到的有关最新Python 2.x(截至撰写本文时为2.7.7)的文档的链接:



For the sake of completeness, here is the link to the documentation mentioned by @björn-pollex for the latest Python 2.x (2.7.7 as of the time of writing):

Emulating Container Types

(Sorry for not using the comments function, I’m just not allowed to do so by stackoverflow.)

回答 4


class myDict(dict):
    def __init__(self):
        self._dict = {}

    def add(id, val):
        self._dict[id] = val

md = myDict()
md.add('id', 123)


def add(self, 'id', 23):


请注意,由于Python使用Duck Typing,因此实际上可能没有理由从语言的dict类派生自定义dict类-无需更多了解您要执行的操作(例如,如果需要传递此方法的实例)类插入某个可能会中断的代码(除非isinstance(MyDict(), dict) == True),您最好实现一个使类足够像字典的API,然后停在那里。

The problem with this chunk of code:

class myDict(dict):
    def __init__(self):
        self._dict = {}

    def add(id, val):
        self._dict[id] = val

md = myDict()
md.add('id', 123)

…is that your ‘add’ method (…and any method you want to be a member of a class) needs to have an explicit ‘self’ declared as its first argument, like:

def add(self, 'id', 23):

To implement the operator overloading to access items by key, look in the docs for the magic methods __getitem__ and __setitem__.

Note that because Python uses Duck Typing, there may actually be no reason to derive your custom dict class from the language’s dict class — without knowing more about what you’re trying to do (e.g, if you need to pass an instance of this class into some code someplace that will break unless isinstance(MyDict(), dict) == True), you may be better off just implementing the API that makes your class sufficiently dict-like and stopping there.

回答 5


class AttrDict(dict):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.__dict__ = self

a = AttrDict()
a.a = 1
a.b = 2

Here is an alternative solution:

class AttrDict(dict):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.__dict__ = self

a = AttrDict()
a.a = 1
a.b = 2

回答 6


class MyClass(dict):
    def __init__(self, a_property):
        self[a_property] = a_property



class MyClass(dict):

    def __init__(self, planet):
        self[planet] = planet
        info = self.do_something_that_returns_a_dict()
        if info:
            for k, v in info.items():
                self[k] = v

    def do_something_that_returns_a_dict(self):
        return {"mercury": "venus", "mars": "jupiter"}


总之……简而言之class GiveYourClassAName(dict),足以使您的课堂像字典一样行事。您执行的任何dict操作都self将像常规dict。

I really don’t see the right answer to this anywhere

class MyClass(dict):
    def __init__(self, a_property):
        self[a_property] = a_property

All you are really having to do is define your own __init__ – that really is all that there is too it.

Another example (little more complex):

class MyClass(dict):

    def __init__(self, planet):
        self[planet] = planet
        info = self.do_something_that_returns_a_dict()
        if info:
            for k, v in info.items():
                self[k] = v

    def do_something_that_returns_a_dict(self):
        return {"mercury": "venus", "mars": "jupiter"}

This last example is handy when you want to embed some kind of logic.

Anyway… in short class GiveYourClassAName(dict) is enough to make your class act like a dict. Any dict operation you do on self will be just like a regular dict.

回答 7


class DictLikeClass:
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return getattr(self, key)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        setattr(self, key, value)


>>> d = DictLikeClass()
>>> d["key"] = "value"
>>> print(d["key"])

This is my best solution. I used this many times.

class DictLikeClass:
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return getattr(self, key)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        setattr(self, key, value)

You can use like:

>>> d = DictLikeClass()
>>> d["key"] = "value"
>>> print(d["key"])

回答 8

永远不要继承自Python内置字典!例如update方法woldn’t use __setitem__,他们做了很多优化工作。使用UserDict。

from collections import UserDict

class MyDict(UserDict):
    def __delitem__(self, key):
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):

Don’t inherit from Python built-in dict, ever! for example update method woldn’t use __setitem__, they do a lot for optimization. Use UserDict.

from collections import UserDict

class MyDict(UserDict):
    def __delitem__(self, key):
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):




for key, item in some_dict.items():
    if item is item_to_remove:
        del some_dict[key]


What is the best way to remove an item from a dictionary by value, i.e. when the item’s key is unknown? Here’s a simple approach:

for key, item in some_dict.items():
    if item is item_to_remove:
        del some_dict[key]

Are there better ways? Is there anything wrong with mutating (deleting items) from the dictionary while iterating it?

回答 0


some_dict = {key: value for key, value in some_dict.items() 
             if value is not value_to_remove}


>>> some_dict = {1: "Hello", 2: "Goodbye", 3: "You say yes", 4: "I say no"}
>>> value_to_remove = "You say yes"
>>> some_dict = {key: value for key, value in some_dict.items() if value is not value_to_remove}
>>> some_dict
{1: 'Hello', 2: 'Goodbye', 3: 'You say yes', 4: 'I say no'}
>>> some_dict = {key: value for key, value in some_dict.items() if value != value_to_remove}
>>> some_dict
{1: 'Hello', 2: 'Goodbye', 4: 'I say no'}

所以您可能想要!=代替is not

Be aware that you’re currently testing for object identity (is only returns True if both operands are represented by the same object in memory – this is not always the case with two object that compare equal with ==). If you are doing this on purpose, then you could rewrite your code as

some_dict = {key: value for key, value in some_dict.items() 
             if value is not value_to_remove}

But this may not do what you want:

>>> some_dict = {1: "Hello", 2: "Goodbye", 3: "You say yes", 4: "I say no"}
>>> value_to_remove = "You say yes"
>>> some_dict = {key: value for key, value in some_dict.items() if value is not value_to_remove}
>>> some_dict
{1: 'Hello', 2: 'Goodbye', 3: 'You say yes', 4: 'I say no'}
>>> some_dict = {key: value for key, value in some_dict.items() if value != value_to_remove}
>>> some_dict
{1: 'Hello', 2: 'Goodbye', 4: 'I say no'}

So you probably want != instead of is not.

回答 1

dict.pop(key[, default])方法允许您在知道密钥时删除项目。如果删除该项目,则返回键处的值,否则返回传递为的值default。查看文档


>>> dic = {'a':1, 'b':2}
>>> dic
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> dic.pop('c', 0)
>>> dic.pop('a', 0)
>>> dic
{'b': 2}

The dict.pop(key[, default]) method allows you to remove items when you know the key. It returns the value at the key if it removes the item otherwise it returns what is passed as default. See the docs.’


>>> dic = {'a':1, 'b':2}
>>> dic
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> dic.pop('c', 0)
>>> dic.pop('a', 0)
>>> dic
{'b': 2}

回答 2

a = {'name': 'your_name','class': 4}
if 'name' in a: del a['name']
a = {'name': 'your_name','class': 4}
if 'name' in a: del a['name']

回答 3


import timeit
code = """
results = {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3}
del results['A']
del results['B']
print timeit.timeit(code, number=100000)
code = """
results = {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3}
print timeit.timeit(code, number=100000)




A simple comparison between del and pop():

import timeit
code = """
results = {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3}
del results['A']
del results['B']
print timeit.timeit(code, number=100000)
code = """
results = {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3}
print timeit.timeit(code, number=100000)



So, del is faster than pop().

回答 4

items()返回一个列表,而该列表正是您要迭代的列表,因此在此循环中更改dict并不重要。如果您使用的是iteritems()替代方法,则在循环中更改dict 是有问题的viewitems()在Python 2.7中同样如此。


items() returns a list, and it is that list you are iterating, so mutating the dict in the loop doesn’t matter here. If you were using iteritems() instead, mutating the dict in the loop would be problematic, and likewise for viewitems() in Python 2.7.

I can’t think of a better way to remove items from a dict by value.

回答 5


keys_to_remove = [key for key, value in some_dict.iteritems()
                  if value == value_to_remove]
for key in keys_to_remove:
    del some_dict[key]

I’d build a list of keys that need removing, then remove them. It’s simple, efficient and avoids any problem about simultaneously iterating over and mutating the dict.

keys_to_remove = [key for key, value in some_dict.iteritems()
                  if value == value_to_remove]
for key in keys_to_remove:
    del some_dict[key]

回答 6


c = {key:a[key] for key in a.keys() - {'z', 'w'}}

另请检查:https : //www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/python-cookbook-3rd/9781449357337/ch01.html

c is the new dictionary, and a is your original dictionary, {‘z’,’w’} are the keys you want to remove from a

c = {key:a[key] for key in a.keys() - {'z', 'w'}}

Also check: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/python-cookbook-3rd/9781449357337/ch01.html

回答 7

if 'c' in y['machine'] : del y['machine'][y['machine'].index('c')]
if 'c' in y['machine'] : del y['machine'][y['machine'].index('c')]

回答 8



There is nothing wrong with deleting items from the dictionary while iterating, as you’ve proposed. Be careful about multiple threads using the same dictionary at the same time, which may result in a KeyError or other problems.

Of course, see the docs at http://docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html#typesmapping

回答 9


for key in some_dict.keys():
    if some_dict[key] == item_to_remove:

This is how I would do it.

for key in some_dict.keys():
    if some_dict[key] == item_to_remove:




l = [('a',1),('b',2)]
h = {}
[h.update({k:v}) for k,v in l]
> [None, None]
> {'a': 1, 'b': 2}


Here’s how I’m currently converting a list of tuples to dictionary in Python:

l = [('a',1),('b',2)]
h = {}
[h.update({k:v}) for k,v in l]
> [None, None]
> {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

Is there a better way? It seems like there should be a one-liner to do this.

回答 0


>>> my_list = [('a', 1), ('b', 2)]
>>> dict(my_list)
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}

Just call dict() on the list of tuples directly

>>> my_list = [('a', 1), ('b', 2)]
>>> dict(my_list)
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}

回答 1


>>> l = [('a',1),('b',2)]
>>> d = dict(l)
>>> d
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}


例如,所有这些都返回等于{“ one”:1,“ two”:2}的字典:

dict(one=1, two=2)
dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})
dict(zip(('one', 'two'), (1, 2)))
dict([['two', 2], ['one', 1]])

The dict constructor accepts input exactly as you have it (key/value tuples).

>>> l = [('a',1),('b',2)]
>>> d = dict(l)
>>> d
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}

From the documentation:

For example, these all return a dictionary equal to {“one”: 1, “two”: 2}:

dict(one=1, two=2)
dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})
dict(zip(('one', 'two'), (1, 2)))
dict([['two', 2], ['one', 1]])

回答 2


h = {k:v for k,v in l}

With dict comprehension:

h = {k:v for k,v in l}

回答 3


mylist = [(a,1),(a,2),(b,3)]    
result = {}
for i in mylist:  
>>> result = {a:[1,2], b:[3]}

It seems everyone here assumes the list of tuples have one to one mapping between key and values (e.g. it does not have duplicated keys for the dictionary). As this is the first question coming up searching on this topic, I post an answer for a more general case where we have to deal with duplicates:

mylist = [(a,1),(a,2),(b,3)]    
result = {}
for i in mylist:  
>>> result = {a:[1,2], b:[3]}

python pandas dataframe列转换为dict键和值

问题:python pandas dataframe列转换为dict键和值



           area  count
co tp
DE Lake      10      7
Forest       20      5
FR Lake      30      2
Forest       40      3


I have a pandas data frame with multiple columns and I would like to construct a dict from two columns: one as the dict’s keys and the other as the dict’s values. How can I do that?


           area  count
co tp
DE Lake      10      7
Forest       20      5
FR Lake      30      2
Forest       40      3

I need to define area as key, count as value in dict. Thank you in advance.

回答 0


area_dict = dict(zip(lakes.area, lakes.count))

If lakes is your DataFrame, you can do something like

area_dict = dict(zip(lakes.area, lakes.count))

回答 1



area_dict = lakes.to_dict('records')

With pandas it can be done as:

If lakes is your DataFrame:

area_dict = lakes.to_dict('records')

回答 2


# replicating your dataframe
lake = pd.DataFrame({'co tp': ['DE Lake', 'Forest', 'FR Lake', 'Forest'], 
                 'area': [10, 20, 30, 40], 
                 'count': [7, 5, 2, 3]})
lake.set_index('co tp', inplace=True)

# to get key value using pandas
area_dict = lake.set_index('area').T.to_dict('records')[0]

output: {10: 7, 20: 5, 30: 2, 40: 3}

You can also do this if you want to play around with pandas. However, I like punchagan’s way.

# replicating your dataframe
lake = pd.DataFrame({'co tp': ['DE Lake', 'Forest', 'FR Lake', 'Forest'], 
                 'area': [10, 20, 30, 40], 
                 'count': [7, 5, 2, 3]})
lake.set_index('co tp', inplace=True)

# to get key value using pandas
area_dict = lake.set_index('area').T.to_dict('records')[0]

output: {10: 7, 20: 5, 30: 2, 40: 3}





a = dict()


{1: 'one', 2: 'two'}


res = dict()
res[1] = 'one'
res[2] = 'two'


I receive a dictionary as input, and would like to to return a dictionary whose keys will be the input’s values and whose value will be the corresponding input keys. Values are unique.

For example, say my input is:

a = dict()

I would like my output to be:

{1: 'one', 2: 'two'}

To clarify I would like my result to be the equivalent of the following:

res = dict()
res[1] = 'one'
res[2] = 'two'

Any neat Pythonic way to achieve this?

回答 0

Python 2:

res = dict((v,k) for k,v in a.iteritems())

Python 3(感谢@erik):

res = dict((v,k) for k,v in a.items())

Python 2:

res = dict((v,k) for k,v in a.iteritems())

Python 3 (thanks to @erik):

res = dict((v,k) for k,v in a.items())

回答 1

new_dict = dict(zip(my_dict.values(), my_dict.keys()))
new_dict = dict(zip(my_dict.values(), my_dict.keys()))

回答 2

从Python 2.7起,包括3.0及更高版本,有一个更短,更易读的版本:

>>> my_dict = {'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3}
>>> {v: k for k, v in my_dict.items()}
{1: 'x', 2: 'y', 3: 'z'}

From Python 2.7 on, including 3.0+, there’s an arguably shorter, more readable version:

>>> my_dict = {'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3}
>>> {v: k for k, v in my_dict.items()}
{1: 'x', 2: 'y', 3: 'z'}

回答 3

In [1]: my_dict = {'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3}

In [2]: dict((value, key) for key, value in my_dict.iteritems())
Out[2]: {1: 'x', 2: 'y', 3: 'z'}
In [1]: my_dict = {'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3}

In [2]: dict((value, key) for key, value in my_dict.iteritems())
Out[2]: {1: 'x', 2: 'y', 3: 'z'}

回答 4


res = {v: k for k, v in a.iteritems()}

编辑:对于Python 3,请使用a.items()代替a.iteritems()。可以在Python on SO的迭代项目中找到有关它们之间差异的讨论。

You can make use of dict comprehensions:

res = {v: k for k, v in a.iteritems()}

Edited: For Python 3, use a.items() instead of a.iteritems(). Discussions about the differences between them can be found in iteritems in Python on SO.

回答 5


d2=dict((value,key) for key,value in d.iteritems())
  {'two': 2, 'one': 1}


  1. 多个密钥共享相同的值。例如{'one':1,'two':1}。新字典只能有一个带有key的项目1
  2. 一个或多个值是不可散列的。例如{'one':[1]}[1]是有效值,但不是有效键。


You could try:

d2=dict((value,key) for key,value in d.iteritems())
  {'two': 2, 'one': 1}

Beware that you cannot ‘reverse’ a dictionary if

  1. More than one key shares the same value. For example {'one':1,'two':1}. The new dictionary can only have one item with key 1.
  2. One or more of the values is unhashable. For example {'one':[1]}. [1] is a valid value but not a valid key.

See this thread on the python mailing list for a discussion on the subject.

回答 6

res = dict(zip(a.values(), a.keys()))

res = dict(zip(a.values(), a.keys()))

回答 7


d = {'a':3, 'b': 2, 'c': 2} 
{v:k for k,v in d.iteritems()} 

返回{2: 'b', 3: 'a'}

有关的信息'c'被完全忽略。理想情况下应该是这样的{2: ['b','c'], 3: ['a']}。这就是最底层的实现。

Python 2.x

def reverse_non_unique_mapping(d):
    dinv = {}
    for k, v in d.iteritems():
        if v in dinv:
            dinv[v] = [k]
    return dinv

Python 3.x

def reverse_non_unique_mapping(d):
    dinv = {}
    for k, v in d.items():
        if v in dinv:
            dinv[v] = [k]
    return dinv

The current leading answer assumes values are unique which is not always the case. What if values are not unique? You will loose information! For example:

d = {'a':3, 'b': 2, 'c': 2} 
{v:k for k,v in d.iteritems()} 

returns {2: 'b', 3: 'a'}.

The information about 'c' was completely ignored. Ideally it should had be something like {2: ['b','c'], 3: ['a']}. This is what the bottom implementation does.

Python 2.x

def reverse_non_unique_mapping(d):
    dinv = {}
    for k, v in d.iteritems():
        if v in dinv:
            dinv[v] = [k]
    return dinv

Python 3.x

def reverse_non_unique_mapping(d):
    dinv = {}
    for k, v in d.items():
        if v in dinv:
            dinv[v] = [k]
    return dinv

回答 8

new_dict = dict( (my_dict[k], k) for k in my_dict)

甚至更好,但仅适用于Python 3:

new_dict = { my_dict[k]: k for k in my_dict}
new_dict = dict( (my_dict[k], k) for k in my_dict)

or even better, but only works in Python 3:

new_dict = { my_dict[k]: k for k in my_dict}

回答 9

扩展Ilya Prokin响应的另一种方法是实际使用该reversed功能。

dict(map(reversed, my_dict.items()))


Another way to expand on Ilya Prokin‘s response is to actually use the reversed function.

dict(map(reversed, my_dict.items()))

In essence, your dictionary is iterated through (using .items()) where each item is a key/value pair, and those items are swapped with the reversed function. When this is passed to the dict constructor, it turns them into value/key pairs which is what you want.

回答 10




例如 对于这种行为:

d = {'a':1,'b':2}
for k in d:

Suggestion for an improvement for Javier answer :


Instead of d.keys() you can write just d, because if you go through dictionary with an iterator, it will return the keys of the relevant dictionary.

Ex. for this behavior :

d = {'a':1,'b':2}
for k in d:

回答 11


{d[i]:i for i in d}

Can be done easily with dictionary comprehension:

{d[i]:i for i in d}

回答 12

dict(map(lambda x: x[::-1], YourDict.items()))

.items()返回的元组列表(key, value)map()遍历列表中的元素并应用于lambda x:[::-1]其每个元素(元组)以将其反转,因此每个元组都将(value, key)在新列表中分散在地图之外。最后,dict()从新列表中做出决定。

dict(map(lambda x: x[::-1], YourDict.items()))

.items() returns a list of tuples of (key, value). map() goes through elements of the list and applies lambda x:[::-1] to each its element (tuple) to reverse it, so each tuple becomes (value, key) in the new list spitted out of map. Finally, dict() makes a dict from the new list.

回答 13


newdict = {} #Will contain reversed key:value pairs.

for key, value in zip(my_dict.keys(), my_dict.values()):
    # Operations on key/value can also be performed.
    newdict[value] = key

Using loop:-

newdict = {} #Will contain reversed key:value pairs.

for key, value in zip(my_dict.keys(), my_dict.values()):
    # Operations on key/value can also be performed.
    newdict[value] = key

回答 14


res = dict((v,k) for k,v in a.items())

If you’re using Python3, it’s slightly different:

res = dict((v,k) for k,v in a.items())

回答 15


>>> d = {1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three', 4: 'four'}
>>> for k in list(d.keys()):
...     d[d.pop(k)] = k
>>> d
{'two': 2, 'one': 1, 'four': 4, 'three': 3}


Adding an in-place solution:

>>> d = {1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three', 4: 'four'}
>>> for k in list(d.keys()):
...     d[d.pop(k)] = k
>>> d
{'two': 2, 'one': 1, 'four': 4, 'three': 3}

In Python3, it is critical that you use list(d.keys()) because dict.keys returns a view of the keys. If you are using Python2, d.keys() is enough.

回答 16


mydict = {1:a, 2:a, 3:b}   
result = {}
for i in mydict:  
>>> result = {a:[1,2], b:[3]}

Hanan’s answer is the correct one as it covers more general case (the other answers are kind of misleading for someone unaware of the duplicate situation). An improvement to Hanan’s answer is using setdefault:

mydict = {1:a, 2:a, 3:b}   
result = {}
for i in mydict:  
>>> result = {a:[1,2], b:[3]}




colors = {
    "blue" : "5",
    "red" : "6",
    "yellow" : "8",



I have a Dictionary below:

colors = {
    "blue" : "5",
    "red" : "6",
    "yellow" : "8",

How do I index the first entry in the dictionary?

colors[0] will return a KeyError for obvious reasons.

回答 0

在Python版本(包括Python 3.6)及更高版本中,字典是无序的。如果您不关心条目的顺序,并且仍然想通过索引访问键或值,则可以使用d.keys()[i]d.values()[i]d.items()[i]。(请注意,这些方法创建了Python 2.x中所有键,值或项的列表。因此,如果一次又一次需要它们,请将列表存储在变量中以提高性能。)

如果您确实关心条目的顺序,那么可以从Python 2.7开始使用collections.OrderedDict。或使用成对清单

l = [("blue", "5"), ("red", "6"), ("yellow", "8")]


在Python 3.7中,常规字典是有序的,因此您不再需要使用它OrderedDict(但您仍然可以使用-它基本上是相同的类型)。Python 3.6的CPython实现已经包含了这一更改,但是由于它不是语言规范的一部分,因此您不能在Python 3.6中依赖它。

Dictionaries are unordered in Python versions up to and including Python 3.6. If you do not care about the order of the entries and want to access the keys or values by index anyway, you can use d.keys()[i] and d.values()[i] or d.items()[i]. (Note that these methods create a list of all keys, values or items in Python 2.x. So if you need them more then once, store the list in a variable to improve performance.)

If you do care about the order of the entries, starting with Python 2.7 you can use collections.OrderedDict. Or use a list of pairs

l = [("blue", "5"), ("red", "6"), ("yellow", "8")]

if you don’t need access by key. (Why are your numbers strings by the way?)

In Python 3.7, normal dictionaries are ordered, so you don’t need to use OrderedDict anymore (but you still can – it’s basically the same type). The CPython implementation of Python 3.6 already included that change, but since it’s not part of the language specification, you can’t rely on it in Python 3.6.

回答 1


由于Python 3.7 *字典是顺序保留的,也就是说它们现在的行为与collections.OrderedDicts完全相同。不幸的是,仍然没有专用的方法可以索引到字典的keys()/values()中,因此可以通过以下方法获取字典中的第一个键/值:

first_key = list(colors)[0]
first_val = list(colors.values())[0]


def get_first_key(dictionary):
    for key in dictionary:
        return key
    raise IndexError

first_key = get_first_key(colors)
first_val = colors[first_key]


def get_nth_key(dictionary, n=0):
    if n < 0:
        n += len(dictionary)
    for i, key in enumerate(dictionary.keys()):
        if i == n:
            return key
    raise IndexError("dictionary index out of range") 

(* CPython 3.6已经包含有序字典,但这只是实现细节。语言规范包括3.7以后的有序字典。)

If anybody still looking at this question, the currently accepted answer is now outdated:

Since Python 3.7* the dictionaries are order-preserving, that is they now behave exactly as collections.OrderedDicts used to. Unfortunately, there is still no dedicated method to index into keys() / values() of the dictionary, so getting the first key / value in the dictionary can be done as

first_key = list(colors)[0]
first_val = list(colors.values())[0]

or alternatively (this avoids instantiating the keys view into a list):

def get_first_key(dictionary):
    for key in dictionary:
        return key
    raise IndexError

first_key = get_first_key(colors)
first_val = colors[first_key]

If you need an n-th key, then similarly

def get_nth_key(dictionary, n=0):
    if n < 0:
        n += len(dictionary)
    for i, key in enumerate(dictionary.keys()):
        if i == n:
            return key
    raise IndexError("dictionary index out of range") 

(*CPython 3.6 already included ordered dicts, but this was only an implementation detail. The language specification includes ordered dicts from 3.7 onwards.)

回答 2




dic = {1: "a", 2: "aa", 3: "aaa"}

现在假设如果我喜欢dic[10] = "b",那么它不会总是这样添加

dic = {1:"a",2:"aa",3:"aaa",10:"b"}


dic = {1: "a", 2: "aa", 3: "aaa", 10: "b"}


dic = {1: "a", 2: "aa", 10: "b", 3: "aaa"}


dic = {1: "a", 10: "b", 2: "aa", 3: "aaa"}



Addressing an element of dictionary is like sitting on donkey and enjoy the ride.

As rule of Python DICTIONARY is orderless

If there is

dic = {1: "a", 2: "aa", 3: "aaa"}

Now suppose if I go like dic[10] = "b", then it will not add like this always

dic = {1:"a",2:"aa",3:"aaa",10:"b"}

It may be like

dic = {1: "a", 2: "aa", 3: "aaa", 10: "b"}


dic = {1: "a", 2: "aa", 10: "b", 3: "aaa"}


dic = {1: "a", 10: "b", 2: "aa", 3: "aaa"}

Or any such combination.

So thumb rule is DICTIONARY is orderless!

回答 3


If you need an ordered dictionary, you can use odict.

回答 4

实际上,我找到了一个新颖的解决方案,确实帮了我大忙,如果您特别关心列表或数据集中某个值的索引,则可以将dictionary的值设置为该Index !:


list = ['a', 'b', 'c']
dictionary = {}
counter = 0
for i in list:
   dictionary[i] = counter
   counter += 1

print(dictionary) # dictionary = {'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2}


actually I found a novel solution that really helped me out, If you are especially concerned with the index of a certain value in a list or data set, you can just set the value of dictionary to that Index!:

Just watch:

list = ['a', 'b', 'c']
dictionary = {}
counter = 0
for i in list:
   dictionary[i] = counter
   counter += 1

print(dictionary) # dictionary = {'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2}

Now through the power of hashmaps you can pull the index your entries in constant time (aka a whole lot faster)

回答 5



colors = {1: ["blue", "5"], 2: ["red", "6"], 3: ["yellow", "8"]}



// returns 'blue'

// returns '8'


colors_key = {‘蓝色’:1,’红色’:6,’yllow’:8}


colors [colors_key [‘blue’]] [0]将返回’blue’



值= {5:[1,’蓝色’],6:[2,’红色’],8:[3,’黄色’]}

然后,(colors [colors_key [values [5] [1]]] [0])将返回’blue’。



oh, that’s a tough one. What you have here, basically, is two values for each item. Then you are trying to call them with a number as the key. Unfortunately, one of your values is already set as the key!

Try this:

colors = {1: ["blue", "5"], 2: ["red", "6"], 3: ["yellow", "8"]}

Now you can call the keys by number as if they are indexed like a list. You can also reference the color and number by their position within the list.

For example,

// returns 'blue'

// returns '8'

Of course, you will have to come up with another way of keeping track of what location each color is in. Maybe you can have another dictionary that stores each color’s key as it’s value.

colors_key = {‘blue’: 1, ‘red’: 6, ‘yllow’: 8}

Then, you will be able to also look up the colors key if you need to.

colors[colors_key[‘blue’]][0] will return ‘blue’

Something like that.

And then, while you’re at it, you can make a dict with the number values as keys so that you can always use them to look up your colors, you know, if you need.

values = {5: [1, ‘blue’], 6: [2, ‘red’], 8: [3, ‘yellow’]}

Then, (colors[colors_key[values[5][1]]][0]) will return ‘blue’.

Or you could use a list of lists.

Good luck!

回答 6


You can’t, since dict is unordered. you can use .popitem() to get an arbitrary item, but that will remove it from the dict.