



Is there a straightforward way to find all the modules that are part of a python package? I’ve found this old discussion, which is not really conclusive, but I’d love to have a definite answer before I roll out my own solution based on os.listdir().

回答 0


import pkgutil

# this is the package we are inspecting -- for example 'email' from stdlib
import email

package = email
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(package.__path__):
    print "Found submodule %s (is a package: %s)" % (modname, ispkg)


import pkgutil

# this is the package we are inspecting -- for example 'email' from stdlib
import email

package = email
prefix = package.__name__ + "."
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(package.__path__, prefix):
    print "Found submodule %s (is a package: %s)" % (modname, ispkg)
    module = __import__(modname, fromlist="dummy")
    print "Imported", module

Yes, you want something based on pkgutil or similar — this way you can treat all packages alike regardless if they are in eggs or zips or so (where os.listdir won’t help).

import pkgutil

# this is the package we are inspecting -- for example 'email' from stdlib
import email

package = email
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(package.__path__):
    print "Found submodule %s (is a package: %s)" % (modname, ispkg)

How to import them too? You can just use __import__ as normal:

import pkgutil

# this is the package we are inspecting -- for example 'email' from stdlib
import email

package = email
prefix = package.__name__ + "."
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(package.__path__, prefix):
    print "Found submodule %s (is a package: %s)" % (modname, ispkg)
    module = __import__(modname, fromlist="dummy")
    print "Imported", module

回答 1



import pkgutil
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=None, onerror=lambda x: None):



import pkgutil
import scipy
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=package.__path__,
                                                      onerror=lambda x: None):







但是,至少从Python 2.6起(也许是早期版本?),pkgutil带有walk_packages方法,该方法递归地遍历所有可用模块。

The right tool for this job is pkgutil.walk_packages.

To list all the modules on your system:

import pkgutil
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=None, onerror=lambda x: None):

Be aware that walk_packages imports all subpackages, but not submodules.

If you wish to list all submodules of a certain package then you can use something like this:

import pkgutil
import scipy
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=package.__path__,
                                                      onerror=lambda x: None):

iter_modules only lists the modules which are one-level deep. walk_packages gets all the submodules. In the case of scipy, for example, walk_packages returns


while iter_modules only returns


The documentation on pkgutil (http://docs.python.org/library/pkgutil.html) does not list all the interesting functions defined in /usr/lib/python2.6/pkgutil.py.

Perhaps this means the functions are not part of the “public” interface and are subject to change.

However, at least as of Python 2.6 (and perhaps earlier versions?) pkgutil comes with a walk_packages method which recursively walks through all the modules available.

回答 2


import types

for key, obj in nltk.__dict__.iteritems():
    if type(obj) is types.ModuleType: 
        print key

This works for me:

import types

for key, obj in nltk.__dict__.iteritems():
    if type(obj) is types.ModuleType: 
        print key

回答 3


import importlib
import pkgutil
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=package.__path__, prefix=package.__name__+'.', onerror=lambda x: None):
        modulesource = importlib.import_module(modname)
        print("reloaded: {}".format(modname))
    except Exception as e:
        print('Could not load {} {}'.format(modname, e))

I was looking for a way to reload all submodules that I’m editing live in my package. It is a combination of the answers/comments above, so I’ve decided to post it here as an answer rather than a comment.

import importlib
import pkgutil
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=package.__path__, prefix=package.__name__+'.', onerror=lambda x: None):
        modulesource = importlib.import_module(modname)
        print("reloaded: {}".format(modname))
    except Exception as e:
        print('Could not load {} {}'.format(modname, e))

回答 4


>>> import os
>>> filter(lambda i: type(i) == type(os), [getattr(os, j) for j in dir(os)])
[<module 'UserDict' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/UserDict.pyc'>, <module 'copy_reg' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/copy_reg.pyc'>, <module 'errno' (built-in)>, <module 'posixpath' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/posixpath.pyc'>, <module 'sys' (built-in)>]



>>> [m[1] for m in filter(lambda a: type(a[1]) == type(os), os.__dict__.items())]
[<module 'copy_reg' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/copy_reg.pyc'>, <module 'UserDict' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/UserDict.pyc'>, <module 'posixpath' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/posixpath.pyc'>, <module 'errno' (built-in)>, <module 'sys' (built-in)>]
>>> [m[0] for m in filter(lambda a: type(a[1]) == type(os), os.__dict__.items())]
['_copy_reg', 'UserDict', 'path', 'errno', 'sys']


Here’s one way, off the top of my head:

>>> import os
>>> filter(lambda i: type(i) == type(os), [getattr(os, j) for j in dir(os)])
[<module 'UserDict' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/UserDict.pyc'>, <module 'copy_reg' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/copy_reg.pyc'>, <module 'errno' (built-in)>, <module 'posixpath' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/posixpath.pyc'>, <module 'sys' (built-in)>]

It could certainly be cleaned up and improved.

EDIT: Here’s a slightly nicer version:

>>> [m[1] for m in filter(lambda a: type(a[1]) == type(os), os.__dict__.items())]
[<module 'copy_reg' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/copy_reg.pyc'>, <module 'UserDict' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/UserDict.pyc'>, <module 'posixpath' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/posixpath.pyc'>, <module 'errno' (built-in)>, <module 'sys' (built-in)>]
>>> [m[0] for m in filter(lambda a: type(a[1]) == type(os), os.__dict__.items())]
['_copy_reg', 'UserDict', 'path', 'errno', 'sys']

NOTE: This will also find modules that might not necessarily be located in a subdirectory of the package, if they’re pulled in in its __init__.py file, so it depends on what you mean by “part of” a package.




  1. os.name
  2. sys.platform
  3. platform.system()





import sys
if sys.platform == 'linux2':
    # Do Linux-specific stuff


import platform
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
    # Do Linux-specific stuff


As far as I know, Python has 3 ways of finding out what operating system is running on:

  1. os.name
  2. sys.platform
  3. platform.system()

Knowing this information is often useful in conditional imports, or using functionality that differs between platforms (e.g. time.clock() on Windows v.s. time.time() on UNIX).

My question is, why 3 different ways of doing this? When should one way be used and not another? Which way is the ‘best’ (most future-proof or least likely to accidentally exclude a particular system which your program can actually run on)?

It seems like sys.platform is more specific than os.name, allowing you to distinguish win32 from cygwin (as opposed to just nt), and linux2 from darwin (as opposed to just posix). But if that’s so, that what about the difference between sys.platform and platform.system()?

For example, which is better, this:

import sys
if sys.platform == 'linux2':
    # Do Linux-specific stuff

or this? :

import platform
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
    # Do Linux-specific stuff

For now I’ll be sticking to sys.platform, so this question isn’t particularly urgent, but I would be very grateful for some clarification regarding this.

回答 0



  • sys.platform 在构建配置期间被指定为编译器定义。
  • os.name检查是否某些操作系统特定模块可供选择(例如posixnt,…)
  • platform.system()实际运行uname以及可能在运行时确定系统类型的其他几个功能。


  • 使用os.name来检查它是否是一个POSIX兼容的系统。
  • 使用sys.platform来检查它是否是一个linux,cygwin的,达尔文,atheos等。
  • 使用platform.system(),如果你不相信的其他来源。

Dived a bit into the source code.

The output of sys.platform and os.name are determined at compile time. platform.system() determines the system type at run time.

  • sys.platform is specified as a compiler define during the build configuration.
  • os.name checks whether certain os specific modules are available (e.g. posix, nt, …)
  • platform.system() actually runs uname and potentially several other functions to determine the system type at run time.

My suggestion:

  • Use os.name to check whether it’s a posix-compliant system.
  • Use sys.platform to check whether it’s a linux, cygwin, darwin, atheos, etc.
  • Use platform.system() if you don’t believe the other sources.

回答 1

有一线之隔差platform.system()sys.platform,有趣的大多数情况下 platform.system()退化为sys.platform


def system():

    """ Returns the system/OS name, e.g. 'Linux', 'Windows' or 'Java'.

        An empty string is returned if the value cannot be determined.

    return uname()[0]

def uname():
    # Get some infos from the builtin os.uname API...
        system,node,release,version,machine = os.uname()
    except AttributeError:
        no_os_uname = 1

    if no_os_uname or not filter(None, (system, node, release, version, machine)):
        # Hmm, no there is either no uname or uname has returned
        #'unknowns'... we'll have to poke around the system then.
        if no_os_uname:
            system = sys.platform
            release = ''
            version = ''
            node = _node()
            machine = ''




Availability: recent flavors of Unix.

There is a thin line difference between platform.system() and sys.platform and interestingly for most cases platform.system() degenerates to sys.platform

Here is what the Source Python2.7\Lib\Platform.py\system says

def system():

    """ Returns the system/OS name, e.g. 'Linux', 'Windows' or 'Java'.

        An empty string is returned if the value cannot be determined.

    return uname()[0]

def uname():
    # Get some infos from the builtin os.uname API...
        system,node,release,version,machine = os.uname()
    except AttributeError:
        no_os_uname = 1

    if no_os_uname or not filter(None, (system, node, release, version, machine)):
        # Hmm, no there is either no uname or uname has returned
        #'unknowns'... we'll have to poke around the system then.
        if no_os_uname:
            system = sys.platform
            release = ''
            version = ''
            node = _node()
            machine = ''

Also per the documentation


Return a 5-tuple containing information identifying the current operating system. The tuple contains 5 strings: (sysname, nodename, release, version, machine). Some systems truncate the nodename to 8 characters or to the leading component; a better way to get the hostname is socket.gethostname() or even socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname()).

Availability: recent flavors of Unix.

回答 2





From sys.platform docs:

  • os.name has a coarser granularity
  • os.uname() gives system-dependent version information
  • The platform module provides detailed checks for the system’s identity

Often the “best” future-proof way to test whether some functionality is available is just to try to use it and use a fallback if it fails.

what about the difference between sys.platform and platform.system()?

platform.system() returns a normalized value that it might get from several sources: os.uname(), sys.platform, ver command (on Windows).

回答 3


  • os.name是正确使用os模块的足够分辨率。可能的值为Python 2.7中的’posix’,’nt’,’os2’,’ce’,’java’或’riscos’,而自Python 3.4起仅使用’posix’,’nt’和’java’。

  • sys.platform是更好的解决方案。建议使用if sys.platform.startswith('linux')成语,因为“ linux2”表示Linux内核版本为2.xx或3。目前从未使用过较早的内核。在Python 3.3中,所有Linux系统都是简单的“ Linux”。

我不知道“ Mac”和“ Java”系统的详细信息,因此我不能使用非常好的方法platform.system()的结果进行分支,但是我将利用platform模块的优势进行消息和错误记录。

It depends on whether you prefer raising exception or trying anything on an untested system and whether your code is so high level or so low level that it can or can’t work on a similar untested system (e.g. untested Mac – ‘posix’ or on embedded ARM systems). More pythonic is to not enumerate all known systems but to test possible relevant properties. (e.g. it is considered important the endianess of the system but unimportant multiprocessing properties.)

  • os.name is a sufficient resolution for the correct usage of os module. Possible values are ‘posix’, ‘nt’, ‘os2’, ‘ce’, ‘java’ or ‘riscos’ in Python 2.7, while only the ‘posix’, ‘nt’ and ‘java’ are used since Python 3.4.

  • sys.platform is a finer resolution. It is recommended to use if sys.platform.startswith('linux') idiom because “linux2” means a Linux kernel version 2.xx or 3. Older kernels are currently never used. In Python 3.3 are all Linux systems simple ‘linux’.

I do not know the specifics of “Mac” and “Java” systems and so I can not use the results of very good method platform.system() for branching, but I would use advantages of the platform module for messages and error logging.

回答 4


I believe the platform module is probably preferred for new code. The others existed before it. It is an evolution, and the others remain for backwards compatibility.

排序Python`import x`和`from x import y`语句的正确方法是什么?

问题:排序Python`import x`和`from x import y`语句的正确方法是什么?



  1. 标准库导入
  2. 相关第三方进口
  3. 本地应用程序/特定于库的导入


from foo import bar
import foo


  • 首先from..import,然后import

    from g import gg
    from x import xx
    import abc
    import def
    import x
  • 首先import,然后from..import

    import abc
    import def
    import x
    from g import gg
    from x import xx
  • 按模块名称的字母顺序,忽略导入的类型

    import abc
    import def
    from g import gg
    import x
    from xx import xx



The python style guide suggests to group imports like this:

Imports should be grouped in the following order:

  1. standard library imports
  2. related third party imports
  3. local application/library specific imports

However, it does not mention anything how the two different ways of imports should be laid out:

from foo import bar
import foo

There are multiple ways to sort them (let’s assume all those import belong to the same group):

  • first from..import, then import

    from g import gg
    from x import xx
    import abc
    import def
    import x
  • first import, then from..import

    import abc
    import def
    import x
    from g import gg
    from x import xx
  • alphabetic order by module name, ignoring the kind of import

    import abc
    import def
    from g import gg
    import x
    from xx import xx

PEP8 does not mention the preferred order for this and the “cleanup imports” features some IDEs have probably just do whatever the developer of that feature preferred.

I’m looking for another PEP clarifying this or a relevant comment/email from the BDFL (or another Python core developer). Please don’t post subjective answers stating your own preference.

回答 0

进口商品通常按字母顺序排序,并在PEP 8的不同位置进行描述。


PEP 8中没有关于排序的任何信息,因此所有关于选择所用内容的信息都是如此。



import httplib
import logging
import random
import StringIO
import time
import unittest
from nova.api import openstack
from nova.auth import users
from nova.endpoint import cloud


import a_standard
import b_standard

import a_third_party
import b_third_party

from a_soc import f
from a_soc import g
from b_soc import d


for each imported group the order of imports should be:
import <package>.<module> style lines in alphabetical order
from <package>.<module> import <symbol> style in alphabetical order



Imports are generally sorted alphabetically and described in various places beside PEP 8.

Alphabetically sorted modules are quicker to read and searchable. After all python is all about readability. Also It is easier to verify that something is imported, and avoids duplicated imports

There is nothing available in PEP 8 regarding sorting.So its all about choice what you use.

According to few references from reputable sites and repositories also popularity, Alphabetical ordering is the way.

for eg like this:

import httplib
import logging
import random
import StringIO
import time
import unittest
from nova.api import openstack
from nova.auth import users
from nova.endpoint import cloud


import a_standard
import b_standard

import a_third_party
import b_third_party

from a_soc import f
from a_soc import g
from b_soc import d

Reddit official repository also states that, In general PEP-8 import ordering should be used. However there are a few additions which is

for each imported group the order of imports should be:
import <package>.<module> style lines in alphabetical order
from <package>.<module> import <symbol> style in alphabetical order


PS: the isort utility automatically sorts your imports.

回答 1

根据CIA的内部编码约定(WikiLeaks Vault 7泄漏的一部分),python导入应分为三类:

  1. 标准库导入
  2. 第三方进口
  3. 特定于应用程序的导入


import foo
from foo import bar
from foo.bar import baz
from foo.bar import Quux
from Foob import ar

According to the CIA’s internal coding conventions (part of the WikiLeaks Vault 7 leak), python imports should be grouped into three groups:

  1. Standard library imports
  2. Third-party imports
  3. Application-specific imports

Imports should be ordered lexicographically within these groups, ignoring case:

import foo
from foo import bar
from foo.bar import baz
from foo.bar import Quux
from Foob import ar

回答 2

PEP 8对此一无所获。关于这一点,没有约定,这并不意味着Python社区需要绝对定义一个。对于一个项目而言,选择可能会更好,而对于另一个项目而言,则是最糟糕的……这是一个偏好设置的问题,因为每种解决方案都有其优缺点。但是,如果要遵循约定,则必须遵守引用的主要顺序:

  1. 标准库导入
  2. 相关第三方进口
  3. 本地应用程序/特定于库的导入


The PEP 8 says nothing about it indeed. There’s no convention for this point, and it doesn’t mean the Python community need to define one absolutely. A choice can be better for a project but the worst for another… It’s a question of preferences for this, since each solutions has pro and cons. But if you want to follow conventions, you have to respect the principal order you quoted:

  1. standard library imports
  2. related third party imports
  3. local application/library specific imports

For example, Google recommend in this page that import should be sorted lexicographically, in each categories (standard/third parties/yours). But at Facebook, Yahoo and whatever, it’s maybe another convention…

回答 3


I highly recommend reorder-python-imports. It follows the 2nd option of the accepted answer and also integrates into pre-commit, which is super helpful.

回答 4

所有import x语句应按的值排序x,所有from x import y语句应按的值x按字母顺序排序,并且已排序的from x import y语句组必须遵循已排序的import x语句组。

import abc
import def
import x
from g import gg
from x import xx
from z import a

All import x statements should be sorted by the value of x and all from x import y statements should be sorted by the value of x in alphabetical order and the sorted groups of from x import y statements must follow the sorted group of import x statements.

import abc
import def
import x
from g import gg
from x import xx
from z import a

回答 5





import abc
import def
from g import yy  # changed gg->yy for illustrative purposes
import x
from xx import xx

I feel like the accepted answer is a bit too verbose. Here is TLDR:

Within each grouping, imports should be sorted lexicographically, ignoring case, according to each module’s full package path

Google code style guide

So, the third option is correct:

import abc
import def
from g import yy  # changed gg->yy for illustrative purposes
import x
from xx import xx




换句话说,我正在寻找Class.forName()Java中等效的Python函数。它需要在Google App Engine上工作。


my_class = load_class('my_package.my_module.MyClass')
my_instance = my_class()

Given a string of a Python class, e.g. my_package.my_module.MyClass, what is the best possible way to load it?

In other words I am looking for a equivalent Class.forName() in Java, function in Python. It needs to work on Google App Engine.

Preferably this would be a function that accepts the FQN of the class as a string, and returns a reference to the class:

my_class = load_class('my_package.my_module.MyClass')
my_instance = my_class()

回答 0


def my_import(name):
    components = name.split('.')
    mod = __import__(components[0])
    for comp in components[1:]:
        mod = getattr(mod, comp)
    return mod






klass = my_import('my_package.my_module.my_class')
some_object = klass()


from my_package.my_module import my_class


mod = __import__('my_package.my_module', fromlist=['my_class'])
klass = getattr(mod, 'my_class')

From the python documentation, here’s the function you want:

def my_import(name):
    components = name.split('.')
    mod = __import__(components[0])
    for comp in components[1:]:
        mod = getattr(mod, comp)
    return mod

The reason a simple __import__ won’t work is because any import of anything past the first dot in a package string is an attribute of the module you’re importing. Thus, something like this won’t work:


You’d have to call the above function like so:


Or in the case of your example:

klass = my_import('my_package.my_module.my_class')
some_object = klass()

EDIT: I was a bit off on this. What you’re basically wanting to do is this:

from my_package.my_module import my_class

The above function is only necessary if you have a empty fromlist. Thus, the appropriate call would be like this:

mod = __import__('my_package.my_module', fromlist=['my_class'])
klass = getattr(mod, 'my_class')

回答 1


from pydoc import locate
my_class = locate('my_package.my_module.MyClass')

与此处列出的其他方法相比,此方法的优势在于,locate它将在提供的虚线路径中找到任何 python对象,而不仅仅是直接在模块内的对象。例如my_package.my_module.MyClass.attr


def locate(path, forceload=0):
    """Locate an object by name or dotted path, importing as necessary."""
    parts = [part for part in split(path, '.') if part]
    module, n = None, 0
    while n < len(parts):
        nextmodule = safeimport(join(parts[:n+1], '.'), forceload)
        if nextmodule: module, n = nextmodule, n + 1
        else: break
    if module:
        object = module
        object = __builtin__
    for part in parts[n:]:
            object = getattr(object, part)
        except AttributeError:
            return None
    return object


"""Import a module; handle errors; return None if the module isn't found.

If the module *is* found but an exception occurs, it's wrapped in an
ErrorDuringImport exception and reraised.  Unlike __import__, if a
package path is specified, the module at the end of the path is returned,
not the package at the beginning.  If the optional 'forceload' argument
is 1, we reload the module from disk (unless it's a dynamic extension)."""

If you don’t want to roll your own, there is a function available in the pydoc module that does exactly this:

from pydoc import locate
my_class = locate('my_package.my_module.MyClass')

The advantage of this approach over the others listed here is that locate will find any python object at the provided dotted path, not just an object directly within a module. e.g. my_package.my_module.MyClass.attr.

If you’re curious what their recipe is, here’s the function:

def locate(path, forceload=0):
    """Locate an object by name or dotted path, importing as necessary."""
    parts = [part for part in split(path, '.') if part]
    module, n = None, 0
    while n < len(parts):
        nextmodule = safeimport(join(parts[:n+1], '.'), forceload)
        if nextmodule: module, n = nextmodule, n + 1
        else: break
    if module:
        object = module
        object = __builtin__
    for part in parts[n:]:
            object = getattr(object, part)
        except AttributeError:
            return None
    return object

It relies on pydoc.safeimport function. Here are the docs for that:

"""Import a module; handle errors; return None if the module isn't found.

If the module *is* found but an exception occurs, it's wrapped in an
ErrorDuringImport exception and reraised.  Unlike __import__, if a
package path is specified, the module at the end of the path is returned,
not the package at the beginning.  If the optional 'forceload' argument
is 1, we reload the module from disk (unless it's a dynamic extension)."""

回答 2

import importlib

module = importlib.import_module('my_package.my_module')
my_class = getattr(module, 'MyClass')
my_instance = my_class()
import importlib

module = importlib.import_module('my_package.my_module')
my_class = getattr(module, 'MyClass')
my_instance = my_class()

回答 3

def import_class(cl):
    d = cl.rfind(".")
    classname = cl[d+1:len(cl)]
    m = __import__(cl[0:d], globals(), locals(), [classname])
    return getattr(m, classname)
def import_class(cl):
    d = cl.rfind(".")
    classname = cl[d+1:len(cl)]
    m = __import__(cl[0:d], globals(), locals(), [classname])
    return getattr(m, classname)

回答 4


# It's available for v1.7+
# https://github.com/django/django/blob/stable/1.7.x/django/utils/module_loading.py
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

Klass = import_string('path.to.module.Klass')
func = import_string('path.to.module.func')
var = import_string('path.to.module.var')


re = __import__('re')

If you’re using Django you can use this. Yes i’m aware OP did not ask for django, but i ran across this question looking for a Django solution, didn’t find one, and put it here for the next boy/gal that looks for it.

# It's available for v1.7+
# https://github.com/django/django/blob/stable/1.7.x/django/utils/module_loading.py
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

Klass = import_string('path.to.module.Klass')
func = import_string('path.to.module.func')
var = import_string('path.to.module.var')

Keep in mind, if you want to import something that doesn’t have a ., like re or argparse use:

re = __import__('re')

回答 5


我正在使用Python 3.7.3。


mod = __import__('a.b.c')



mod = getattr(mod, 'b') #mod is now module b
mod = getattr(mod, 'c') #mod is now module c
mod = getattr(mod, 'd') #mod is now class d


mod = __import__('a.b.c')
d = getattr(mod, 'd')



mod = importlib.import_module('a.b.c') #mod is module c
d = getattr(mod, 'd') #this is a.b.c.d

Here is to share something I found on __import__ and importlib while trying to solve this problem.

I am using Python 3.7.3.

When I try to get to the class d in module a.b.c,

mod = __import__('a.b.c')

The mod variable refer to the top namespace a.

So to get to the class d, I need to

mod = getattr(mod, 'b') #mod is now module b
mod = getattr(mod, 'c') #mod is now module c
mod = getattr(mod, 'd') #mod is now class d

If we try to do

mod = __import__('a.b.c')
d = getattr(mod, 'd')

we are actually trying to look for a.d.

When using importlib, I suppose the library has done the recursive getattr for us. So, when we use importlib.import_module, we actually get a handle on the deepest module.

mod = importlib.import_module('a.b.c') #mod is module c
d = getattr(mod, 'd') #this is a.b.c.d

回答 6

好的,对我来说,这就是它的工作方式(我正在使用Python 2.7):

a = __import__('file_to_import', globals(), locals(), ['*'], -1)
b = a.MyClass()


OK, for me that is the way it worked (I am using Python 2.7):

a = __import__('file_to_import', globals(), locals(), ['*'], -1)
b = a.MyClass()

Then, b is an instance of class ‘MyClass’

回答 7


class Something(object):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
    def display(self):

one = Something("one")
cls = type(one)
two = cls("two")

If you happen to already have an instance of your desired class, you can use the ‘type’ function to extract its class type and use this to construct a new instance:

class Something(object):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
    def display(self):

one = Something("one")
cls = type(one)
two = cls("two")

回答 8

module = __import__("my_package/my_module")
the_class = getattr(module, "MyClass")
obj = the_class()
module = __import__("my_package/my_module")
the_class = getattr(module, "MyClass")
obj = the_class()

回答 9

在Google App Engine中,有一个webapp2名为的函数import_string。有关更多信息,请参见此处: https //webapp-improved.appspot.com/api/webapp2.html


import webapp2
my_class = webapp2.import_string('my_package.my_module.MyClass')


In Google App Engine there is a webapp2 function called import_string. For more info see here:https://webapp-improved.appspot.com/api/webapp2.html


import webapp2
my_class = webapp2.import_string('my_package.my_module.MyClass')

For example this is used in the webapp2.Route where you can either use a handler or a string.



我已经回答了有关Python中绝对导入的问题,我认为通过阅读Python 2.5 changelog和随附的PEP可以理解。但是,在安装Python 2.5并尝试制作一个正确使用的示例时from __future__ import absolute_import,我意识到事情还不清楚。





考虑main.py模块中的代码。如果执行该语句会import string怎样?在Python 2.4和更早的版本,它会先看看在包的目录进行相对进口,发现包装/ string.py,进口该文件的内容pkg.string模块,并且该模块被绑定到名字"string"pkg.main模块的命名空间。


$ ls -R

__init__.py  main.py  string.py


import string
print string.ascii_uppercase

不出所料,使用Python 2.5运行此命令失败,并显示AttributeError

$ python2.5 pkg/main.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/main.py", line 2, in <module>
    print string.ascii_uppercase
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'


在Python 2.5中,您可以import使用from __future__ import absolute_import指令将的行为切换为绝对导入。在将来的版本(可能是Python 2.7)中,此绝对导入行为将成为默认设置。一旦将绝对导入设置为默认设置,import string就将始终找到标准库的版本。


from __future__ import absolute_import
import string
print string.ascii_uppercase

但是,使用Python 2.5运行它会失败AttributeError

$ python2.5 pkg/main2.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/main2.py", line 3, in <module>
    print string.ascii_uppercase
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'

这个漂亮的断然反驳该语句import string始终找到STD-库版本绝对进口启用。而且,尽管警告了绝对导入已计划成为“新的默认”行为,但无论使用还是不使用__future__指令,我都使用Python 2.7遇到了相同的问题:

$ python2.7 pkg/main.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/main.py", line 2, in <module>
    print string.ascii_uppercase
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'

$ python2.7 pkg/main2.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/main2.py", line 3, in <module>
    print string.ascii_uppercase
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'

以及Python 3.5(有无)(假设print两个文件中的语句均已更改):

$ python3.5 pkg/main.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/main.py", line 2, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'string' has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'

$ python3.5 pkg/main2.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/main2.py", line 3, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'string' has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'


在我看来,这很容易通过以下方式进行解释(这是来自Python 2文档,但该语句在适用于Python 3的同一文档中保持不变):





I have answered a question regarding absolute imports in Python, which I thought I understood based on reading the Python 2.5 changelog and accompanying PEP. However, upon installing Python 2.5 and attempting to craft an example of properly using from __future__ import absolute_import, I realize things are not so clear.

Straight from the changelog linked above, this statement accurately summarized my understanding of the absolute import change:

Let’s say you have a package directory like this:


This defines a package named pkg containing the pkg.main and pkg.string submodules.

Consider the code in the main.py module. What happens if it executes the statement import string? In Python 2.4 and earlier, it will first look in the package’s directory to perform a relative import, finds pkg/string.py, imports the contents of that file as the pkg.string module, and that module is bound to the name "string" in the pkg.main module’s namespace.

So I created this exact directory structure:

$ ls -R

__init__.py  main.py  string.py

__init__.py and string.py are empty. main.py contains the following code:

import string
print string.ascii_uppercase

As expected, running this with Python 2.5 fails with an AttributeError:

$ python2.5 pkg/main.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/main.py", line 2, in <module>
    print string.ascii_uppercase
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'

However, further along in the 2.5 changelog, we find this (emphasis added):

In Python 2.5, you can switch import‘s behaviour to absolute imports using a from __future__ import absolute_import directive. This absolute-import behaviour will become the default in a future version (probably Python 2.7). Once absolute imports are the default, import string will always find the standard library’s version.

I thus created pkg/main2.py, identical to main.py but with the additional future import directive. It now looks like this:

from __future__ import absolute_import
import string
print string.ascii_uppercase

Running this with Python 2.5, however… fails with an AttributeError:

$ python2.5 pkg/main2.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/main2.py", line 3, in <module>
    print string.ascii_uppercase
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'

This pretty flatly contradicts the statement that import string will always find the std-lib version with absolute imports enabled. What’s more, despite the warning that absolute imports are scheduled to become the “new default” behavior, I hit this same problem using both Python 2.7, with or without the __future__ directive:

$ python2.7 pkg/main.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/main.py", line 2, in <module>
    print string.ascii_uppercase
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'

$ python2.7 pkg/main2.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/main2.py", line 3, in <module>
    print string.ascii_uppercase
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'

as well as Python 3.5, with or without (assuming the print statement is changed in both files):

$ python3.5 pkg/main.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/main.py", line 2, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'string' has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'

$ python3.5 pkg/main2.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/main2.py", line 3, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'string' has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'

I have tested other variations of this. Instead of string.py, I have created an empty module — a directory named string containing only an empty __init__.py — and instead of issuing imports from main.py, I have cd‘d to pkg and run imports directly from the REPL. Neither of these variations (nor a combination of them) changed the results above. I cannot reconcile this with what I have read about the __future__ directive and absolute imports.

It seems to me that this is easily explicable by the following (this is from the Python 2 docs but this statement remains unchanged in the same docs for Python 3):



As initialized upon program startup, the first item of this list, path[0], is the directory containing the script that was used to invoke the Python interpreter. If the script directory is not available (e.g. if the interpreter is invoked interactively or if the script is read from standard input), path[0] is the empty string, which directs Python to search modules in the current directory first.

So what am I missing? Why does the __future__ statement seemingly not do what it says, and what is the resolution of this contradiction between these two sections of documentation, as well as between described and actual behavior?

回答 0

变更日志的字眼很草率。from __future__ import absolute_import并不关心某些东西是否是标准库的一部分,import string也不会总是为您提供启用绝对导入的标准库模块。

from __future__ import absolute_import表示如果您愿意import string,Python将始终寻找顶级string模块,而不是current_package.string。但是,它不会影响Python用于确定string模块文件的逻辑。当你做

python pkg/script.py

pkg/script.py看起来不像是Python软件包的一部分。按照正常步骤,将pkg目录添加到路径,.py目录中的所有文件pkg看起来都像顶级模块。import string发现pkg/string.py不是因为它正在执行相对导入,而是因为它pkg/string.py似乎是顶级模块string。这不是标准库string模块的事实并没有出现。


python -m pkg.script


您还可以添加一些样板,pkg/script.py以使Python pkg即使在作为文件运行时也将其视为包的一部分:

if __name__ == '__main__' and __package__ is None:
    __package__ = 'pkg'


The changelog is sloppily worded. from __future__ import absolute_import does not care about whether something is part of the standard library, and import string will not always give you the standard-library module with absolute imports on.

from __future__ import absolute_import means that if you import string, Python will always look for a top-level string module, rather than current_package.string. However, it does not affect the logic Python uses to decide what file is the string module. When you do

python pkg/script.py

pkg/script.py doesn’t look like part of a package to Python. Following the normal procedures, the pkg directory is added to the path, and all .py files in the pkg directory look like top-level modules. import string finds pkg/string.py not because it’s doing a relative import, but because pkg/string.py appears to be the top-level module string. The fact that this isn’t the standard-library string module doesn’t come up.

To run the file as part of the pkg package, you could do

python -m pkg.script

In this case, the pkg directory will not be added to the path. However, the current directory will be added to the path.

You can also add some boilerplate to pkg/script.py to make Python treat it as part of the pkg package even when run as a file:

if __name__ == '__main__' and __package__ is None:
    __package__ = 'pkg'

However, this won’t affect sys.path. You’ll need some additional handling to remove the pkg directory from the path, and if pkg‘s parent directory isn’t on the path, you’ll need to stick that on the path too.

回答 1


$ mkdir pkg
$ touch pkg/__init__.py
$ touch pkg/string.py
$ echo 'import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)' > pkg/main1.py
$ python2
Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 13 2014, 18:02:08) [GCC] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pkg.main1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "pkg/main1.py", line 1, in <module>
    import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'
$ echo 'from __future__ import absolute_import;import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)' > pkg/main2.py
$ python2
Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 13 2014, 18:02:08) [GCC] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pkg.main2


$ python2 pkg/main2.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/main2.py", line 1, in <module>
    from __future__ import absolute_import;import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'
$ python2
Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 13 2014, 18:02:08) [GCC] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pkg.main2
$ python2 -m pkg.main2

请注意,python2 pkg/main2.py启动python2和导入后的行为不同pkg.main2(等同于使用-m开关)。



The difference between absolute and relative imports come into play only when you import a module from a package and that module imports an other submodule from that package. See the difference:

$ mkdir pkg
$ touch pkg/__init__.py
$ touch pkg/string.py
$ echo 'import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)' > pkg/main1.py
$ python2
Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 13 2014, 18:02:08) [GCC] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pkg.main1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "pkg/main1.py", line 1, in <module>
    import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'
$ echo 'from __future__ import absolute_import;import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)' > pkg/main2.py
$ python2
Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 13 2014, 18:02:08) [GCC] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pkg.main2

In particular:

$ python2 pkg/main2.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/main2.py", line 1, in <module>
    from __future__ import absolute_import;import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'
$ python2
Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 13 2014, 18:02:08) [GCC] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pkg.main2
$ python2 -m pkg.main2

Note that python2 pkg/main2.py has a different behaviour then launching python2 and then importing pkg.main2 (which is equivalent to using the -m switch).

If you ever want to run a submodule of a package always use the -m switch which prevents the interpreter for chaining the sys.path list and correctly handles the semantics of the submodule.

Also, I much prefer using explicit relative imports for package submodules since they provide more semantics and better error messages in case of failure.



建议不要import *在Python中使用。


It is recommended to not to use import * in Python.

Can anyone please share the reason for that, so that I can avoid it doing next time?

回答 0

  • 因为它在命名空间中放入了很多东西(可能会遮盖以前导入的其他对象,所以您将一无所知)。

  • 因为您不完全知道要导入的内容,而且不容易找到从哪个模块导入的内容(可读性)。

  • 因为您不能使用像pyflakes静态检测代码中的错误之类的出色工具。

  • Because it puts a lot of stuff into your namespace (might shadow some other object from previous import and you won’t know about it).

  • Because you don’t know exactly what is imported and can’t easily find from which module a certain thing was imported (readability).

  • Because you can’t use cool tools like pyflakes to statically detect errors in your code.

回答 1




According to the Zen of Python:

Explicit is better than implicit.

… can’t argue with that, surely?

回答 2



import *休息了这一切。


import os, sys, foo, sqlalchemy, mystuff
from bar import *

现在,如果bar模块具有“ os”,“ mystuff”等属性中的任何一个,它们将覆盖显式导入的属性,并可能指向非常不同的事物。__all__在bar中定义通常是很明智的-这说明了要隐式导入的内容-但是,如果不读取和解析bar模块并跟随导入,仍然很难跟踪对象的来源。import *获得项目所有权时,首先要解决的网络问题。

不要误会我:如果import *丢失了,我会哭着拥有它。但是必须谨慎使用。一个好的用例是在另一个模块上提供Facade接口。同样,使用条件导入语句或在函数/类命名空间中进行导入也需要一些纪律。



You don’t pass **locals() to functions, do you?

Since Python lacks an “include” statement, and the self parameter is explicit, and scoping rules are quite simple, it’s usually very easy to point a finger at a variable and tell where that object comes from — without reading other modules and without any kind of IDE (which are limited in the way of introspection anyway, by the fact the language is very dynamic).

The import * breaks all that.

Also, it has a concrete possibility of hiding bugs.

import os, sys, foo, sqlalchemy, mystuff
from bar import *

Now, if the bar module has any of the “os“, “mystuff“, etc… attributes, they will override the explicitly imported ones, and possibly point to very different things. Defining __all__ in bar is often wise — this states what will implicitly be imported – but still it’s hard to trace where objects come from, without reading and parsing the bar module and following its imports. A network of import * is the first thing I fix when I take ownership of a project.

Don’t misunderstand me: if the import * were missing, I would cry to have it. But it has to be used carefully. A good use case is to provide a facade interface over another module. Likewise, the use of conditional import statements, or imports inside function/class namespaces, requires a bit of discipline.

I think in medium-to-big projects, or small ones with several contributors, a minimum of hygiene is needed in terms of statical analysis — running at least pyflakes or even better a properly configured pylint — to catch several kind of bugs before they happen.

Of course since this is python — feel free to break rules, and to explore — but be wary of projects that could grow tenfold, if the source code is missing discipline it will be a problem.

回答 3

可以from ... import *在交互式会话中进行。

It is OK to do from ... import * in an interactive session.

回答 4




def myFunc():
    print 1


from foo import *

def doThis():
    myFunc() # Which myFunc is called?

def myFunc():
    print 2

That is because you are polluting the namespace. You will import all the functions and classes in your own namespace, which may clash with the functions you define yourself.

Furthermore, I think using a qualified name is more clear for the maintenance task; you see on the code line itself where a function comes from, so you can check out the docs much more easily.

In module foo:

def myFunc():
    print 1

In your code:

from foo import *

def doThis():
    myFunc() # Which myFunc is called?

def myFunc():
    print 2

回答 5




Note that in general the practice of importing * from a module or package is frowned upon, since it often causes poorly readable code.

回答 6


import ElementTree as etree


from lxml import etree
from foo import *


Say you have the following code in a module called foo:

import ElementTree as etree

and then in your own module you have:

from lxml import etree
from foo import *

You now have a difficult-to-debug module that looks like it has lxml’s etree in it, but really has ElementTree instead.

回答 7

这些都是很好的答案。我要补充一点,当教新人们使用Python进行编码时,处理import *非常困难。即使您或他们没有编写代码,它仍然是绊脚石。

我教孩子们(大约8岁)用Python编程来操纵Minecraft。我喜欢给他们一个有用的编码环境,以供他们使用(Atom Editor)并教授REPL驱动的开发(通过bpython)。在Atom中,我发现提示/完成与bpython一样有效。幸运的是,与其他一些统计分析工具不同,Atom并不受它的欺骗import *

但是,让我们举个例子…在这个包装器中,他们from local_module import *是一堆模块,其中包括这个块列表。让我们忽略命名空间冲突的风险。通过这样做,您from mcpi.block import *就可以使晦涩难懂的块的整个列表成为必需的东西,以便您了解可用的块。如果他们改用from mcpi import block,则可以键入walls = block.,然后会弹出一个自动完成列表。

These are all good answers. I’m going to add that when teaching new people to code in Python, dealing with import * is very difficult. Even if you or they didn’t write the code, it’s still a stumbling block.

I teach children (about 8 years old) to program in Python to manipulate Minecraft. I like to give them a helpful coding environment to work with (Atom Editor) and teach REPL-driven development (via bpython). In Atom I find that the hints/completion works just as effectively as bpython. Luckily, unlike some other statistical analysis tools, Atom is not fooled by import *.

However, lets take this example… In this wrapper they from local_module import * a bunch modules including this list of blocks. Let’s ignore the risk of namespace collisions. By doing from mcpi.block import * they make this entire list of obscure types of blocks something that you have to go look at to know what is available. If they had instead used from mcpi import block, then you could type walls = block. and then an autocomplete list would pop up.

回答 8


  • 当我想以所有常量都进入名为的模块的方式构造代码时const.py
    • 如果我这样做import const,那么对于每个常量,我都必须将其称为const.SOMETHING,这可能不是最方便的方法。
    • 如果我这样做了from const import SOMETHING_A, SOMETHING_B ...,那么显然它太冗长而无法达到结构化的目的。
    • 因此,我觉得在这种情况下,执行a from const import *可能是更好的选择。

Understood the valid points people put here. However, I do have one argument that, sometimes, “star import” may not always be a bad practice:

  • When I want to structure my code in such a way that all the constants go to a module called const.py:
    • If I do import const, then for every constant, I have to refer it as const.SOMETHING, which is probably not the most convenient way.
    • If I do from const import SOMETHING_A, SOMETHING_B ..., then obviously it’s way too verbose and defeats the purpose of the structuring.
    • Thus I feel in this case, doing a from const import * may be a better choice.

回答 9


  1. 代码可读性
  2. 覆盖变量/功能等的风险


from module1 import *
from module2 import *
from module3 import *

a = b + c - d



#                   v  v  will know that these are from module1
from module1 import b, c   # way 1
import module2             # way 2

a = b + c - module2.d
#            ^ will know it is from module2



from module1 import *
from module2 import *

print b  # will print the value from module2



from module1 import b as mod1b
from module2 import b as mod2b

It is a very BAD practice for two reasons:

  1. Code Readability
  2. Risk of overriding the variables/functions etc

For point 1: Let’s see an example of this:

from module1 import *
from module2 import *
from module3 import *

a = b + c - d

Here, on seeing the code no one will get idea regarding from which module b, c and d actually belongs.

On the other way, if you do it like:

#                   v  v  will know that these are from module1
from module1 import b, c   # way 1
import module2             # way 2

a = b + c - module2.d
#            ^ will know it is from module2

It is much cleaner for you, and also the new person joining your team will have better idea.

For point 2: Let say both module1 and module2 have variable as b. When I do:

from module1 import *
from module2 import *

print b  # will print the value from module2

Here the value from module1 is lost. It will be hard to debug why the code is not working even if b is declared in module1 and I have written the code expecting my code to use module1.b

If you have same variables in different modules, and you do not want to import entire module, you may even do:

from module1 import b as mod1b
from module2 import b as mod2b

回答 10

作为测试,我创建了一个模块test.py,其中包含2个函数A和B,分别打印“ A 1”和“ B 1”。使用以下命令导入test.py之后:

import test

。。。我可以将两个函数分别作为test.A()和test.B()运行,并且“ test” 在命名空间中显示为模块,因此,如果我编辑test.py,可以使用以下命令重新加载它:

import importlib


from test import *


import test
import test as tt

将在命名空间中分别添加“ test”或“ tt”作为模块名称,这将允许重新加载。


from test import *

名称“ A”和“ B”作为功能出现在命名空间中。如果我编辑test.py,并重复以上命令,则不会重新加载功能的修改版本。


importlib.reload(test)    # Error - name 'test' is not defined

如果有人知道如何重新加载加载有“ from module import *”的模块,请发布。否则,这是避免使用该表格的另一个原因:

from module import *

As a test, I created a module test.py with 2 functions A and B, which respectively print “A 1” and “B 1”. After importing test.py with:

import test

. . . I can run the 2 functions as test.A() and test.B(), and “test” shows up as a module in the namespace, so if I edit test.py I can reload it with:

import importlib

But if I do the following:

from test import *

there is no reference to “test” in the namespace, so there is no way to reload it after an edit (as far as I can tell), which is a problem in an interactive session. Whereas either of the following:

import test
import test as tt

will add “test” or “tt” (respectively) as module names in the namespace, which will allow re-loading.

If I do:

from test import *

the names “A” and “B” show up in the namespace as functions. If I edit test.py, and repeat the above command, the modified versions of the functions do not get reloaded.

And the following command elicits an error message.

importlib.reload(test)    # Error - name 'test' is not defined

If someone knows how to reload a module loaded with “from module import *”, please post. Otherwise, this would be another reason to avoid the form:

from module import *

回答 11

如文档中所建议,您(几乎)永远不要import *在生产代码中使用。

虽然*模块导入很不好,但是包中导入*更糟。默认情况下,from package import *导入包的定义的任何名称__init__.py,包括先前import语句加载的包的任何子模块。

但是,如果包的__init__.py代码定义了名为的列表__all__,则将其视为from package import *遇到时应导入的子模块名称的列表。


# anywhere in the code before import *
import sound.effects.echo
import sound.effects.surround

# in your module
from sound.effects import *


As suggested in the docs, you should (almost) never use import * in production code.

While importing * from a module is bad, importing * from a package is probably even worse.

By default, from package import * imports whatever names are defined by the package’s __init__.py, including any submodules of the package that were loaded by previous import statements.

If a package’s __init__.py code defines a list named __all__, it is taken to be the list of submodule names that should be imported when from package import * is encountered.

Now consider this example (assuming there’s no __all__ defined in sound/effects/__init__.py):

# anywhere in the code before import *
import sound.effects.echo
import sound.effects.surround

# in your module
from sound.effects import *

The last statement will import the echo and surround modules into the current namespace (possibly overriding previous definitions) because they are defined in the sound.effects package when the import statement is executed.



模块A包括import B在其顶部。然而在试验条件下,我想嘲笑 BA(模拟A.B)和进口完全避免B





Module A includes import B at its top. However under test conditions I’d like to mock B in A (mock A.B) and completely refrain from importing B.

In fact, B isn’t installed in the test environment on purpose.

A is the unit under test. I have to import A with all its functionality. B is the module I need to mock. But how can I mock B within A and stop A from importing the real B, if the first thing A does is import B?

(The reason B isn’t installed is that I use pypy for quick testing and unfortunately B isn’t compatible with pypy yet.)

How could this be done?

回答 0



import sys
sys.modules['B'] = __import__('mock_B')
import A



import B

注意B.py不存在,但是运行时test.py不会返回错误并显示print(A.B.__name__)print mock_B。您仍然必须mock_B.py在模拟B实际功能/变量/等的地方创建一个。或者,您可以直接分配一个Mock()


import sys
sys.modules['B'] = Mock()
import A

You can assign to sys.modules['B'] before importing A to get what you want:


import sys
sys.modules['B'] = __import__('mock_B')
import A



import B

Note B.py does not exist, but when running test.py no error is returned and print(A.B.__name__) prints mock_B. You still have to create a mock_B.py where you mock B‘s actual functions/variables/etc. Or you can just assign a Mock() directly:


import sys
sys.modules['B'] = Mock()
import A

回答 1


# Store original __import__
orig_import = __import__
# This will be the B module
b_mock = mock.Mock()

def import_mock(name, *args):
    if name == 'B':
        return b_mock
    return orig_import(name, *args)

with mock.patch('__builtin__.__import__', side_effect=import_mock):
    import A


import B

def a():
    return B.func()


b_mock.func.return_value = 'spam'
A.a()  # returns 'spam'

Python 3的注意事项:3.0变更日志所述,__builtin__现名为builtins

将模块重命名__builtin__builtins(删除下划线,添加“ s”)。

如果更换这个答案的代码工作正常__builtin__通过builtins为Python 3。

The builtin __import__ can be mocked with the ‘mock’ library for more control:

# Store original __import__
orig_import = __import__
# This will be the B module
b_mock = mock.Mock()

def import_mock(name, *args):
    if name == 'B':
        return b_mock
    return orig_import(name, *args)

with mock.patch('__builtin__.__import__', side_effect=import_mock):
    import A

Say A looks like:

import B

def a():
    return B.func()

A.a() returns b_mock.func() which can be mocked also.

b_mock.func.return_value = 'spam'
A.a()  # returns 'spam'

Note for Python 3: As stated in the changelog for 3.0, __builtin__ is now named builtins:

Renamed module __builtin__ to builtins (removing the underscores, adding an ‘s’).

The code in this answer works fine if you replace __builtin__ by builtins for Python 3.

回答 2




if wrong_platform():
    sys.modules['B'] = mock.MagicMock()


import A


您还可以嘲笑import A.B


from foo import This, That, andTheOtherThing
from foo.bar import Yada, YadaYada
from foo.baz import Blah, getBlah, boink


sys.modules['foo'] = MagicMock()
sys.modules['foo.bar'] = MagicMock()
sys.modules['foo.baz'] = MagicMock()




sys.modules['foo'] = MagicMock()
sys.modules['foo.bar'] = MagicMock()
sys.modules['foo.baz'] = MagicMock()
# setup the side-effect:
from time import sleep

def sleep_one(*args): 

# this gives us the mock objects that will be used
from foo.bar import MyObject 
my_instance = MyObject()
# mock the method!
my_instance.method_that_takes_time = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=sleep_one)


How to mock an import, (mock A.B)?

Module A includes import B at its top.

Easy, just mock the library in sys.modules before it gets imported:

if wrong_platform():
    sys.modules['B'] = mock.MagicMock()

and then, so long as A doesn’t rely on specific types of data being returned from B’s objects:

import A

should just work.

You can also mock import A.B:

This works even if you have submodules, but you’ll want to mock each module. Say you have this:

from foo import This, That, andTheOtherThing
from foo.bar import Yada, YadaYada
from foo.baz import Blah, getBlah, boink

To mock, simply do the below before the module that contains the above is imported:

sys.modules['foo'] = MagicMock()
sys.modules['foo.bar'] = MagicMock()
sys.modules['foo.baz'] = MagicMock()

(My experience: I had a dependency that works on one platform, Windows, but didn’t work on Linux, where we run our daily tests. So I needed to mock the dependency for our tests. Luckily it was a black box, so I didn’t need to set up a lot of interaction.)

Mocking Side Effects

Addendum: Actually, I needed to simulate a side-effect that took some time. So I needed an object’s method to sleep for a second. That would work like this:

sys.modules['foo'] = MagicMock()
sys.modules['foo.bar'] = MagicMock()
sys.modules['foo.baz'] = MagicMock()
# setup the side-effect:
from time import sleep

def sleep_one(*args): 

# this gives us the mock objects that will be used
from foo.bar import MyObject 
my_instance = MyObject()
# mock the method!
my_instance.method_that_takes_time = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=sleep_one)

And then the code takes some time to run, just like the real method.

回答 3



import contextlib
import collections
import mock
import sys

def fake_module(**args):
    return (collections.namedtuple('module', args.keys())(**args))

def get_patch_dict(dotted_module_path, module):
    patch_dict = {}
    module_splits = dotted_module_path.split('.')

    # Add our module to the patch dict
    patch_dict[dotted_module_path] = module

    # We add the rest of the fake modules in backwards
    while module_splits:
        # This adds the next level up into the patch dict which is a fake
        # module that points at the next level down
        patch_dict['.'.join(module_splits[:-1])] = fake_module(
            **{module_splits[-1]: patch_dict['.'.join(module_splits)]}
        module_splits = module_splits[:-1]

    return patch_dict

with mock.patch.dict(
    get_patch_dict('herp.derp', fake_module(foo='bar'))
    import herp.derp
    # prints bar
    print herp.derp.foo

这是如此荒谬的原因是,当发生导入时,python基本上会这样做(例如from herp.derp import foo

  1. 是否sys.modules['herp']存在?否则导入。如果还没有ImportError
  2. 是否sys.modules['herp.derp']存在?否则导入。如果还没有ImportError
  3. 获取属性foosys.modules['herp.derp']。其他ImportError
  4. foo = sys.modules['herp.derp'].foo


def foo():
    import herp.derp


def foo():

I realize I’m a bit late to the party here, but here’s a somewhat insane way to automate this with the mock library:

(here’s an example usage)

import contextlib
import collections
import mock
import sys

def fake_module(**args):
    return (collections.namedtuple('module', args.keys())(**args))

def get_patch_dict(dotted_module_path, module):
    patch_dict = {}
    module_splits = dotted_module_path.split('.')

    # Add our module to the patch dict
    patch_dict[dotted_module_path] = module

    # We add the rest of the fake modules in backwards
    while module_splits:
        # This adds the next level up into the patch dict which is a fake
        # module that points at the next level down
        patch_dict['.'.join(module_splits[:-1])] = fake_module(
            **{module_splits[-1]: patch_dict['.'.join(module_splits)]}
        module_splits = module_splits[:-1]

    return patch_dict

with mock.patch.dict(
    get_patch_dict('herp.derp', fake_module(foo='bar'))
    import herp.derp
    # prints bar
    print herp.derp.foo

The reason this is so ridiculously complicated is when an import occurs python basically does this (take for example from herp.derp import foo)

  1. Does sys.modules['herp'] exist? Else import it. If still not ImportError
  2. Does sys.modules['herp.derp'] exist? Else import it. If still not ImportError
  3. Get attribute foo of sys.modules['herp.derp']. Else ImportError
  4. foo = sys.modules['herp.derp'].foo

There are some downsides to this hacked together solution: If something else relies on other stuff in the module path this kind of screws it over. Also this only works for stuff that is being imported inline such as

def foo():
    import herp.derp


def foo():

回答 4



from B.C.D import E


sys.modules['B'] = mock.MagicMock()
sys.modules['B.C'] = mock.MagicMock()
sys.modules['B.C.D'] = mock.MagicMock()

Aaron Hall’s answer works for me. Just want to mention one important thing,

if in A.py you do

from B.C.D import E

then in test.py you must mock every module along the path, otherwise you get ImportError

sys.modules['B'] = mock.MagicMock()
sys.modules['B.C'] = mock.MagicMock()
sys.modules['B.C.D'] = mock.MagicMock()

回答 5



from ..models import Seat

class SeatInterface(object):




失败(错误= 1)


import unittest
from mock import MagicMock, patch

class FakeSeat(object):

class TestSeatInterface(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        models_mock = MagicMock()
        models_mock.Seat.return_value = FakeSeat
        modules = {'app.app.models': models_mock}
        patch.dict('sys.modules', modules).start()

    def test1(self):
        from app.app.models_interface.seat_interface import SeatInterface

然后测试神奇地运行OK :)


I found fine way to mock the imports in Python. It’s Eric’s Zaadi solution found here which I just use inside my Django application.

I’ve got class SeatInterface which is interface to Seat model class. So inside my seat_interface module I have such an import:

from ..models import Seat

class SeatInterface(object):

I wanted to create isolated tests for SeatInterface class with mocked Seat class as FakeSeat. The problem was – how tu run tests offline, where Django application is down. I had below error:

ImproperlyConfigured: Requested setting BASE_DIR, but settings are not configured. You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings.

Ran 1 test in 0.078s

FAILED (errors=1)

The solution was:

import unittest
from mock import MagicMock, patch

class FakeSeat(object):

class TestSeatInterface(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        models_mock = MagicMock()
        models_mock.Seat.return_value = FakeSeat
        modules = {'app.app.models': models_mock}
        patch.dict('sys.modules', modules).start()

    def test1(self):
        from app.app.models_interface.seat_interface import SeatInterface

And then test magically runs OK :)

Ran 1 test in 0.002s


回答 6

如果这样做,import ModuleB您实际上是在__import__按以下方式调用内置方法:

ModuleB = __import__('ModuleB', globals(), locals(), [], -1)



docs.python.org: __import__



If you do an import ModuleB you are really calling the builtin method __import__ as:

ModuleB = __import__('ModuleB', globals(), locals(), [], -1)

You could overwrite this method by importing the __builtin__ module and make a wrapper around the __builtin__.__import__method. Or you could play with the NullImporter hook from the imp module. Catching the exception and Mock your module/class in the except-block.

Pointer to the relevant docs:

docs.python.org: __import__

Accessing Import internals with the imp Module

I hope this helps. Be HIGHLY adviced that you step into the more arcane perimeters of python programming and that a) solid understanding what you really want to achieve and b)thorough understanding of the implications is important.





import a_ridiculously_long_module_name

…因此具有别名“ short_name”。

In Python, is it possible to define an alias for an imported module?

For instance:

import a_ridiculously_long_module_name

…so that is has an alias of ‘short_name’.

回答 0

import a_ridiculously_long_module_name as short_name


import module.submodule.subsubmodule as short_name
import a_ridiculously_long_module_name as short_name

also works for

import module.submodule.subsubmodule as short_name

回答 1


import module as name


from relative_module import identifier as name

Check here

import module as name


from relative_module import identifier as name

回答 2


import long_module_name


lmn = long_module_name


If you’ve done:

import long_module_name

you can also give it an alias by:

lmn = long_module_name

There’s no reason to do it this way in code, but I sometimes find it useful in the interactive interpreter.

回答 3


import math as ilovemaths # here math module is imported under an alias name
print(ilovemaths.sqrt(4))  # Using the sqrt() function

Yes, modules can be imported under an alias name. using as keyword. See

import math as ilovemaths # here math module is imported under an alias name
print(ilovemaths.sqrt(4))  # Using the sqrt() function

回答 4



我应该使用`import os.path`还是`import os`?

问题:我应该使用`import os.path`还是`import os`?


# Should I always import it explicitly?
import os.path


# Is importing os enough?
import os

请不要回答“ os为我导入作品”。我知道,它现在也对我有效(自python 2.6起)。我想知道的是有关此问题的任何官方建议。因此,如果您回答这个问题,请发表您的参考资料

According to the official documentation, os.path is a module. Thus, what is the preferred way of importing it?

# Should I always import it explicitly?
import os.path


# Is importing os enough?
import os

Please DON’T answer “importing os works for me”. I know, it works for me too right now (as of Python 2.6). What I want to know is any official recommendation about this issue. So, if you answer this question, please post your references.

回答 0


  • Python启动时,会将一堆模块加载到中sys.modules。它们没有绑定到脚本中的任何名称,但是以某种方式导入它们时,您可以访问已创建的模块。

    • sys.modules是在其中缓存模块的命令。导入模块时,如果已经将其导入到某处,则它将实例存储在中sys.modules
  • os是Python启动时加载的模块之一。它将其path属性分配给特定于os的路径模块。

  • 它会注入,sys.modules['os.path'] = path以便您可以像对待import os.path子模块一样进行“ ”操作。

我倾向于将其os.path看作是我要使用os模块,而不是模块中的任何东西,因此,即使它实际上不是被称为包的子模块os,我也可以像导入一个一样来导入它,并且我总是这样做import os.path。这与os.path记录方式一致。


  1. 如果您将其os视为一个包并且知道可以执行import os并有权访问该子模块os.path,则稍后可能会感到惊讶,因为您无法执行import twisted并且twisted.spread无需导入即可自动访问。

  2. 令人困惑的是,这os.name是正常现象,字符串和os.path模块。我总是用空__init__.py文件来构造我的包,以便在同一级别上我总是有一种类型的东西:模块/包或其他东西。几个大型的Python项目都采用这种方法,这往往会使代码更加结构化。

os.path works in a funny way. It looks like os should be a package with a submodule path, but in reality os is a normal module that does magic with sys.modules to inject os.path. Here’s what happens:

  • When Python starts up, it loads a bunch of modules into sys.modules. They aren’t bound to any names in your script, but you can access the already-created modules when you import them in some way.

    • sys.modules is a dict in which modules are cached. When you import a module, if it already has been imported somewhere, it gets the instance stored in sys.modules.
  • os is among the modules that are loaded when Python starts up. It assigns its path attribute to an os-specific path module.

  • It injects sys.modules['os.path'] = path so that you’re able to do “import os.path” as though it was a submodule.

I tend to think of os.path as a module I want to use rather than a thing in the os module, so even though it’s not really a submodule of a package called os, I import it sort of like it is one and I always do import os.path. This is consistent with how os.path is documented.

Incidentally, this sort of structure leads to a lot of Python programmers’ early confusion about modules and packages and code organization, I think. This is really for two reasons

  1. If you think of os as a package and know that you can do import os and have access to the submodule os.path, you may be surprised later when you can’t do import twisted and automatically access twisted.spread without importing it.

  2. It is confusing that os.name is a normal thing, a string, and os.path is a module. I always structure my packages with empty __init__.py files so that at the same level I always have one type of thing: a module/package or other stuff. Several big Python projects take this approach, which tends to make more structured code.

回答 1

根据蒂姆·彼得斯(Tim Peters)撰写的PEP-20,“显式胜于隐式”和“可读性”。如果您需要从os模块中获得的全部在之下os.pathimport os.path则会更加明确,并让其他人知道您真正关心的是什么。

同样,PEP-20也说“简单胜于复杂”,因此,如果您还需要一些更笼统的资料osimport os则首选。

As per PEP-20 by Tim Peters, “Explicit is better than implicit” and “Readability counts”. If all you need from the os module is under os.path, import os.path would be more explicit and let others know what you really care about.

Likewise, PEP-20 also says “Simple is better than complex”, so if you also need stuff that resides under the more-general os umbrella, import os would be preferred.

回答 2

最终答案:import os并使用os.path。不要import os.path直接。


>>> import os
>>> help(os.path)
Instead of importing this module directly, import os and refer to
this module as os.path.  The "os.path" name is an alias for this
module on Posix systems; on other systems (e.g. Mac, Windows),
os.path provides the same operations in a manner specific to that
platform, and is an alias to another module (e.g. macpath, ntpath).

Definitive answer: import os and use os.path. do not import os.path directly.

From the documentation of the module itself:

>>> import os
>>> help(os.path)
Instead of importing this module directly, import os and refer to
this module as os.path.  The "os.path" name is an alias for this
module on Posix systems; on other systems (e.g. Mac, Windows),
os.path provides the same operations in a manner specific to that
platform, and is an alias to another module (e.g. macpath, ntpath).

回答 3


import os.path



对于某些模块,说import foo不会暴露foo.bar,所以我猜它确实取决于特定模块的设计。


import os.path 7.54285810068e-06

import os 9.21904878972e-06

这些时间非常接近,可以忽略不计。您的程序可能os现在或以后需要使用其他模块,因此通常只牺牲两个微秒并import os在以后避免该错误就可以了。我通常只将os整体导入,但是可以看到为什么有些人希望import os.path从技术上提高效率,并向代码读者传达这是os需要使用的模块的唯一部分。在我看来,它本质上可以归结为样式问题。

Interestingly enough, importing os.path will import all of os. try the following in the interactive prompt:

import os.path

The result will be the same as if you just imported os. This is because os.path will refer to a different module based on which operating system you have, so python will import os to determine which module to load for path.


With some modules, saying import foo will not expose foo.bar, so I guess it really depends the design of the specific module.

In general, just importing the explicit modules you need should be marginally faster. On my machine:

import os.path: 7.54285810068e-06 seconds

import os: 9.21904878972e-06 seconds

These times are close enough to be fairly negligible. Your program may need to use other modules from os either now or at a later time, so usually it makes sense just to sacrifice the two microseconds and use import os to avoid this error at a later time. I usually side with just importing os as a whole, but can see why some would prefer import os.path to technically be more efficient and convey to readers of the code that that is the only part of the os module that will need to be used. It essentially boils down to a style question in my mind.

回答 4


  • 如果要在os模块中使用功能,请导入os

  • 如果要在os.path模块中使用功能,请导入os.path

  • 如果要在两个模块中使用功能,则导入两个模块:

    import os
    import os.path


Common sense works here: os is a module, and os.path is a module, too. So just import the module you want to use:

  • If you want to use functionalities in the os module, then import os.

  • If you want to use functionalities in the os.path module, then import os.path.

  • If you want to use functionalities in both modules, then import both modules:

    import os
    import os.path

For reference:

回答 5


Couldn’t find any definitive reference, but I see that the example code for os.walk uses os.path but only imports os





I want to inherit from a class in a file that lies in a directory above the current one.

Is it possible to relatively import that file?

回答 0

from ..subpkg2 import mod

根据Python文档:在包层次结构中,请使用两个点,如import语句 doc所述:

指定要导入的模块时,不必指定模块的绝对名称。当一个模块或程序包包含在另一个程序包中时,可以在同一顶部程序包中进行相对导入,而不必提及程序包名称。之后,通过在指定的模块或程序包中使用前导点,from可以指定在不指定确切名称的情况下遍历当前程序包层次结构的高度。一个前导点表示进行导入的模块所在的当前包。两点表示一个包装级别。三个点在两个级别上,依此类推。因此,如果from . import modpkg包中的模块执行,则最终将导入pkg.mod。如果from ..subpkg2 import mod从内部执行,pkg.subpkg1则将导入pkg.subpkg2.mod。相对进口的规范包含在PEP 328中

PEP 328处理绝对/相对进口。

from ..subpkg2 import mod

Per the Python docs: When inside a package hierarchy, use two dots, as the import statement doc says:

When specifying what module to import you do not have to specify the absolute name of the module. When a module or package is contained within another package it is possible to make a relative import within the same top package without having to mention the package name. By using leading dots in the specified module or package after from you can specify how high to traverse up the current package hierarchy without specifying exact names. One leading dot means the current package where the module making the import exists. Two dots means up one package level. Three dots is up two levels, etc. So if you execute from . import mod from a module in the pkg package then you will end up importing pkg.mod. If you execute from ..subpkg2 import mod from within pkg.subpkg1 you will import pkg.subpkg2.mod. The specification for relative imports is contained within PEP 328.

PEP 328 deals with absolute/relative imports.

回答 1

import sys
sys.path.append("..") # Adds higher directory to python modules path.
import sys
sys.path.append("..") # Adds higher directory to python modules path.

回答 2

如果您可以保证他提到的软件包层次结构, @gimel的答案是正确的。如果您不能-如果您的真正需要如您所表达的那样,完全与目录绑定,并且与打包没有任何必要的关系-那么您需要__file__继续寻找父目录(几个os.path.dirname调用即可; – ),然后(如果该目录尚未上sys.path)预先准备暂时插入说,在非常的启动目录sys.path__import__,除去上述再DIR -事实上杂乱的工作,但是,“当你必须,你必须”(和Pyhon努力永不停止程序员做必须做的事情做的事情-就像ISO C标准在其序言中“ C的精神”部分中所说!!)。


import sys
import os.path
    os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)))

import module_in_parent_dir

@gimel’s answer is correct if you can guarantee the package hierarchy he mentions. If you can’t — if your real need is as you expressed it, exclusively tied to directories and without any necessary relationship to packaging — then you need to work on __file__ to find out the parent directory (a couple of os.path.dirname calls will do;-), then (if that directory is not already on sys.path) prepend temporarily insert said dir at the very start of sys.path, __import__, remove said dir again — messy work indeed, but, “when you must, you must” (and Pyhon strives to never stop the programmer from doing what must be done — just like the ISO C standard says in the “Spirit of C” section in its preface!-).

Here is an example that may work for you:

import sys
import os.path
    os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)))

import module_in_parent_dir

回答 3


from .. import module

Import module from a directory which is exactly one level above the current directory:

from .. import module

回答 4





这就是为什么我们编写import foo从根命名空间加载模块“ foo”而不是编写的原因:

foo = dict();  # please avoid doing this
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../foo.py') as foo_fh:  # please avoid doing this
    exec(compile(foo_fh.read(), 'foo.py', 'exec'), foo)  # please avoid doing this



与文件系统脱钩,可以灵活地进行导入,该设计允许从存档/ zip文件导入,导入单例,字节码缓存,cffi扩展,甚至远程代码定义加载。




import importlib.util
import sys

# For illustrative purposes.
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../foo.py')
module_name = 'foo'

foo_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, file_path)
# foo_spec is a ModuleSpec specifying a SourceFileLoader
foo_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(foo_spec)
sys.modules[module_name] = foo_module

foo = sys.modules[module_name]
# foo is the sys.modules['foo'] singleton



python软件包是有关您的源代码的信息的集合,该软件包可以告知其他工具如何将您的源代码复制到其他计算机,以及如何将源代码集成到该系统的路径中,从而import foo适用于其他计算机(无论解释器,主机操作系统等)



    foo.py  # `if __name__ == "__main__":`  lives here

我的首选是创建setup.py与的兄弟姐妹foo.py,因为它使setup.py文件的编写更加简单,但是您可以编写配置来更改/重定向setuptools默认情况下愿意做的一切;例如放在foo.py“ src /”目录下比较流行,这里不做介绍。


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# setup.py

import setuptools


python3 -m pip install --editable ./  # or path/to/some_directory/

“可编辑” -e又将再次重定向导入机制,以将源文件加载到此目录中,而不是将当前的确切文件复制到安装环境的库中。这也可能导致开发人员机器上的行为差异,请务必测试您的代码!除了pip之外,还有其他工具,但是我建议您将pip用作入门工具:)

我还想制作foo一个“包”(包含的目录__init__.py)而不是一个模块(一个“ .py”文件),“包”和“模块”都可以加载到根命名空间中,模块允许嵌套命名空间,如果我们要进行“相对一个目录向上”导入,这将很有帮助。


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# setup.py

import setuptools


我也喜欢做一个foo/__main__.py,这允许python将包作为模块python3 -m foo执行,例如将foo/__main__.py作为__main__

        __main__.py  # `if __name__ == "__main__":`  lives here, `def main():` too!

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# setup.py

import setuptools

        'console_scripts': [
            # "foo" will be added to the installing-environment's text mode shell, eg `bash -c foo`


    bar.py           # `import bar`
        __init__.py  # `import foo`
        baz.py       # `import foo.baz
            __init__.py  # `import foo.spam`
            eggs.py      # `import foo.spam.eggs`

setup.py 按照惯例,其中包含有关源代码的元数据信息,例如:

  • 安装名为“ install_requires”所需的依赖项
  • 软件包管理应使用什么名称(安装/卸载“名称”),在我们的案例中,建议与主python软件包名称匹配 foo,,尽管用下划线代替连字符很普遍
  • 许可信息
  • 成熟度标签(alpha / beta / etc),
  • 受众标签(用于开发人员,用于机器学习等),
  • 单页文档内容(如自述文件),
  • 外壳程序名称(您在用户外壳程序上键入的名称(如bash)或在图形用户外壳程序中找到的名称(如开始菜单)),
  • 该软件包将安装(和卸载)的python模块列表
  • 实际的“运行测试”入口点 python ./setup.py test


如果要发布构建工件(例如,旨在运行几乎相同的计算机的代码副本),则requests.txt文件是用于快照确切的依赖项信息的一种流行方法,其中“ install_requires”是捕获最小数量和最小数量的好方法。最高兼容版本。但是,无论如何目标计算机几乎都是相同的,我强烈建议创建一个完整的python前缀的tarball。这可能很棘手,太详细了,无法在此处介绍。签出pip install--target签选项,或virtualenv aka venv寻找线索。



在foo / spam / eggs.py中,如果需要foo / baz中的代码,我们可以通过其绝对命名空间来请求它:

import foo.baz


import ..baz

How to load a module that is a directory up

preface: I did a substantial rewrite of a previous answer with the hopes of helping ease people into python’s ecosystem, and hopefully give everyone the best change of success with python’s import system.

This will cover relative imports within a package, which I think is the most probable case to OP’s question.

Python is a modular system

This is why we write import foo to load a module “foo” from the root namespace, instead of writing:

foo = dict();  # please avoid doing this
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../foo.py') as foo_fh:  # please avoid doing this
    exec(compile(foo_fh.read(), 'foo.py', 'exec'), foo)  # please avoid doing this

Python isn’t coupled to a file-system

This is why we can embed python in environment where there isn’t a defacto filesystem without providing a virtual one, such as Jython.

Being decoupled from a filesystem lets imports be flexible, this design allows for things like imports from archive/zip files, import singletons, bytecode caching, cffi extensions, even remote code definition loading.

So if imports are not coupled to a filesystem what does “one directory up” mean? We have to pick out some heuristics but we can do that, for example when working within a package, some heuristics have already been defined that makes relative imports like .foo and ..foo work within the same package. Cool!

If you sincerely want to couple your source code loading patterns to a filesystem, you can do that. You’ll have to choose your own heuristics, and use some kind of importing machinery, I recommend importlib

Python’s importlib example looks something like so:

import importlib.util
import sys

# For illustrative purposes.
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../foo.py')
module_name = 'foo'

foo_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, file_path)
# foo_spec is a ModuleSpec specifying a SourceFileLoader
foo_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(foo_spec)
sys.modules[module_name] = foo_module

foo = sys.modules[module_name]
# foo is the sys.modules['foo'] singleton


There is a great example project available officially here: https://github.com/pypa/sampleproject

A python package is a collection of information about your source code, that can inform other tools how to copy your source code to other computers, and how to integrate your source code into that system’s path so that import foo works for other computers (regardless of interpreter, host operating system, etc)

Directory Structure

Lets have a package name foo, in some directory (preferably an empty directory).

    foo.py  # `if __name__ == "__main__":`  lives here

My preference is to create setup.py as sibling to foo.py, because it makes writing the setup.py file simpler, however you can write configuration to change/redirect everything setuptools does by default if you like; for example putting foo.py under a “src/” directory is somewhat popular, not covered here.



#!/usr/bin/env python3
# setup.py

import setuptools



python3 -m pip install --editable ./  # or path/to/some_directory/

“editable” aka -e will yet-again redirect the importing machinery to load the source files in this directory, instead copying the current exact files to the installing-environment’s library. This can also cause behavioral differences on a developer’s machine, be sure to test your code! There are tools other than pip, however I’d recommend pip be the introductory one :)

I also like to make foo a “package” (a directory containing __init__.py) instead of a module (a single “.py” file), both “packages” and “modules” can be loaded into the root namespace, modules allow for nested namespaces, which is helpful if we want to have a “relative one directory up” import.



#!/usr/bin/env python3
# setup.py

import setuptools


I also like to make a foo/__main__.py, this allows python to execute the package as a module, eg python3 -m foo will execute foo/__main__.py as __main__.

        __main__.py  # `if __name__ == "__main__":`  lives here, `def main():` too!


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# setup.py

import setuptools

        'console_scripts': [
            # "foo" will be added to the installing-environment's text mode shell, eg `bash -c foo`

Lets flesh this out with some more modules: Basically, you can have a directory structure like so:

    bar.py           # `import bar`
        __init__.py  # `import foo`
        baz.py       # `import foo.baz
            __init__.py  # `import foo.spam`
            eggs.py      # `import foo.spam.eggs`

setup.py conventionally holds metadata information about the source code within, such as:

  • what dependencies are needed to install named “install_requires”
  • what name should be used for package management (install/uninstall “name”), I suggest this match your primary python package name in our case foo, though substituting underscores for hyphens is popular
  • licensing information
  • maturity tags (alpha/beta/etc),
  • audience tags (for developers, for machine learning, etc),
  • single-page documentation content (like a README),
  • shell names (names you type at user shell like bash, or names you find in a graphical user shell like a start menu),
  • a list of python modules this package will install (and uninstall)
  • a defacto “run tests” entry point python ./setup.py test

Its very expansive, it can even compile c extensions on the fly if a source module is being installed on a development machine. For a every-day example I recommend the PYPA Sample Repository’s setup.py

If you are releasing a build artifact, eg a copy of the code that is meant to run nearly identical computers, a requirements.txt file is a popular way to snapshot exact dependency information, where “install_requires” is a good way to capture minimum and maximum compatible versions. However, given that the target machines are nearly identical anyway, I highly recommend creating a tarball of an entire python prefix. This can be tricky, too detailed to get into here. Check out pip install‘s --target option, or virtualenv aka venv for leads.

back to the example

how to import a file one directory up:

From foo/spam/eggs.py, if we wanted code from foo/baz we could ask for it by its absolute namespace:

import foo.baz

If we wanted to reserve capability to move eggs.py into some other directory in the future with some other relative baz implementation, we could use a relative import like:

import ..baz

回答 5




已安装的模块始终可以通过以下方式从顶级命名空间加载: import <name>

这里有一个很好的示例项目正式可用:https : //github.com/pypa/sampleproject



    bar.py           # `import bar`
      __init__.py    # `import foo`

      baz.py         # `import foo.baz`

      faz/           # `import foo.faz`
        daz.py       # `import foo.faz.daz` ... etc.





#!/usr/bin/env python3

import setuptools

        # Note, any changes to your setup.py, like adding to `packages`, or
        # changing `entry_points` will require the module to be reinstalled;
        # `python3 -m pip install --upgrade --editable ./the_foo_project


python3 -m pip install --editable=./the_foo_project

# if you get a permission error, you can always use 
# `pip ... --user` to install in your user python library



#!/usr/bin/env python3

import bar
import foo


Python is a modular system

Python doesn’t rely on a file system

To load python code reliably, have that code in a module, and that module installed in python’s library.

Installed modules can always be loaded from the top level namespace with import <name>

There is a great sample project available officially here: https://github.com/pypa/sampleproject

Basically, you can have a directory structure like so:


    bar.py           # `import bar`
      __init__.py    # `import foo`

      baz.py         # `import foo.baz`

      faz/           # `import foo.faz`
        daz.py       # `import foo.faz.daz` ... etc.


Be sure to declare your setuptools.setup() in setup.py,

official example: https://github.com/pypa/sampleproject/blob/master/setup.py

In our case we probably want to export bar.py and foo/__init__.py, my brief example:


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import setuptools

        # Note, any changes to your setup.py, like adding to `packages`, or
        # changing `entry_points` will require the module to be reinstalled;
        # `python3 -m pip install --upgrade --editable ./the_foo_project


Now we can install our module into the python library; with pip, you can install the_foo_project into your python library in edit mode, so we can work on it in real time

python3 -m pip install --editable=./the_foo_project

# if you get a permission error, you can always use 
# `pip ... --user` to install in your user python library


Now from any python context, we can load our shared py_modules and packages


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import bar
import foo
