


What’s the easiest way to do a case-insensitive string replacement in Python?

回答 0


>>> import re
>>> insensitive_hippo = re.compile(re.escape('hippo'), re.IGNORECASE)
>>> insensitive_hippo.sub('giraffe', 'I want a hIPpo for my birthday')
'I want a giraffe for my birthday'

The string type doesn’t support this. You’re probably best off using the regular expression sub method with the re.IGNORECASE option.

>>> import re
>>> insensitive_hippo = re.compile(re.escape('hippo'), re.IGNORECASE)
>>> insensitive_hippo.sub('giraffe', 'I want a hIPpo for my birthday')
'I want a giraffe for my birthday'

回答 1

import re
pattern = re.compile("hello", re.IGNORECASE)
pattern.sub("bye", "hello HeLLo HELLO")
# 'bye bye bye'
import re
pattern = re.compile("hello", re.IGNORECASE)
pattern.sub("bye", "hello HeLLo HELLO")
# 'bye bye bye'

回答 2


import re
re.sub("(?i)hello","bye", "hello HeLLo HELLO") #'bye bye bye'
re.sub("(?i)he\.llo","bye", "he.llo He.LLo HE.LLO") #'bye bye bye'


import re
re.sub("hello", "bye", "hello HeLLo HELLO", flags=re.I) #'bye bye bye'
re.sub("he\.llo", "bye", "he.llo He.LLo HE.LLO", flags=re.I) #'bye bye bye'

In a single line:

import re
re.sub("(?i)hello","bye", "hello HeLLo HELLO") #'bye bye bye'
re.sub("(?i)he\.llo","bye", "he.llo He.LLo HE.LLO") #'bye bye bye'

Or, use the optional “flags” argument:

import re
re.sub("hello", "bye", "hello HeLLo HELLO", flags=re.I) #'bye bye bye'
re.sub("he\.llo", "bye", "he.llo He.LLo HE.LLO", flags=re.I) #'bye bye bye'

回答 3


def ireplace(old, new, text):
    idx = 0
    while idx < len(text):
        index_l = text.lower().find(old.lower(), idx)
        if index_l == -1:
            return text
        text = text[:index_l] + new + text[index_l + len(old):]
        idx = index_l + len(new) 
    return text

Continuing on bFloch’s answer, this function will change not one, but all occurrences of old with new – in a case insensitive fashion.

def ireplace(old, new, text):
    idx = 0
    while idx < len(text):
        index_l = text.lower().find(old.lower(), idx)
        if index_l == -1:
            return text
        text = text[:index_l] + new + text[index_l + len(old):]
        idx = index_l + len(new) 
    return text

回答 4

就像布莱尔·康拉德(Blair Conrad)所说的那样,string.replace不支持这一点。

使用regex re.sub,但请记住先转义替换字符串。请注意,在2.6中没有for的flags-option re.sub,因此您必须使用Embedded修饰符'(?i)'(或RE对象,请参阅Blair Conrad的答案)。另外,另一个陷阱是,如果给出了字符串,sub将在替换文本中处理反斜杠转义。为了避免这种情况,可以传入lambda。


import re
def ireplace(old, repl, text):
    return re.sub('(?i)'+re.escape(old), lambda m: repl, text)

>>> ireplace('hippo?', 'giraffe!?', 'You want a hiPPO?')
'You want a giraffe!?'
>>> ireplace(r'[binfolder]', r'C:\Temp\bin', r'[BinFolder]\test.exe')

Like Blair Conrad says string.replace doesn’t support this.

Use the regex re.sub, but remember to escape the replacement string first. Note that there’s no flags-option in 2.6 for re.sub, so you’ll have to use the embedded modifier '(?i)' (or a RE-object, see Blair Conrad’s answer). Also, another pitfall is that sub will process backslash escapes in the replacement text, if a string is given. To avoid this one can instead pass in a lambda.

Here’s a function:

import re
def ireplace(old, repl, text):
    return re.sub('(?i)'+re.escape(old), lambda m: repl, text)

>>> ireplace('hippo?', 'giraffe!?', 'You want a hiPPO?')
'You want a giraffe!?'
>>> ireplace(r'[binfolder]', r'C:\Temp\bin', r'[BinFolder]\test.exe')

回答 5


def replace_all(pattern, repl, string) -> str:
   occurences = re.findall(pattern, string, re.IGNORECASE)
   for occurence in occurences:
       string = string.replace(occurence, repl)
       return string

This function uses both the str.replace() and re.findall() functions. It will replace all occurences of pattern in string with repl in a case-insensitive way.

def replace_all(pattern, repl, string) -> str:
   occurences = re.findall(pattern, string, re.IGNORECASE)
   for occurence in occurences:
       string = string.replace(occurence, repl)
       return string

回答 6


def ireplace(old, new, text):
    Replace case insensitive
    Raises ValueError if string not found
    index_l = text.lower().index(old.lower())
    return text[:index_l] + new + text[index_l + len(old):] 

This doesn’t require RegularExp

def ireplace(old, new, text):
    Replace case insensitive
    Raises ValueError if string not found
    index_l = text.lower().index(old.lower())
    return text[:index_l] + new + text[index_l + len(old):] 

回答 7


在Win32上的Python 3.7.2(tags / v3.7.2:9a3ffc0492,2018年12月23日,23:09:28)[MSC v.1916 64位(AMD64)]

import re
old = "TREEROOT treeroot TREerOot"
re.sub(r'(?i)treeroot', 'grassroot', old)


re.sub(r'treeroot', 'grassroot', old)


re.sub(r'treeroot', 'grassroot', old, flags=re.I)


re.sub(r'treeroot', 'grassroot', old, re.I)


因此,match表达式中的(?i)前缀或添加“ flags = re.I”作为第四个参数将导致不区分大小写的匹配。但是,仅使用“ re.I”作为第四个参数不会导致不区分大小写的匹配。


re.findall(r'treeroot', old, re.I)


re.findall(r'treeroot', old)


An interesting observation about syntax details and options:

Python 3.7.2 (tags/v3.7.2:9a3ffc0492, Dec 23 2018, 23:09:28) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

import re
old = "TREEROOT treeroot TREerOot"
re.sub(r'(?i)treeroot', 'grassroot', old)

‘grassroot grassroot grassroot’

re.sub(r'treeroot', 'grassroot', old)

‘TREEROOT grassroot TREerOot’

re.sub(r'treeroot', 'grassroot', old, flags=re.I)

‘grassroot grassroot grassroot’

re.sub(r'treeroot', 'grassroot', old, re.I)

‘TREEROOT grassroot TREerOot’

So the (?i) prefix in the match expression or adding “flags=re.I” as a fourth argument will result in a case-insensitive match. BUT, using just “re.I” as the fourth argument does not result in case-insensitive match.

For comparison,

re.findall(r'treeroot', old, re.I)

[‘TREEROOT’, ‘treeroot’, ‘TREerOot’]

re.findall(r'treeroot', old)


回答 8

我正在将\ t转换为转义序列(向下滚动),因此我注意到re.sub将反斜杠的转义字符转换为转义序列。



import re
    def ireplace(findtxt, replacetxt, data):
        return replacetxt.join(  re.compile(findtxt, flags=re.I).split(data)  )

另外,如果您希望将其替换为转义字符,例如此处的其他答案,这些特殊含义是将bashslash字符转换为转义序列,则只需对您的查找和解码,或替换字符串即可。在Python 3中,可能必须执行类似.decode(“ unicode_escape”)#python3的操作

findtxt = findtxt.decode('string_escape') # python2
replacetxt = replacetxt.decode('string_escape') # python2
data = ireplace(findtxt, replacetxt, data)

在Python 2.7.8中测试


I was having \t being converted to the escape sequences (scroll a bit down), so I noted that re.sub converts backslashed escaped characters to escape sequences.

To prevent that I wrote the following:

Replace case insensitive.

import re
    def ireplace(findtxt, replacetxt, data):
        return replacetxt.join(  re.compile(findtxt, flags=re.I).split(data)  )

Also, if you want it to replace with the escape characters, like the other answers here that are getting the special meaning bashslash characters converted to escape sequences, just decode your find and, or replace string. In Python 3, might have to do something like .decode(“unicode_escape”) # python3

findtxt = findtxt.decode('string_escape') # python2
replacetxt = replacetxt.decode('string_escape') # python2
data = ireplace(findtxt, replacetxt, data)

Tested in Python 2.7.8

Hope that helps.

回答 9

之前从未发布过答案,并且该线程确实很旧,但是我想出了另一种解决方案,并认为我可以得到您的回应,我在Python编程中经验不足,因此,如果它有明显的缺点,请指出来,因为它的良好学习是: )

i='I want a hIPpo for my birthday'

for w in o:

never posted an answer before and this thread is really old but i came up with another sollution and figured i could get your respons, Im not seasoned in Python programming so if there are appearant drawbacks to it, please point them out since its good learning :)

i='I want a hIPpo for my birthday'

for w in o: