

我使用该--no-site-packages选项创建了virtualenv 并安装了许多库。现在,我想还原该--no-site-packages选项并使用全局包。





I have created a virtualenv using the --no-site-packages option and installed lots of libraries. Now I would like to revert the --no-site-packages option and use also the global packages.

Can I do that without recreating the virtualenv?

More precisely:

I wonder what exactly happens when creating a virtualenv using the --no-site-packages option as opposed to not using that option.

If I know what happens then I can figure out how to undo it.

回答 0



$ rm venv/lib/python3.4/no-global-site-packages.txt


$ touch venv/lib/python3.4/no-global-site-packages.txt


Try removing (or renaming) the file no-global-site-packages.txt in your Lib folder under your virtual environment.

Where venv is the name of your virtual environment, and python3.4 corresponds to whichever version of python involved, for example:

$ rm venv/lib/python3.4/no-global-site-packages.txt

And if you change your mind and want to put it back:

$ touch venv/lib/python3.4/no-global-site-packages.txt

Note: If you don’t see the above file, then you have a newer version of virtualenv. You’ll want to follow this answer instead

回答 1

至少对于Python 3.5.2,pyvenv.cfg在virtualenv目录的根目录中有一个文件。您需要做的就是将include-system-site-packages标志从更改falsetrue

home = /usr/bin
include-system-site-packages = false  # <- change this to "true"
version = 3.5.2

At least for Python 3.5.2, there is pyvenv.cfg file in the root of virtualenv directory. All you need to do is to change include-system-site-packages flag from false to true:

home = /usr/bin
include-system-site-packages = false  # <- change this to "true"
version = 3.5.2

回答 2


When using virtualenvwrapper to manage virtualenvs, you can use the shell function toggleglobalsitepackages to switch between using and not using site packages.

回答 3


Try adding a symlink between /virtualenv_root/lib/ and /path/to/desired/site-packages/

回答 4


您会看到一个布尔设置,名为 include-system-site-packages



Go to your venv folder and open pyvenv.cfg. (E.g. if your virtual environment is called myenv then the file will be located at myenv\pyvenv.cfg)

You’ll see a boolean setting called include-system-site-packages

Set that setting to true to use global packages

If you want to disable using global packages, just set that setting to false instead.