

是的,这与编程有关,在您下结论之前。它涵盖了一种情况,“在那儿,但为了神的恩典,去你我吧。” 这对我来说是全新的领域,因此我在这里寻求一些认真的帮助。

高中毕业后的一个年轻人,洪萨里帕(Honza Ripa)在高中毕业后的两周里做了经典的愚蠢的事情-他潜入俄罗斯河的浅水区,并经历了C-4 / C-5中断,有时称为游泳。池休息。在短短的几秒钟内,他从一位杰出的高尔夫球手和摔跤手变成了四肢瘫痪的人。(读这个故事……我们所有人都应该很幸运能够拥有像Brianna这样的女朋友。)那是10个月前的事,他只恢复了对食指和另外两只手的少量控制/脚部动作,没有一个细粒度的。

他可以通过语音命令完全控制他的计算机(当前运行Win7,但我们可以根据需要进行更改)。洪za不傻 他的AP数学和物理平均分达到3.7。


  1. 由于他所有的输入都是通过语音命令进行的,因此他担心编程中特殊字符的占主导地位将需要大量的冗长命令。有谁知道专门为程序员设计的出色语音输入系统?我正在考虑某种可能是模态的东西-例如,您说“ Python输入”,并且它进入了用于进行类定义的宏模式,等等。鉴于程序员领域中的所有RSI,都必须有一些东西。它在什么操作系统上运行?

  2. 我正计划教他Python,这是我编程和教学的首选语言。是否有任何用Python编写的应用程序/工具,以及在支持他的智力支持他的残疾方面是否特别适合他?他表达的兴趣之一是对股票投资,但这可能不是一个崭新的程序员的良好起点。

  3. 许多环境(Flash,JavaScript等)对具有可访问性挑战的人不是特别友好。我隐约记得(但找不到)一个研究项目,该项目基本上在屏幕环境之上创建了一个覆盖系统,然后允许在屏幕图像之上构建宏命令。如果我们能够获得/培训该系统,我们也许可以消除使用网络的许多障碍。

  4. 我对寻找基于Python的开源机器人技术和机器人假体项目特别感兴趣,这样他就可以在学习解决自己的一些迫在眉睫的问题的同时,学习高级编程概念。



Before you jump to conclusions, yes, this is programming related. It covers a situation that comes under the heading of, “There, but for the grace of God, go you or I.” This is brand new territory for me so I’m asking for some serious help here.

A young man, Honza Ripa, in a nearby town did the classic Dumb Thing two weeks after graduating from High School — he dove into shallow water in the Russian River and had a C-4/C-5 break, sometimes called a Swimming Pool break. In a matter of seconds he went from an exceptional golfer and wrestler to a quadriplegic. (Read the story … all of us should have been so lucky as to have a girlfriend like Brianna.) That was 10 months ago and he has regained only tiny amounts of control of his right index finger and a couple of other hand/foot motions, none of them fine-grained.

His total control of his computer (currently running Win7, but we can change that as needed) is via voice command. Honza’s not dumb. He had a 3.7 GPA with AP math and physics.

The Problems:

  1. Since all of his input is via voice command, he is concerned that the predominance of special characters in programming will require vast amount of verbose commands. Does anyone know of any well done voice input system specifically designed for programmers? I’m thinking about something that might be modal–e.g. you say “Python input” and it goes into a macro mode for doing class definitions, etc. Given all of the RSI in programmer-land there’s got to be something out there. What OS(es) does it run on?

  2. I am planning on teaching him Python, which is my preferred language for programming and teaching. Are there any applications / whatevers that are written in Python and would be a particularly good match for engaging him mentally while supporting his disability? One of his expressed interests is in stock investing, but that not might be a good starting point for a brand-new programmer.

  3. There are a lot of environments (Flash, JavaScript, etc) that are not particularly friendly to people with accessibility challenges. I vaguely remember (but cannot find) a research project that basically created an overlay system on top of a screen environment and then allowed macro command construction on top of the screen image. If we can get/train this system, we may be able to remove many hurdles to using the net.

  4. I am particularly interested in finding open source Python-based robotics and robotic prostheses projects so that he can simultaneously learn advanced programming concepts while learning to solve some of his own immediate problems.

I’ve done a ton of googling on this, but I know there are things I’m missing. I’m asking the SO community to step up to the plate here. I know this group has the answers, so let me hear them! Overwhelm me with the opportunities that any of us might have/need to still program after such a life-changing event.

Update: I just registered computingforquads.org and I’ll be creating pages for all sorts of solutions to all sorts of problems. Thanks for you help so far and keep those answers coming!

回答 0


相反,我将emacs与Dragon NaturallySpeaking结合使用。我已经编写了宏和脚本来帮助实现它。该系统并不完美,但可以正常工作。我主要使用C ++进行编程,但我也使用python。






另外,如果您需要更多信息,我的电话是515 230 9363(美国,爱荷华州)。如果可以的话,我很乐意为您提供帮助

I have sports injuries, and I cannot type more than few characters without serious pain.

Instead, I use emacs together with Dragon NaturallySpeaking. I have written macros and scripts to help it get by. The system is not perfect, but it works. I program mostly in C++, but I also use python.

If you want to, I will help you with that. I have to warn you, it takes few months to get used to speech to text software and train it. moreover, I am not native English speaker, am sure that gets in the way

Do not despair, there are solutions.

here a link to emacs and Dragon files (unfortunately have not documented yet)



also, if you need more info, my number is 515 230 9363 (United States, Iowa). I will be glad to help you if I can

回答 1

值得一看的是Dasher Project,它使即使是严重残疾的人也可以合理快速地输入文本。Dasher建立在语言的概率模型上,因此更可能的语音更容易输入到系统中。该演示系统附带了相当令人印象深刻的自然语言集合。获得使用Python编写的大型程序主体,将主体装入Dasher并创建用于输入Python程序的专用版本应该很容易。

It’s worth looking at the Dasher Project, which makes it possible to enter text reasonably quickly even for the severly disabled. Dasher is built on a probabilistic model of languages, so that more likely utterances are easier to enter into the system. The demonstration system comes with a fairly impressive collection of natural languages. It should be easy to get a large corpus of programs written in Python, load Dasher with the corpus, and create a special-purpose version for entering Python programs.

回答 2

这不是任何专业软件的一部分,但是当我看到此内容时,我认为使用眼睛移动跟踪或最小限度的鼠标移动输入文本会很有用。请参阅Ken Perlin的“处理”页面,并查看“笔输入”的小程序。

This isn’t part of any professional software, but when I saw this, I’ve thought it would be good for text entry using eye movement tracking or minimal mouse movement. See Ken Perlin’s Processing page, and look at the applets for “pen input”.

回答 3


您可能还需要研究Natural Point。这是一只眼睛控制的鼠标,可能会对Honza有所帮助


I know someone in a village in India who is a paraplegic, who uses Dragon Speech to Text software to write on her computer. I don’t know how well suited it is for a programmer (she is not a programmer), but it’s a start.

You might also want to look into Natural Point. It’s an eye controlled mouse, which might help Honza

Hope this helps

回答 4




iPython with completion

On the python side, iPython shows parameters, functions, etc, and has command completion. Perhaps it could also be customized to respond to the various input devices as well?


回答 5


One thing that may help (i got it from this question) is http://shorttalk-emacs.sourceforge.net/ . It seems to be an interface between emacs and speech recognition. And regarding languages, i would recommend using Lua over Python. It has a more natural English flow to it.

回答 6



我自己的语音识别经验是,这些东西确实可以工作。我使用Windows内置的Windows 7(WSR)语音识别软件。我还使用了语音手指(http://voicefinger.cozendey.com/)来帮助移动鼠标指针。我要提到的一些关键点是:



语音字母。要充分利用打字模式,请学习语音字母:http : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_phonetic_alphabet 在使用任何形式的语音识别功能时,如果没有这一点,您将无法实现。



  1. 无鼠标浏览:https ://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/mouseless-browsing/ 这是一个简洁的小工具,具有许多配置选项,可将数字置于所有链接的旁边。然后,您可以输入这些数字来激活链接
  2. Vimperator:http : //vimperator.org/ 这比无鼠标浏览要走得更多。基本上,它为您提供了完整的vim,如控制Firefox。我发现这比无鼠标浏览更好,但是在更改默认Firefox行为的情况下可能会令人讨厌。


I know this question is quite old now. I wonder how things are going for Honza with respect to programming. It would be nice to hear back.

For what it’s worth, I suffer from RSI and now try to minimize use of the keyboard and especially the mouse.

My own experience of voice recognition is that this stuff DOES work. I use Windows’s inbuilt speech recognition software for Windows 7 (WSR). I’ve also used voice finger (http://voicefinger.cozendey.com/) to help move the mouse pointer. Some key points I would mention are:

Learn the shortcuts. You can do almost anything using shortcuts and speaking them works great using Voice Recognition when in “typing mode” (see below).

Use Typing mode. Unless you are dictating text this is great for speaking short cuts to the computer or for spelling weird words. Interestingly it is not a clearly “advertised” function of WSR.

Phonetic Alphabet. To make good use of typing mode learn the phonetic alphabet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_phonetic_alphabet You can’t realistically get by without this when using any form of speech recognition.

VIM. (or emacs I guess – not sure). Vim is a great for editing text without touching the mouse – ever. This makes it great for editing texts using WSR. I am only a VIM beginner myself but find it incredibly helpful.

Web browsing. In my experience web browsing is still an extremely difficult thing to do without a mouse. There are simply too many situations which require you to hover with the mouse in order to get to the underlying commands. This is a great shame. Nevertheless there are some really good Firefox plugins to help browsing without a mouse.

  1. Mouseless browsing: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/mouseless-browsing/ This is a neat little tool with lots of configuration options for putting numbers next to all links. You can then type these numbers to activate the link
  2. Vimperator: http://vimperator.org/ This goes quite a lot further than mouseless browsing. It basically gives you complete vim like control of firefox. I find this works better than mouseless browsing, but can be annoying in instances where it changes default Firefox behavious.

These are just my own personal experiences. It would be great to hear back about how Honza is getting on.