

我有一个看起来像的字符串,'%s in %s'并且我想知道如何分隔参数,以便它们是两个不同的%s。我来自Java的想法是这样的:

'%s in %s' % unicode(self.author),  unicode(self.publication)


I have a string that looks like '%s in %s' and I want to know how to seperate the arguments so that they are two different %s. My mind coming from Java came up with this:

'%s in %s' % unicode(self.author),  unicode(self.publication)

But this doesn’t work so how does it look in Python?

回答 0

马克·西达德(Mark Cidade)的答案是正确的-您需要提供一个元组。

但是从Python 2.6起,您可以使用format代替%

'{0} in {1}'.format(unicode(self.author,'utf-8'),  unicode(self.publication,'utf-8'))


这种字符串格式设置方法是Python 3.0中的新标准,应优先于新代码中“字符串格式设置操作”中描述的%格式设置。

Mark Cidade’s answer is right – you need to supply a tuple.

However from Python 2.6 onwards you can use format instead of %:

'{0} in {1}'.format(unicode(self.author,'utf-8'),  unicode(self.publication,'utf-8'))

Usage of % for formatting strings is no longer encouraged.

This method of string formatting is the new standard in Python 3.0, and should be preferred to the % formatting described in String Formatting Operations in new code.

回答 1


'%s in %s' % (unicode(self.author),  unicode(self.publication))


'%s in %s' % (unicode(self.author,'utf-8'),  unicode(self.publication('utf-8')))

从Python 3.0开始,最好改用以下str.format()语法:

'{0} in {1}'.format(unicode(self.author,'utf-8'),unicode(self.publication,'utf-8'))

If you’re using more than one argument it has to be in a tuple (note the extra parentheses):

'%s in %s' % (unicode(self.author),  unicode(self.publication))

As EOL points out, the unicode() function usually assumes ascii encoding as a default, so if you have non-ASCII characters, it’s safer to explicitly pass the encoding:

'%s in %s' % (unicode(self.author,'utf-8'),  unicode(self.publication('utf-8')))

And as of Python 3.0, it’s preferred to use the str.format() syntax instead:

'{0} in {1}'.format(unicode(self.author,'utf-8'),unicode(self.publication,'utf-8'))

回答 2

在元组/映射对象上有多个参数 format


给定的format % values中的%转换规范format将替换为的零个或多个元素values。效果类似于使用sprintf() C语言中的用法。

如果format需要单个参数,则值可以是单个非元组对象。否则,值必须是一个具有由formatstring 指定的项目数的元组或者是一个映射对象(例如,字典)。




str.format(*args, **kwargs)


此方法是Python 3.0中的新标准,应优先于%formatting




>>> '%s for %s' % ("tit", "tat")
tit for tat

>>> '{} and {}'.format("chicken", "waffles")
chicken and waffles

>>> '%(last)s, %(first)s %(last)s' % {'first': "James", 'last': "Bond"}
Bond, James Bond

>>> '{last}, {first} {last}'.format(first="James", last="Bond")
Bond, James Bond


On a tuple/mapping object for multiple argument format

The following is excerpt from the documentation:

Given format % values, % conversion specifications in format are replaced with zero or more elements of values. The effect is similar to the using sprintf() in the C language.

If format requires a single argument, values may be a single non-tuple object. Otherwise, values must be a tuple with exactly the number of items specified by the format string, or a single mapping object (for example, a dictionary).


On str.format instead of %

A newer alternative to % operator is to use str.format. Here’s an excerpt from the documentation:

str.format(*args, **kwargs)

Perform a string formatting operation. The string on which this method is called can contain literal text or replacement fields delimited by braces {}. Each replacement field contains either the numeric index of a positional argument, or the name of a keyword argument. Returns a copy of the string where each replacement field is replaced with the string value of the corresponding argument.

This method is the new standard in Python 3.0, and should be preferred to % formatting.



Here are some usage examples:

>>> '%s for %s' % ("tit", "tat")
tit for tat

>>> '{} and {}'.format("chicken", "waffles")
chicken and waffles

>>> '%(last)s, %(first)s %(last)s' % {'first': "James", 'last': "Bond"}
Bond, James Bond

>>> '{last}, {first} {last}'.format(first="James", last="Bond")
Bond, James Bond

See also

回答 3


'%s in %s' % (unicode(self.author),  unicode(self.publication))


注意:你应该有利于string formatting%符号。更多信息在这里

You must just put the values into parentheses:

'%s in %s' % (unicode(self.author),  unicode(self.publication))

Here, for the first %s the unicode(self.author) will be placed. And for the second %s, the unicode(self.publication) will be used.

Note: You should favor string formatting over the % Notation. More info here

回答 4


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
author = 'éric'
print '{0}'.format(unicode(author))


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 3, in <module>
    print '{0}'.format(unicode(author))
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

失败的原因是author不只包含ASCII字节(即[0; 127]中的值),并且unicode()默认情况下(在许多计算机上)从ASCII解码。


u'{0} in {1}'.format(unicode(self.author, 'utf-8'), unicode(self.publication, 'utf-8'))

(或不使用initial u,这取决于您要使用Unicode结果还是字节字符串)。

在这一点上,可能要考虑让authorand publication字段为Unicode字符串,而不是在格式化期间对其进行解码。

There is a significant problem with some of the answers posted so far: unicode() decodes from the default encoding, which is often ASCII; in fact, unicode() tries to make “sense” of the bytes it is given by converting them into characters. Thus, the following code, which is essentially what is recommended by previous answers, fails on my machine:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
author = 'éric'
print '{0}'.format(unicode(author))


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 3, in <module>
    print '{0}'.format(unicode(author))
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

The failure comes from the fact that author does not contain only ASCII bytes (i.e. with values in [0; 127]), and unicode() decodes from ASCII by default (on many machines).

A robust solution is to explicitly give the encoding used in your fields; taking UTF-8 as an example:

u'{0} in {1}'.format(unicode(self.author, 'utf-8'), unicode(self.publication, 'utf-8'))

(or without the initial u, depending on whether you want a Unicode result or a byte string).

At this point, one might want to consider having the author and publication fields be Unicode strings, instead of decoding them during formatting.

回答 5


'%(author)s in %(publication)s'%{'author':unicode(self.author),


Python2.6及更高版本支持 .format()

'{author} in {publication}'.format(author=self.author,

For python2 you can also do this

'%(author)s in %(publication)s'%{'author':unicode(self.author),

which is handy if you have a lot of arguments to substitute (particularly if you are doing internationalisation)

Python2.6 onwards supports .format()

'{author} in {publication}'.format(author=self.author,

回答 6

您还可以通过以下方式干净,简单地使用它(但是错误!因为您应该format像Mark Byers所说的那样使用):

print 'This is my %s formatted with %d arguments' % ('string', 2)

You could also use it clean and simple (but wrong! because you should use format like Mark Byers said) by doing:

print 'This is my %s formatted with %d arguments' % ('string', 2)

回答 7

为了完整起见,在PEP-498中引入了Python 3.6 f-string 。这些字符串可以



f'{self.author} in {self.publication}'

For completeness, in python 3.6 f-string are introduced in PEP-498. These strings make it possible to

embed expressions inside string literals, using a minimal syntax.

That would mean that for your example you could also use:

f'{self.author} in {self.publication}'