

是否有跨平台的途径来获取 temp Python 2.6中目录?

例如,在Linux /tmp下为XP,而在XP下为C:\Documents and settings\[user]\Application settings\Temp

Is there a cross-platform way of getting the path to the temp directory in Python 2.6?

For example, under Linux that would be /tmp, while under XP C:\Documents and settings\[user]\Application settings\Temp.

回答 0




import tempfile

print tempfile.gettempdir() # prints the current temporary directory

f = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
f.write('something on temporaryfile')
f.seek(0) # return to beginning of file
print f.read() # reads data back from the file
f.close() # temporary file is automatically deleted here


  1. TMPDIR环境变量命名的目录。
  2. TEMP环境变量命名的目录。
  3. TMP环境变量命名的目录。
  4. 特定于平台的位置:
    • RiscOS上,由Wimp$ScrapDir环境变量。
    • 的Windows,目录C:\TEMPC:\TMP\TEMP,并\TMP按此顺序。
    • 在所有其他平台,目录/tmp/var/tmp以及/usr/tmp在这个顺序。
  5. 不得已时使用当前工作目录。

That would be the tempfile module.

It has functions to get the temporary directory, and also has some shortcuts to create temporary files and directories in it, either named or unnamed.


import tempfile

print tempfile.gettempdir() # prints the current temporary directory

f = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
f.write('something on temporaryfile')
f.seek(0) # return to beginning of file
print f.read() # reads data back from the file
f.close() # temporary file is automatically deleted here

For completeness, here’s how it searches for the temporary directory, according to the documentation:

  1. The directory named by the TMPDIR environment variable.
  2. The directory named by the TEMP environment variable.
  3. The directory named by the TMP environment variable.
  4. A platform-specific location:
    • On RiscOS, the directory named by the Wimp$ScrapDir environment variable.
    • On Windows, the directories C:\TEMP, C:\TMP, \TEMP, and \TMP, in that order.
    • On all other platforms, the directories /tmp, /var/tmp, and /usr/tmp, in that order.
  5. As a last resort, the current working directory.

回答 1


print tempfile.gettempdir()





This should do what you want:

print tempfile.gettempdir()

For me on my Windows box, I get:


and on my Linux box I get:


回答 2


from pathlib import Path
import platform
import tempfile

tempdir = Path("/tmp" if platform.system() == "Darwin" else tempfile.gettempdir())

这是因为在MacOS,即达尔文,tempfile.gettempdir()os.getenv('TMPDIR')返回一个值,如'/var/folders/nj/269977hs0_96bttwj2gs_jhhp48z54/T'; 这是我并不总是想要的。

I use:

from pathlib import Path
import platform
import tempfile

tempdir = Path("/tmp" if platform.system() == "Darwin" else tempfile.gettempdir())

This is because on MacOS, i.e. Darwin, tempfile.gettempdir() and os.getenv('TMPDIR') return a value such as '/var/folders/nj/269977hs0_96bttwj2gs_jhhp48z54/T'; it is one that I do not always want.

回答 3

最简单的方法,基于@nosklo的注释和 答案

import tempfile
tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()


import os
from tempfile import gettempdir
tmp = os.path.join(gettempdir(), '.{}'.format(hash(os.times())))


from shutil import rmtree
rmtree(tmp, ignore_errors=True)

这类似于Google Chrome和Linux systemd这样的应用程序。他们只是使用较短的十六进制哈希值和特定于应用的前缀来“宣传”它们的存在。

The simplest way, based on @nosklo’s comment and answer:

import tempfile
tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()

But if you want to manually control the creation of the directories:

import os
from tempfile import gettempdir
tmp = os.path.join(gettempdir(), '.{}'.format(hash(os.times())))

That way you can easily clean up after yourself when you are done (for privacy, resources, security, whatever) with:

from shutil import rmtree
rmtree(tmp, ignore_errors=True)

This is similar to what applications like Google Chrome and Linux systemd do. They just use a shorter hex hash and an app-specific prefix to “advertise” their presence.