


hasattr(myObj, '__iter__')


Is there a method like isiterable? The only solution I have found so far is to call

hasattr(myObj, '__iter__')

But I am not sure how fool-proof this is.

回答 0


from collections.abc import Iterable   # drop `.abc` with Python 2.7 or lower

def iterable(obj):
    return isinstance(obj, Iterable)


def iterable(obj):
    except Exception:
        return False
        return True

我们也iter()为此目的在代码中使用了,但是最近我开始越来越多地被那些只__getitem__被认为是可迭代的对象而烦恼。有__getitem__一个不可迭代的对象有充分的理由,并且上面的代码不能与它们很好地配合。作为真实示例,我们可以使用Faker。上面的代码报告了它是可迭代的,但实际上尝试对其进行迭代会导致AttributeError(用Faker 4.0.2测试):

>>> from faker import Faker
>>> fake = Faker()
>>> iter(fake)    # No exception, must be iterable
<iterator object at 0x7f1c71db58d0>
>>> list(fake)    # Ooops
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/.../site-packages/faker/proxy.py", line 59, in __getitem__
    return self._factory_map[locale.replace('-', '_')]
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'replace'


>>> from collections.abc import Iterable
>>> from faker import Faker
>>> isinstance(Faker(), Iterable)

较早的答案评论说,使用iter()安全性更高,因为在Python中实现迭代的旧方法基于__getitem__isinstance()方法,而该方法无法检测到这一点。在旧的Python版本中可能确实如此,但是根据我相当详尽的测试,isinstance()如今可以很好地工作了。唯一isinstance()不起作用但起作用的情况iter()UserDict使用Python2。如果相关,则可以使用isinstance(item, (Iterable, UserDict))它进行覆盖。

I’ve been studying this problem quite a bit lately. Based on that my conclusion is that nowadays this is the best approach:

from collections.abc import Iterable   # drop `.abc` with Python 2.7 or lower

def iterable(obj):
    return isinstance(obj, Iterable)

The above has been recommended already earlier, but the general consensus has been that using iter() would be better:

def iterable(obj):
    except Exception:
        return False
        return True

We’ve used iter() in our code as well for this purpose, but I’ve lately started to get more and more annoyed by objects which only have __getitem__ being considered iterable. There are valid reasons to have __getitem__ in a non-iterable object and with them the above code doesn’t work well. As a real life example we can use Faker. The above code reports it being iterable but actually trying to iterate it causes an AttributeError (tested with Faker 4.0.2):

>>> from faker import Faker
>>> fake = Faker()
>>> iter(fake)    # No exception, must be iterable
<iterator object at 0x7f1c71db58d0>
>>> list(fake)    # Ooops
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/.../site-packages/faker/proxy.py", line 59, in __getitem__
    return self._factory_map[locale.replace('-', '_')]
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'replace'

If we’d use insinstance(), we wouldn’t accidentally consider Faker instances (or any other objects having only __getitem__) to be iterable:

>>> from collections.abc import Iterable
>>> from faker import Faker
>>> isinstance(Faker(), Iterable)

Earlier answers commented that using iter() is safer as the old way to implement iteration in Python was based on __getitem__ and the isinstance() approach wouldn’t detect that. This may have been true with old Python versions, but based on my pretty exhaustive testing isinstance() works great nowadays. The only case where isinstance() didn’t work but iter() did was with UserDict when using Python 2. If that’s relevant, it’s possible to use isinstance(item, (Iterable, UserDict)) to get that covered.

回答 1

  1. 检查__iter__序列类型是否有效,但是在Python 2中,例如字符串可能会失败。我也想知道正确的答案,在此之前,这是一种可能性(也适用于字符串):

    from __future__ import print_function
        some_object_iterator = iter(some_object)
    except TypeError as te:
        print(some_object, 'is not iterable')


  2. 另一种通用的pythonic方法是假定一个可迭代的对象,如果它不适用于给定的对象,则将优雅地失败。Python词汇表:


       _ = (e for e in my_object)
    except TypeError:
       print my_object, 'is not iterable'
  3. collections模块提供了一些抽象基类,这些基类允许询问类或实例是否提供了特定的功能,例如:

    from collections.abc import Iterable
    if isinstance(e, Iterable):
        # e is iterable


  1. Checking for __iter__ works on sequence types, but it would fail on e.g. strings in Python 2. I would like to know the right answer too, until then, here is one possibility (which would work on strings, too):

    from __future__ import print_function
        some_object_iterator = iter(some_object)
    except TypeError as te:
        print(some_object, 'is not iterable')

    The iter built-in checks for the __iter__ method or in the case of strings the __getitem__ method.

  2. Another general pythonic approach is to assume an iterable, then fail gracefully if it does not work on the given object. The Python glossary:

    Pythonic programming style that determines an object’s type by inspection of its method or attribute signature rather than by explicit relationship to some type object (“If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.”) By emphasizing interfaces rather than specific types, well-designed code improves its flexibility by allowing polymorphic substitution. Duck-typing avoids tests using type() or isinstance(). Instead, it typically employs the EAFP (Easier to Ask Forgiveness than Permission) style of programming.

       _ = (e for e in my_object)
    except TypeError:
       print my_object, 'is not iterable'
  3. The collections module provides some abstract base classes, which allow to ask classes or instances if they provide particular functionality, for example:

    from collections.abc import Iterable
    if isinstance(e, Iterable):
        # e is iterable

    However, this does not check for classes that are iterable through __getitem__.

回答 2


    iterator = iter(theElement)
except TypeError:
    # not iterable
    # iterable

# for obj in iterator:
#     pass


使用抽象基类。他们至少需要Python 2.6,并且仅适用于新型类。

from collections.abc import Iterable   # import directly from collections for Python < 3.3

if isinstance(theElement, Iterable):
    # iterable
    # not iterable


检查isinstance(obj, Iterable)会检测已注册为Iterable或具有__iter__()方法的类,但不会检测到使用该__getitem__() 方法进行迭代的类。确定对象是否可迭代的唯一可靠方法是调用iter(obj)

Duck typing

    iterator = iter(theElement)
except TypeError:
    # not iterable
    # iterable

# for obj in iterator:
#     pass

Type checking

Use the Abstract Base Classes. They need at least Python 2.6 and work only for new-style classes.

from collections.abc import Iterable   # import directly from collections for Python < 3.3

if isinstance(theElement, Iterable):
    # iterable
    # not iterable

However, iter() is a bit more reliable as described by the documentation:

Checking isinstance(obj, Iterable) detects classes that are registered as Iterable or that have an __iter__() method, but it does not detect classes that iterate with the __getitem__() method. The only reliable way to determine whether an object is iterable is to call iter(obj).

回答 3


    print('iteration will probably work')
except TypeError:
    print('not iterable')



  1. 如果至少满足以下条件之一,则可以o通过调用从任何对象获取迭代器iter(o)

    a)o具有__iter__返回迭代器对象的方法。迭代器是任何具有__iter__和方法__next__(Python 2 :)的对象next


  2. 仅检查Iterable或的实例Sequence,或仅检查属性__iter__是不够的。

  3. 如果一个对象o仅实现__getitem__,而不是实现__iter__iter(o)则将构造一个迭代器,该迭代器尝试从o整数索引(从索引0开始)获取项目。迭代器将捕获IndexError所引发的任何(但无其他错误),然后引发StopIteration自身。

  4. 从最一般的意义上讲,iter除了尝试一下之外,没有其他方法可以检查返回的迭代器是否正常。

  5. 如果o实现了对象__iter__,则该iter函数将确保返回的对象__iter__是迭代器。如果对象仅实现,则没有健全性检查__getitem__

  6. __iter__胜。如果一个对象同时o实现__iter__and __getitem__iter(o)将调用__iter__

  7. 如果要使自己的对象可迭代,请始终实现该__iter__方法。

for 循环


for item in o用于某些可迭代对象时o,Python调用iter(o)并期望将迭代器对象作为返回值。迭代器是实现__next__(或next在Python 2中)方法和__iter__方法的任何对象。

按照约定,__iter__迭代器的方法应返回对象本身(即return self)。然后next,Python调用迭代器,直到StopIteration引发为止。所有这些操作都是隐式发生的,但是以下演示使其可见:

import random

class DemoIterable(object):
    def __iter__(self):
        print('__iter__ called')
        return DemoIterator()

class DemoIterator(object):
    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        print('__next__ called')
        r = random.randint(1, 10)
        if r == 5:
            print('raising StopIteration')
            raise StopIteration
        return r


>>> di = DemoIterable()
>>> for x in di:
...     print(x)
__iter__ called
__next__ called
__next__ called
__next__ called
__next__ called
__next__ called
__next__ called
raising StopIteration




class BasicIterable(object):
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        if item == 3:
            raise IndexError
        return item

调用iter的实例BasicIterable将返回迭代器,而不会出现任何问题,因为BasicIterableImplements __getitem__

>>> b = BasicIterable()
>>> iter(b)
<iterator object at 0x7f1ab216e320>


>>> from collections import Iterable, Sequence
>>> hasattr(b, '__iter__')
>>> isinstance(b, Iterable)
>>> isinstance(b, Sequence)

这就是为什么Luciano Ramalho的Fluent Python建议调用iter和处理潜能TypeError作为检查对象是否可迭代的最准确方法。直接从书中引用:

从Python 3.4开始,检查对象x是否可迭代的最准确方法是调用iter(x)并处理TypeError异常(如果不是)。这比使用更为准确isinstance(x, abc.Iterable),因为iter(x)还考虑了传统__getitem__方法,而IterableABC则不考虑。


BasicIterable按预期的方式对一个工作实例进行迭代:Python构造了一个迭代器,该迭代器尝试从索引开始(从零开始)获取项目,直到IndexError引发。演示对象的__getitem__方法仅返回item__getitem__(self, item)由所返回的迭代器作为参数提供给iter

>>> b = BasicIterable()
>>> it = iter(b)
>>> next(it)
>>> next(it)
>>> next(it)
>>> next(it)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

请注意,当迭代器StopIteration无法返回下一项时,它将引发该迭代器IndexError,并且为其item == 3内部处理。这就是为什么按预期BasicIterable进行for循环的原因:

>>> for x in b:
...     print(x)


class WrappedDict(object): # note: no inheritance from dict!
    def __init__(self, dic):
        self._dict = dic

    def __getitem__(self, item):
            return self._dict[item] # delegate to dict.__getitem__
        except KeyError:
            raise IndexError

注意,将to __getitem__委托给dict.__getitem__它,方括号表示形式只是一种简写形式。

>>> w = WrappedDict({-1: 'not printed',
...                   0: 'hi', 1: 'StackOverflow', 2: '!',
...                   4: 'not printed', 
...                   'x': 'not printed'})
>>> for x in w:
...     print(x)


iter(o)为对象调用时oiter将确保方法的返回值(__iter__如果存在)是迭代器。这意味着返回的对象必须实现__next__(或next在Python 2中)和__iter__iter无法对仅提供的对象执行任何健全性检查__getitem__,因为它无法检查整数索引是否可以访问对象的项。

class FailIterIterable(object):
    def __iter__(self):
        return object() # not an iterator

class FailGetitemIterable(object):
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        raise Exception

请注意,从FailIterIterable实例构造一个迭代器会立即失败,而从一个实例构造一个迭代器会立即失败FailGetItemIterable,但会在第一次调用时引发Exception __next__

>>> fii = FailIterIterable()
>>> iter(fii)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: iter() returned non-iterator of type 'object'
>>> fgi = FailGetitemIterable()
>>> it = iter(fgi)
>>> next(it)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/path/iterdemo.py", line 42, in __getitem__
    raise Exception


这很简单。如果一个对象实现__iter__and __getitem__iter将调用__iter__。考虑以下类

class IterWinsDemo(object):
    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(['__iter__', 'wins'])

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return ['__getitem__', 'wins'][item]


>>> iwd = IterWinsDemo()
>>> for x in iwd:
...     print(x)

关于第7点:您的可迭代类应实现 __iter__


class WrappedList(object): # note: no inheritance from list!
    def __init__(self, lst):
        self._list = lst

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return self._list[item]


>>> wl = WrappedList(['A', 'B', 'C'])
>>> for x in wl:
...     print(x)


  1. 如果实现__iter__,则实例将被视为可迭代的,isinstance(o, collections.abc.Iterable)并将返回True
  2. 如果返回的对象__iter__不是迭代器,iter则将立即失败并引发TypeError
  3. 由于__getitem__向后兼容的原因,存在的特殊处理。再次引用Fluent Python:


I’d like to shed a little bit more light on the interplay of iter, __iter__ and __getitem__ and what happens behind the curtains. Armed with that knowledge, you will be able to understand why the best you can do is

    print('iteration will probably work')
except TypeError:
    print('not iterable')

I will list the facts first and then follow up with a quick reminder of what happens when you employ a for loop in python, followed by a discussion to illustrate the facts.


  1. You can get an iterator from any object o by calling iter(o) if at least one of the following conditions holds true:

    a) o has an __iter__ method which returns an iterator object. An iterator is any object with an __iter__ and a __next__ (Python 2: next) method.

    b) o has a __getitem__ method.

  2. Checking for an instance of Iterable or Sequence, or checking for the attribute __iter__ is not enough.

  3. If an object o implements only __getitem__, but not __iter__, iter(o) will construct an iterator that tries to fetch items from o by integer index, starting at index 0. The iterator will catch any IndexError (but no other errors) that is raised and then raises StopIteration itself.

  4. In the most general sense, there’s no way to check whether the iterator returned by iter is sane other than to try it out.

  5. If an object o implements __iter__, the iter function will make sure that the object returned by __iter__ is an iterator. There is no sanity check if an object only implements __getitem__.

  6. __iter__ wins. If an object o implements both __iter__ and __getitem__, iter(o) will call __iter__.

  7. If you want to make your own objects iterable, always implement the __iter__ method.

for loops

In order to follow along, you need an understanding of what happens when you employ a for loop in Python. Feel free to skip right to the next section if you already know.

When you use for item in o for some iterable object o, Python calls iter(o) and expects an iterator object as the return value. An iterator is any object which implements a __next__ (or next in Python 2) method and an __iter__ method.

By convention, the __iter__ method of an iterator should return the object itself (i.e. return self). Python then calls next on the iterator until StopIteration is raised. All of this happens implicitly, but the following demonstration makes it visible:

import random

class DemoIterable(object):
    def __iter__(self):
        print('__iter__ called')
        return DemoIterator()

class DemoIterator(object):
    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        print('__next__ called')
        r = random.randint(1, 10)
        if r == 5:
            print('raising StopIteration')
            raise StopIteration
        return r

Iteration over a DemoIterable:

>>> di = DemoIterable()
>>> for x in di:
...     print(x)
__iter__ called
__next__ called
__next__ called
__next__ called
__next__ called
__next__ called
__next__ called
raising StopIteration

Discussion and illustrations

On point 1 and 2: getting an iterator and unreliable checks

Consider the following class:

class BasicIterable(object):
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        if item == 3:
            raise IndexError
        return item

Calling iter with an instance of BasicIterable will return an iterator without any problems because BasicIterable implements __getitem__.

>>> b = BasicIterable()
>>> iter(b)
<iterator object at 0x7f1ab216e320>

However, it is important to note that b does not have the __iter__ attribute and is not considered an instance of Iterable or Sequence:

>>> from collections import Iterable, Sequence
>>> hasattr(b, '__iter__')
>>> isinstance(b, Iterable)
>>> isinstance(b, Sequence)

This is why Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho recommends calling iter and handling the potential TypeError as the most accurate way to check whether an object is iterable. Quoting directly from the book:

As of Python 3.4, the most accurate way to check whether an object x is iterable is to call iter(x) and handle a TypeError exception if it isn’t. This is more accurate than using isinstance(x, abc.Iterable) , because iter(x) also considers the legacy __getitem__ method, while the Iterable ABC does not.

On point 3: Iterating over objects which only provide __getitem__, but not __iter__

Iterating over an instance of BasicIterable works as expected: Python constructs an iterator that tries to fetch items by index, starting at zero, until an IndexError is raised. The demo object’s __getitem__ method simply returns the item which was supplied as the argument to __getitem__(self, item) by the iterator returned by iter.

>>> b = BasicIterable()
>>> it = iter(b)
>>> next(it)
>>> next(it)
>>> next(it)
>>> next(it)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Note that the iterator raises StopIteration when it cannot return the next item and that the IndexError which is raised for item == 3 is handled internally. This is why looping over a BasicIterable with a for loop works as expected:

>>> for x in b:
...     print(x)

Here’s another example in order to drive home the concept of how the iterator returned by iter tries to access items by index. WrappedDict does not inherit from dict, which means instances won’t have an __iter__ method.

class WrappedDict(object): # note: no inheritance from dict!
    def __init__(self, dic):
        self._dict = dic

    def __getitem__(self, item):
            return self._dict[item] # delegate to dict.__getitem__
        except KeyError:
            raise IndexError

Note that calls to __getitem__ are delegated to dict.__getitem__ for which the square bracket notation is simply a shorthand.

>>> w = WrappedDict({-1: 'not printed',
...                   0: 'hi', 1: 'StackOverflow', 2: '!',
...                   4: 'not printed', 
...                   'x': 'not printed'})
>>> for x in w:
...     print(x)

On point 4 and 5: iter checks for an iterator when it calls __iter__:

When iter(o) is called for an object o, iter will make sure that the return value of __iter__, if the method is present, is an iterator. This means that the returned object must implement __next__ (or next in Python 2) and __iter__. iter cannot perform any sanity checks for objects which only provide __getitem__, because it has no way to check whether the items of the object are accessible by integer index.

class FailIterIterable(object):
    def __iter__(self):
        return object() # not an iterator

class FailGetitemIterable(object):
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        raise Exception

Note that constructing an iterator from FailIterIterable instances fails immediately, while constructing an iterator from FailGetItemIterable succeeds, but will throw an Exception on the first call to __next__.

>>> fii = FailIterIterable()
>>> iter(fii)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: iter() returned non-iterator of type 'object'
>>> fgi = FailGetitemIterable()
>>> it = iter(fgi)
>>> next(it)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/path/iterdemo.py", line 42, in __getitem__
    raise Exception

On point 6: __iter__ wins

This one is straightforward. If an object implements __iter__ and __getitem__, iter will call __iter__. Consider the following class

class IterWinsDemo(object):
    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(['__iter__', 'wins'])

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return ['__getitem__', 'wins'][item]

and the output when looping over an instance:

>>> iwd = IterWinsDemo()
>>> for x in iwd:
...     print(x)

On point 7: your iterable classes should implement __iter__

You might ask yourself why most builtin sequences like list implement an __iter__ method when __getitem__ would be sufficient.

class WrappedList(object): # note: no inheritance from list!
    def __init__(self, lst):
        self._list = lst

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return self._list[item]

After all, iteration over instances of the class above, which delegates calls to __getitem__ to list.__getitem__ (using the square bracket notation), will work fine:

>>> wl = WrappedList(['A', 'B', 'C'])
>>> for x in wl:
...     print(x)

The reasons your custom iterables should implement __iter__ are as follows:

  1. If you implement __iter__, instances will be considered iterables, and isinstance(o, collections.abc.Iterable) will return True.
  2. If the the object returned by __iter__ is not an iterator, iter will fail immediately and raise a TypeError.
  3. The special handling of __getitem__ exists for backwards compatibility reasons. Quoting again from Fluent Python:

That is why any Python sequence is iterable: they all implement __getitem__ . In fact, the standard sequences also implement __iter__, and yours should too, because the special handling of __getitem__ exists for backward compatibility reasons and may be gone in the future (although it is not deprecated as I write this).

回答 4



This isn’t sufficient: the object returned by __iter__ must implement the iteration protocol (i.e. next method). See the relevant section in the documentation.

In Python, a good practice is to “try and see” instead of “checking”.

回答 5

在Python <= 2.5中,您不能也不应-可迭代是一个“非正式”接口。

但是从Python 2.6和3.0开始,您可以利用新的ABC(抽象基类)基础结构以及一些内置的ABC(可在collections模块中使用):

from collections import Iterable

class MyObject(object):

mo = MyObject()
print isinstance(mo, Iterable)
print isinstance(mo, Iterable)

print isinstance("abc", Iterable)



from collections import Iterable
from traceback import print_exc

def check_and_raise(x):
    if not isinstance(x, Iterable):
        raise TypeError, "%s is not iterable" % x
        for i in x:
            print i

def just_iter(x):
    for i in x:
        print i

class NotIterable(object):

if __name__ == "__main__":


        ni = NotIterable()



In Python <= 2.5, you can’t and shouldn’t – iterable was an “informal” interface.

But since Python 2.6 and 3.0 you can leverage the new ABC (abstract base class) infrastructure along with some builtin ABCs which are available in the collections module:

from collections import Iterable

class MyObject(object):

mo = MyObject()
print isinstance(mo, Iterable)
print isinstance(mo, Iterable)

print isinstance("abc", Iterable)

Now, whether this is desirable or actually works, is just a matter of conventions. As you can see, you can register a non-iterable object as Iterable – and it will raise an exception at runtime. Hence, isinstance acquires a “new” meaning – it just checks for “declared” type compatibility, which is a good way to go in Python.

On the other hand, if your object does not satisfy the interface you need, what are you going to do? Take the following example:

from collections import Iterable
from traceback import print_exc

def check_and_raise(x):
    if not isinstance(x, Iterable):
        raise TypeError, "%s is not iterable" % x
        for i in x:
            print i

def just_iter(x):
    for i in x:
        print i

class NotIterable(object):

if __name__ == "__main__":


        ni = NotIterable()

If the object doesn’t satisfy what you expect, you just throw a TypeError, but if the proper ABC has been registered, your check is unuseful. On the contrary, if the __iter__ method is available Python will automatically recognize object of that class as being Iterable.

So, if you just expect an iterable, iterate over it and forget it. On the other hand, if you need to do different things depending on input type, you might find the ABC infrastructure pretty useful.

回答 6

  #treat object as iterable
except TypeError, e:
  #object is not actually iterable


  #treat object as iterable
except TypeError, e:
  #object is not actually iterable

Don’t run checks to see if your duck really is a duck to see if it is iterable or not, treat it as if it was and complain if it wasn’t.

回答 7

Python 3.5开始,您可以使用标准库中的类型输入模块来处理与类型相关的事情:

from typing import Iterable


if isinstance(my_item, Iterable):

Since Python 3.5 you can use the typing module from the standard library for type related things:

from typing import Iterable


if isinstance(my_item, Iterable):

回答 8


hasattr(obj, '__contains__')



  • 它是一个表达式(作为lambda,而不是try … except变体)
  • (应该)由所有可迭代对象(包括字符串)实现(而不是__iter__
  • 适用于任何Python> = 2.5


  • 例如,在列表中同时具有可迭代和不可迭代,并且您需要根据其类型对每个元素进行不同处理(在try和non-上处理可迭代)时,Python的“请求宽恕,而不是允许”的哲学无法很好地工作。上的iterables 起作用,但是看起来很难看并且具有误导性)
  • 尝试实际迭代对象(例如[x for obj中的x的x])以检查其是否可迭代的问题的解决方案,可能会导致大型可迭代对象的性能下降(尤其是如果您只需要可迭代对象的前几个元素,则为示例),应避免

The best solution I’ve found so far:

hasattr(obj, '__contains__')

which basically checks if the object implements the in operator.

Advantages (none of the other solutions has all three):

  • it is an expression (works as a lambda, as opposed to the try…except variant)
  • it is (should be) implemented by all iterables, including strings (as opposed to __iter__)
  • works on any Python >= 2.5


  • the Python philosophy of “ask for forgiveness, not permission” doesn’t work well when e.g. in a list you have both iterables and non-iterables and you need to treat each element differently according to it’s type (treating iterables on try and non-iterables on except would work, but it would look butt-ugly and misleading)
  • solutions to this problem which attempt to actually iterate over the object (e.g. [x for x in obj]) to check if it’s iterable may induce significant performance penalties for large iterables (especially if you just need the first few elements of the iterable, for example) and should be avoided

回答 9


def iterable(a):
        (x for x in a)
        return True
    except TypeError:
        return False

如果我们可以使生成器在其上进行迭代(但不要使用生成器,这样就不会占用空间),那么它是可迭代的。好像是“ duh”之类的东西。为什么首先需要确定变量是否可迭代?

You could try this:

def iterable(a):
        (x for x in a)
        return True
    except TypeError:
        return False

If we can make a generator that iterates over it (but never use the generator so it doesn’t take up space), it’s iterable. Seems like a “duh” kind of thing. Why do you need to determine if a variable is iterable in the first place?

回答 10


isiterable = lambda obj: isinstance(obj, basestring) \
    or getattr(obj, '__iter__', False)

I found a nice solution here:

isiterable = lambda obj: isinstance(obj, basestring) \
    or getattr(obj, '__iter__', False)

回答 11

根据Python 2词汇表,可迭代项是



    for i in object_in_question:
except TypeError:

但是,如果您需要显式检查它,可以通过测试一个可迭代对象hasattr(object_in_question, "__iter__") or hasattr(object_in_question, "__getitem__")。您需要检查两者,因为strs没有__iter__方法(至少在Python 2中没有),并且generator对象没有__getitem__方法。

According to the Python 2 Glossary, iterables are

all sequence types (such as list, str, and tuple) and some non-sequence types like dict and file and objects of any classes you define with an __iter__() or __getitem__() method. Iterables can be used in a for loop and in many other places where a sequence is needed (zip(), map(), …). When an iterable object is passed as an argument to the built-in function iter(), it returns an iterator for the object.

Of course, given the general coding style for Python based on the fact that it’s “Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.”, the general expectation is to use

    for i in object_in_question:
except TypeError:

But if you need to check it explicitly, you can test for an iterable by hasattr(object_in_question, "__iter__") or hasattr(object_in_question, "__getitem__"). You need to check for both, because strs don’t have an __iter__ method (at least not in Python 2, in Python 3 they do) and because generator objects don’t have a __getitem__ method.

回答 12


import collections

def iterable(obj):
    return isinstance(obj, collections.Iterable):


if iterable(obj):
    # act on iterable
    # not iterable


编辑:如果您已安装numpy,则可以执行以下操作:from numpy import iterable,这就像

def iterable(obj):
    try: iter(obj)
    except: return False
    return True


I often find convenient, inside my scripts, to define an iterable function. (Now incorporates Alfe’s suggested simplification):

import collections

def iterable(obj):
    return isinstance(obj, collections.Iterable):

so you can test if any object is iterable in the very readable form

if iterable(obj):
    # act on iterable
    # not iterable

as you would do with thecallable function

EDIT: if you have numpy installed, you can simply do: from numpy import iterable, which is simply something like

def iterable(obj):
    try: iter(obj)
    except: return False
    return True

If you do not have numpy, you can simply implement this code, or the one above.

回答 13


from pandas.util.testing import isiterable

has a built-in function like that:

from pandas.util.testing import isiterable

回答 14

它总是躲避我,为什么Python有callable(obj) -> bool,但不是iterable(obj) -> bool……

由于几乎所有其他答案都建议使用try/ except TypeError,因此在任何语言中通常都将异常测试视为不良实践,因此,以下是iterable(obj) -> bool我越来越喜欢并经常使用的实现:

为了python 2的缘故,我将只使用lambda来提高性能……
(在python 3中,定义函数的功能def与无关紧要lambda

iterable = lambda obj: hasattr(obj,'__iter__') or hasattr(obj,'__getitem__')



It’s always eluded me as to why python has callable(obj) -> bool but not iterable(obj) -> bool
surely it’s easier to do hasattr(obj,'__call__') even if it is slower.

Since just about every other answer recommends using try/except TypeError, where testing for exceptions is generally considered bad practice among any language, here’s an implementation of iterable(obj) -> bool I’ve grown more fond of and use often:

For python 2’s sake, I’ll use a lambda just for that extra performance boost…
(in python 3 it doesn’t matter what you use for defining the function, def has roughly the same speed as lambda)

iterable = lambda obj: hasattr(obj,'__iter__') or hasattr(obj,'__getitem__')

Note that this function executes faster for objects with __iter__ since it doesn’t test for __getitem__.

Most iterable objects should rely on __iter__ where special-case objects fall back to __getitem__, though either is required for an object to be iterable.
(and since this is standard, it affects C objects as well)

回答 15

def is_iterable(x):
        0 in x
    except TypeError:
        return False
        return True

这将对所有可迭代对象的方式都说“是”,但是对Python 2中的字符串说“否”。(例如,当递归函数可以使用字符串或字符串容器时,这就是我想要的。在这种情况下,请求宽恕可能会导致混淆代码,最好先请求权限。)

import numpy

class Yes:
    def __iter__(self):
        yield 1;
        yield 2;
        yield 3;

class No:

class Nope:
    def __iter__(self):
        return 'nonsense'

assert is_iterable(Yes())
assert is_iterable(range(3))
assert is_iterable((1,2,3))   # tuple
assert is_iterable([1,2,3])   # list
assert is_iterable({1,2,3})   # set
assert is_iterable({1:'one', 2:'two', 3:'three'})   # dictionary
assert is_iterable(numpy.array([1,2,3]))
assert is_iterable(bytearray("not really a string", 'utf-8'))

assert not is_iterable(No())
assert not is_iterable(Nope())
assert not is_iterable("string")
assert not is_iterable(42)
assert not is_iterable(True)
assert not is_iterable(None)


import collections
import numpy

assert isinstance("string", collections.Iterable)
assert isinstance("string", collections.Sequence)
assert numpy.iterable("string")
assert iter("string")
assert hasattr("string", '__getitem__')


  • bytesPython 3中的对象是可迭代的。Python2 True == is_iterable(b"string") == is_iterable("string".encode('utf-8'))中没有此类。
  • bytearray Python 2和3中的对象是可迭代的 True == is_iterable(bytearray(b"abc"))

该任择议定书hasattr(x, '__iter__')的做法将是说在Python 3,没有在Python 2串(也罢''b''u'')。感谢@LuisMasuelli注意到它也会让您失望__iter__

def is_iterable(x):
        0 in x
    except TypeError:
        return False
        return True

This will say yes to all manner of iterable objects, but it will say no to strings in Python 2. (That’s what I want for example when a recursive function could take a string or a container of strings. In that situation, asking forgiveness may lead to obfuscode, and it’s better to ask permission first.)

import numpy

class Yes:
    def __iter__(self):
        yield 1;
        yield 2;
        yield 3;

class No:

class Nope:
    def __iter__(self):
        return 'nonsense'

assert is_iterable(Yes())
assert is_iterable(range(3))
assert is_iterable((1,2,3))   # tuple
assert is_iterable([1,2,3])   # list
assert is_iterable({1,2,3})   # set
assert is_iterable({1:'one', 2:'two', 3:'three'})   # dictionary
assert is_iterable(numpy.array([1,2,3]))
assert is_iterable(bytearray("not really a string", 'utf-8'))

assert not is_iterable(No())
assert not is_iterable(Nope())
assert not is_iterable("string")
assert not is_iterable(42)
assert not is_iterable(True)
assert not is_iterable(None)

Many other strategies here will say yes to strings. Use them if that’s what you want.

import collections
import numpy

assert isinstance("string", collections.Iterable)
assert isinstance("string", collections.Sequence)
assert numpy.iterable("string")
assert iter("string")
assert hasattr("string", '__getitem__')

Note: is_iterable() will say yes to strings of type bytes and bytearray.

  • bytes objects in Python 3 are iterable True == is_iterable(b"string") == is_iterable("string".encode('utf-8')) There is no such type in Python 2.
  • bytearray objects in Python 2 and 3 are iterable True == is_iterable(bytearray(b"abc"))

The O.P. hasattr(x, '__iter__') approach will say yes to strings in Python 3 and no in Python 2 (no matter whether '' or b'' or u''). Thanks to @LuisMasuelli for noticing it will also let you down on a buggy __iter__.

回答 16


class A(object):
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return something

class B(object):
    def __iter__(self):
        # Return a compliant iterator. Just an example
        return iter([])

class C(object):
    def __iter__(self):
        # Return crap
        return 1

class D(object): pass

def iterable(obj):
        return True
        return False

assert iterable(A())
assert iterable(B())
assert iterable(C())
assert not iterable(D())


  1. __iter__如果异常类型相同,则对象是不可迭代的还是已实现越野车的区分是无关紧要的:无论如何,您将无法迭代该对象。
  2. 我想我理解您的担心:callable如果我还可以依赖于鸭子类型来引发未为我的对象定义的AttributeErrorif 的检查,那么它如何存在__call__,但可迭代检查不是这种情况?


The easiest way, respecting the Python’s duck typing, is to catch the error (Python knows perfectly what does it expect from an object to become an iterator):

class A(object):
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return something

class B(object):
    def __iter__(self):
        # Return a compliant iterator. Just an example
        return iter([])

class C(object):
    def __iter__(self):
        # Return crap
        return 1

class D(object): pass

def iterable(obj):
        return True
        return False

assert iterable(A())
assert iterable(B())
assert iterable(C())
assert not iterable(D())


  1. It is irrelevant the distinction whether the object is not iterable, or a buggy __iter__ has been implemented, if the exception type is the same: anyway you will not be able to iterate the object.
  2. I think I understand your concern: How does callable exists as a check if I could also rely on duck typing to raise an AttributeError if __call__ is not defined for my object, but that’s not the case for iterable checking?

    I don’t know the answer, but you can either implement the function I (and other users) gave, or just catch the exception in your code (your implementation in that part will be like the function I wrote – just ensure you isolate the iterator creation from the rest of the code so you can capture the exception and distinguish it from another TypeError.

回答 17


def isiterable(object_):
    return hasattr(type(object_), "__iter__")

fruits = ("apple", "banana", "peach")
isiterable(fruits) # returns True

num = 345
isiterable(num) # returns False

isiterable(str) # returns False because str type is type class and it's not iterable.

hello = "hello dude !"
isiterable(hello) # returns True because as you know string objects are iterable

The isiterable func at the following code returns True if object is iterable. if it’s not iterable returns False

def isiterable(object_):
    return hasattr(type(object_), "__iter__")


fruits = ("apple", "banana", "peach")
isiterable(fruits) # returns True

num = 345
isiterable(num) # returns False

isiterable(str) # returns False because str type is type class and it's not iterable.

hello = "hello dude !"
isiterable(hello) # returns True because as you know string objects are iterable

回答 18


>>> hasattr(1, "__len__")
>>> hasattr(1.3, "__len__")
>>> hasattr("a", "__len__")
>>> hasattr([1,2,3], "__len__")
>>> hasattr({1,2}, "__len__")
>>> hasattr({"a":1}, "__len__")
>>> hasattr(("a", 1), "__len__")

不可迭代的对象出于明显的原因不会实现此目的。但是,它不会捕获没有实现它的用户定义的可迭代对象,也不会捕获iter可以处理的生成器表达式。但是,这可以一行完成,并且or为生成器添加一个简单的表达式检查将解决此问题。(请注意,写作type(my_generator_expression) == generator会引发NameError。请改为参考答案。)


>>> import types
>>> types.GeneratorType
<class 'generator'>
>>> gen = (i for i in range(10))
>>> isinstance(gen, types.GeneratorType)

— utdemir接受的答案


Instead of checking for the __iter__ attribute, you could check for the __len__ attribute, which is implemented by every python builtin iterable, including strings.

>>> hasattr(1, "__len__")
>>> hasattr(1.3, "__len__")
>>> hasattr("a", "__len__")
>>> hasattr([1,2,3], "__len__")
>>> hasattr({1,2}, "__len__")
>>> hasattr({"a":1}, "__len__")
>>> hasattr(("a", 1), "__len__")

None-iterable objects would not implement this for obvious reasons. However, it does not catch user-defined iterables that do not implement it, nor do generator expressions, which iter can deal with. However, this can be done in a line, and adding a simple or expression checking for generators would fix this problem. (Note that writing type(my_generator_expression) == generator would throw a NameError. Refer to this answer instead.)

You can use GeneratorType from types:

>>> import types
>>> types.GeneratorType
<class 'generator'>
>>> gen = (i for i in range(10))
>>> isinstance(gen, types.GeneratorType)

— accepted answer by utdemir

(This makes it useful for checking if you can call len on the object though.)

回答 19


>>> '__iter__' in dir('sds')
>>> '__iter__' in dir(56)
>>> '__iter__' in dir([5,6,9,8])
>>> '__iter__' in dir({'jh':'ff'})
>>> '__iter__' in dir({'jh'})
>>> '__iter__' in dir(56.9865)

Not really “correct” but can serve as quick check of most common types like strings, tuples, floats, etc…

>>> '__iter__' in dir('sds')
>>> '__iter__' in dir(56)
>>> '__iter__' in dir([5,6,9,8])
>>> '__iter__' in dir({'jh':'ff'})
>>> '__iter__' in dir({'jh'})
>>> '__iter__' in dir(56.9865)

回答 20

Kinda参加聚会很晚,但是我问了自己这个问题,然后看到了这个答案。我不知道是否有人已经发布了这个。但从本质上讲,我注意到所有可迭代类型的字典中都具有__getitem __()。这是您无需尝试即可检查对象是否可迭代的方式。(双关语意)

def is_attr(arg):
    return '__getitem__' in dir(arg)

Kinda late to the party but I asked myself this question and saw this then thought of an answer. I don’t know if someone already posted this. But essentially, I’ve noticed that all iterable types have __getitem__() in their dict. This is how you would check if an object was an iterable without even trying. (Pun intended)

def is_attr(arg):
    return '__getitem__' in dir(arg)