

使用后cgi.parse_qs(),如何将结果(字典)转换回查询字符串?寻找类似的东西 urllib.urlencode()

After using cgi.parse_qs(), how to convert the result (dictionary) back to query string? Looking for something similar to urllib.urlencode().

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Python 3

urllib.parse.urlencode(查询,doseq = False,[…])


Python的3 urllib.parse文档

A dict是一个映射。


映射对象或由两个元素组成的元组序列转换 “百分比编码”字符串…一系列key=value'&'字符分隔的对…

Python 2.7版urllib文档

Python 3

urllib.parse.urlencode(query, doseq=False, [...])

Convert a mapping object or a sequence of two-element tuples, which may contain str or bytes objects, to a percent-encoded ASCII text string.

Python 3 urllib.parse docs

A dict is a mapping.

Legacy Python

urllib.urlencode(query[, doseq])
Convert a mapping object or a sequence of two-element tuples to a “percent-encoded” string… a series of key=value pairs separated by '&' characters…

Python 2.7 urllib docs

回答 1


from urllib.parse import urlencode
urlencode({'pram1': 'foo', 'param2': 'bar'})

输出: 'pram1=foo&param2=bar'


    from urllib import urlencode
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import urlencode

In python3, slightly different:

from urllib.parse import urlencode
urlencode({'pram1': 'foo', 'param2': 'bar'})

output: 'pram1=foo&param2=bar'

for python2 and python3 compatibility, try this:

    from urllib import urlencode
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import urlencode

回答 2




query_pairs = [(k,v) for k,vlist in d.iteritems() for v in vlist]

You’re looking for something exactly like urllib.urlencode()!

However, when you call parse_qs() (distinct from parse_qsl()), the dictionary keys are the unique query variable names and the values are lists of values for each name.

In order to pass this information into urllib.urlencode(), you must “flatten” these lists. Here is how you can do it with a list comprehenshion of tuples:

query_pairs = [(k,v) for k,vlist in d.iteritems() for v in vlist]

回答 3


def dictToQuery(d):
  query = ''
  for key in d.keys():
    query += str(key) + '=' + str(d[key]) + "&"
  return query

它需要一个字典并将其转换为查询字符串,就像urlencode一样。它将在查询字符串后附加一个最终的“&”,但return query[:-1]如果有问题,则将其修复。

Maybe you’re looking for something like this:

def dictToQuery(d):
  query = ''
  for key in d.keys():
    query += str(key) + '=' + str(d[key]) + "&"
  return query

It takes a dictionary and convert it to a query string, just like urlencode. It’ll append a final “&” to the query string, but return query[:-1] fixes that, if it’s an issue.