




 0 2 * * 7 /usr/bin/run-backup # run the backups at 0200 on Every Sunday
 0 9-17/2 * * 1-5 /usr/bin/purge-temps # run the purge temps command, every 2 hours between 9am and 5pm on Mondays to Fridays.



编辑 我对启动过程不感兴趣,只是“工作”也用Python编写-python函数。必要时,我认为这将是一个不同的线程,但不会出现在不同的过程中。


Cron 已经存在了很多年,但我正在尝试尽可能地便携。我不能依靠它的存在。

I’m looking for a library in Python which will provide at and cron like functionality.

I’d quite like have a pure Python solution, rather than relying on tools installed on the box; this way I run on machines with no cron.

For those unfamiliar with cron: you can schedule tasks based upon an expression like:

 0 2 * * 7 /usr/bin/run-backup # run the backups at 0200 on Every Sunday
 0 9-17/2 * * 1-5 /usr/bin/purge-temps # run the purge temps command, every 2 hours between 9am and 5pm on Mondays to Fridays.

The cron time expression syntax is less important, but I would like to have something with this sort of flexibility.

If there isn’t something that does this for me out-the-box, any suggestions for the building blocks to make something like this would be gratefully received.

Edit I’m not interested in launching processes, just “jobs” also written in Python – python functions. By necessity I think this would be a different thread, but not in a different process.

To this end, I’m looking for the expressivity of the cron time expression, but in Python.

Cron has been around for years, but I’m trying to be as portable as possible. I cannot rely on its presence.

回答 0


import schedule
import time

def job():
    print("I'm working...")


while 1:


If you’re looking for something lightweight checkout schedule:

import schedule
import time

def job():
    print("I'm working...")


while 1:

Disclosure: I’m the author of that library.

回答 1


from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time

# Some utility classes / functions first
class AllMatch(set):
    """Universal set - match everything"""
    def __contains__(self, item): return True

allMatch = AllMatch()

def conv_to_set(obj):  # Allow single integer to be provided
    if isinstance(obj, (int,long)):
        return set([obj])  # Single item
    if not isinstance(obj, set):
        obj = set(obj)
    return obj

# The actual Event class
class Event(object):
    def __init__(self, action, min=allMatch, hour=allMatch, 
                       day=allMatch, month=allMatch, dow=allMatch, 
                       args=(), kwargs={}):
        self.mins = conv_to_set(min)
        self.hours= conv_to_set(hour)
        self.days = conv_to_set(day)
        self.months = conv_to_set(month)
        self.dow = conv_to_set(dow)
        self.action = action
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def matchtime(self, t):
        """Return True if this event should trigger at the specified datetime"""
        return ((t.minute     in self.mins) and
                (t.hour       in self.hours) and
                (t.day        in self.days) and
                (t.month      in self.months) and
                (t.weekday()  in self.dow))

    def check(self, t):
        if self.matchtime(t):
            self.action(*self.args, **self.kwargs)



c = CronTab(
  Event(perform_backup, 0, 2, dow=6 ),
  Event(purge_temps, 0, range(9,18,2), dow=range(0,5))



class CronTab(object):
    def __init__(self, *events):
        self.events = events

    def run(self):
        while 1:
            for e in self.events:

            t += timedelta(minutes=1)
            while datetime.now() < t:
                time.sleep((t - datetime.now()).seconds)

需要注意的几件事:Python的工作日/月为零索引(与cron不同),并且该范围排除了最后一个元素,因此像“ 1-5”这样的语法变为range(0,5)-即[0,1,2, 3,4]。如果您喜欢cron语法,那么对其进行解析应该不会太困难。

You could just use normal Python argument passing syntax to specify your crontab. For example, suppose we define an Event class as below:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time

# Some utility classes / functions first
class AllMatch(set):
    """Universal set - match everything"""
    def __contains__(self, item): return True

allMatch = AllMatch()

def conv_to_set(obj):  # Allow single integer to be provided
    if isinstance(obj, (int,long)):
        return set([obj])  # Single item
    if not isinstance(obj, set):
        obj = set(obj)
    return obj

# The actual Event class
class Event(object):
    def __init__(self, action, min=allMatch, hour=allMatch, 
                       day=allMatch, month=allMatch, dow=allMatch, 
                       args=(), kwargs={}):
        self.mins = conv_to_set(min)
        self.hours= conv_to_set(hour)
        self.days = conv_to_set(day)
        self.months = conv_to_set(month)
        self.dow = conv_to_set(dow)
        self.action = action
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def matchtime(self, t):
        """Return True if this event should trigger at the specified datetime"""
        return ((t.minute     in self.mins) and
                (t.hour       in self.hours) and
                (t.day        in self.days) and
                (t.month      in self.months) and
                (t.weekday()  in self.dow))

    def check(self, t):
        if self.matchtime(t):
            self.action(*self.args, **self.kwargs)

(Note: Not thoroughly tested)

Then your CronTab can be specified in normal python syntax as:

c = CronTab(
  Event(perform_backup, 0, 2, dow=6 ),
  Event(purge_temps, 0, range(9,18,2), dow=range(0,5))

This way you get the full power of Python’s argument mechanics (mixing positional and keyword args, and can use symbolic names for names of weeks and months)

The CronTab class would be defined as simply sleeping in minute increments, and calling check() on each event. (There are probably some subtleties with daylight savings time / timezones to be wary of though). Here’s a quick implementation:

class CronTab(object):
    def __init__(self, *events):
        self.events = events

    def run(self):
        while 1:
            for e in self.events:

            t += timedelta(minutes=1)
            while datetime.now() < t:
                time.sleep((t - datetime.now()).seconds)

A few things to note: Python’s weekdays / months are zero indexed (unlike cron), and that range excludes the last element, hence syntax like “1-5” becomes range(0,5) – ie [0,1,2,3,4]. If you prefer cron syntax, parsing it shouldn’t be too difficult however.

回答 2

也许只有在问了问题之后才出现这种情况;我以为是出于完整性考虑而只提到它:https : //apscheduler.readthedocs.org/en/latest/

maybe this has come up only after the question was asked; I thought I just mention it for completeness sake: https://apscheduler.readthedocs.org/en/latest/

回答 3


One thing that in my searches I’ve seen is python’s sched module which might be the kind of thing you’re looking for.

回答 4

“ … Crontab模块,用于读取和写入crontab文件以及自动且简单地使用直接API来访问系统cron。…”




“… Crontab module for read and writing crontab files and accessing the system cron automatically and simply using a direct API. …”


and also APScheduler, a python package. Already written & debugged.


回答 5

与上面大致相同,但同时使用gevent :)

"""Gevent based crontab implementation"""

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import gevent

# Some utility classes / functions first
def conv_to_set(obj):
    """Converts to set allowing single integer to be provided"""

    if isinstance(obj, (int, long)):
        return set([obj])  # Single item
    if not isinstance(obj, set):
        obj = set(obj)
    return obj

class AllMatch(set):
    """Universal set - match everything"""
    def __contains__(self, item): 
        return True

allMatch = AllMatch()

class Event(object):
    """The Actual Event Class"""

    def __init__(self, action, minute=allMatch, hour=allMatch, 
                       day=allMatch, month=allMatch, daysofweek=allMatch, 
                       args=(), kwargs={}):
        self.mins = conv_to_set(minute)
        self.hours = conv_to_set(hour)
        self.days = conv_to_set(day)
        self.months = conv_to_set(month)
        self.daysofweek = conv_to_set(daysofweek)
        self.action = action
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def matchtime(self, t1):
        """Return True if this event should trigger at the specified datetime"""
        return ((t1.minute     in self.mins) and
                (t1.hour       in self.hours) and
                (t1.day        in self.days) and
                (t1.month      in self.months) and
                (t1.weekday()  in self.daysofweek))

    def check(self, t):
        """Check and run action if needed"""

        if self.matchtime(t):
            self.action(*self.args, **self.kwargs)

class CronTab(object):
    """The crontab implementation"""

    def __init__(self, *events):
        self.events = events

    def _check(self):
        """Check all events in separate greenlets"""

        t1 = datetime(*datetime.now().timetuple()[:5])
        for event in self.events:
            gevent.spawn(event.check, t1)

        t1 += timedelta(minutes=1)
        s1 = (t1 - datetime.now()).seconds + 1
        print "Checking again in %s seconds" % s1
        job = gevent.spawn_later(s1, self._check)

    def run(self):
        """Run the cron forever"""

        while True:

import os 
def test_task():
    """Just an example that sends a bell and asd to all terminals"""

    os.system('echo asd | wall')  

cron = CronTab(
  Event(test_task, 22, 1 ),
  Event(test_task, 0, range(9,18,2), daysofweek=range(0,5)),

More or less same as above but concurrent using gevent :)

"""Gevent based crontab implementation"""

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import gevent

# Some utility classes / functions first
def conv_to_set(obj):
    """Converts to set allowing single integer to be provided"""

    if isinstance(obj, (int, long)):
        return set([obj])  # Single item
    if not isinstance(obj, set):
        obj = set(obj)
    return obj

class AllMatch(set):
    """Universal set - match everything"""
    def __contains__(self, item): 
        return True

allMatch = AllMatch()

class Event(object):
    """The Actual Event Class"""

    def __init__(self, action, minute=allMatch, hour=allMatch, 
                       day=allMatch, month=allMatch, daysofweek=allMatch, 
                       args=(), kwargs={}):
        self.mins = conv_to_set(minute)
        self.hours = conv_to_set(hour)
        self.days = conv_to_set(day)
        self.months = conv_to_set(month)
        self.daysofweek = conv_to_set(daysofweek)
        self.action = action
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def matchtime(self, t1):
        """Return True if this event should trigger at the specified datetime"""
        return ((t1.minute     in self.mins) and
                (t1.hour       in self.hours) and
                (t1.day        in self.days) and
                (t1.month      in self.months) and
                (t1.weekday()  in self.daysofweek))

    def check(self, t):
        """Check and run action if needed"""

        if self.matchtime(t):
            self.action(*self.args, **self.kwargs)

class CronTab(object):
    """The crontab implementation"""

    def __init__(self, *events):
        self.events = events

    def _check(self):
        """Check all events in separate greenlets"""

        t1 = datetime(*datetime.now().timetuple()[:5])
        for event in self.events:
            gevent.spawn(event.check, t1)

        t1 += timedelta(minutes=1)
        s1 = (t1 - datetime.now()).seconds + 1
        print "Checking again in %s seconds" % s1
        job = gevent.spawn_later(s1, self._check)

    def run(self):
        """Run the cron forever"""

        while True:

import os 
def test_task():
    """Just an example that sends a bell and asd to all terminals"""

    os.system('echo asd | wall')  

cron = CronTab(
  Event(test_task, 22, 1 ),
  Event(test_task, 0, range(9,18,2), daysofweek=range(0,5)),

回答 6


schedule = "*/5 * * * *" # Run every five minutes

nextRunTime = getNextCronRunTime(schedule)
while True:
     roundedDownTime = roundDownTime()
     if (roundedDownTime == nextRunTime):
         ### Do your periodic thing here. ###
         nextRunTime = getNextCronRunTime(schedule)
     elif (roundedDownTime > nextRunTime):
         # We missed an execution. Error. Re initialize.
         nextRunTime = getNextCronRunTime(schedule)


from croniter import croniter
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Round time down to the top of the previous minute
def roundDownTime(dt=None, dateDelta=timedelta(minutes=1)):
    roundTo = dateDelta.total_seconds()
    if dt == None : dt = datetime.now()
    seconds = (dt - dt.min).seconds
    rounding = (seconds+roundTo/2) // roundTo * roundTo
    return dt + timedelta(0,rounding-seconds,-dt.microsecond)

# Get next run time from now, based on schedule specified by cron string
def getNextCronRunTime(schedule):
    return croniter(schedule, datetime.now()).get_next(datetime)

# Sleep till the top of the next minute
def sleepTillTopOfNextMinute():
    t = datetime.utcnow()
    sleeptime = 60 - (t.second + t.microsecond/1000000.0)

None of the listed solutions even attempt to parse a complex cron schedule string. So, here is my version, using croniter. Basic gist:

schedule = "*/5 * * * *" # Run every five minutes

nextRunTime = getNextCronRunTime(schedule)
while True:
     roundedDownTime = roundDownTime()
     if (roundedDownTime == nextRunTime):
         ### Do your periodic thing here. ###
         nextRunTime = getNextCronRunTime(schedule)
     elif (roundedDownTime > nextRunTime):
         # We missed an execution. Error. Re initialize.
         nextRunTime = getNextCronRunTime(schedule)

Helper routines:

from croniter import croniter
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Round time down to the top of the previous minute
def roundDownTime(dt=None, dateDelta=timedelta(minutes=1)):
    roundTo = dateDelta.total_seconds()
    if dt == None : dt = datetime.now()
    seconds = (dt - dt.min).seconds
    rounding = (seconds+roundTo/2) // roundTo * roundTo
    return dt + timedelta(0,rounding-seconds,-dt.microsecond)

# Get next run time from now, based on schedule specified by cron string
def getNextCronRunTime(schedule):
    return croniter(schedule, datetime.now()).get_next(datetime)

# Sleep till the top of the next minute
def sleepTillTopOfNextMinute():
    t = datetime.utcnow()
    sleeptime = 60 - (t.second + t.microsecond/1000000.0)

回答 7


  1. 易于使用:

    cron = Cron()
    cron.add('* * * * *'   , minute_task) # every minute
    cron.add('33 * * * *'  , day_task)    # every hour
    cron.add('34 18 * * *' , day_task)    # every day
  2. 尝试在一分钟的第一秒开始任务。


I have modified the script.

  1. Easy to use:

    cron = Cron()
    cron.add('* * * * *'   , minute_task) # every minute
    cron.add('33 * * * *'  , day_task)    # every hour
    cron.add('34 18 * * *' , day_task)    # every day
  2. Try to start task in the first second of a minute.

Code on Github

回答 8

我有一个小的修复 Brian建议 CronTab类运行方法


class CronTab(object):
    def __init__(self, *events):
        self.events = events

    def run(self):
        while 1:
            for e in self.events:

            t += timedelta(minutes=1)
            n = datetime.now()
            while n < t:
                s = (t - n).seconds + 1
                n = datetime.now()

I have a minor fix for the CronTab class run method suggested by Brian.

The timing was out by one second leading to a one-second, hard loop at the end of each minute.

class CronTab(object):
    def __init__(self, *events):
        self.events = events

    def run(self):
        while 1:
            for e in self.events:

            t += timedelta(minutes=1)
            n = datetime.now()
            while n < t:
                s = (t - n).seconds + 1
                n = datetime.now()

回答 9

没有“纯python”方法可以执行此操作,因为某些其他过程将必须启动python才能运行您的解决方案。每个平台都有一种或二十种不同的方式来启动流程和监视其进度。在UNIX平台上,cron是旧标准。在Mac OS X上,还启动了该功能,它将类似cron的启动与看门狗功能结合在一起,如果需要的话,可以使您的进程保持活动状态。python运行后,即可使用sched模块安排任务。

There isn’t a “pure python” way to do this because some other process would have to launch python in order to run your solution. Every platform will have one or twenty different ways to launch processes and monitor their progress. On unix platforms, cron is the old standard. On Mac OS X there is also launchd, which combines cron-like launching with watchdog functionality that can keep your process alive if that’s what you want. Once python is running, then you can use the sched module to schedule tasks.

回答 10


@repeatEveryDay(hour=6, minutes=30)
def sayHello(name):
    print(f"Hello {name}")

sayHello("Bob") # Now this function will be invoked every day at 6.30 a.m


def repeatEveryDay(hour, minutes=0, seconds=0):
    Decorator that will run the decorated function everyday at that hour, minutes and seconds.
    :param hour: 0-24
    :param minutes: 0-60 (Optional)
    :param seconds: 0-60 (Optional)
    def decoratorRepeat(func):

        def wrapperRepeat(*args, **kwargs):

            def getLocalTime():
                return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.localtime()))

            # Get the datetime of the first function call
            td = datetime.timedelta(seconds=15)
            if wrapperRepeat.nextSent == None:
                now = getLocalTime()
                wrapperRepeat.nextSent = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day, hour, minutes, seconds)
                if wrapperRepeat.nextSent < now:
                    wrapperRepeat.nextSent += td

            # Waiting till next day
            while getLocalTime() < wrapperRepeat.nextSent:

            # Call the function
            func(*args, **kwargs)

            # Get the datetime of the next function call
            wrapperRepeat.nextSent += td
            wrapperRepeat(*args, **kwargs)

        wrapperRepeat.nextSent = None
        return wrapperRepeat

    return decoratorRepeat

I know there are a lot of answers, but another solution could be to go with decorators. This is an example to repeat a function everyday at a specific time. The cool think about using this way is that you only need to add the Syntactic Sugar to the function you want to schedule:

@repeatEveryDay(hour=6, minutes=30)
def sayHello(name):
    print(f"Hello {name}")

sayHello("Bob") # Now this function will be invoked every day at 6.30 a.m

And the decorator will look like:

def repeatEveryDay(hour, minutes=0, seconds=0):
    Decorator that will run the decorated function everyday at that hour, minutes and seconds.
    :param hour: 0-24
    :param minutes: 0-60 (Optional)
    :param seconds: 0-60 (Optional)
    def decoratorRepeat(func):

        def wrapperRepeat(*args, **kwargs):

            def getLocalTime():
                return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.localtime()))

            # Get the datetime of the first function call
            td = datetime.timedelta(seconds=15)
            if wrapperRepeat.nextSent == None:
                now = getLocalTime()
                wrapperRepeat.nextSent = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day, hour, minutes, seconds)
                if wrapperRepeat.nextSent < now:
                    wrapperRepeat.nextSent += td

            # Waiting till next day
            while getLocalTime() < wrapperRepeat.nextSent:

            # Call the function
            func(*args, **kwargs)

            # Get the datetime of the next function call
            wrapperRepeat.nextSent += td
            wrapperRepeat(*args, **kwargs)

        wrapperRepeat.nextSent = None
        return wrapperRepeat

    return decoratorRepeat

回答 11



def run(self):
    while 1:
        t = datetime.now()
        for e in self.events:

        time.sleep(60 - t.second - t.microsecond / 1000000.0)

Brian’s solution is working quite well. However, as others have pointed out, there is a subtle bug in the run code. Also i found it overly complicated for the needs.

Here is my simpler and functional alternative for the run code in case anybody needs it:

def run(self):
    while 1:
        t = datetime.now()
        for e in self.events:

        time.sleep(60 - t.second - t.microsecond / 1000000.0)

回答 12


from aqcron import At
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime

# Event scheduling
event_1 = At( second=5 )
event_2 = At( second=[0,20,40] )

while True:
    now = datetime.now()

    # Event check
    if now in event_1: print "event_1"
    if now in event_2: print "event_2"



# aqcron.py

class At(object):
    def __init__(self, year=None,    month=None,
                 day=None,     weekday=None,
                 hour=None,    minute=None,
        loc = locals()
        self.at = dict((k, v) for k, v in loc.iteritems() if v != None)

    def __contains__(self, now):
        for k in self.at.keys():
                if not getattr(now, k) in self.at[k]: return False
            except TypeError:
                if self.at[k] != getattr(now, k): return False
        return True

Another trivial solution would be:

from aqcron import At
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime

# Event scheduling
event_1 = At( second=5 )
event_2 = At( second=[0,20,40] )

while True:
    now = datetime.now()

    # Event check
    if now in event_1: print "event_1"
    if now in event_2: print "event_2"


And the class aqcron.At is:

# aqcron.py

class At(object):
    def __init__(self, year=None,    month=None,
                 day=None,     weekday=None,
                 hour=None,    minute=None,
        loc = locals()
        self.at = dict((k, v) for k, v in loc.iteritems() if v != None)

    def __contains__(self, now):
        for k in self.at.keys():
                if not getattr(now, k) in self.at[k]: return False
            except TypeError:
                if self.at[k] != getattr(now, k): return False
        return True

回答 13


If you are looking for a distributed scheduler, you can check out https://github.com/sherinkurian/mani – it does need redis though so might not be what you are looking for. (note that i am the author) this was built to ensure fault-tolerance by having clock run on more than one node.

回答 14



I don’t know if something like that already exists. It would be easy to write your own with time, datetime and/or calendar modules, see http://docs.python.org/library/time.html

The only concern for a python solution is that your job needs to be always running and possibly be automatically “resurrected” after a reboot, something for which you do need to rely on system dependent solutions.

回答 15

您可以查看PiCloud的[1] Crons [2],但请注意,您的作业不会在您自己的计算机上运行。如果您每月使用20个小时以上的计算时间,则还需要付费。

[1] http://www.picloud.com

[2] http://docs.picloud.com/cron.html

You can check out PiCloud’s [1] Crons [2], but do note that your jobs won’t be running on your own machine. It’s also a service that you’ll need to pay for if you use more than 20 hours of compute time a month.

[1] http://www.picloud.com

[2] http://docs.picloud.com/cron.html

回答 16




python3 /home/ubuntu/Shaurya/Folder/hello.py> /home/ubuntu/Shaurya/Folder/log.txt 2>&1


crontab -e



2 * * * * sudo sh /home/ubuntu/Shaurya/Folder/s.sh


Method of Crontab on Server.

Python file name hello.py

Step1: Create a sh file let give name s.sh

python3 /home/ubuntu/Shaurya/Folder/hello.py > /home/ubuntu/Shaurya/Folder/log.txt 2>&1

Step2: Open Crontab Editor

crontab -e

Step3: Add Schedule Time

Use Crontab Formatting

2 * * * * sudo sh /home/ubuntu/Shaurya/Folder/s.sh

This cron will run “At minute 2.”

回答 17


import pycron
import time

while True:
    if pycron.is_now('0 2 * * 0'):   # True Every Sunday at 02:00
        print('running backup')

I like how the pycron package solves this problem.

import pycron
import time

while True:
    if pycron.is_now('0 2 * * 0'):   # True Every Sunday at 02:00
        print('running backup')