




If I open an image with open("image.jpg"), how can I get the RGB values of a pixel assuming I have the coordinates of the pixel?

Then, how can I do the reverse of this? Starting with a blank graphic, ‘write’ a pixel with a certain RGB value?

I would prefer if I didn’t have to download any additional libraries.

回答 0



from PIL import Image

im = Image.open('dead_parrot.jpg') # Can be many different formats.
pix = im.load()
print im.size  # Get the width and hight of the image for iterating over
print pix[x,y]  # Get the RGBA Value of the a pixel of an image
pix[x,y] = value  # Set the RGBA Value of the image (tuple)
im.save('alive_parrot.png')  # Save the modified pixels as .png


It’s probably best to use the Python Image Library to do this which I’m afraid is a separate download.

The easiest way to do what you want is via the load() method on the Image object which returns a pixel access object which you can manipulate like an array:

from PIL import Image

im = Image.open('dead_parrot.jpg') # Can be many different formats.
pix = im.load()
print im.size  # Get the width and hight of the image for iterating over
print pix[x,y]  # Get the RGBA Value of the a pixel of an image
pix[x,y] = value  # Set the RGBA Value of the image (tuple)
im.save('alive_parrot.png')  # Save the modified pixels as .png

Alternatively, look at ImageDraw which gives a much richer API for creating images.

回答 1

使用Pillow(可与Python 3.X以及Python 2.7+一起使用),您可以执行以下操作:

from PIL import Image
im = Image.open('image.jpg', 'r')
width, height = im.size
pixel_values = list(im.getdata())

现在,您拥有所有像素值。如果是RGB或,可以通过读取其他模式im.mode。然后,您可以(x, y)通过以下方式获得像素:



>>> pixel_values = numpy.array(pixel_values).reshape((width, height, 3))
>>> x, y = 0, 1
>>> pixel_values[x][y]
[ 18  18  12]


def get_image(image_path):
    """Get a numpy array of an image so that one can access values[x][y]."""
    image = Image.open(image_path, 'r')
    width, height = image.size
    pixel_values = list(image.getdata())
    if image.mode == 'RGB':
        channels = 3
    elif image.mode == 'L':
        channels = 1
        print("Unknown mode: %s" % image.mode)
        return None
    pixel_values = numpy.array(pixel_values).reshape((width, height, channels))
    return pixel_values

Using Pillow (which works with Python 3.X as well as Python 2.7+), you can do the following:

from PIL import Image
im = Image.open('image.jpg', 'r')
width, height = im.size
pixel_values = list(im.getdata())

Now you have all pixel values. If it is RGB or another mode can be read by im.mode. Then you can get pixel (x, y) by:


Alternatively, you can use Numpy and reshape the array:

>>> pixel_values = numpy.array(pixel_values).reshape((width, height, 3))
>>> x, y = 0, 1
>>> pixel_values[x][y]
[ 18  18  12]

A complete, simple to use solution is

# Third party modules
import numpy
from PIL import Image

def get_image(image_path):
    """Get a numpy array of an image so that one can access values[x][y]."""
    image = Image.open(image_path, "r")
    width, height = image.size
    pixel_values = list(image.getdata())
    if image.mode == "RGB":
        channels = 3
    elif image.mode == "L":
        channels = 1
        print("Unknown mode: %s" % image.mode)
        return None
    pixel_values = numpy.array(pixel_values).reshape((width, height, channels))
    return pixel_values

image = get_image("gradient.png")


Smoke testing the code

You might be uncertain about the order of width / height / channel. For this reason I’ve created this gradient:

The image has a width of 100px and a height of 26px. It has a color gradient going from #ffaa00 (yellow) to #ffffff (white). The output is:

[[255 172   5]
 [255 172   5]
 [255 172   5]
 [255 171   5]
 [255 172   5]
 [255 172   5]
 [255 171   5]
 [255 171   5]
 [255 171   5]
 [255 172   5]
 [255 172   5]
 [255 171   5]
 [255 171   5]
 [255 172   5]
 [255 172   5]
 [255 172   5]
 [255 171   5]
 [255 172   5]
 [255 172   5]
 [255 171   5]
 [255 171   5]
 [255 172   4]
 [255 172   5]
 [255 171   5]
 [255 171   5]
 [255 172   5]]
(100, 26, 3)

Things to note:

  • The shape is (width, height, channels)
  • The image[0], hence the first row, has 26 triples of the same color

回答 2




import png, array

point = (2, 10) # coordinates of pixel to be painted red

reader = png.Reader(filename='image.png')
w, h, pixels, metadata = reader.read_flat()
pixel_byte_width = 4 if metadata['alpha'] else 3
pixel_position = point[0] + point[1] * w
new_pixel_value = (255, 0, 0, 0) if metadata['alpha'] else (255, 0, 0)
  pixel_position * pixel_byte_width :
  (pixel_position + 1) * pixel_byte_width] = array.array('B', new_pixel_value)

output = open('image-with-red-dot.png', 'wb')
writer = png.Writer(w, h, **metadata)
writer.write_array(output, pixels)



PyPNG – lightweight PNG decoder/encoder

Although the question hints at JPG, I hope my answer will be useful to some people.

Here’s how to read and write PNG pixels using PyPNG module:

import png, array

point = (2, 10) # coordinates of pixel to be painted red

reader = png.Reader(filename='image.png')
w, h, pixels, metadata = reader.read_flat()
pixel_byte_width = 4 if metadata['alpha'] else 3
pixel_position = point[0] + point[1] * w
new_pixel_value = (255, 0, 0, 0) if metadata['alpha'] else (255, 0, 0)
  pixel_position * pixel_byte_width :
  (pixel_position + 1) * pixel_byte_width] = array.array('B', new_pixel_value)

output = open('image-with-red-dot.png', 'wb')
writer = png.Writer(w, h, **metadata)
writer.write_array(output, pixels)

PyPNG is a single pure Python module less than 4000 lines long, including tests and comments.

PIL is a more comprehensive imaging library, but it’s also significantly heavier.

回答 3

正如Dave Webb所说:


import os, sys
import Image

im = Image.open("image.jpg")
x = 3
y = 4

pix = im.load()
print pix[x,y]

As Dave Webb said:

Here is my working code snippet printing the pixel colours from an image:

import os, sys
import Image

im = Image.open("image.jpg")
x = 3
y = 4

pix = im.load()
print pix[x,y]

回答 4

photo = Image.open('IN.jpg') #your image
photo = photo.convert('RGB')

width = photo.size[0] #define W and H
height = photo.size[1]

for y in range(0, height): #each pixel has coordinates
    row = ""
    for x in range(0, width):

        RGB = photo.getpixel((x,y))
        R,G,B = RGB  #now you can use the RGB value
photo = Image.open('IN.jpg') #your image
photo = photo.convert('RGB')

width = photo.size[0] #define W and H
height = photo.size[1]

for y in range(0, height): #each pixel has coordinates
    row = ""
    for x in range(0, width):

        RGB = photo.getpixel((x,y))
        R,G,B = RGB  #now you can use the RGB value

回答 5


Image manipulation is a complex topic, and it’s best if you do use a library. I can recommend gdmodule which provides easy access to many different image formats from within Python.

回答 6


There’s a really good article on wiki.wxpython.org entitled Working With Images. The article mentions the possiblity of using wxWidgets (wxImage), PIL or PythonMagick. Personally, I’ve used PIL and wxWidgets and both make image manipulation fairly easy.

回答 7


from pygame import surfarray, image, display
import pygame
import numpy #important to import

image = image.load("myimagefile.jpg") #surface to render
resolution = (image.get_width(),image.get_height())
screen = display.set_mode(resolution) #create space for display
screen.blit(image, (0,0)) #superpose image on screen
surfarray.use_arraytype("numpy") #important!
screenpix = surfarray.pixels3d(image) #pixels in 3d array:
for y in range(resolution[1]):
    for x in range(resolution[0]):
        for color in range(3):
            screenpix[x][y][color] += 128
            #reverting colors
screen.blit(surfarray.make_surface(screenpix), (0,0)) #superpose on screen
display.flip() #update display
while 1:
    print finished


You can use pygame‘s surfarray module. This module has a 3d pixel array returning method called pixels3d(surface). I’ve shown usage below:

from pygame import surfarray, image, display
import pygame
import numpy #important to import

image = image.load("myimagefile.jpg") #surface to render
resolution = (image.get_width(),image.get_height())
screen = display.set_mode(resolution) #create space for display
screen.blit(image, (0,0)) #superpose image on screen
surfarray.use_arraytype("numpy") #important!
screenpix = surfarray.pixels3d(image) #pixels in 3d array:
for y in range(resolution[1]):
    for x in range(resolution[0]):
        for color in range(3):
            screenpix[x][y][color] += 128
            #reverting colors
screen.blit(surfarray.make_surface(screenpix), (0,0)) #superpose on screen
display.flip() #update display
while 1:
    print finished

I hope been helpful. Last word: screen is locked for lifetime of screenpix.

回答 8

使用命令“ sudo apt-get install python-imaging”安装PIL并运行以下程序。它将打印图像的RGB值。如果图像较大,则使用“>”将输出重定向到文件,然后打开文件以查看RGB值

import PIL
import Image
FILENAME='fn.gif' #image can be in gif jpeg or png format 
for i in range(w):
  for j in range(h):
    print pix[i,j]

install PIL using the command “sudo apt-get install python-imaging” and run the following program. It will print RGB values of the image. If the image is large redirect the output to a file using ‘>’ later open the file to see RGB values

import PIL
import Image
FILENAME='fn.gif' #image can be in gif jpeg or png format 
for i in range(w):
  for j in range(h):
    print pix[i,j]

回答 9

您可以使用Tkinter模块,它是Tk GUI工具包的标准Python界面,不需要额外下载。参见https://docs.python.org/2/library/tkinter.html

(对于Python 3,Tkinter重命名为tkinter)


#from http://tkinter.unpythonic.net/wiki/PhotoImage
from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()

def pixel(image, pos, color):
    """Place pixel at pos=(x,y) on image, with color=(r,g,b)."""
    r,g,b = color
    x,y = pos
    image.put("#%02x%02x%02x" % (r,g,b), (y, x))

photo = PhotoImage(width=32, height=32)

pixel(photo, (16,16), (255,0,0))  # One lone pixel in the middle...

label = Label(root, image=photo)


#from http://www.kosbie.net/cmu/spring-14/15-112/handouts/steganographyEncoder.py
def getRGB(image, x, y):
    value = image.get(x, y)
    return tuple(map(int, value.split(" ")))

You could use the Tkinter module, which is the standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit and you don’t need extra download. See https://docs.python.org/2/library/tkinter.html.

(For Python 3, Tkinter is renamed to tkinter)

Here is how to set RGB values:

#from http://tkinter.unpythonic.net/wiki/PhotoImage
from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()

def pixel(image, pos, color):
    """Place pixel at pos=(x,y) on image, with color=(r,g,b)."""
    r,g,b = color
    x,y = pos
    image.put("#%02x%02x%02x" % (r,g,b), (y, x))

photo = PhotoImage(width=32, height=32)

pixel(photo, (16,16), (255,0,0))  # One lone pixel in the middle...

label = Label(root, image=photo)

And get RGB:

#from http://www.kosbie.net/cmu/spring-14/15-112/handouts/steganographyEncoder.py
def getRGB(image, x, y):
    value = image.get(x, y)
    return tuple(map(int, value.split(" ")))

回答 10

from PIL import Image
def rgb_of_pixel(img_path, x, y):
    im = Image.open(img_path).convert('RGB')
    r, g, b = im.getpixel((x, y))
    a = (r, g, b)
    return a
from PIL import Image
def rgb_of_pixel(img_path, x, y):
    im = Image.open(img_path).convert('RGB')
    r, g, b = im.getpixel((x, y))
    a = (r, g, b)
    return a

回答 11

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg

imgplot = plt.imshow(img)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg

imgplot = plt.imshow(img)

回答 12


i = Image.open(path)
pixels = i.load() # this is not a list, nor is it list()'able
width, height = i.size

all_pixels = []
for x in range(width):
    for y in range(height):
        cpixel = pixels[x, y]


If you are looking to have three digits in the form of an RGB colour code, the following code should do just that.

i = Image.open(path)
pixels = i.load() # this is not a list, nor is it list()'able
width, height = i.size

all_pixels = []
for x in range(width):
    for y in range(height):
        cpixel = pixels[x, y]

This may work for you.