



I’m taking some university classes and have been given an ‘instructional account’, which is a school account I can ssh into to do work. I want to run my computationally intensive Numpy, matplotlib, scipy code on that machine, but I cannot install these modules because I am not a system administrator.

How can I do the installation?

回答 0


pip install --user package_name



easy_install --prefix=$HOME/local package_name









pip install --install-option="--prefix=$HOME/local" package_name

In most situations the best solution is to rely on the so-called “user site” location (see the PEP for details) by running:

pip install --user package_name

Below is a more “manual” way from my original answer, you do not need to read it if the above solution works for you.

With easy_install you can do:

easy_install --prefix=$HOME/local package_name

which will install into


(the ‘local’ folder is a typical name many people use, but of course you may specify any folder you have permissions to write into).

You will need to manually create


and add it to your PYTHONPATH environment variable (otherwise easy_install will complain — btw run the command above once to find the correct value for X.Y).

If you are not using easy_install, look for a prefix option, most install scripts let you specify one.

With pip you can use:

pip install --install-option="--prefix=$HOME/local" package_name

回答 1


然后,您可以创建一个python virtualenvhttps://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv)并从该虚拟环境中安装该软件包。


$ curl --location --output virtualenv-X.X.X.tar.gz https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/tarball/X.X.X
$ tar xvfz virtualenv-X.X.X.tar.gz
$ python pypa-virtualenv-YYYYYY/src/virtualenv.py my_new_env
$ . my_new_env/bin/activate
(my_new_env)$ pip install package_name

来源和更多信息:https : //virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/installation/

No permissions to access nor install easy_install?

Then, you can create a python virtualenv (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv) and install the package from this virtual environment.

Executing 4 commands in the shell will be enough (insert current release like 16.1.0 for X.X.X):

$ curl --location --output virtualenv-X.X.X.tar.gz https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/tarball/X.X.X
$ tar xvfz virtualenv-X.X.X.tar.gz
$ python pypa-virtualenv-YYYYYY/src/virtualenv.py my_new_env
$ . my_new_env/bin/activate
(my_new_env)$ pip install package_name

Source and more info: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/installation/

回答 2

您可以运行easy_install将Python软件包安装在主目录中,即使没有root访问权限。有一种使用site.USER_BASE的标准方法,默认为$ HOME / .local或$ HOME / Library / Python / 2.7 / bin之类,默认情况下包含在PYTHONPATH中


cat > $HOME/.pydistutils.cfg <<EOF


easy_install boto


pip install boto


源自Wesley Tanaka的博客:http : //wtanaka.com/node/8095

You can run easy_install to install python packages in your home directory even without root access. There’s a standard way to do this using site.USER_BASE which defaults to something like $HOME/.local or $HOME/Library/Python/2.7/bin and is included by default on the PYTHONPATH

To do this, create a .pydistutils.cfg in your home directory:

cat > $HOME/.pydistutils.cfg <<EOF

Now you can run easy_install without root privileges:

easy_install boto

Alternatively, this also lets you run pip without root access:

pip install boto

This works for me.

Source from Wesley Tanaka’s blog : http://wtanaka.com/node/8095

回答 3

如果必须使用distutils setup.py脚本,则可以使用一些命令行选项来强制安装目标。请参阅http://docs.python.org/install/index.html#alternate-installation。如果重复出现此问题,则可以设置distutils配置文件,请参阅http://docs.python.org/install/index.html#inst-config-files

设置PYTHONPATH变量在tihos post中有描述。

If you have to use a distutils setup.py script, there are some commandline options for forcing an installation destination. See http://docs.python.org/install/index.html#alternate-installation. If this problem repeats, you can setup a distutils configuration file, see http://docs.python.org/install/index.html#inst-config-files.

Setting the PYTHONPATH variable is described in tihos post.

回答 4

重要问题。我使用的服务器(Ubuntu 12.04)拥有easy_install3但没有pip3。这是我将Pip和其他软件包安装到主文件夹的方式

  1. 要求管理员安装Ubuntu软件包 python3-setuptools

  2. 已安装点


 easy_install3 --prefix=$HOME/.local pip
 mkdir -p $HOME/.local/lib/python3.2/site-packages
 easy_install3 --prefix=$HOME/.local pip
  1. 添加Pip(以及其他Python应用程序到路径)


echo PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" > $HOME/.profile
  1. 安装Python包


pip3 install --user httpie

# test httpie package
http httpbin.org

Important question. The server I use (Ubuntu 12.04) had easy_install3 but not pip3. This is how I installed Pip and then other packages to my home folder

  1. Asked admin to install Ubuntu package python3-setuptools

  2. Installed pip

Like this:

 easy_install3 --prefix=$HOME/.local pip
 mkdir -p $HOME/.local/lib/python3.2/site-packages
 easy_install3 --prefix=$HOME/.local pip
  1. Add Pip (and other Python apps to path)

Like this:

echo PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" > $HOME/.profile
  1. Install Python package

like this

pip3 install --user httpie

# test httpie package
http httpbin.org

回答 5

我使用JuJu,它基本上允许在$ HOME / .juju目录中有一个非常小的linux发行版(仅包含软件包管理器)。



$>juju -f
(juju)$> pacman -S python-pip
(juju)> pip

I use JuJu which basically allows to have a really tiny linux distribution (containing just the package manager) inside your $HOME/.juju directory.

It allows to have your custom system inside the home directory accessible via proot and, therefore, you can install any packages without root privileges. It will run properly to all the major linux distributions, the only limitation is that JuJu can run on linux kernel with minimum reccomended version 2.6.32.

For instance, after installed JuJu to install pip just type the following:

$>juju -f
(juju)$> pacman -S python-pip
(juju)> pip

回答 6


pip install --user package_name


The best and easiest way is this command:

pip install --user package_name


回答 7


重要提示:插入XXX的当前版本(如16.1.0)。 检查提取文件的名称,并将其插入YYYYY

$ curl -L -o virtualenv.tar.gz https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/tarball/X.X.X
$ tar xfz virtualenv.tar.gz
$ python pypa-virtualenv-YYYYY/src/virtualenv.py env


$ source env/bin/activate


(env)$ pip install <package>

Install virtualenv locally (source of instructions):

Important: Insert the current release (like 16.1.0) for X.X.X.
Check the name of the extracted file and insert it for YYYYY.

$ curl -L -o virtualenv.tar.gz https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/tarball/X.X.X
$ tar xfz virtualenv.tar.gz
$ python pypa-virtualenv-YYYYY/src/virtualenv.py env

Before you can use or install any package you need to source your virtual Python environment env:

$ source env/bin/activate

To install new python packages (like numpy), use:

(env)$ pip install <package>