

我正在尝试使用Pythons模拟包来模拟Pythons requests模块。使我在以下情况下工作的基本要求是什么?


def myview(request):
  res1 = requests.get('aurl')
  res2 = request.get('burl')
  res3 = request.get('curl')



# Mock the requests module
# when mockedRequests.get('aurl') is called then return 'a response'
# when mockedRequests.get('burl') is called then return 'b response'
# when mockedRequests.get('curl') is called then return 'c response'




验证响应包含“ a响应”,“ b响应”,“ c响应”


I am trying to use Pythons mock package to mock Pythons requests module. What are the basic calls to get me working in below scenario?

In my views.py, I have a function that makes variety of requests.get() calls with different response each time

def myview(request):
  res1 = requests.get('aurl')
  res2 = request.get('burl')
  res3 = request.get('curl')

In my test class I want to do something like this but cannot figure out exact method calls

Step 1:

# Mock the requests module
# when mockedRequests.get('aurl') is called then return 'a response'
# when mockedRequests.get('burl') is called then return 'b response'
# when mockedRequests.get('curl') is called then return 'c response'

Step 2:

Call my view

Step 3:

verify response contains ‘a response’, ‘b response’ , ‘c response’

How can I complete Step 1 (mocking the requests module)?

回答 0


import requests
import unittest
from unittest import mock

# This is the class we want to test
class MyGreatClass:
    def fetch_json(self, url):
        response = requests.get(url)
        return response.json()

# This method will be used by the mock to replace requests.get
def mocked_requests_get(*args, **kwargs):
    class MockResponse:
        def __init__(self, json_data, status_code):
            self.json_data = json_data
            self.status_code = status_code

        def json(self):
            return self.json_data

    if args[0] == 'http://someurl.com/test.json':
        return MockResponse({"key1": "value1"}, 200)
    elif args[0] == 'http://someotherurl.com/anothertest.json':
        return MockResponse({"key2": "value2"}, 200)

    return MockResponse(None, 404)

# Our test case class
class MyGreatClassTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    # We patch 'requests.get' with our own method. The mock object is passed in to our test case method.
    @mock.patch('requests.get', side_effect=mocked_requests_get)
    def test_fetch(self, mock_get):
        # Assert requests.get calls
        mgc = MyGreatClass()
        json_data = mgc.fetch_json('http://someurl.com/test.json')
        self.assertEqual(json_data, {"key1": "value1"})
        json_data = mgc.fetch_json('http://someotherurl.com/anothertest.json')
        self.assertEqual(json_data, {"key2": "value2"})
        json_data = mgc.fetch_json('http://nonexistenturl.com/cantfindme.json')

        # We can even assert that our mocked method was called with the right parameters
        self.assertIn(mock.call('http://someurl.com/test.json'), mock_get.call_args_list)
        self.assertIn(mock.call('http://someotherurl.com/anothertest.json'), mock_get.call_args_list)

        self.assertEqual(len(mock_get.call_args_list), 3)

if __name__ == '__main__':


import unittest
from unittest import mock
from my.great.package import MyGreatClass

# This method will be used by the mock to replace requests.get
def mocked_requests_get(*args, **kwargs):
    # Same as above

class MyGreatClassTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    # Now we must patch 'my.great.package.requests.get'
    @mock.patch('my.great.package.requests.get', side_effect=mocked_requests_get)
    def test_fetch(self, mock_get):
        # Same as above

if __name__ == '__main__':


This is how you can do it (you can run this file as-is):

import requests
import unittest
from unittest import mock

# This is the class we want to test
class MyGreatClass:
    def fetch_json(self, url):
        response = requests.get(url)
        return response.json()

# This method will be used by the mock to replace requests.get
def mocked_requests_get(*args, **kwargs):
    class MockResponse:
        def __init__(self, json_data, status_code):
            self.json_data = json_data
            self.status_code = status_code

        def json(self):
            return self.json_data

    if args[0] == 'http://someurl.com/test.json':
        return MockResponse({"key1": "value1"}, 200)
    elif args[0] == 'http://someotherurl.com/anothertest.json':
        return MockResponse({"key2": "value2"}, 200)

    return MockResponse(None, 404)

# Our test case class
class MyGreatClassTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    # We patch 'requests.get' with our own method. The mock object is passed in to our test case method.
    @mock.patch('requests.get', side_effect=mocked_requests_get)
    def test_fetch(self, mock_get):
        # Assert requests.get calls
        mgc = MyGreatClass()
        json_data = mgc.fetch_json('http://someurl.com/test.json')
        self.assertEqual(json_data, {"key1": "value1"})
        json_data = mgc.fetch_json('http://someotherurl.com/anothertest.json')
        self.assertEqual(json_data, {"key2": "value2"})
        json_data = mgc.fetch_json('http://nonexistenturl.com/cantfindme.json')

        # We can even assert that our mocked method was called with the right parameters
        self.assertIn(mock.call('http://someurl.com/test.json'), mock_get.call_args_list)
        self.assertIn(mock.call('http://someotherurl.com/anothertest.json'), mock_get.call_args_list)

        self.assertEqual(len(mock_get.call_args_list), 3)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Important Note: If your MyGreatClass class lives in a different package, say my.great.package, you have to mock my.great.package.requests.get instead of just ‘request.get’. In that case your test case would look like this:

import unittest
from unittest import mock
from my.great.package import MyGreatClass

# This method will be used by the mock to replace requests.get
def mocked_requests_get(*args, **kwargs):
    # Same as above

class MyGreatClassTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    # Now we must patch 'my.great.package.requests.get'
    @mock.patch('my.great.package.requests.get', side_effect=mocked_requests_get)
    def test_fetch(self, mock_get):
        # Same as above

if __name__ == '__main__':


回答 1


import responses
import requests

def test_simple():
    responses.add(responses.GET, 'http://twitter.com/api/1/foobar',
                  json={'error': 'not found'}, status=404)

    resp = requests.get('http://twitter.com/api/1/foobar')

    assert resp.json() == {"error": "not found"}

    assert len(responses.calls) == 1
    assert responses.calls[0].request.url == 'http://twitter.com/api/1/foobar'
    assert responses.calls[0].response.text == '{"error": "not found"}'





Try using the responses library. Here is an example from their documentation:

import responses
import requests

def test_simple():
    responses.add(responses.GET, 'http://twitter.com/api/1/foobar',
                  json={'error': 'not found'}, status=404)

    resp = requests.get('http://twitter.com/api/1/foobar')

    assert resp.json() == {"error": "not found"}

    assert len(responses.calls) == 1
    assert responses.calls[0].request.url == 'http://twitter.com/api/1/foobar'
    assert responses.calls[0].response.text == '{"error": "not found"}'

It provides quite a nice convenience over setting up all the mocking yourself.

There’s also HTTPretty:

It’s not specific to requests library, more powerful in some ways though I found it doesn’t lend itself so well to inspecting the requests that it intercepted, which responses does quite easily

There’s also httmock.

回答 2


import mock
@mock.patch('requests.get', mock.Mock(side_effect = lambda k:{'aurl': 'a response', 'burl' : 'b response'}.get(k, 'unhandled request %s'%k)))

Here is what worked for me:

import mock
@mock.patch('requests.get', mock.Mock(side_effect = lambda k:{'aurl': 'a response', 'burl' : 'b response'}.get(k, 'unhandled request %s'%k)))

回答 3


# module.py
import requests

class A():

    def get_response(self, url):
        response = requests.get(url)
        return response.text


# tests.py
import requests_mock
import unittest

from module import A

class TestAPI(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_get_response(self, m):
        a = A()
        m.get('http://aurl.com', text='a response')
        self.assertEqual(a.get_response('http://aurl.com'), 'a response')
        m.get('http://burl.com', text='b response')
        self.assertEqual(a.get_response('http://burl.com'), 'b response')
        m.get('http://curl.com', text='c response')
        self.assertEqual(a.get_response('http://curl.com'), 'c response')

if __name__ == '__main__':

I used requests-mock for writing tests for separate module:

# module.py
import requests

class A():

    def get_response(self, url):
        response = requests.get(url)
        return response.text

And the tests:

# tests.py
import requests_mock
import unittest

from module import A

class TestAPI(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_get_response(self, m):
        a = A()
        m.get('http://aurl.com', text='a response')
        self.assertEqual(a.get_response('http://aurl.com'), 'a response')
        m.get('http://burl.com', text='b response')
        self.assertEqual(a.get_response('http://burl.com'), 'b response')
        m.get('http://curl.com', text='c response')
        self.assertEqual(a.get_response('http://curl.com'), 'c response')

if __name__ == '__main__':

回答 4


@patch.object(requests, 'post')
def your_test_method(self, mockpost):
    mockresponse = Mock()
    mockpost.return_value = mockresponse
    mockresponse.text = 'mock return'

    #call your target method now

this is how you mock requests.post, change it to your http method

@patch.object(requests, 'post')
def your_test_method(self, mockpost):
    mockresponse = Mock()
    mockpost.return_value = mockresponse
    mockresponse.text = 'mock return'

    #call your target method now

回答 5


from django.http.response import HttpResponseBase

self.fake_response = HttpResponseBase()

If you want to mock a fake response, another way to do it is to simply instantiate an instance of the base HttpResponse class, like so:

from django.http.response import HttpResponseBase

self.fake_response = HttpResponseBase()

回答 6


import os

import requests
from betamax import Betamax
from betamax_serializers import pretty_json

WORKERS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
CASSETTES_DIR = os.path.join(WORKERS_DIR, u'resources', u'cassettes')
MATCH_REQUESTS_ON = [u'method', u'uri', u'path', u'query']

with Betamax.configure() as config:
    config.cassette_library_dir = CASSETTES_DIR
    config.default_cassette_options[u'serialize_with'] = u'prettyjson'
    config.default_cassette_options[u'match_requests_on'] = MATCH_REQUESTS_ON
    config.default_cassette_options[u'preserve_exact_body_bytes'] = True

class WorkerCertidaoTRT2:
    session = requests.session()

    def make_request(self, input_json):
        with Betamax(self.session) as vcr:
            response = session.get('http://www.google.com')


One possible way to work around requests is using the library betamax, it records all requests and after that if you make a request in the same url with the same parameters the betamax will use the recorded request, I have been using it to test web crawler and it save me a lot time.

import os

import requests
from betamax import Betamax
from betamax_serializers import pretty_json

WORKERS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
CASSETTES_DIR = os.path.join(WORKERS_DIR, u'resources', u'cassettes')
MATCH_REQUESTS_ON = [u'method', u'uri', u'path', u'query']

with Betamax.configure() as config:
    config.cassette_library_dir = CASSETTES_DIR
    config.default_cassette_options[u'serialize_with'] = u'prettyjson'
    config.default_cassette_options[u'match_requests_on'] = MATCH_REQUESTS_ON
    config.default_cassette_options[u'preserve_exact_body_bytes'] = True

class WorkerCertidaoTRT2:
    session = requests.session()

    def make_request(self, input_json):
        with Betamax(self.session) as vcr:
            response = session.get('http://www.google.com')


回答 7

对于那些仍在挣扎,从urllib或urllib2 / urllib3转换为请求并尝试模拟响应的人来说,这只是一个有用的提示-在实现我的模拟时,我遇到了一个令人困惑的错误:

with requests.get(path, auth=HTTPBasicAuth('user', 'pass'), verify=False) as url:


好吧,当然,如果我对with工作原理一无所知(我不知道),那我就会知道这是一种残余的,不必要的环境(摘自PEP 343)。不必要的使用请求库时,因为它基本上给你同样的事情引擎盖下。只需移开,with然后使用裸露requests.get(...)Bob的叔叔

Just a helpful hint to those that are still struggling, converting from urllib or urllib2/urllib3 to requests AND trying to mock a response- I was getting a slightly confusing error when implementing my mock:

with requests.get(path, auth=HTTPBasicAuth('user', 'pass'), verify=False) as url:

AttributeError: __enter__

Well, of course, if I knew anything about how with works (I didn’t), I’d know it was a vestigial, unnecessary context (from PEP 343). Unnecessary when using the requests library because it does basically the same thing for you under the hood. Just remove the with and use bare requests.get(...) and Bob’s your uncle.

回答 8




async def get_user_info(headers, payload):
    return await httpx.AsyncClient().post(URI, json=payload, headers=headers)


class MockResponse:
    def __init__(self, json_data, status_code):
        self.json_data = json_data
        self.status_code = status_code

    def json(self):
        return self.json_data


class MockResponseAsync:
    def __init__(self, json_data, status_code):
        self.response = MockResponse(json_data, status_code)

    async def getResponse(self):
        return self.response


async def test_get_user_info_valid(self, mock_post):
    # Given
    token_bd = "abc"
    username = "bob"
    payload = {
        'USERNAME': username,
        'DBNAME': 'TEST'
    headers = {
        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token_bd,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    async_response = MockResponseAsync("", 200)
    mock_post.return_value.post.return_value = async_response.getResponse()

    # When
    await api_bd.get_user_info(headers, payload)

    # Then
        URI, json=payload, headers=headers)


I will add this information since I had a hard time figuring how to mock an async api call.

Here is what I did to mock an async call.

Here is the function I wanted to test

async def get_user_info(headers, payload):
    return await httpx.AsyncClient().post(URI, json=payload, headers=headers)

You still need the MockResponse class

class MockResponse:
    def __init__(self, json_data, status_code):
        self.json_data = json_data
        self.status_code = status_code

    def json(self):
        return self.json_data

You add the MockResponseAsync class

class MockResponseAsync:
    def __init__(self, json_data, status_code):
        self.response = MockResponse(json_data, status_code)

    async def getResponse(self):
        return self.response

Here is the test. The important thing here is I create the response before since init function can’t be async and the call to getResponse is async so it all checked out.

async def test_get_user_info_valid(self, mock_post):
    # Given
    token_bd = "abc"
    username = "bob"
    payload = {
        'USERNAME': username,
        'DBNAME': 'TEST'
    headers = {
        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token_bd,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    async_response = MockResponseAsync("", 200)
    mock_post.return_value.post.return_value = async_response.getResponse()

    # When
    await api_bd.get_user_info(headers, payload)

    # Then
        URI, json=payload, headers=headers)

If you have a better way of doing that tell me but I think it’s pretty clean like that.