



import numpy as np

print np.zeros([1, 4])


[[0. 0. 0. 0.]]



对于版本,我使用的是pylint 1.0.0(星号1.0.1,常见的0.60.0),并尝试使用numpy 1.8.0。

I am running PyLint on a Python project. PyLint makes many complaints about being unable to find numpy members. How can I avoid this while avoiding skipping membership checks.

From the code:

import numpy as np

print np.zeros([1, 4])

Which, when ran, I get the expected:

[[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]]

However, pylint gives me this error:

E: 3, 6: Module ‘numpy’ has no ‘zeros’ member (no-member)

For versions, I am using pylint 1.0.0 (astroid 1.0.1, common 0.60.0) and trying to work with numpy 1.8.0 .

回答 0

如果将Visual Studio Code与Don Jayamanne的出色Python扩展一起使用,请将用户设置添加到numpy白名单:

    // whitelist numpy to remove lint errors
    "python.linting.pylintArgs": [

If using Visual Studio Code with Don Jayamanne’s excellent Python extension, add a user setting to whitelist numpy:

    // whitelist numpy to remove lint errors
    "python.linting.pylintArgs": [

回答 1

我这里有同样的问题,即使所有相关的软件包的最新版本(astroid 1.3.2logilab_common 0.63.2pylon 1.4.0)。



ignored-modules = numpy

根据错误,您可能还需要添加以下行(仍在中[TYPECHECK] section):

ignored-classes = numpy

I had the same issue here, even with the latest versions of all related packages (astroid 1.3.2, logilab_common 0.63.2, pylon 1.4.0).

The following solution worked like a charm: I added numpy to the list of ignored modules by modifying my pylintrc file, in the [TYPECHECK] section:


ignored-modules = numpy

Depending on the error, you might also need to add the following line (still in the [TYPECHECK] section):

ignored-classes = numpy

回答 2


$ pylint --generate-rcfile > ~/.pylintrc



# A comma-separated list of package or module names from where C extensions may
# be loaded. Extensions are loading into the active Python interpreter and may
# run arbitrary code


# List of module names for which member attributes should not be checked
# (useful for modules/projects where namespaces are manipulated during runtime
# and thus existing member attributes cannot be deduced by static analysis. It
# supports qualified module names, as well as Unix pattern matching.

# List of classes names for which member attributes should not be checked
# (useful for classes with attributes dynamically set). This supports can work
# with qualified names.


I was getting the same error for a small numpy project I was working on and decided that ignoring the numpy modules would do just fine. I created a .pylintrc file with:

$ pylint --generate-rcfile > ~/.pylintrc

and following paduwan’s and j_houg’s advice I modified the following sectors:


# A comma-separated list of package or module names from where C extensions may
# be loaded. Extensions are loading into the active Python interpreter and may
# run arbitrary code



# List of module names for which member attributes should not be checked
# (useful for modules/projects where namespaces are manipulated during runtime
# and thus existing member attributes cannot be deduced by static analysis. It
# supports qualified module names, as well as Unix pattern matching.

# List of classes names for which member attributes should not be checked
# (useful for classes with attributes dynamically set). This supports can work
# with qualified names.

and it “fixed” my issue.

回答 3


In recent versions of pylint you can add --extension-pkg-whitelist=numpy to your pylint command. They had fixed this problem in an earlier version in an unsafe way. Now if you want them to look more carefully at a package outside of the standard library, you must explicitly whitelist it. See here.

回答 4


这个问题实际上已经在上个月的pylint / astroid来源https://bitbucket.org/logilab/astroid/commits/83d78af4866be5818f193360c78185e1008fd29e的来源中得到解决, 但尚未在Ubuntu软件包中。


hg clone https://bitbucket.org/logilab/pylint/
hg clone https://bitbucket.org/logilab/astroid
mkdir logilab && touch logilab/__init__.py
hg clone http://hg.logilab.org/logilab/common logilab/common
cd pylint && python setup.py install


Since this is the top result in google and it gave me the impression that you have to ignore those warnings in all files:

The problem has actually been fixed in the sources of pylint/astroid last month https://bitbucket.org/logilab/astroid/commits/83d78af4866be5818f193360c78185e1008fd29e but are not yet in the Ubuntu packages.

To get the sources, just

hg clone https://bitbucket.org/logilab/pylint/
hg clone https://bitbucket.org/logilab/astroid
mkdir logilab && touch logilab/__init__.py
hg clone http://hg.logilab.org/logilab/common logilab/common
cd pylint && python setup.py install

whereby the last step will most likely require a sudo and of course you need mercurial to clone.

回答 5


$ pylint a.py --generated-members=numpy.*

作为另一个解决方案,将此选项添加到〜/ .pylintrc/ etc / pylintrc文件中:


# List of members which are set dynamically and missed by pylint inference
# system, and so shouldn't trigger E1101 when accessed. Python regular
# expressions are accepted.


For ignoring all the errors generated by numpy.core‘s attributes, we can now use:

$ pylint a.py --generated-members=numpy.*

As another solution, add this option to ~/.pylintrc or /etc/pylintrc file:


# List of members which are set dynamically and missed by pylint inference
# system, and so shouldn't trigger E1101 when accessed. Python regular
# expressions are accepted.

For mentioned in question code by now this seems reduntant, but still matters for another modules, ie. netifaces and etc.

回答 6

如果您不想添加更多配置,请将此代码添加到您的配置文件中,而不是“ whitelist”。

"python.linting.pylintArgs": ["--generate-members"],

If you don’t want to add more config, please add this code to your config file, instead of ‘whitelist’.

"python.linting.pylintArgs": ["--generate-members"],

回答 7



# pylint: disable=E1103
print np.zeros([1, 4])
# pylint: enable=E1103

There have been many different bugs reported about this over the past few years i.e. https://bitbucket.org/logilab/pylint/issue/58/false-positive-no-member-on-numpy-imports

I’d suggest disabling for the lines where the complaints occur.

# pylint: disable=E1103
print np.zeros([1, 4])
# pylint: enable=E1103

回答 8


from .core import *


from .numeric import *


zeros = multiarray.zeros



Probably, it’s confused with numpy’s abstruse method of methods import. Namely, zeros is in fact numpy.core.multiarray.zeros, imported in numpy with statement

from .core import *

in turn imported with

from .numeric import *

and in numeric you’ll find

zeros = multiarray.zeros

I guess I would be confused in place of PyLint!

See this bug for PyLint side of view.

回答 9


# To ignore numpy errors:
#     pylint: disable=E1101


I had to add this at the top of any file where I use numpy a lot.

# To ignore numpy errors:
#     pylint: disable=E1101

Just in case someone in eclipse is having trouble with Pydev and pylint…

回答 10




pylint --generate-rcfile > .pylintrc


In Extension to j_hougs answer, you can now add the modules in question to this line in .pylintrc, which is already prepared empty on generation:


you can generate a sample .pylintrc by doing:

pylint --generate-rcfile > .pylintrc

and then edit the mentioned line

回答 11

终于在Pylint 1.8.2中解决了这个问题。开箱即用,无需pylintrc调整!

This has finally been resolved in Pylint 1.8.2. Works out of the box, no pylintrc tweaks needed!

回答 12


#pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from numpy import array as np_array, transpose as np_transpose, \
      linspace as np_linspace, zeros as np_zeros
from numpy.random import uniform as random_uniform
#pylint: enable=no-name-in-module


  • pylint禁用/启用仅限于代码的一小部分
  • 这意味着您不必用pylint指令将每一个调用numpy函数的行都包围起来。
  • 您没有为整个文件执行pylint禁用错误操作,这可能会掩盖代码的其他问题。


""" module: numpy_importer.py
       explicitely import numpy functions while avoiding pylint errors  
#pylint: disable=unused-import
#pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from numpy import array, transpose, zeros  #add all things you need  
from numpy.random import uniform as random_uniform
#pylint: enable=no-name-in-module


import numpy_importer as np 



This is the pseudo-solution I have come up with for this problem.

#pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from numpy import array as np_array, transpose as np_transpose, \
      linspace as np_linspace, zeros as np_zeros
from numpy.random import uniform as random_uniform
#pylint: enable=no-name-in-module

Then, in your code, instead of calling numpy functions as np.array and np.zeros and so on, you would write np_array, np_zeros, etc. Advantages of this approach vs. other approaches suggested in other answers:

  • The pylint disable/enable is restricted to a small region of your code
  • That means that you don’t have to surround every single line that has an invocation of a numpy function with a pylint directive.
  • You are not doing pylint disable of the error for your whole file, which might mask other issues with your code.

The clear disadvantage is that you have to explicitely import every numpy function you use. The approach could be elaborated on further. You could define your own module, call it say, numpy_importer as follows

""" module: numpy_importer.py
       explicitely import numpy functions while avoiding pylint errors  
#pylint: disable=unused-import
#pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from numpy import array, transpose, zeros  #add all things you need  
from numpy.random import uniform as random_uniform
#pylint: enable=no-name-in-module

Then, your application code could import this module only (instead of numpy) as

import numpy_importer as np 

and use the names as usual: np.zeros, np.array etc.

The advantage of this is that you will have a single module in which all numpy related imports are done once and for all, and then you import it with that single line, wherever you want. Still you have to be careful that numpy_importer does not import names that don´t exist in numpy as those errors won’t be caught by pylint.

回答 13




Synopsis: epylint wrapper that filters a bunch of false-positive warnings and errors
Author: DOHMATOB Elvis Dopgima <gmdopp@gmail.com> <elvis.dohmatob@inria.fr>


import os
import sys
import re
from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE

NUMPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER = re.compile("Module 'numpy(?:\..+)?' has no '.+' member")
SCIPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER = re.compile("Module 'scipy(?:\..+)?' has no '.+' member")
SCIPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER2 = re.compile("No name '.+' in module 'scipy(?:\..+)?'")
NIPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER = re.compile("Module 'nipy(?:\..+)?' has no '.+' member")
SK_ATTR_DEFINED_OUTSIDE_INIT = re.compile("Attribute '.+_' defined outside __init__")
REL_IMPORT_SHOULD_BE = re.compile("Relative import '.+', should be '.+")
REDEFINING_NAME_FROM_OUTER_SCOPE = re.compile("Redefining name '.+' from outer scope")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    basename = os.path.basename(sys.argv[1])
    for line in Popen(['epylint', sys.argv[1], '--disable=C,R,I'  # filter thesew arnings
                       ], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, universal_newlines=True).stdout:
        if line.startswith("***********"):
        elif line.startswith("No config file found,"):
        elif "anomalous-backslash-in-string," in line:
        if NUMPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER.search(line):
        if SCIPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER.search(line):
        if SCIPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER2.search(line):
        if "Used * or ** magic" in line:
        if "No module named" in line and "_flymake" in line:
        if SK_ATTR_DEFINED_OUTSIDE_INIT.search(line):
        if "Access to a protected member" in line:
        if REL_IMPORT_SHOULD_BE.search(line):
        if REDEFINING_NAME_FROM_OUTER_SCOPE.search(line):
        if NIPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER.search(line):
        # XXX extend by adding more handles for false-positives here
            print line,




epylint.py "$1" 2>/dev/null
pyflakes "$1"
pep8 --ignore=E221,E701,E202 --repeat "$1"


这是我的.emacs https://github.com/dohmatob/mydotemacs的链接。希望这对某人有用。

I had this problem with numpy, scipy, sklearn, nipy, etc., and I solved it by wrapping epylint like so:

$ cat epylint.py


Synopsis: epylint wrapper that filters a bunch of false-positive warnings and errors
Author: DOHMATOB Elvis Dopgima <gmdopp@gmail.com> <elvis.dohmatob@inria.fr>


import os
import sys
import re
from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE

NUMPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER = re.compile("Module 'numpy(?:\..+)?' has no '.+' member")
SCIPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER = re.compile("Module 'scipy(?:\..+)?' has no '.+' member")
SCIPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER2 = re.compile("No name '.+' in module 'scipy(?:\..+)?'")
NIPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER = re.compile("Module 'nipy(?:\..+)?' has no '.+' member")
SK_ATTR_DEFINED_OUTSIDE_INIT = re.compile("Attribute '.+_' defined outside __init__")
REL_IMPORT_SHOULD_BE = re.compile("Relative import '.+', should be '.+")
REDEFINING_NAME_FROM_OUTER_SCOPE = re.compile("Redefining name '.+' from outer scope")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    basename = os.path.basename(sys.argv[1])
    for line in Popen(['epylint', sys.argv[1], '--disable=C,R,I'  # filter thesew arnings
                       ], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, universal_newlines=True).stdout:
        if line.startswith("***********"):
        elif line.startswith("No config file found,"):
        elif "anomalous-backslash-in-string," in line:
        if NUMPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER.search(line):
        if SCIPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER.search(line):
        if SCIPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER2.search(line):
        if "Used * or ** magic" in line:
        if "No module named" in line and "_flymake" in line:
        if SK_ATTR_DEFINED_OUTSIDE_INIT.search(line):
        if "Access to a protected member" in line:
        if REL_IMPORT_SHOULD_BE.search(line):
        if REDEFINING_NAME_FROM_OUTER_SCOPE.search(line):
        if NIPY_HAS_NO_MEMBER.search(line):
        # XXX extend by adding more handles for false-positives here
            print line,

This script simply runs epylint, then scrapes its output to filter out false-positive warnings and errors. You can extend it by added more elif cases.

N.B.: If this applies to you, then you’ll want to modify your pychechers.sh so it likes like this


epylint.py "$1" 2>/dev/null
pyflakes "$1"
pep8 --ignore=E221,E701,E202 --repeat "$1"

(Of course, you have to make epylint.py executable first)

Here is a link to my .emacs https://github.com/dohmatob/mydotemacs. Hope this is useful to someone.

回答 14

这似乎至少在Pylint 1.1.0上有效:



This seems to work on at least Pylint 1.1.0:



回答 15


基本上,请从左下角选择齿轮图标=> Setting => Workspace Setting => Extension => Python Configuration =>单击任何Settings.json =>将此添加到文件“ python.linting.pylintArgs”中:[ –extension-pkg-whitelist = numpy“]我正在使用VS 1.27.2

This solution worked for me

Basically, go to Select the gear icon from bottom left=>Setting=>Workspace Setting =>Extension=>Python Configuration=>Click on any Settings.json => add this in the file “python.linting.pylintArgs” : [ “–extension-pkg-whitelist=numpy” ] I am using VS 1.27.2

回答 16


使用VSCode V1.38.0,公认的解决方案停止了该项目的所有棉绒。因此,尽管它确实消除了误报no-name-in-module,但并没有真正改善这种情况。


    "python.pythonPath": "C:\\Python\\Python37\\python.exe",
    "python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,
    "python.linting.enabled": true,
    "python.linting.pylintArgs": [

I had the same problem with a different module (kivy.properties) which is a wrapped C module like numpy.

Using VSCode V1.38.0, the accepted solution stopped all linting for the project. So, while it did indeed remove the false-positive no-name-in-module, it didn’t really improve the situation.

The best workaround for me was to use the --ignored-modules argument on the offending module. Trouble is, passing any argument via python.linting.pylintArgs wipes out the default VSCode settings, so you need to re-set those also. That left me with the following settings.json file:

    "python.pythonPath": "C:\\Python\\Python37\\python.exe",
    "python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,
    "python.linting.enabled": true,
    "python.linting.pylintArgs": [

回答 17


  1. 在某些旧版本中,pylint存在一个问题,使其无法与numpy(及其他类似软件包)一起使用。

  2. 现在已经解决了该问题,但是出于安全原因,默认情况下禁用了外部C包(C代码的python接口-例如numpy-)。

  3. 您可以创建白名单,以允许pylint在文件中使用它们~/.pylintrc

要运行的基本命令:#仅在您家中没有.pylintrc文件的情况下$ pylint –generate-rcfile> .pylintrc



A little bit of copy paste from the previous answer to summarize what is working (at least for me: debian-jessie)

  1. In some older version of pylint there was a problem preventing it working with numpy (and other similar packages).

  2. Now that problem has been solved but external C packages (python interfaces to C code -like numpy-) are disabled by default for security reasons.

  3. You can create a white list, to allow pylint to use them in the file ~/.pylintrc.

Basic command to run: # ONLY if you do not already have a .pylintrc file in your home $ pylint –generate-rcfile > .pylintrc

Then open the file and add the packages you want after extension-pkg-whitelist= separated by comma. You can have the same behavior using the option --extension-pkg-whitelist=numpy from the command line.

If you ignore some packages in the [TYPECHECK] section that means that pylint will never show error related to that packages. In practice, pylint will not tell you anything about those packages.

回答 18

我一直在为pylint制作补丁,以解决numpy等库中动态成员的问题。它添加了一个“动态模块”选项,该选项通过实际导入模块来强制检查运行时是否存在成员。请参阅logilab / pylint中的第413期。还有一个拉取请求,请参阅注释之一中的链接。

I’ve been working on a patch to pylint to solve the issue with dynamic members in libraries such as numpy. It adds a “dynamic-modules” option which forces to check if members exist during runtime by making a real import of the module. See Issue #413 in logilab/pylint. There is also a pull request, see link in one of the comments.

回答 19

快速答案:将Pylint更新为1.7.1(如果使用conda管理软件包,请使用conda-forge提供的Pylint 1.7.1)

我在此处的pylint GitHub中发现了类似的问题,有人回复说更新到1.7.1后一切正常。

A quick answer: update Pylint to 1.7.1 (use conda-forge provided Pylint 1.7.1 if you use conda to manage packages)

I found a similar issue in pylint GitHub here and someone replied everything getting OK after updating to 1.7.1.

回答 20


    "python.linting.pep8Enabled": true,
    "python.linting.pylintEnabled": true

I’m not sure if this is a solution, but in VSCode once I wrote explicitly in my user settings to enable pylint, all modules were recognized.

    "python.linting.pep8Enabled": true,
    "python.linting.pylintEnabled": true

回答 21


对于Linux或Unix系统(Mac可能与此类似)上的所有用户,我的简化解决方案是创建一个/ etc / pylintrc,如下所示:


当然,可以将其放在个人$ HOME / .pylintrc文件中。而且,我本可以更新现有文件。

Lately (since something changed in spyder or pylint or ?), I have been getting E1101 errors (“no member”) from spyder’s static code analysis on astropy.constants symbols. No idea why.

My simplistic solution for all users on a Linux or Unix system (Mac is probably similar) is to create an /etc/pylintrc as follows:


Of course, this could, instead, be put in a personal $HOME/.pylintrc file. And, I could have updated an existing file.